vim tips

来源:互联网 发布:three.js 顶点数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 21:47

In my mind, vim is one tool, just to use it and be an expert step by step if needs.
First step:  open and edit

To one newer, we only need to know little commands to use vi/vim. There are 2 modes when we start it.
-- command mode : it is default mode, and we can't input characters as other text editors. We can input commands in this mode.
-- insert mode: we can edit text.
To switch from [command mode] to [insert mode], press "i".
To return [commnad mode], press "Esc"

There are some other modes in some documents, don't care about them. The others can be classified into [command mode] in someway.

Now, there are some useful commands in the [command mode]
--"dd", delete current cursor line
--"yy", copy current cursor line
--"nx", n is a number(1, 2, ....), delete n characters from the cursor
--"p", paste. maybe to below line for one line, maybe to follow the current cursor for characters
--"h"/"j"/"k"/"l", h: move left, j: move down, k: move up, l: move right. in the lastest version, the direction arrows work also.
--":q!" quit vim without save
--":w"/":wq" save(/save and quit) file
--"/words" search word, words respresents the string

Now we can edit file thought without efficiently.

Further step: tips
installation: don't use the package "elvis-tools", use the "exuberant-ctags"
preparation: to create one tags file for vim
    ---ctags -R *
    ---:set tags=tagsfilepath
    ---ctrl+]  goto the defination
    ---ctrl+o  go back

To install plugin, just put vim file into ~/.vim/plugin, and help text to ~/.vim/doc. Use :helptags ~/.vim/doc in vim to create helps.

Here is one alternate plugin, it is useful, it was written by Michael Sharpe
please refer to:

A few of quick commands to swtich between source files and header files quickly.
    :A switches to the header file corresponding to the current file being edited (or vise versa)
    :AS splits and switches
    :AV vertical splits and switches
    :AT new tab and switches
    :AN cycles through matches
    :IH switches to file under cursor
    :IHS splits and switches
    :IHV vertical splits and switches
    :IHT new tab and switches
    :IHN cycles through matches

--switch in files
   --:e filename     add new file into buffer
   --:bn/bN          switch to next/previous file
   --:b(number)      switch to nth file
   --:bd             remove current file from buffer
   --:ls             list files in buffer
