atcoder grand Contest 018 A

来源:互联网 发布:爱奇艺获取网站源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 17:10

Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB

Score : 300 points

Problem Statement

There is a box containing N balls. The i-th ball has the integer Ai written on it. Snuke can perform the following operation any number of times:

  • Take out two balls from the box. Then, return them to the box along with a new ball, on which the absolute difference of the integers written on the two balls is written.

Determine whether it is possible for Snuke to reach the state where the box contains a ball on which the integer K is written.


  • 1N105
  • 1Ai109
  • 1K109
  • All input values are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

N KA1 A2  AN


If it is possible for Snuke to reach the state where the box contains a ball on which the integer K is written, print POSSIBLE; if it is not possible, print IMPOSSIBLE.

Sample Input 1

3 79 3 4

Sample Output 1


First, take out the two balls 9 and 4, and return them back along with a new ball, abs(94)=5. Next, take out 3 and 5, and return them back along withabs(35)=2. Finally, take out 9 and 2, and return them back along with abs(92)=7. Now we have 7 in the box, and the answer is therefore POSSIBLE.

Sample Input 2

3 56 9 3

Sample Output 2


No matter what we do, it is not possible to have 5 in the box. The answer is therefore IMPOSSIBLE.

Sample Input 3

4 1111 3 7 15

Sample Output 3


The box already contains 11 before we do anything. The answer is therefore POSSIBLE.

Sample Input 4

5 1210 2 8 6 4

Sample Output 4

然后,考虑一般情况,假设一串数字,我们找到它们的最大公约数,把它们变成最大公约数乘以另一个数字的形式,我们先把所有数字除去最大公约数,剩下来的一串序列必定是互质的,比如说最大公约数是2,有一串序列为 2*5 , 2*8, 2*9  , 2*7,2*88。我们作减运算的时候其实是把最大公约数提取出来,把右边的因子作减法的,比如2*88-2*5=2*(88-5)。然后我们可以发现,如果我们提取出了最大公约数,那么剩下来的数字序列必定是互质的,既然是互质的,那么必定可以减出一个1;那么我们就必定可以得到小于除以最大公约数后的序列的最大值的所有值,那么我们再乘以最大公约数,那么我们就可以得到小于序列里的又是最大公约数的倍数的所有数字,不管怎么减最终情况都是这样,既然这样那么我们就可以看目标数字了,如果目标数字是最大公约数的倍数并且小于等于序列里的最大值,那么我们就必定可以得到,否则就不可能,至此这道题就完美解决了。
#include<set>#include<map>#include<stdio.h>using namespace std;set<int>Se;map<int,int>mmp;int main(){int N,K;int max=-1,min=100001;scanf("%d%d",&N,&K);while(N--){int num;scanf("%d",&num);max=num>max ? num : max;min=num<min ? num : min;Se.insert(num);mmp[num]++;}set<int> :: iterator it=Se.begin(); if(K>max)printf("IMPOSSIBLE");else{int Size=Se.size();while(1){if(mmp[K]!=0)break;set<int> :: iterator it=Se.begin(); int n=*it;for(it++;it!=Se.end();it++){int value=(*it)-n;min= min < value ? min :value;mmp[value]++;if(K%min == value %min){mmp[K]++;break;}Se.insert((*it)-n);n=*it;}if(Size==Se.size())break;Size=Se.size();}if(mmp[K]!=0)printf("POSSIBLE");elseprintf("IMPOSSIBLE");printf("\n");}return 0;}

#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std; int n, k, mx, g; int main(){scanf("%d%d", &n, &k);for(int x; n--; ){scanf("%d", &x);mx = max(mx, x);g = __gcd(g, x);}if(k > mx || k % g) printf("IM");puts("POSSIBLE");}
