利用mui插件实现下拉 上拉加载内容

来源:互联网 发布:思迅软件知识库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:55
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/*! * ===================================================== * Mui v3.3.0 (http://dev.dcloud.net.cn/mui) * ===================================================== */var mui = function(a, b) {    var c = /complete|loaded|interactive/      , d = /^#([\w-]+)$/      , e = /^\.([\w-]+)$/      , f = /^[\w-]+$/      , g = /translate(?:3d)?\((.+?)\)/      , h = /matrix(3d)?\((.+?)\)/      , i = function(b, c) {        if (c = c || a,        !b)            return j();        if ("object" == typeof b)            return i.isArrayLike(b) ? j(i.slice.call(b), null ) : j([b], null );        if ("function" == typeof b)            return i.ready(b);        if ("string" == typeof b)            try {                if (b = b.trim(),                d.test(b)) {                    var e = a.getElementById(RegExp.$1);                    return j(e ? 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(f = !1,                    g = d && i.isArray(d) ? d : []) : g = d && i.isPlainObject(d) ? d : {},                    h[c] = i.extend(l, g, e)) : e !== b && (h[c] = e));        return h    }    ,    i.noop = function() {}    ,    i.slice = [].slice,    i.filter = [].filter,    i.type = function(a) {        return null == a ? String(a) : k[{}.toString.call(a)] || "object"    }    ,    i.isArray = Array.isArray || function(a) {        return a instanceof Array    }    ,    i.isArrayLike = function(a) {        var b = !!a && "length"in a && a.length          , c = i.type(a);        return "function" === c || i.isWindow(a) ? !1 : "array" === c || 0 === b || "number" == typeof b && b > 0 && b - 1 in a    }    ,    i.isWindow = function(a) {        return null != a && a === a.window    }    ,    i.isObject = function(a) {        return "object" === i.type(a)    }    ,    i.isPlainObject = function(a) {        return i.isObject(a) && !i.isWindow(a) && Object.getPrototypeOf(a) === Object.prototype    }    ,    i.isEmptyObject = function(a) {        for (var c in a)            if (c !== b)                return !1;        return !0    }    ,    i.isFunction = function(a) {        return "function" === i.type(a)    }    ,    i.qsa = function(b, c) {        return c = c || a,        i.slice.call(e.test(b) ? c.getElementsByClassName(RegExp.$1) : f.test(b) ? c.getElementsByTagName(b) : c.querySelectorAll(b))    }    ,    i.ready = function(b) {        return c.test(a.readyState) ? b(i) : a.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {            b(i)        }, !1),        this    }    ,    i.buffer = function(a, b, c) {        function d() {            e && (e.cancel(),            e = 0),            f = i.now(),            a.apply(c || this, arguments),            g = i.now()        }        var e, f = 0, g = 0, b = b || 150;        return i.extend(function() {            !f || g >= f && i.now() - g > b || f > g && i.now() - f > 8 * b ? d() : (e && e.cancel(),            e = i.later(d, b, null , arguments))        }, {            stop: function() {                e && (e.cancel(),                e = 0)            }        })    }    ,    i.each = function(a, b, c) {        if (!a)            return this;        if ("number" == typeof a.length)            [].every.call(a, function(a, c) {                return b.call(a, c, a) !== !1            });        else            for (var d in a)                if (c) {                    if (a.hasOwnProperty(d) && b.call(a[d], d, a[d]) === !1)                        return a                } else if (b.call(a[d], d, a[d]) === !1)                    return a;        return this    }    ,    i.focus = function(a) {        i.os.ios ? setTimeout(function() {            a.focus()        }, 10) : a.focus()    }    ,    i.trigger = function(a, b, c) {        return a.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(b,{            detail: c,            bubbles: !0,            cancelable: !0        })),        this    }    ,    i.getStyles = function(a, b) {        var c = a.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, null );        return b ? c.getPropertyValue(b) || c[b] : c    }    ,    i.parseTranslate = function(a, b) {        var c = a.match(g || "");        return c && c[1] || (c = ["", "0,0,0"]),        c = c[1].split(","),        c = {            x: parseFloat(c[0]),            y: parseFloat(c[1]),            z: parseFloat(c[2])        },        b && c.hasOwnProperty(b) ? c[b] : c    }    ,    i.parseTranslateMatrix = function(a, b) {        var c = a.match(h)          , d = c && c[1];        c ? (c = c[2].split(","),        "3d" === d ? c = c.slice(12, 15) : (c.push(0),        c = c.slice(4, 7))) : c = [0, 0, 0];        var e = {            x: parseFloat(c[0]),            y: parseFloat(c[1]),            z: parseFloat(c[2])        };        return b && e.hasOwnProperty(b) ? e[b] : e    }    ,    i.hooks = {},    i.addAction = function(a, b) {        var c = i.hooks[a];        return c || (c = []),        b.index = b.index || 1e3,        c.push(b),        c.sort(function(a, b) {            return a.index - b.index        }),        i.hooks[a] = c,        i.hooks[a]    }    ,    i.doAction = function(a, b) {        i.isFunction(b) ? i.each(i.hooks[a], b) : i.each(i.hooks[a], function(a, b) {            return !b.handle()        })    }    ,    i.later = function(a, b, c, d) {        b = b || 0;        var e, f, g = a, h = d;        return "string" == typeof a && (g = c[a]),        e = function() {            g.apply(c, i.isArray(h) ? h : [h])        }        ,        f = setTimeout(e, b),        {            id: f,            cancel: function() {                clearTimeout(f)            }        }    }    ,    i.now = Date.now || function() {        return +new Date    }    ;    var k = {};    return i.each(["Boolean", "Number", "String", "Function", "Array", "Date", "RegExp", "Object", "Error"], function(a, b) {        k["[object " + b + "]"] = b.toLowerCase()    }),    window.JSON && (i.parseJSON = JSON.parse),    i.fn = {        each: function(a) {            return [].every.call(this, function(b, c) {                return a.call(b, c, b) !== !1            }),            this        }    },    "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("mui", [], function() {        return i    }),    i}(document);!function(a, b) {    function c(c) {        this.os = {};        var d = [function() {            var a = c.match(/(MicroMessenger)\/([\d\.]+)/i);            return a && (this.os.wechat = {                version: a[2].replace(/_/g, ".")            }),            !1        }        , function() {            var a = c.match(/(Android);?[\s\/]+([\d.]+)?/);            return a && (this.os.android = !0,            this.os.version = a[2],            this.os.isBadAndroid = !/Chrome\/\d/.test(b.navigator.appVersion)),            this.os.android === !0        }        , function() {            var a = c.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/);            if (a)                this.os.ios = this.os.iphone = !0,                this.os.version = a[2].replace(/_/g, ".");            else {                var b = c.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/);                b && (this.os.ios = this.os.ipad = !0,                this.os.version = b[2].replace(/_/g, "."))            }            return this.os.ios === !0        }        ];        [].every.call(d, function(b) {            return !b.call(a)        })    }    c.call(a, navigator.userAgent)}(mui, window),function(a, b) {    function c(c) {        this.os = this.os || {};        var d = c.match(/Html5Plus/i);        d && (this.os.plus = !0,        a(function() {            b.body.classList.add("mui-plus")        }),        c.match(/StreamApp/i) && (this.os.stream = !0,        a(function() {            b.body.classList.add("mui-plus-stream")        })))    }    c.call(a, navigator.userAgent)}(mui, document),function(a) {    "ontouchstart"in window ? (a.isTouchable = !0,    a.EVENT_START = "touchstart",    a.EVENT_MOVE = "touchmove",    a.EVENT_END = "touchend") : (a.isTouchable = !1,    a.EVENT_START = "mousedown",    a.EVENT_MOVE = "mousemove",    a.EVENT_END = "mouseup"),    a.EVENT_CANCEL = "touchcancel",    a.EVENT_CLICK = "click";    var b = 1      , c = {}      , d = {        preventDefault: "isDefaultPrevented",        stopImmediatePropagation: "isImmediatePropagationStopped",        stopPropagation: "isPropagationStopped"    }      , e = function() {        return !0    }      , f = function() {        return !1    }      , g = function(b, c) {        return b.detail ? b.detail.currentTarget = c : b.detail = {            currentTarget: c        },        a.each(d, function(a, c) {            var d = b[a];            b[a] = function() {                return this[c] = e,                d && d.apply(b, arguments)            }            ,            b[c] = f        }, !0),        b    }      , h = function(a) {        return a && (a._mid || (a._mid = b++))    }      , i = {}      , j = function(b, d, e, f) {        return function(e) {            for (var f = c[b._mid][d], h = [], i = e.target, j = {}; i && i !== document && i !== b && (!~["click", "tap", "doubletap", "longtap", "hold"].indexOf(d) || !i.disabled && !i.classList.contains("mui-disabled")); i = i.parentNode) {                var k = {};                a.each(f, function(c, d) {                    j[c] || (j[c] = a.qsa(c, b)),                    j[c] && ~j[c].indexOf(i) && (k[c] || (k[c] = d))                }, !0),                a.isEmptyObject(k) || h.push({                    element: i,                    handlers: k                })            }            j = null ,            e = g(e),            a.each(h, function(b, c) {                i = c.element;                var f = i.tagName;                return "tap" === d && "INPUT" !== f && "TEXTAREA" !== f && "SELECT" !== f && (e.preventDefault(),                e.detail && e.detail.gesture && e.detail.gesture.preventDefault()),                a.each(c.handlers, function(b, c) {                    a.each(c, function(a, b) {                        b.call(i, e) === !1 && (e.preventDefault(),                        e.stopPropagation())                    }, !0)                }, !0),                e.isPropagationStopped() ? !1 : void 0            }, !0)        }    }      , k = function(a, b) {        var c = i[h(a)]          , d = [];        if (c) {            if (d = [],            b) {                var e = function(a) {                    return a.type === b                };                return c.filter(e)            }            d = c        }        return d    }      , l = /^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON|SELECT)$/;    a.fn.on = function(b, d, e) {        return this.each(function() {            var f = this;            h(f),            h(e);            var g = !1              , k = c[f._mid] || (c[f._mid] = {})              , m = k[b] || (k[b] = {});            a.isEmptyObject(m) && (g = !0);            var n = m[d] || (m[d] = []);            if (n.push(e),            g) {                var o = i[h(f)];                o || (o = []);                var p = j(f, b, d, e);                o.push(p),                p.i = o.length - 1,                p.type = b,                i[h(f)] = o,                f.addEventListener(b, p),                "tap" === b && f.addEventListener("click", function(a) {                    if (a.target) {                        var b = a.target.tagName;                        if (!l.test(b))                            if ("A" === b) {                                var c = a.target.href;                                c && ~c.indexOf("tel:") || a.preventDefault()                            } else                                a.preventDefault()                    }                })            }        })    }    ,    a.fn.off = function(b, d, e) {        return this.each(function() {            var f = h(this);            if (b)                if (d)                    if (e) {                        var g = c[f] && c[f][b] && c[f][b][d];                        a.each(g, function(a, b) {                            return h(b) === h(e) ? (g.splice(a, 1),                            !1) : void 0                        }, !0)                    } else                        c[f] && c[f][b] && delete c[f][b][d];                else                    c[f] && delete c[f][b];            else                c[f] && delete c[f];            c[f] ? (!c[f][b] || a.isEmptyObject(c[f][b])) && k(this, b).forEach(function(a) {                this.removeEventListener(a.type, a),                delete i[f][a.i]            }            .bind(this)) : k(this).forEach(function(a) {                this.removeEventListener(a.type, a),                delete i[f][a.i]            }            .bind(this))        })    }}(mui),function(a, b, c) {    a.targets = {},    a.targetHandles = [],    a.registerTarget = function(b) {        return b.index = b.index || 1e3,        a.targetHandles.push(b),        a.targetHandles.sort(function(a, b) {            return a.index - b.index        }),        a.targetHandles    }    ,    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_START, function(b) {        for (var d = b.target, e = {}; d && d !== c; d = d.parentNode) {            var f = !1;            if (a.each(a.targetHandles, function(c, g) {                var h = g.name;                f || e[h] || !g.hasOwnProperty("handle") ? e[h] || g.isReset !== !1 && (a.targets[h] = !1) : (a.targets[h] = g.handle(b, d),                a.targets[h] && (e[h] = !0,                g.isContinue !== !0 && (f = !0)))            }),            f)                break        }    }),    b.addEventListener("click", function(b) {        for (var d = b.target, e = !1; d && d !== c && ("A" !== d.tagName || (a.each(a.targetHandles, function(a, c) {            c.name;            return c.hasOwnProperty("handle") && c.handle(b, d) ? (e = !0,            b.preventDefault(),            !1) : void 0        }),        !e)); d = d.parentNode)            ;    })}(mui, window, document),function(a) {    String.prototype.trim === a && (String.prototype.trim = function() {        return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")    }    ),    Object.setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(a, b) {        return a.__proto__ = b,        a    }}(),function() {    function a(a, b) {        b = b || {            bubbles: !1,            cancelable: !1,            detail: void 0        };        var c = document.createEvent("Events")          , d = !0;        for (var e in b)            "bubbles" === e ? d = !!b[e] : c[e] = b[e];        return c.initEvent(a, d, !0),        c    }    "undefined" == typeof window.CustomEvent && (a.prototype = window.Event.prototype,    window.CustomEvent = a)}(),Function.prototype.bind = Function.prototype.bind || function(a) {    var b = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 1)      , c = this      , d = function() {        var e = b.concat(Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 0));        return this instanceof d ? void c.apply(this, e) : c.apply(a, e)    };    return d.prototype = c.prototype,    d},function(a) {    "classList"in a.documentElement || !Object.defineProperty || "undefined" == typeof HTMLElement || Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, "classList", {        get: function() {            function a(a) {                return function(c) {                    var d = b.className.split(/\s+/)                      , e = d.indexOf(c);                    a(d, e, c),                    b.className = d.join(" ")                }            }            var b = this              , c = {                add: a(function(a, b, c) {                    ~b || a.push(c)                }),                remove: a(function(a, b) {                    ~b && a.splice(b, 1)                }),                toggle: a(function(a, b, c) {                    ~b ? a.splice(b, 1) : a.push(c)                }),                contains: function(a) {                    return !!~b.className.split(/\s+/).indexOf(a)                },                item: function(a) {                    return b.className.split(/\s+/)[a] || null                }            };            return Object.defineProperty(c, "length", {                get: function() {                    return b.className.split(/\s+/).length                }            }),            c        }    })}(document),function(a) {    if (!a.requestAnimationFrame) {        var b = 0;        a.requestAnimationFrame = a.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function(c, d) {            var e = (new Date).getTime()              , f = Math.max(0, 16.7 - (e - b))              , g = a.setTimeout(function() {                c(e + f)            }, f);            return b = e + f,            g        }        ,        a.cancelAnimationFrame = a.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || a.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || function(a) {            clearTimeout(a)        }    }}(window),function(a, b, c) {    if ((a.os.android || a.os.ios) && !b.FastClick) {        var d = function(a, b) {            return "LABEL" === b.tagName && b.parentNode && (b = b.parentNode.querySelector("input")),            !b || "radio" !== b.type && "checkbox" !== b.type || b.disabled ? !1 : b        };        a.registerTarget({            name: c,            index: 40,            handle: d,            target: !1        });        var e = function(c) {            var d = a.targets.click;            if (d) {                var e, f;                document.activeElement && document.activeElement !== d && document.activeElement.blur(),                f = c.detail.gesture.changedTouches[0],                e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"),                e.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !0, b, 1, f.screenX, f.screenY, f.clientX, f.clientY, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null ),                e.forwardedTouchEvent = !0,                d.dispatchEvent(e),                c.detail && c.detail.gesture.preventDefault()            }        };        b.addEventListener("tap", e),        b.addEventListener("doubletap", e),        b.addEventListener("click", function(b) {            return a.targets.click && !b.forwardedTouchEvent ? (b.stopImmediatePropagation ? b.stopImmediatePropagation() : b.propagationStopped = !0,            b.stopPropagation(),            b.preventDefault(),            !1) : void 0        }, !0)    }}(mui, window, "click"),function(a, b) {    a(function() {        if (a.os.ios) {            var c = "mui-focusin"              , d = "mui-bar-tab"              , e = "mui-bar-footer"              , f = "mui-bar-footer-secondary"              , g = "mui-bar-footer-secondary-tab";            b.addEventListener("focusin", function(h) {                if (!(a.os.plus && window.plus && plus.webview.currentWebview().children().length > 0)) {                    var i = h.target;                    if (i.tagName && ("TEXTAREA" === i.tagName || "INPUT" === i.tagName && ("text" === i.type || "search" === i.type || "number" === i.type))) {                        if (i.disabled || i.readOnly)                            return;                        b.body.classList.add(c);                        for (var j = !1; i && i !== b; i = i.parentNode) {                            var k = i.classList;                            if (k && k.contains(d) || k.contains(e) || k.contains(f) || k.contains(g)) {                                j = !0;                                break                            }                        }                        if (j) {                            var l = b.body.scrollHeight                              , m = b.body.scrollLeft;                            setTimeout(function() {                                window.scrollTo(m, l)                            }, 20)                        }                    }                }            }),            b.addEventListener("focusout", function(a) {                var d = b.body.classList;                d.contains(c) && (d.remove(c),                setTimeout(function() {                    window.scrollTo(b.body.scrollLeft, b.body.scrollTop)                }, 20))            })        }    })}(mui, document),function(a) {    a.namespace = "mui",    a.classNamePrefix = a.namespace + "-",    a.classSelectorPrefix = "." + a.classNamePrefix,    a.className = function(b) {        return a.classNamePrefix + b    }    ,    a.classSelector = function(b) {        return b.replace(/\./g, a.classSelectorPrefix)    }    ,    a.eventName = function(b, c) {        return b + (a.namespace ? "." + a.namespace : "") + (c ? "." + c : "")    }}(mui),function(a, b) {    a.gestures = {        session: {}    },    a.preventDefault = function(a) {        a.preventDefault()    }    ,    a.stopPropagation = function(a) {        a.stopPropagation()    }    ,    a.addGesture = function(b) {        return a.addAction("gestures", b)    }    ;    var c = Math.round      , d = Math.abs      , e = Math.sqrt      , f = (Math.atan,    Math.atan2)      , g = function(a, b, c) {        c || (c = ["x", "y"]);        var d = b[c[0]] - a[c[0]]          , f = b[c[1]] - a[c[1]];        return e(d * d + f * f)    }      , h = function(a, b) {        if (a.length >= 2 && b.length >= 2) {            var c = ["pageX", "pageY"];            return g(b[1], b[0], c) / g(a[1], a[0], c)        }        return 1    }      , i = function(a, b, c) {        c || (c = ["x", "y"]);        var d = b[c[0]] - a[c[0]]          , e = b[c[1]] - a[c[1]];        return 180 * f(e, d) / Math.PI    }      , j = function(a, b) {        return a === b ? "" : d(a) >= d(b) ? a > 0 ? "left" : "right" : b > 0 ? "up" : "down"    }      , k = function(a, b) {        var c = ["pageX", "pageY"];        return i(b[1], b[0], c) - i(a[1], a[0], c)    }      , l = function(a, b, c) {        return {            x: b / a || 0,            y: c / a || 0        }    }      , m = function(b, c) {        a.gestures.stoped || a.doAction("gestures", function(d, e) {            a.gestures.stoped || a.options.gestureConfig[e.name] !== !1 && e.handle(b, c)        })    }      , n = function(a, b) {        for (; a; ) {            if (a == b)                return !0;            a = a.parentNode        }        return !1    }      , o = function(a, b, c) {        for (var d = [], e = [], f = 0; f < a.length; ) {            var g = b ? a[f][b] : a[f];            e.indexOf(g) < 0 && d.push(a[f]),            e[f] = g,            f++        }        return c && (d = b ? d.sort(function(a, c) {            return a[b] > c[b]        }) : d.sort()),        d    }      , p = function(a) {        var b = a.length;        if (1 === b)            return {                x: c(a[0].pageX),                y: c(a[0].pageY)            };        for (var d = 0, e = 0, f = 0; b > f; )            d += a[f].pageX,            e += a[f].pageY,            f++;        return {            x: c(d / b),            y: c(e / b)        }    }      , q = function() {        return a.options.gestureConfig.pinch    }      , r = function(b) {        for (var d = [], e = 0; e < b.touches.length; )            d[e] = {                pageX: c(b.touches[e].pageX),                pageY: c(b.touches[e].pageY)            },            e++;        return {            timestamp: a.now(),            gesture: b.gesture,            touches: d,            center: p(b.touches),            deltaX: b.deltaX,            deltaY: b.deltaY        }    }      , s = function(b) {        var c = a.gestures.session          , d = b.center          , e = c.offsetDelta || {}          , f = c.prevDelta || {}          , g = c.prevTouch || {};        (b.gesture.type === a.EVENT_START || b.gesture.type === a.EVENT_END) && (f = c.prevDelta = {            x: g.deltaX || 0,            y: g.deltaY || 0        },        e = c.offsetDelta = {            x: d.x,            y: d.y        }),        b.deltaX = f.x + (d.x - e.x),        b.deltaY = f.y + (d.y - e.y)    }      , t = function(b) {        var c = a.gestures.session          , d = b.touches          , e = d.length;        c.firstTouch || (c.firstTouch = r(b)),        q() && e > 1 && !c.firstMultiTouch ? c.firstMultiTouch = r(b) : 1 === e && (c.firstMultiTouch = !1);        var f = c.firstTouch          , l = c.firstMultiTouch          , m = l ? l.center : f.center          , n = b.center = p(d);        b.timestamp = a.now(),        b.deltaTime = b.timestamp - f.timestamp,        b.angle = i(m, n),        b.distance = g(m, n),        s(b),        b.offsetDirection = j(b.deltaX, b.deltaY),        b.scale = l ? h(l.touches, d) : 1,        b.rotation = l ? k(l.touches, d) : 0,        v(b)    }      , u = 25      , v = function(b) {        var c, e, f, g, h = a.gestures.session, i = h.lastInterval || b, k = b.timestamp - i.timestamp;        if (b.gesture.type != a.EVENT_CANCEL && (k > u || void 0 === i.velocity)) {            var m = i.deltaX - b.deltaX              , n = i.deltaY - b.deltaY              , o = l(k, m, n);            e = o.x,            f = o.y,            c = d(o.x) > d(o.y) ? o.x : o.y,            g = j(m, n) || i.direction,            h.lastInterval = b        } else            c = i.velocity,            e = i.velocityX,            f = i.velocityY,            g = i.direction;        b.velocity = c,        b.velocityX = e,        b.velocityY = f,        b.direction = g    }      , w = {}      , x = function(a) {        for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++)            !a.identifier && (a.identifier = 0);        return a    }      , y = function(b, c) {        var d = x(a.slice.call(b.touches || [b]))          , e = b.type          , f = []          , g = [];        if (e !== a.EVENT_START && e !== a.EVENT_MOVE || 1 !== d.length) {            var h = 0              , f = []              , g = []              , i = x(a.slice.call(b.changedTouches || [b]));            c.target = b.target;            var j = a.gestures.session.target || b.target;            if (f = d.filter(function(a) {                return n(a.target, j)            }),            e === a.EVENT_START)                for (h = 0; h < f.length; )                    w[f[h].identifier] = !0,                    h++;            for (h = 0; h < i.length; )                w[i[h].identifier] && g.push(i[h]),                (e === a.EVENT_END || e === a.EVENT_CANCEL) && delete w[i[h].identifier],                h++;            if (!g.length)                return !1        } else            w[d[0].identifier] = !0,            f = d,            g = d,            c.target = b.target;        f = o(f.concat(g), "identifier", !0);        var k = f.length          , l = g.length;        return e === a.EVENT_START && k - l === 0 && (c.isFirst = !0,        a.gestures.touch = a.gestures.session = {            target: b.target        }),        c.isFinal = (e === a.EVENT_END || e === a.EVENT_CANCEL) && k - l === 0,        c.touches = f,        c.changedTouches = g,        !0    }      , z = function(b) {        var c = {            gesture: b        }          , d = y(b, c);        d && (t(c),        m(b, c),        a.gestures.session.prevTouch = c,        b.type !== a.EVENT_END || a.isTouchable || (a.gestures.touch = a.gestures.session = {}))    };    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_START, z),    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, z),    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_END, z),    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_CANCEL, z),    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_CLICK, function(b) {        (a.os.android || a.os.ios) && (a.targets.popover && b.target === a.targets.popover || a.targets.tab || a.targets.offcanvas || a.targets.modal) && b.preventDefault()    }, !0),    a.isScrolling = !1;    var A = null ;    b.addEventListener("scroll", function() {        a.isScrolling = !0,        A && clearTimeout(A),        A = setTimeout(function() {            a.isScrolling = !1        }, 250)    })}(mui, window),function(a, b) {    var c = 0      , d = function(d, e) {        var f = a.gestures.session          , g = this.options          , h = a.now();        switch (d.type) {        case a.EVENT_MOVE:            h - c > 300 && (c = h,            f.flickStart = e.center);            break;        case a.EVENT_END:        case a.EVENT_CANCEL:            e.flick = !1,            f.flickStart && g.flickMaxTime > h - c && e.distance > g.flickMinDistince && (e.flick = !0,            e.flickTime = h - c,            e.flickDistanceX = e.center.x - f.flickStart.x,            e.flickDistanceY = e.center.y - f.flickStart.y,            a.trigger(f.target, b, e),            a.trigger(f.target, b + e.direction, e))        }    };    a.addGesture({        name: b,        index: 5,        handle: d,        options: {            flickMaxTime: 200,            flickMinDistince: 10        }    })}(mui, "flick"),function(a, b) {    var c = function(c, d) {        var e = a.gestures.session;        if (c.type === a.EVENT_END || c.type === a.EVENT_CANCEL) {            var f = this.options;            d.swipe = !1,            d.direction && f.swipeMaxTime > d.deltaTime && d.distance > f.swipeMinDistince && (d.swipe = !0,            a.trigger(e.target, b, d),            a.trigger(e.target, b + d.direction, d))        }    };    a.addGesture({        name: b,        index: 10,        handle: c,        options: {            swipeMaxTime: 300,            swipeMinDistince: 18        }    })}(mui, "swipe"),function(a, b) {    var c = function(c, d) {        var e = a.gestures.session;        switch (c.type) {        case a.EVENT_START:            break;        case a.EVENT_MOVE:            if (!d.direction || !e.target)                return;            e.lockDirection && e.startDirection && e.startDirection && e.startDirection !== d.direction && ("up" === e.startDirection || "down" === e.startDirection ? d.direction = d.deltaY < 0 ? "up" : "down" : d.direction = d.deltaX < 0 ? "left" : "right"),            e.drag || (e.drag = !0,            a.trigger(e.target, b + "start", d)),            a.trigger(e.target, b, d),            a.trigger(e.target, b + d.direction, d);            break;        case a.EVENT_END:        case a.EVENT_CANCEL:            e.drag && d.isFinal && a.trigger(e.target, b + "end", d)        }    };    a.addGesture({        name: b,        index: 20,        handle: c,        options: {            fingers: 1        }    })}(mui, "drag"),function(a, b) {    var c, d, e = function(e, f) {        var g = a.gestures.session          , h = this.options;        switch (e.type) {        case a.EVENT_END:            if (!f.isFinal)                return;            var i = g.target;            if (!i || i.disabled || i.classList && i.classList.contains("mui-disabled"))                return;            if (f.distance < h.tapMaxDistance && f.deltaTime < h.tapMaxTime) {                if (a.options.gestureConfig.doubletap && c && c === i && d && f.timestamp - d < h.tapMaxInterval)                    return a.trigger(i, "doubletap", f),                    d = a.now(),                    void (c = i);                a.trigger(i, b, f),                d = a.now(),                c = i            }        }    };    a.addGesture({        name: b,        index: 30,        handle: e,        options: {            fingers: 1,            tapMaxInterval: 300,            tapMaxDistance: 5,            tapMaxTime: 250        }    })}(mui, "tap"),function(a, b) {    var c, d = function(d, e) {        var f = a.gestures.session          , g = this.options;        switch (d.type) {        case a.EVENT_START:            clearTimeout(c),            c = setTimeout(function() {                a.trigger(f.target, b, e)            }, g.holdTimeout);            break;        case a.EVENT_MOVE:            e.distance > g.holdThreshold && clearTimeout(c);            break;        case a.EVENT_END:        case a.EVENT_CANCEL:            clearTimeout(c)        }    };    a.addGesture({        name: b,        index: 10,        handle: d,        options: {            fingers: 1,            holdTimeout: 500,            holdThreshold: 2        }    })}(mui, "longtap"),function(a, b) {    var c, d = function(d, e) {        var f = a.gestures.session          , g = this.options;        switch (d.type) {        case a.EVENT_START:            a.options.gestureConfig.hold && (c && clearTimeout(c),            c = setTimeout(function() {                e.hold = !0,                a.trigger(f.target, b, e)            }, g.holdTimeout));            break;        case a.EVENT_MOVE:            break;        case a.EVENT_END:        case a.EVENT_CANCEL:            c && (clearTimeout(c) && (c = null ),            a.trigger(f.target, "release", e))        }    };    a.addGesture({        name: b,        index: 10,        handle: d,        options: {            fingers: 1,            holdTimeout: 0        }    })}(mui, "hold"),function(a, b) {    var c = function(c, d) {        var e = this.options          , f = a.gestures.session;        switch (c.type) {        case a.EVENT_START:            break;        case a.EVENT_MOVE:            if (a.options.gestureConfig.pinch) {                if (d.touches.length < 2)                    return;                f.pinch || (f.pinch = !0,                a.trigger(f.target, b + "start", d)),                a.trigger(f.target, b, d);                var g = d.scale                  , h = d.rotation                  , i = "undefined" == typeof d.lastScale ? 1 : d.lastScale                  , j = 1e-12;                g > i ? (i = g - j,                a.trigger(f.target, b + "out", d)) : i > g && (i = g + j,                a.trigger(f.target, b + "in", d)),                Math.abs(h) > e.minRotationAngle && a.trigger(f.target, "rotate", d)            }            break;        case a.EVENT_END:        case a.EVENT_CANCEL:            a.options.gestureConfig.pinch && f.pinch && 2 === d.touches.length && (f.pinch = !1,            a.trigger(f.target, b + "end", d))        }    };    a.addGesture({        name: b,        index: 10,        handle: c,        options: {            minRotationAngle: 0        }    })}(mui, "pinch"),function(a) {    function b(a, b) {        var c = "MUI_SCROLL_POSITION_" + document.location.href + "_" + b.src          , d = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem(c)) || 0;        d && !function(a) {            b.onload = function() {                window.scrollTo(0, a)            }        }(d),        setInterval(function() {            var a = window.scrollY;            d !== a && (localStorage.setItem(c, a + ""),            d = a)        }, 100)    }    a.global = a.options = {        gestureConfig: {            tap: !0,            doubletap: !1,            longtap: !1,            hold: !1,            flick: !0,            swipe: !0,            drag: !0,            pinch: !1        }    },    a.initGlobal = function(b) {        return a.options = a.extend(!0, a.global, b),        this    }    ;    var c = {}      , d = !1;    a.init = function(b) {        return d = !0,        a.options = a.extend(!0, a.global, b || {}),        a.ready(function() {            a.doAction("inits", function(b, d) {                var e = !(c[d.name] && !d.repeat);                e && (d.handle.call(a),                c[d.name] = !0)            })        }),        this    }    ,    a.addInit = function(b) {        return a.addAction("inits", b)    }    ,    a.addInit({        name: "iframe",        index: 100,        handle: function() {            var b = a.options              , c = b.subpages || [];            !a.os.plus && c.length && e(c[0])        }    });    var e = function(c) {        var d = document.createElement("div");        d.className = "mui-iframe-wrapper";        var e = c.styles || {};        "string" != typeof e.top && (e.top = "0px"),        "string" != typeof e.bottom && (e.bottom = "0px"),        d.style.top = e.top,        d.style.bottom = e.bottom;        var f = document.createElement("iframe");        f.src = c.url,        f.id = c.id || c.url,        f.name = f.id,        d.appendChild(f),        document.body.appendChild(d),        a.os.wechat && b(d, f)    };    a(function() {        var b = document.body.classList          , c = [];        a.os.ios ? 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"-" : "") + f,                b.add(a.className(d.os + "-" + e))            })        })    })}(mui),function(a) {    var b = {        swipeBack: !1,        preloadPages: [],        preloadLimit: 10,        keyEventBind: {            backbutton: !0,            menubutton: !0        }    }      , c = {        autoShow: !0,        duration: a.os.ios ? 200 : 100,        aniShow: "slide-in-right"    };    a.options.show && (c = a.extend(!0, c, a.options.show)),    a.currentWebview = null ,    a.isHomePage = !1,    a.extend(!0, a.global, b),    a.extend(!0, a.options, b),    a.waitingOptions = function(b) {        return a.extend(!0, {}, {            autoShow: !0,            title: "",            modal: !1        }, b)    }    ,    a.showOptions = function(b) {        return a.extend(!0, {}, c, b)    }    ,    a.windowOptions = function(b) {        return a.extend({            scalable: !1,            bounce: ""        }, b)    }    ,    a.plusReady = function(a) {        return window.plus ? setTimeout(function() {            a()        }, 0) : document.addEventListener("plusready", function() {            a()        }, !1),        this    }    ,    a.fire = function(b, c, d) {        b && ("" !== d && (d = d || {},        a.isPlainObject(d) && (d = JSON.stringify(d || {}).replace(/\'/g, "\\u0027").replace(/\\/g, "\\u005c"))),        b.evalJS("typeof mui!=='undefined'&&mui.receive('" + c + "','" + d + "')"))    }    ,    a.receive = function(b, c) {        if (b) {            try {                c && (c = JSON.parse(c))            } catch (d) {}            a.trigger(document, b, c)        }    }    ;    var d = function(b) {        if (!b.preloaded) {            a.fire(b, "preload");            for (var c = b.children(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++)                a.fire(c[d], "preload");            b.preloaded = !0        }    }      , e = function(b, c, d) {        if (d) {            if (!b[c + "ed"]) {                a.fire(b, c);                for (var e = b.children(), f = 0; f < e.length; f++)                    a.fire(e[f], c);                b[c + "ed"] = !0            }        } else {            a.fire(b, c);            for (var e = b.children(), f = 0; f < e.length; f++)                a.fire(e[f], c)        }    };    a.openWindow = function(b, c, f) {        if ("object" == typeof b ? 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(new Date).getTime() - a.__back__first < 2e3 && plus.runtime.quit() : (a.__back__first = (new Date).getTime(),                mui.toast("鍐嶆寜涓€娆¢€€鍑哄簲鐢�"),                setTimeout(function() {                    a.__back__first = null                }, 2e3)) : c.preload ? c.hide("auto") : a.closeAll(c)            }),            !0        }    }),    a.menu = function() {        var c = document.querySelector(".mui-action-menu");        if (c)            a.trigger(c, a.EVENT_START),            a.trigger(c, "tap");        else if (b.plus) {            var d = a.currentWebview              , e = d.parent();            e && e.evalJS("mui&&mui.menu();")        }    }    ;    var c = function() {        a.back()    }      , d = function() {        a.menu()    };    a.plusReady(function() {        a.options.keyEventBind.backbutton && plus.key.addEventListener("backbutton", c, !1),        a.options.keyEventBind.menubutton && plus.key.addEventListener("menubutton", d, !1)    }),    a.addInit({        name: "keyEventBind",        index: 1e3,        handle: function() {            a.plusReady(function() {                a.options.keyEventBind.backbutton || plus.key.removeEventListener("backbutton", c),                a.options.keyEventBind.menubutton || plus.key.removeEventListener("menubutton", d)            })        }    })}(mui, window),function(a) {    a.addInit({        name: "pullrefresh",        index: 1e3,        handle: function() {            var b = a.options              , c = b.pullRefresh || {}              , d = c.down && c.down.hasOwnProperty("callback")              , e = c.up && c.up.hasOwnProperty("callback");            if (d || e) {                var f = c.container;                if (f) {                    var g = a(f);                    1 === g.length && (a.os.plus && a.os.android ? a.plusReady(function() {                        var b = plus.webview.currentWebview();                        if (e) {                            var f = {};                            f.up = c.up,                            f.webviewId = b.id || b.getURL(),                            g.pullRefresh(f)                        }                        if (d) {                            var h = b.parent()                              , i = b.id || b.getURL();                            if (h) {                                e || g.pullRefresh({                                    webviewId: i                                });                                var j = {                                    webviewId: i                                };                                j.down = a.extend({}, c.down),                                j.down.callback = "_CALLBACK",                                h.evalJS("mui&&mui(document.querySelector('.mui-content')).pullRefresh('" + JSON.stringify(j) + "')")                            }                        }                    }) : g.pullRefresh(c))                }            }        }    })}(mui),function(a, b, c) {    var d = "application/json"      , e = "text/html"      , f = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi      , g = /^(?:text|application)\/javascript/i      , h = /^(?:text|application)\/xml/i      , i = /^\s*$/;    a.ajaxSettings = {        type: "GET",        beforeSend: a.noop,        success: a.noop,        error: a.noop,        complete: a.noop,        context: null ,        xhr: function(a) {            return new b.XMLHttpRequest        },        accepts: {            script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/x-javascript",            json: d,            xml: "application/xml, text/xml",            html: e,            text: "text/plain"        },        timeout: 0,        processData: !0,        cache: !0    };    var j = function(a, b) {        var c = b.context;        return b.beforeSend.call(c, a, b) === !1 ? 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a : (a + "&" + b).replace(/[&?]{1,2}/, "?")    }      , q = function(a) {        return a && (a = a.split(";", 2)[0]),        a && (a === e ? 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RegExp.$1 : b.location.protocol, u = f.xhr(f), v = u.setRequestHeader;        if (s("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"),        s("Accept", n || "*/*"),        (n = f.mimeType || n) && (n.indexOf(",") > -1 && (n = n.split(",", 2)[0]),        u.overrideMimeType && u.overrideMimeType(n)),        (f.contentType || f.contentType !== !1 && f.data && "GET" !== f.type.toUpperCase()) && s("Content-Type", f.contentType || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),        f.headers)            for (var w in f.headers)                s(w, f.headers[w]);        if (u.setRequestHeader = s,        u.onreadystatechange = function() {            if (4 === u.readyState) {                u.onreadystatechange = a.noop,                clearTimeout(m);                var b, c = !1, d = "file:" === t;                if (u.status >= 200 && u.status < 300 || 304 === u.status || 0 === u.status && d && u.responseText) {                    h = h || q(f.mimeType || u.getResponseHeader("content-type")),                    b = u.responseText;                    try {                        "script" === h ? (1,                        eval)(b) : "xml" === h ? b = u.responseXML : "json" === h && (b = i.test(b) ? null : a.parseJSON(b))                    } catch (e) {                        c = e                    }                    c ? l(c, "parsererror", u, f) : k(b, u, f)                } else {                    var g = u.status ? "error" : "abort"                      , j = u.statusText || null ;                    d && (g = "error",                    j = "404"),                    l(j, g, u, f)                }            }        }        ,        j(u, f) === !1)            return u.abort(),            l(null , "abort", u, f),            u;        if (f.xhrFields)            for (var w in f.xhrFields)                u[w] = f.xhrFields[w];        var x = "async"in f ? f.async : !0;        u.open(f.type.toUpperCase(), f.url, x, f.username, f.password);        for (var w in r)            r.hasOwnProperty(w) && v.apply(u, r[w]);        return f.timeout > 0 && (m = setTimeout(function() {            u.onreadystatechange = a.noop,            u.abort(),            l(null , "timeout", u, f)        }, f.timeout)),        u.send(f.data ? f.data : null ),        u    }    ,    a.param = function(a, b) {        var c = [];        return c.add = function(a, b) {            this.push(encodeURIComponent(a) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b))        }        ,        n(c, a, b),        c.join("&").replace(/%20/g, "+")    }    ,    a.get = function() {        return a.ajax(r.apply(null , arguments))    }    ,    a.post = function() {        var b = r.apply(null , arguments); 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   b.href = window.location.href,    a.plusReady(function() {        a.ajaxSettings = a.extend(a.ajaxSettings, {            xhr: function(a) {                if (a.crossDomain)                    return new plus.net.XMLHttpRequest;                if ("file:" !== b.protocol) {                    var c = document.createElement("a");                    if (c.href = a.url,                    c.href = c.href,                    a.crossDomain = b.protocol + "//" + b.host != c.protocol + "//" + c.host,                    a.crossDomain)                        return new plus.net.XMLHttpRequest                }                return new window.XMLHttpRequest            }        })    })}(mui),function(a, b, c) {    a.offset = function(a) {        var d = {            top: 0,            left: 0        };        return typeof a.getBoundingClientRect !== c && (d = a.getBoundingClientRect()),        {            top: d.top + b.pageYOffset - a.clientTop,            left: d.left + b.pageXOffset - a.clientLeft        }    }}(mui, window),function(a, b) {    a.scrollTo = function(a, c, d) {        c = c || 1e3; 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                   this._super = e[a];                    var d = b.apply(this, arguments);                    return this._super = c,                    d                }            }(g, a[g]) : a[g];        return d.prototype = f,        d.prototype.constructor = d,        d.extend = arguments.callee,        d    }    ,    a.Class = d}(mui),function(a, b, c) {    var d = "mui-pull-top-pocket"      , e = "mui-pull-bottom-pocket"      , f = "mui-pull"      , g = "mui-pull-loading"      , h = "mui-pull-caption"      , i = "mui-pull-caption-down"      , j = "mui-pull-caption-refresh"      , k = "mui-pull-caption-nomore"      , l = "mui-icon"      , m = "mui-spinner"      , n = "mui-icon-pulldown"      , o = "mui-block"      , p = "mui-hidden"      , q = "mui-visibility"      , r = g + " " + l + " " + n      , s = g + " " + l + " " + n      , t = g + " " + l + " " + m      , u = ['<div class="' + f + '">', '<div class="{icon}"></div>', '<div class="' + h + '">{contentrefresh}</div>', "</div>"].join("")      , v = {        init: function(b, c) {            this._super(b, a.extend(!0, {                scrollY: !0,                scrollX: !1,                indicators: !0,                deceleration: .003,                down: {                    height: 50,                    contentinit: "涓嬫媺鍙互鍒锋柊",                    contentdown: "涓嬫媺鍙互鍒锋柊",                    contentover: "閲婃斁绔嬪嵆鍒锋柊",                    contentrefresh: "姝e湪鍒锋柊..."                },                up: {                    height: 50,                    auto: !1,                    contentinit: "涓婃媺鏄剧ず鏇村",                    contentdown: "涓婃媺鏄剧ず鏇村",                    contentrefresh: "姝e湪鍔犺浇...",                    contentnomore: "娌℃湁鏇村鏁版嵁浜�",                    duration: 300                }            }, c))        },        _init: function() {            this._super(),            this._initPocket()        },        _initPulldownRefresh: function() {            this.pulldown = !0,            this.pullPocket = this.topPocket,            this.pullPocket.classList.add(o),            this.pullPocket.classList.add(q),            this.pullCaption = this.topCaption,            this.pullLoading = this.topLoading        },        _initPullupRefresh: function() {            this.pulldown = !1,            this.pullPocket = this.bottomPocket,            this.pullPocket.classList.add(o),            this.pullPocket.classList.add(q),            this.pullCaption = this.bottomCaption,            this.pullLoading = this.bottomLoading        },        _initPocket: function() {            var a = this.options;            a.down && a.down.hasOwnProperty("callback") && (this.topPocket = this.scroller.querySelector("." + d),            this.topPocket || (this.topPocket = this._createPocket(d, a.down, s),            this.wrapper.insertBefore(this.topPocket, this.wrapper.firstChild)),            this.topLoading = this.topPocket.querySelector("." + g),            this.topCaption = this.topPocket.querySelector("." + h)),            a.up && a.up.hasOwnProperty("callback") && (this.bottomPocket = this.scroller.querySelector("." + e),            this.bottomPocket || (this.bottomPocket = this._createPocket(e, a.up, t),            this.scroller.appendChild(this.bottomPocket)),            this.bottomLoading = this.bottomPocket.querySelector("." + g),            this.bottomCaption = this.bottomPocket.querySelector("." + h),            this.wrapper.addEventListener("scrollbottom", this))        },        _createPocket: function(a, c, d) {            var e = b.createElement("div");            return e.className = a,            e.innerHTML = u.replace("{contentrefresh}", c.contentinit).replace("{icon}", d),            e        },        _resetPullDownLoading: function() {            var a = this.pullLoading; 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(f.className = t,                f.style.webkitAnimation = "spinner-spin 1s step-end infinite") : a === c.down.contentover ? (f.className = r,                f.style.webkitTransition = "-webkit-transform 0.3s ease-in",                f.style.webkitTransform = "rotate(180deg)") : a === c.down.contentdown && (f.className = s,                f.style.webkitTransition = "-webkit-transform 0.3s ease-in",                f.style.webkitTransform = "rotate(0deg)") : (a === c.up.contentrefresh ? f.className = t + " " + q : f.className = t + " " + p,                h._setCaptionClass(!1, e, a)),                this.lastTitle = a))            }        }    };    a.PullRefresh = v}(mui, document),function(a, b, c, d) {    var e = "mui-scroll"      , f = "mui-scrollbar"      , g = "mui-scrollbar-indicator"      , h = f + "-vertical"      , i = f + "-horizontal"      , j = "mui-active"      , k = {        quadratic: {            style: "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)",            fn: function(a) {                return a * (2 - a)            }        },        circular: {            style: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.57, 0.1, 1)",            fn: function(a) {                return Math.sqrt(1 - --a * a)            }        },        outCirc: {            style: "cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1)"        },        outCubic: {            style: "cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)"        }    }      , l = a.Class.extend({        init: function(b, c) {            this.wrapper = this.element = b,            this.scroller = this.wrapper.children[0],            this.scrollerStyle = this.scroller && this.scroller.style,            this.stopped = !1,            this.options = a.extend(!0, {                scrollY: !0,                scrollX: !1,                startX: 0,                startY: 0,                indicators: !0,                stopPropagation: !1,                hardwareAccelerated: !0,                fixedBadAndorid: !1,                preventDefaultException: {                    tagName: /^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON|SELECT|VIDEO)$/                },                momentum: !0,                snapX: .5,                snap: !1,                bounce: !0,                bounceTime: 500,                bounceEasing: k.outCirc,                scrollTime: 500,                scrollEasing: k.outCubic,                directionLockThreshold: 5,                parallaxElement: !1,                parallaxRatio: .5            }, c),            this.x = 0,            this.y = 0,            this.translateZ = this.options.hardwareAccelerated ? " translateZ(0)" : "",            this._init(),            this.scroller && (this.refresh(),            this.scrollTo(this.options.startX, this.options.startY))        },        _init: function() {            this._initParallax(),            this._initIndicators(),            this._initEvent()        },        _initParallax: function() {            this.options.parallaxElement && (this.parallaxElement = c.querySelector(this.options.parallaxElement),            this.parallaxStyle = this.parallaxElement.style,            this.parallaxHeight = this.parallaxElement.offsetHeight,            this.parallaxImgStyle = this.parallaxElement.querySelector("img").style)        },        _initIndicators: function() {            var a = this;            if (a.indicators = [],            this.options.indicators) {                var b, c = [];                a.options.scrollY && (b = {                    el: this._createScrollBar(h),                    listenX: !1                },                this.wrapper.appendChild(b.el),                c.push(b)),                this.options.scrollX && (b = {                    el: this._createScrollBar(i),                    listenY: !1                },                this.wrapper.appendChild(b.el),                c.push(b));                for (var d = c.length; d--; )                    this.indicators.push(new m(this,c[d]))            }        },        _initSnap: function() {            this.currentPage = {},            this.pages = [];            for (var a = this.snaps, b = a.length, c = 0, d = -1, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = 0; b > i; i++) {                var k = a[i]                  , l = k.offsetLeft                  , m = k.offsetWidth;                (0 === i || l <= a[i - 1].offsetLeft) && (c = 0,                d++),                this.pages[c] || (this.pages[c] = []),                e = this._getSnapX(l),                h = Math.round(m * this.options.snapX),                f = e - h,                g = e - m + h,                this.pages[c][d] = {                    x: e,                    leftX: f,                    rightX: g,                    pageX: c,                    element: k                },                k.classList.contains(j) && (this.currentPage = this.pages[c][0]),                e >= this.maxScrollX && c++            }            this.options.startX = this.currentPage.x || 0        },        _getSnapX: function(a) {            return Math.max(Math.min(0, -a + this.wrapperWidth / 2), this.maxScrollX)        },        _gotoPage: function(a) {            this.currentPage = this.pages[Math.min(a, this.pages.length - 1)][0];            for (var b = 0, c = this.snaps.length; c > b; b++)                b === a ? this.snaps[b].classList.add(j) : this.snaps[b].classList.remove(j);            this.scrollTo(this.currentPage.x, 0, this.options.scrollTime)        },        _nearestSnap: function(a) {            if (!this.pages.length)                return {                    x: 0,                    pageX: 0                };            var b = 0              , c = this.pages.length;            for (a > 0 ? a = 0 : a < this.maxScrollX && (a = this.maxScrollX); c > b; b++) {                var d = "left" === this.direction ? this.pages[b][0].leftX : this.pages[b][0].rightX;                if (a >= d)                    return this.pages[b][0]            }            return {                x: 0,                pageX: 0            }        },        _initEvent: function(c) {            var d = c ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener";            b[d]("orientationchange", this),            b[d]("resize", this),            this.scroller[d]("webkitTransitionEnd", this),            this.wrapper[d](a.EVENT_START, this),            this.wrapper[d](a.EVENT_CANCEL, this),            this.wrapper[d](a.EVENT_END, this),            this.wrapper[d]("drag", this),            this.wrapper[d]("dragend", this),            this.wrapper[d]("flick", this),            this.wrapper[d]("scrollend", this),            this.options.scrollX && this.wrapper[d]("swiperight", this);            var e = this.wrapper.querySelector(".mui-segmented-control");            e && mui(e)[c ? "off" : "on"]("click", "a", a.preventDefault),            this.wrapper[d]("scrollstart", this),            this.wrapper[d]("refresh", this)        },        _handleIndicatorScrollend: function() {            this.indicators.map(function(a) {                a.fade()            })        },        _handleIndicatorScrollstart: function() {            this.indicators.map(function(a) {                a.fade(1)            })        },        _handleIndicatorRefresh: function() {            this.indicators.map(function(a) {                a.refresh()            })        },        handleEvent: function(b) {            if (this.stopped)                return void this.resetPosition();            switch (b.type) {            case a.EVENT_START:                this._start(b);                break;            case "drag":                this.options.stopPropagation && b.stopPropagation(),                this._drag(b);                break;            case "dragend":            case "flick":                this.options.stopPropagation && b.stopPropagation(),                this._flick(b);                break;            case a.EVENT_CANCEL:            case a.EVENT_END:                this._end(b);                break;            case "webkitTransitionEnd":                this.transitionTimer && this.transitionTimer.cancel(),                this._transitionEnd(b);                break;            case "scrollstart":                this._handleIndicatorScrollstart(b);                break;            case "scrollend":                this._handleIndicatorScrollend(b),                this._scrollend(b),                b.stopPropagation();                break;            case "orientationchange":            case "resize":                this._resize();                break;            case "swiperight":                b.stopPropagation();                break;            case "refresh":                this._handleIndicatorRefresh(b)            }        },        _start: function(b) {            if (this.moved = this.needReset = !1,            this._transitionTime(),            this.isInTransition) {                this.needReset = !0,                this.isInTransition = !1;                var c = a.parseTranslateMatrix(a.getStyles(this.scroller, "webkitTransform"));                this.setTranslate(Math.round(c.x), Math.round(c.y)),                a.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollend", this),                b.preventDefault()            }            this.reLayout(),            a.trigger(this.scroller, "beforescrollstart", this)        },        _getDirectionByAngle: function(a) {            return -80 > a && a > -100 ? "up" : a >= 80 && 100 > a ? "down" : a >= 170 || -170 >= a ? "left" : a >= -35 && 10 >= a ? "right" : null        },        _drag: function(c) {            var d = c.detail;            if ((this.options.scrollY || "up" === d.direction || "down" === d.direction) && a.os.ios && parseFloat(a.os.version) >= 8) {                var e = d.gesture.touches[0].clientY;                if (e + 10 > b.innerHeight || 10 > e)                    return void this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime)            }            var f = isReturn = !1;            this._getDirectionByAngle(d.angle);            if ("left" === d.direction || "right" === d.direction ? this.options.scrollX ? (f = !0,            this.moved || (a.gestures.session.lockDirection = !0,            a.gestures.session.startDirection = d.direction)) : this.options.scrollY && !this.moved && (isReturn = !0) : "up" === d.direction || "down" === d.direction ? this.options.scrollY ? (f = !0,            this.moved || (a.gestures.session.lockDirection = !0,            a.gestures.session.startDirection = d.direction)) : this.options.scrollX && !this.moved && (isReturn = !0) : isReturn = !0,            (this.moved || f) && (c.stopPropagation(),            d.gesture && d.gesture.preventDefault()),            !isReturn) {                this.moved ? c.stopPropagation() : a.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollstart", this);                var g = 0                  , h = 0;                this.moved ? (g = d.deltaX - a.gestures.session.prevTouch.deltaX,                h = d.deltaY - a.gestures.session.prevTouch.deltaY) : (g = d.deltaX,                h = d.deltaY);                var i = Math.abs(d.deltaX)                  , j = Math.abs(d.deltaY);                i > j + this.options.directionLockThreshold ? h = 0 : j >= i + this.options.directionLockThreshold && (g = 0),                g = this.hasHorizontalScroll ? g : 0,                h = this.hasVerticalScroll ? h : 0;                var k = this.x + g                  , l = this.y + h;                (k > 0 || k < this.maxScrollX) && (k = this.options.bounce ? this.x + g / 3 : k > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScrollX),                (l > 0 || l < this.maxScrollY) && (l = this.options.bounce ? this.y + h / 3 : l > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScrollY),                this.requestAnimationFrame || this._updateTranslate(),                this.direction = d.deltaX > 0 ? "right" : "left",                this.moved = !0,                this.x = k,                this.y = l,                a.trigger(this.scroller, "scroll", this)            }        },        _flick: function(b) {            if (this.moved) {                b.stopPropagation();                var c = b.detail;                if (this._clearRequestAnimationFrame(),                "dragend" !== b.type || !c.flick) {                    var d = Math.round(this.x)                      , e = Math.round(this.y);                    if (this.isInTransition = !1,                    !this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime)) {                        if (this.scrollTo(d, e),                        "dragend" === b.type)                            return void a.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollend", this);                        var f = 0                          , g = "";                        return this.options.momentum && c.flickTime < 300 && (momentumX = this.hasHorizontalScroll ? this._momentum(this.x, c.flickDistanceX, c.flickTime, this.maxScrollX, this.options.bounce ? this.wrapperWidth : 0, this.options.deceleration) : {                            destination: d,                            duration: 0                        },                        momentumY = this.hasVerticalScroll ? this._momentum(this.y, c.flickDistanceY, c.flickTime, this.maxScrollY, this.options.bounce ? this.wrapperHeight : 0, this.options.deceleration) : {                            destination: e,                            duration: 0                        },                        d = momentumX.destination,                        e = momentumY.destination,                        f = Math.max(momentumX.duration, momentumY.duration),                        this.isInTransition = !0),                        d != this.x || e != this.y ? ((d > 0 || d < this.maxScrollX || e > 0 || e < this.maxScrollY) && (g = k.quadratic),                        void this.scrollTo(d, e, f, g)) : void a.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollend", this)                    }                }            }        },        _end: function(b) {            this.needReset = !1,            (!this.moved && this.needReset || b.type === a.EVENT_CANCEL) && this.resetPosition()        },        _transitionEnd: function(b) {            b.target == this.scroller && this.isInTransition && (this._transitionTime(),            this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime) || (this.isInTransition = !1,            a.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollend", this)))        },        _scrollend: function(b) {            (0 === this.y && 0 === this.maxScrollY || Math.abs(this.y) > 0 && this.y <= this.maxScrollY) && a.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollbottom", this)        },        _resize: function() {            var a = this;            clearTimeout(a.resizeTimeout),            a.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {                a.refresh()            }, a.options.resizePolling)        },        _transitionTime: function(b) {            if (b = b || 0,            this.scrollerStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = b + "ms",            this.parallaxElement && this.options.scrollY && (this.parallaxStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = b + "ms"),            this.options.fixedBadAndorid && !b && a.os.isBadAndroid && (this.scrollerStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = "0.001s",            this.parallaxElement && this.options.scrollY && (this.parallaxStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = "0.001s")),            this.indicators)                for (var c = this.indicators.length; c--; )                    this.indicators[c].transitionTime(b);            b && (this.transitionTimer && this.transitionTimer.cancel(),            this.transitionTimer = a.later(function() {                a.trigger(this.scroller, "webkitTransitionEnd")            }, b + 100, this))        },        _transitionTimingFunction: function(a) {            if (this.scrollerStyle.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = a,            this.parallaxElement && this.options.scrollY && (this.parallaxStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = a),            this.indicators)                for (var b = this.indicators.length; b--; )                    this.indicators[b].transitionTimingFunction(a)        },        _translate: function(a, b) {            this.x = a,            this.y = b        },        _clearRequestAnimationFrame: function() {            this.requestAnimationFrame && (cancelAnimationFrame(this.requestAnimationFrame),            this.requestAnimationFrame = null )        },        _updateTranslate: function() {            var a = this;            (a.x !== a.lastX || a.y !== a.lastY) && a.setTranslate(a.x, a.y),            a.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(function() {                a._updateTranslate()            })        },        _createScrollBar: function(a) {            var b = c.createElement("div")              , d = c.createElement("div");            return b.className = f + " " + a,            d.className = g,            b.appendChild(d),            a === h ? (this.scrollbarY = b,            this.scrollbarIndicatorY = d) : a === i && (this.scrollbarX = b,            this.scrollbarIndicatorX = d),            this.wrapper.appendChild(b),            b        },        _preventDefaultException: function(a, b) {            for (var c in b)                if (b[c].test(a[c]))                    return !0;            return !1        },        _reLayout: function() {            if (this.hasHorizontalScroll || (this.maxScrollX = 0,            this.scrollerWidth = this.wrapperWidth),            this.hasVerticalScroll || (this.maxScrollY = 0,            this.scrollerHeight = this.wrapperHeight),            this.indicators.map(function(a) {                a.refresh()            }),            this.options.snap && "string" == typeof this.options.snap) {                var a = this.scroller.querySelectorAll(this.options.snap);                this.itemLength = 0,                this.snaps = [];                for (var b = 0, c = a.length; c > b; b++) {                    var d = a[b];                    d.parentNode === this.scroller && (this.itemLength++,                    this.snaps.push(d))                }                this._initSnap()            }        },        _momentum: function(a, b, c, e, f, g) {            var h, i, j = parseFloat(Math.abs(b) / c);            return g = g === d ? 6e-4 : g,            h = a + j * j / (2 * g) * (0 > b ? -1 : 1),            i = j / g,            e > h ? (h = f ? e - f / 2.5 * (j / 8) : e,            b = Math.abs(h - a),            i = b / j) : h > 0 && (h = f ? f / 2.5 * (j / 8) : 0,            b = Math.abs(a) + h,            i = b / j),            {                destination: Math.round(h),                duration: i            }        },        _getTranslateStr: function(a, b) {            return this.options.hardwareAccelerated ? "translate3d(" + a + "px," + b + "px,0px) " + this.translateZ : "translate(" + a + "px," + b + "px) "        },        setStopped: function(a) {            this.stopped = !!a        },        setTranslate: function(b, c) {            if (this.x = b,            this.y = c,            this.scrollerStyle.webkitTransform = this._getTranslateStr(b, c),            this.parallaxElement && this.options.scrollY) {                var d = c * this.options.parallaxRatio                  , e = 1 + d / ((this.parallaxHeight - d) / 2);                e > 1 ? (this.parallaxImgStyle.opacity = 1 - d / 100 * this.options.parallaxRatio,                this.parallaxStyle.webkitTransform = this._getTranslateStr(0, -d) + " scale(" + e + "," + e + ")") : (this.parallaxImgStyle.opacity = 1,                this.parallaxStyle.webkitTransform = this._getTranslateStr(0, -1) + " scale(1,1)")            }            if (this.indicators)                for (var f = this.indicators.length; f--; )                    this.indicators[f].updatePosition();            this.lastX = this.x,            this.lastY = this.y,            a.trigger(this.scroller, "scroll", this)        },        reLayout: function() {            this.wrapper.offsetHeight;            var b = parseFloat(a.getStyles(this.wrapper, "padding-left")) || 0              , c = parseFloat(a.getStyles(this.wrapper, "padding-right")) || 0              , d = parseFloat(a.getStyles(this.wrapper, "padding-top")) || 0              , e = parseFloat(a.getStyles(this.wrapper, "padding-bottom")) || 0              , f = this.wrapper.clientWidth              , g = this.wrapper.clientHeight;            this.scrollerWidth = this.scroller.offsetWidth,            this.scrollerHeight = this.scroller.offsetHeight,            this.wrapperWidth = f - b - c,            this.wrapperHeight = g - d - e,            this.maxScrollX = Math.min(this.wrapperWidth - this.scrollerWidth, 0),            this.maxScrollY = Math.min(this.wrapperHeight - this.scrollerHeight, 0),            this.hasHorizontalScroll = this.options.scrollX && this.maxScrollX < 0,            this.hasVerticalScroll = this.options.scrollY && this.maxScrollY < 0,            this._reLayout()        },        resetPosition: function(a) {            var b = this.x              , c = this.y;            return a = a || 0,            !this.hasHorizontalScroll || this.x > 0 ? b = 0 : this.x < this.maxScrollX && (b = this.maxScrollX),            !this.hasVerticalScroll || this.y > 0 ? c = 0 : this.y < this.maxScrollY && (c = this.maxScrollY),            b == this.x && c == this.y ? !1 : (this.scrollTo(b, c, a, this.options.scrollEasing),            !0)        },        _reInit: function() {            for (var a = this.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." + e), b = 0, c = a.length; c > b; b++)                if (a[b].parentNode === this.wrapper) {                    this.scroller = a[b];                    break                }            this.scrollerStyle = this.scroller && this.scroller.style        },        refresh: function() {            this._reInit(),            this.reLayout(),            a.trigger(this.scroller, "refresh", this),            this.resetPosition()        },        scrollTo: function(a, b, c, d) {            var d = d || k.circular;            this.isInTransition = c > 0,            this.isInTransition ? (this._clearRequestAnimationFrame(),            this._transitionTimingFunction(d.style),            this._transitionTime(c),            this.setTranslate(a, b)) : this.setTranslate(a, b)        },        scrollToBottom: function(a, b) {            a = a || this.options.scrollTime,            this.scrollTo(0, this.maxScrollY, a, b)        },        gotoPage: function(a) {            this._gotoPage(a)        },        destroy: function() {            this._initEvent(!0),            delete a.data[this.wrapper.getAttribute("data-scroll")],            this.wrapper.setAttribute("data-scroll", "")        }    })      , m = function(b, d) {        this.wrapper = "string" == typeof d.el ? c.querySelector(d.el) : d.el,        this.wrapperStyle = this.wrapper.style,        this.indicator = this.wrapper.children[0],        this.indicatorStyle = this.indicator.style,        this.scroller = b,        this.options = a.extend({            listenX: !0,            listenY: !0,            fade: !1,            speedRatioX: 0,            speedRatioY: 0        }, d),        this.sizeRatioX = 1,        this.sizeRatioY = 1,        this.maxPosX = 0,        this.maxPosY = 0,        this.options.fade && (this.wrapperStyle.webkitTransform = this.scroller.translateZ,        this.wrapperStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = this.options.fixedBadAndorid && a.os.isBadAndroid ? "0.001s" : "0ms",        this.wrapperStyle.opacity = "0")    };    m.prototype = {        handleEvent: function(a) {},        transitionTime: function(b) {            b = b || 0,            this.indicatorStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = b + "ms",            this.scroller.options.fixedBadAndorid && !b && a.os.isBadAndroid && (this.indicatorStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = "0.001s")        },        transitionTimingFunction: function(a) {            this.indicatorStyle.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = a        },        refresh: function() {            this.transitionTime(),            this.options.listenX && !this.options.listenY ? this.indicatorStyle.display = this.scroller.hasHorizontalScroll ? "block" : "none" : this.options.listenY && !this.options.listenX ? this.indicatorStyle.display = this.scroller.hasVerticalScroll ? "block" : "none" : this.indicatorStyle.display = this.scroller.hasHorizontalScroll || this.scroller.hasVerticalScroll ? "block" : "none",            this.wrapper.offsetHeight,            this.options.listenX && (this.wrapperWidth = this.wrapper.clientWidth,            this.indicatorWidth = Math.max(Math.round(this.wrapperWidth * this.wrapperWidth / (this.scroller.scrollerWidth || this.wrapperWidth || 1)), 8),            this.indicatorStyle.width = this.indicatorWidth + "px",            this.maxPosX = this.wrapperWidth - this.indicatorWidth,            this.minBoundaryX = 0,            this.maxBoundaryX = this.maxPosX,            this.sizeRatioX = this.options.speedRatioX || this.scroller.maxScrollX && this.maxPosX / this.scroller.maxScrollX),            this.options.listenY && (this.wrapperHeight = this.wrapper.clientHeight,            this.indicatorHeight = Math.max(Math.round(this.wrapperHeight * this.wrapperHeight / (this.scroller.scrollerHeight || this.wrapperHeight || 1)), 8),            this.indicatorStyle.height = this.indicatorHeight + "px",            this.maxPosY = this.wrapperHeight - this.indicatorHeight,            this.minBoundaryY = 0,            this.maxBoundaryY = this.maxPosY,            this.sizeRatioY = this.options.speedRatioY || this.scroller.maxScrollY && this.maxPosY / this.scroller.maxScrollY),            this.updatePosition()        },        updatePosition: function() {            var a = this.options.listenX && Math.round(this.sizeRatioX * this.scroller.x) || 0              , b = this.options.listenY && Math.round(this.sizeRatioY * this.scroller.y) || 0;            a < this.minBoundaryX ? (this.width = Math.max(this.indicatorWidth + a, 8),            this.indicatorStyle.width = this.width + "px",            a = this.minBoundaryX) : a > this.maxBoundaryX ? (this.width = Math.max(this.indicatorWidth - (a - this.maxPosX), 8),            this.indicatorStyle.width = this.width + "px",            a = this.maxPosX + this.indicatorWidth - this.width) : this.width != this.indicatorWidth && (this.width = this.indicatorWidth,            this.indicatorStyle.width = this.width + "px"),            b < this.minBoundaryY ? (this.height = Math.max(this.indicatorHeight + 3 * b, 8),            this.indicatorStyle.height = this.height + "px",            b = this.minBoundaryY) : b > this.maxBoundaryY ? (this.height = Math.max(this.indicatorHeight - 3 * (b - this.maxPosY), 8),            this.indicatorStyle.height = this.height + "px",            b = this.maxPosY + this.indicatorHeight - this.height) : this.height != this.indicatorHeight && (this.height = this.indicatorHeight,            this.indicatorStyle.height = this.height + "px"),            this.x = a,            this.y = b,            this.indicatorStyle.webkitTransform = this.scroller._getTranslateStr(a, b)        },        fade: function(a, b) {            if (!b || this.visible) {                clearTimeout(this.fadeTimeout),                this.fadeTimeout = null ;                var c = a ? 250 : 500                  , d = a ? 0 : 300;                a = a ? "1" : "0",                this.wrapperStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = c + "ms",                this.fadeTimeout = setTimeout(function(a) {                    this.wrapperStyle.opacity = a,                    this.visible = +a                }                .bind(this, a), d)            }        }    },    a.Scroll = l,    a.fn.scroll = function(b) {        var c = [];        return this.each(function() {            var d = null              , e = this              , f = e.getAttribute("data-scroll");            if (f)                d = a.data[f];            else {                f = ++a.uuid;                var g = a.extend({}, b);                e.classList.contains("mui-segmented-control") && (g = a.extend(g, {                    scrollY: !1,                    scrollX: !0,                    indicators: !1,                    snap: ".mui-control-item"                })),                a.data[f] = d = new l(e,g),                e.setAttribute("data-scroll", f)            }            c.push(d)        }),        1 === c.length ? c[0] : c    }}(mui, window, document),function(a, b, c, d) {    var e = "mui-visibility"      , f = "mui-hidden"      , g = a.Scroll.extend(a.extend({        handleEvent: function(a) {            this._super(a),            "scrollbottom" === a.type && a.target === this.scroller && this._scrollbottom()        },        _scrollbottom: function() {            this.pulldown || this.loading || (this.pulldown = !1,            this._initPullupRefresh(),            this.pullupLoading())        },        _start: function(a) {            a.touches && a.touches.length && a.touches[0].clientX > 30 && a.target && !this._preventDefaultException(a.target, this.options.preventDefaultException) && a.preventDefault(),            this.loading || (this.pulldown = this.pullPocket = this.pullCaption = this.pullLoading = !1),            this._super(a)        },        _drag: function(a) {            this._super(a),            !this.pulldown && !this.loading && this.topPocket && "down" === a.detail.direction && this.y >= 0 && this._initPulldownRefresh(),            this.pulldown && this._setCaption(this.y > this.options.down.height ? this.options.down.contentover : this.options.down.contentdown)        },        _reLayout: function() {            this.hasVerticalScroll = !0,            this._super()        },        resetPosition: function(a) {            if (this.pulldown) {                if (this.y >= this.options.down.height)                    return this.pulldownLoading(d, a || 0),                    !0;                !this.loading && this.topPocket.classList.remove(e)            }            return this._super(a)        },        pulldownLoading: function(a, b) {            if ("undefined" == typeof a && (a = this.options.down.height),            this.scrollTo(0, a, b, this.options.bounceEasing),            !this.loading) {                this._initPulldownRefresh(),                this._setCaption(this.options.down.contentrefresh),                this.loading = !0,                this.indicators.map(function(a) {                    a.fade(0)                });                var c = this.options.down.callback;                c && c.call(this)            }        },        endPulldownToRefresh: function() {            var a = this;            a.topPocket && a.loading && this.pulldown && (a.scrollTo(0, 0, a.options.bounceTime, a.options.bounceEasing),            a.loading = !1,            a._setCaption(a.options.down.contentdown, !0),            setTimeout(function() {                a.loading || a.topPocket.classList.remove(e)            }, 350))        },        pullupLoading: function(a, b, c) {            b = b || 0,            this.scrollTo(b, this.maxScrollY, c, this.options.bounceEasing),            this.loading || (this._initPullupRefresh(),            this._setCaption(this.options.up.contentrefresh),            this.indicators.map(function(a) {                a.fade(0)            }),            this.loading = !0,            a = a || this.options.up.callback,            a && a.call(this))        },        endPullupToRefresh: function(a) {            var b = this;            b.bottomPocket && (b.loading = !1,            a ? (this.finished = !0,            b._setCaption(b.options.up.contentnomore),            b.wrapper.removeEventListener("scrollbottom", b)) : (b._setCaption(b.options.up.contentdown),            b.loading || b.bottomPocket.classList.remove(e)))        },        disablePullupToRefresh: function() {            this._initPullupRefresh(),            this.bottomPocket.className = "mui-pull-bottom-pocket " + f,            this.wrapper.removeEventListener("scrollbottom", this)        },        enablePullupToRefresh: function() {            this._initPullupRefresh(),            this.bottomPocket.classList.remove(f),            this._setCaption(this.options.up.contentdown),            this.wrapper.addEventListener("scrollbottom", this)        },        refresh: function(a) {            a && this.finished && (this.enablePullupToRefresh(),            this.finished = !1),            this._super()        }    }, a.PullRefresh));    a.fn.pullRefresh = function(b) {        if (1 === this.length) {            var c = this[0]              , d = null ;            b = b || {};            var e = c.getAttribute("data-pullrefresh");            return e ? d = a.data[e] : (e = ++a.uuid,            a.data[e] = d = new g(c,b),            c.setAttribute("data-pullrefresh", e)),            b.down && b.down.auto ? d.pulldownLoading(b.down.autoY) : b.up && b.up.auto && d.pullupLoading(),            d        }    }}(mui, window, document),function(a, b) {    var c = "mui-slider"      , d = "mui-slider-group"      , e = "mui-slider-loop"      , f = "mui-action-previous"      , g = "mui-action-next"      , h = "mui-slider-item"      , i = "mui-active"      , j = "." + h      , k = ".mui-slider-progress-bar"      , l = a.Slider = a.Scroll.extend({        init: function(b, c) {            this._super(b, a.extend(!0, {                fingers: 1,                interval: 0,                scrollY: !1,                scrollX: !0,                indicators: !1,                scrollTime: 1e3,                startX: !1,                slideTime: 0,                snap: j            }, c)),            this.options.startX        },        _init: function() {            this._reInit(),            this.scroller && (this.scrollerStyle = this.scroller.style,            this.progressBar = this.wrapper.querySelector(k),            this.progressBar && (this.progressBarWidth = this.progressBar.offsetWidth,            this.progressBarStyle = this.progressBar.style),            this._super(),            this._initTimer())        },        _triggerSlide: function() {            var b = this;            b.isInTransition = !1;            b.currentPage;            b.slideNumber = b._fixedSlideNumber(),            b.loop && (0 === b.slideNumber ? b.setTranslate(b.pages[1][0].x, 0) : b.slideNumber === b.itemLength - 3 && b.setTranslate(b.pages[b.itemLength - 2][0].x, 0)),            b.lastSlideNumber != b.slideNumber && (b.lastSlideNumber = b.slideNumber,            b.lastPage = b.currentPage,            a.trigger(b.wrapper, "slide", {                slideNumber: b.slideNumber            })),            b._initTimer()        },        _handleSlide: function(b) {            var c = this;            if (b.target === c.wrapper) {                var d = b.detail;                d.slideNumber = d.slideNumber || 0;                for (var e = c.scroller.querySelectorAll(j), f = [], g = 0, h = e.length; h > g; g++) {                    var k = e[g];                    k.parentNode === c.scroller && f.push(k)                }                var l = d.slideNumber;                if (c.loop && (l += 1),                !c.wrapper.classList.contains("mui-segmented-control"))                    for (var g = 0, h = f.length; h > g; g++) {                        var k = f[g];                        k.parentNode === c.scroller && (g === l ? k.classList.add(i) : k.classList.remove(i))                    }                var m = c.wrapper.querySelector(".mui-slider-indicator");                if (m) {                    m.getAttribute("data-scroll") && a(m).scroll().gotoPage(d.slideNumber);                    var n = m.querySelectorAll(".mui-indicator");                    if (n.length > 0)                        for (var g = 0, h = n.length; h > g; g++)                            n[g].classList[g === d.slideNumber ? "add" : "remove"](i);                    else {                        var o = m.querySelector(".mui-number span");                        if (o)                            o.innerText = d.slideNumber + 1;                        else                            for (var p = m.querySelectorAll(".mui-control-item"), g = 0, h = p.length; h > g; g++)                                p[g].classList[g === d.slideNumber ? "add" : "remove"](i)                    }                }                b.stopPropagation()            }        },        _handleTabShow: function(a) {            var b = this;            b.gotoItem(a.detail.tabNumber || 0, b.options.slideTime)        },        _handleIndicatorTap: function(a) {            var b = this              , c = a.target;            (c.classList.contains(f) || c.classList.contains(g)) && (b[c.classList.contains(f) ? "prevItem" : "nextItem"](),            a.stopPropagation())        },        _initEvent: function(b) {            var c = this;            c._super(b);            var d = b ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener";            c.wrapper[d]("slide", this),            c.wrapper[d](a.eventName("shown", "tab"), this)        },        handleEvent: function(b) {            switch (this._super(b),            b.type) {            case "slide":                this._handleSlide(b);                break;            case a.eventName("shown", "tab"):                ~this.snaps.indexOf(b.target) && this._handleTabShow(b)            }        },        _scrollend: function(a) {            this._super(a),            this._triggerSlide(a)        },        _drag: function(a) {            this._super(a);            var c = a.detail.direction;            if ("left" === c || "right" === c) {                var d = this.wrapper.getAttribute("data-slidershowTimer");                d && b.clearTimeout(d),                a.stopPropagation()            }        },        _initTimer: function() {            var a = this              , c = a.wrapper              , d = a.options.interval              , e = c.getAttribute("data-slidershowTimer");            e && b.clearTimeout(e),            d && (e = b.setTimeout(function() {                c && ((c.offsetWidth || c.offsetHeight) && a.nextItem(!0),                a._initTimer())            }, d),            c.setAttribute("data-slidershowTimer", e))        },        _fixedSlideNumber: function(a) {            a = a || this.currentPage;            var b = a.pageX;            return this.loop && (b = 0 === a.pageX ? this.itemLength - 3 : a.pageX === this.itemLength - 1 ? 0 : a.pageX - 1),            b        },        _reLayout: function() {            this.hasHorizontalScroll = !0,            this.loop = this.scroller.classList.contains(e),            this._super()        },        _getScroll: function() {            var b = a.parseTranslateMatrix(a.getStyles(this.scroller, "webkitTransform"));            return b ? b.x : 0        },        _transitionEnd: function(b) {            b.target === this.scroller && this.isInTransition && (this._transitionTime(),            this.isInTransition = !1,            a.trigger(this.wrapper, "scrollend", this))        },        _flick: function(a) {            if (this.moved) {                var b = a.detail                  , c = b.direction;                this._clearRequestAnimationFrame(),                this.isInTransition = !0,                "flick" === a.type ? (b.deltaTime < 200 && (this.x = this._getPage(this.slideNumber + ("right" === c ? -1 : 1), !0).x),                this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime)) : "dragend" !== a.type || b.flick || this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime),                a.stopPropagation()            }        },        _initSnap: function() {            if (this.scrollerWidth = this.itemLength * this.scrollerWidth,            this.maxScrollX = Math.min(this.wrapperWidth - this.scrollerWidth, 0),            this._super(),            this.currentPage.x)                this.slideNumber = this._fixedSlideNumber(),                this.lastSlideNumber = "undefined" == typeof this.lastSlideNumber ? this.slideNumber : this.lastSlideNumber;            else {                var a = this.pages[this.loop ? 1 : 0];                if (a = a || this.pages[0],                !a)                    return;                this.currentPage = a[0],                this.slideNumber = 0,                this.lastSlideNumber = "undefined" == typeof this.lastSlideNumber ? 0 : this.lastSlideNumber            }            this.options.startX = this.currentPage.x || 0        },        _getSnapX: function(a) {            return Math.max(-a, this.maxScrollX)        },        _getPage: function(a, b) {            return this.loop ? a > this.itemLength - (b ? 2 : 3) ? (a = 1,            time = 0) : (b ? -1 : 0) > a ? (a = this.itemLength - 2,            time = 0) : a += 1 : (b || (a > this.itemLength - 1 ? (a = 0,            time = 0) : 0 > a && (a = this.itemLength - 1,            time = 0)),            a = Math.min(Math.max(0, a), this.itemLength - 1)),            this.pages[a][0]        },        _gotoItem: function(b, c) {            this.currentPage = this._getPage(b, !0),            this.scrollTo(this.currentPage.x, 0, c, this.options.scrollEasing),            0 === c && a.trigger(this.wrapper, "scrollend", this)        },        setTranslate: function(a, b) {            this._super(a, b);            var c = this.progressBar;            c && (this.progressBarStyle.webkitTransform = this._getTranslateStr(-a * (this.progressBarWidth / this.wrapperWidth), 0))        },        resetPosition: function(a) {            return a = a || 0,            this.x > 0 ? this.x = 0 : this.x < this.maxScrollX && (this.x = this.maxScrollX),            this.currentPage = this._nearestSnap(this.x),            this.scrollTo(this.currentPage.x, 0, a, this.options.scrollEasing),            !0        },        gotoItem: function(a, b) {            this._gotoItem(a, "undefined" == typeof b ? this.options.scrollTime : b)        },        nextItem: function() {            this._gotoItem(this.slideNumber + 1, this.options.scrollTime)        },        prevItem: function() {            this._gotoItem(this.slideNumber - 1, this.options.scrollTime)        },        getSlideNumber: function() {            return this.slideNumber || 0        },        _reInit: function() {            for (var a = this.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." + d), b = 0, c = a.length; c > b; b++)                if (a[b].parentNode === this.wrapper) {                    this.scroller = a[b];                    break                }            this.scrollerStyle = this.scroller && this.scroller.style,            this.progressBar && (this.progressBarWidth = this.progressBar.offsetWidth,            this.progressBarStyle = this.progressBar.style)        },        refresh: function(b) {            b ? (a.extend(this.options, b),            this._super(),            this._initTimer()) : this._super()        },        destroy: function() {            this._initEvent(!0),            delete a.data[this.wrapper.getAttribute("data-slider")],            this.wrapper.setAttribute("data-slider", "")        }    });    a.fn.slider = function(b) {        var d = null ;        return this.each(function() {            var e = this;            if (this.classList.contains(c) || (e = this.querySelector("." + c)),            e && e.querySelector(j)) {                var f = e.getAttribute("data-slider");                f ? 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b.pullPocket.classList.add(f) : b._initPulldownRefresh(),                            d.status) {                            case "beforeChangeOffset":                                b._setCaption(c.contentdown);                                break;                            case "afterChangeOffset":                                b._setCaption(c.contentover);                                break;                            case "dragEndAfterChangeOffset":                                a.evalJS("mui&&mui.options.pullRefresh.down.callback()"),                                b._setCaption(c.contentrefresh)                            }                        }, !1),                        a.setBounce({                            position: {                                top: 2 * d + "px"                            },                            changeoffset: {                                top: d + "px"                            }                        })                    }                })            },            handleEvent: function(a) {                var b = this;                b.stopped || (b.isScroll = !1,                ("dragup" === a.type || "plusscrollbottom" === a.type) && (b.isScroll = !0,                setTimeout(function() {                    b.isScroll = !1                }, 1e3)))            }        }).extend(a.extend({            setStopped: function(a) {                this.stopped = !!a;                var b = plus.webview.currentWebview();                if (this.stopped)                    b.setStyle({                        bounce: "none"                    }),                    b.setBounce({                        position: {                            top: "none"                        }                    });                else {                    var c = this.options.down.height;                    b.setStyle({                        bounce: "vertical"                    }),                    b.setBounce({                        position: {                            top: 2 * c + "px"                        },                        changeoffset: {                            top: c + "px"                        }                    })                }            },            pulldownLoading: function() {                a.plusReady(function() {                    plus.webview.currentWebview().setBounce({                        offset: {                            top: this.options.down.height + "px"                        }                    })                }                .bind(this))            },            _pulldownLoading: function() {                var b = this;                a.plusReady(function() {                    var a = plus.webview.getWebviewById(b.options.webviewId);                    a.setBounce({                        offset: {                            top: b.options.down.height + "px"                        }                    })                })            },            endPulldownToRefresh: function() {                var a = plus.webview.currentWebview();                a.parent().evalJS("mui&&mui(document.querySelector('.mui-content')).pullRefresh('" + JSON.stringify({                    webviewId: a.id                }) + "')._endPulldownToRefresh()")            },            _endPulldownToRefresh: function() {                var a = this;                a.topPocket && a.options.webview && (a.options.webview.endPullToRefresh(),                a.loading = !1,                a._setCaption(a.options.down.contentdown, !0),                setTimeout(function() {                    a.loading || a.topPocket.classList.remove(f)                }, 350))            },            pullupLoading: function(a) {                var b = this;                b.isLoading || (b.isLoading = !0,                b.pulldown !== !1 ? b._initPullupRefresh() : this.pullPocket.classList.add(f),                setTimeout(function() {                    b.pullLoading.classList.add(d),                    b.pullLoading.classList.remove(e),                    b.pullCaption.innerHTML = "",                    b.pullCaption.className = g + " " + i,                    b.pullCaption.innerHTML = b.options.up.contentrefresh,                    a = a || b.options.up.callback,                    a && a.call(b)                }, 300))            },            endPullupToRefresh: function(a) {                var c = this;                c.pullLoading && (c.pullLoading.classList.remove(d),                c.pullLoading.classList.add(e),                c.isLoading = !1,                a ? 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(e = b.createElement("div"),            e.className = "mui-content",            b.body.appendChild(e)) : e = this[0];            var f = d;            d = d || {},            "string" == typeof d && (d = a.parseJSON(d)),            !d.webviewId && (d.webviewId = plus.webview.currentWebview().id || plus.webview.currentWebview().getURL());            var g = null              , h = d.webviewId && d.webviewId.replace(/\//g, "_")              , i = e.getAttribute("data-pullrefresh-plus-" + h);            return i || "undefined" != typeof f ? (i ? g = a.data[i] : (i = ++a.uuid,            e.setAttribute("data-pullrefresh-plus-" + h, i),            b.body.classList.add(c),            a.data[i] = g = new k(e,d)),            d.down && d.down.auto ? g._pulldownLoading() : d.up && d.up.auto && g.pullupLoading(),            g) : !1        }    }}(mui, document),function(a, b, c, d) {    var e = "mui-off-canvas-left"      , f = "mui-off-canvas-right"      , g = "mui-off-canvas-backdrop"      , h = "mui-off-canvas-wrap"      , i = "mui-slide-in"      , j = "mui-active"      , k = "mui-transitioning"      , l = ".mui-inner-wrap"      , m = a.Class.extend({        init: function(b, d) {            this.wrapper = this.element = b,            this.scroller = this.wrapper.querySelector(l),            this.classList = this.wrapper.classList,            this.scroller && (this.options = a.extend(!0, {                dragThresholdX: 10,                scale: .8,                opacity: .1,                preventDefaultException: {                    tagName: /^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON|SELECT|VIDEO)$/                }            }, d),            c.body.classList.add("mui-fullscreen"),            this.refresh(),            this.initEvent())        },        _preventDefaultException: function(a, b) {            for (var c in b)                if (b[c].test(a[c]))                    return !0;            return !1        },        refresh: function(a) {            this.slideIn = this.classList.contains(i),            this.scalable = this.classList.contains("mui-scalable") && !this.slideIn,            this.scroller = this.wrapper.querySelector(l),            this.offCanvasLefts = this.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." + e),            this.offCanvasRights = this.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." + f),            a ? a.classList.contains(e) ? this.offCanvasLeft = a : a.classList.contains(f) && (this.offCanvasRight = a) : (this.offCanvasRight = this.wrapper.querySelector("." + f),            this.offCanvasLeft = this.wrapper.querySelector("." + e)),            this.offCanvasRightWidth = this.offCanvasLeftWidth = 0,            this.offCanvasLeftSlideIn = this.offCanvasRightSlideIn = !1,            this.offCanvasRight && (this.offCanvasRightWidth = this.offCanvasRight.offsetWidth,            this.offCanvasRightSlideIn = this.slideIn && this.offCanvasRight.parentNode === this.wrapper),            this.offCanvasLeft && (this.offCanvasLeftWidth = this.offCanvasLeft.offsetWidth,            this.offCanvasLeftSlideIn = this.slideIn && this.offCanvasLeft.parentNode === this.wrapper),            this.backdrop = this.scroller.querySelector("." + g),            this.options.dragThresholdX = this.options.dragThresholdX || 10,            this.visible = !1,            this.startX = null ,            this.lastX = null ,            this.offsetX = null ,            this.lastTranslateX = null        },        handleEvent: function(b) {            switch (b.type) {            case a.EVENT_START:                b.target && !this._preventDefaultException(b.target, this.options.preventDefaultException) && b.preventDefault();                break;            case "webkitTransitionEnd":                b.target === this.scroller && this._dispatchEvent();                break;            case "drag":                var c = b.detail;                this.startX ? this.lastX = c.center.x : (this.startX = c.center.x,                this.lastX = this.startX),                !this.isDragging && Math.abs(this.lastX - this.startX) > this.options.dragThresholdX && ("left" === c.direction || "right" === c.direction) && (this.slideIn ? (this.scroller = this.wrapper.querySelector(l),                this.classList.contains(j) ? this.offCanvasRight && this.offCanvasRight.classList.contains(j) ? (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasRight,                this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasRightWidth) : (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasLeft,                this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasLeftWidth) : "left" === c.direction && this.offCanvasRight ? (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasRight,                this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasRightWidth) : "right" === c.direction && this.offCanvasLeft ? (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasLeft,                this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasLeftWidth) : this.scroller = null ) : this.classList.contains(j) ? "left" === c.direction ? (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasLeft,                this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasLeftWidth) : (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasRight,                this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasRightWidth) : "right" === c.direction ? (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasLeft,                this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasLeftWidth) : (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasRight,                this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasRightWidth),                this.offCanvas && this.scroller && (this.startX = this.lastX,                this.isDragging = !0,                a.gestures.session.lockDirection = !0,                a.gestures.session.startDirection = c.direction,                this.offCanvas.classList.remove(k),                this.scroller.classList.remove(k),                this.offsetX = this.getTranslateX(),                this._initOffCanvasVisible())),                this.isDragging && (this.updateTranslate(this.offsetX + (this.lastX - this.startX)),                c.gesture.preventDefault(),                b.stopPropagation());                break;            case "dragend":                if (this.isDragging) {                    var c = b.detail                      , d = c.direction;                    this.isDragging = !1,                    this.offCanvas.classList.add(k),                    this.scroller.classList.add(k);                    var e = 0                      , f = this.getTranslateX();                    if (this.slideIn) {                        if (e = f >= 0 ? this.offCanvasRightWidth && f / this.offCanvasRightWidth || 0 : this.offCanvasLeftWidth && f / this.offCanvasLeftWidth || 0,                        "right" === d && 0 >= e && (e >= -.5 || c.swipe) ? this.openPercentage(100) : "right" === d && e > 0 && (e >= .5 || c.swipe) ? this.openPercentage(0) : "right" === d && -.5 >= e ? this.openPercentage(0) : "right" === d && e > 0 && .5 >= e ? this.openPercentage(-100) : "left" === d && e >= 0 && (.5 >= e || c.swipe) ? this.openPercentage(-100) : "left" === d && 0 > e && (-.5 >= e || c.swipe) ? this.openPercentage(0) : "left" === d && e >= .5 ? this.openPercentage(0) : "left" === d && e >= -.5 && 0 > e ? this.openPercentage(100) : this.openPercentage(0),                        1 === e || -1 === e || 0 === e)                            return void this._dispatchEvent()                    } else {                        if (e = f >= 0 ? this.offCanvasLeftWidth && f / this.offCanvasLeftWidth || 0 : this.offCanvasRightWidth && f / this.offCanvasRightWidth || 0,                        0 === e)                            return this.openPercentage(0),                            void this._dispatchEvent();                        "right" === d && e >= 0 && (e >= .5 || c.swipe) ? this.openPercentage(100) : "right" === d && 0 > e && (e > -.5 || c.swipe) ? this.openPercentage(0) : "right" === d && e > 0 && .5 > e ? this.openPercentage(0) : "right" === d && .5 > e ? this.openPercentage(-100) : "left" === d && 0 >= e && (-.5 >= e || c.swipe) ? this.openPercentage(-100) : "left" === d && e > 0 && (.5 >= e || c.swipe) ? this.openPercentage(0) : "left" === d && 0 > e && e >= -.5 ? this.openPercentage(0) : "left" === d && e > .5 ? this.openPercentage(100) : this.openPercentage(0),                        (1 === e || -1 === e) && this._dispatchEvent()                    }                }            }        },        _dispatchEvent: function() {            this.classList.contains(j) ? a.trigger(this.wrapper, "shown", this) : a.trigger(this.wrapper, "hidden", this)        },        _initOffCanvasVisible: function() {            this.visible || (this.visible = !0,            this.offCanvasLeft && (this.offCanvasLeft.style.visibility = "visible"),            this.offCanvasRight && (this.offCanvasRight.style.visibility = "visible"))        },        initEvent: function() {            var b = this;            b.backdrop && b.backdrop.addEventListener("tap", function(a) {                b.close(),                a.detail.gesture.preventDefault()            }),            this.classList.contains("mui-draggable") && (this.wrapper.addEventListener(a.EVENT_START, this),            this.wrapper.addEventListener("drag", this),            this.wrapper.addEventListener("dragend", this)),            this.wrapper.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", this)        },        openPercentage: function(a) {            var b = a / 100;            this.slideIn ? (this.offCanvasLeft && a >= 0 ? (b = 0 === b ? -1 : 0,            this.updateTranslate(this.offCanvasLeftWidth * b),            this.offCanvasLeft.classList[0 !== a ? "add" : "remove"](j)) : this.offCanvasRight && 0 >= a && (b = 0 === b ? 1 : 0,            this.updateTranslate(this.offCanvasRightWidth * b),            this.offCanvasRight.classList[0 !== a ? "add" : "remove"](j)),            this.classList[0 !== a ? "add" : "remove"](j)) : (this.offCanvasLeft && a >= 0 ? (this.updateTranslate(this.offCanvasLeftWidth * b),            this.offCanvasLeft.classList[0 !== b ? "add" : "remove"](j)) : this.offCanvasRight && 0 >= a && (this.updateTranslate(this.offCanvasRightWidth * b),            this.offCanvasRight.classList[0 !== b ? "add" : "remove"](j)),            this.classList[0 !== b ? "add" : "remove"](j))        },        updateTranslate: function(b) {            if (b !== this.lastTranslateX) {                if (this.slideIn) {                    if (this.offCanvas.classList.contains(f)) {                        if (0 > b)                            return void this.setTranslateX(0);                        if (b > this.offCanvasRightWidth)                            return void this.setTranslateX(this.offCanvasRightWidth)                    } else {                        if (b > 0)                            return void this.setTranslateX(0);                        if (b < -this.offCanvasLeftWidth)                            return void this.setTranslateX(-this.offCanvasLeftWidth)                    }                    this.setTranslateX(b)                } else {                    if (!this.offCanvasLeft && b > 0 || !this.offCanvasRight && 0 > b)                        return void this.setTranslateX(0);                    if (this.leftShowing && b > this.offCanvasLeftWidth)                        return void this.setTranslateX(this.offCanvasLeftWidth);                    if (this.rightShowing && b < -this.offCanvasRightWidth)                        return void this.setTranslateX(-this.offCanvasRightWidth);                    this.setTranslateX(b),                    b >= 0 ? (this.leftShowing = !0,                    this.rightShowing = !1,                    b > 0 && (this.offCanvasLeft && a.each(this.offCanvasLefts, function(a, b) {                        b === this.offCanvasLeft ? this.offCanvasLeft.style.zIndex = 0 : b.style.zIndex = -1                    }                    .bind(this)),                    this.offCanvasRight && (this.offCanvasRight.style.zIndex = -1))) : (this.rightShowing = !0,                    this.leftShowing = !1,                    this.offCanvasRight && a.each(this.offCanvasRights, function(a, b) {                        b === this.offCanvasRight ? b.style.zIndex = 0 : b.style.zIndex = -1                    }                    .bind(this)),                    this.offCanvasLeft && (this.offCanvasLeft.style.zIndex = -1))                }                this.lastTranslateX = b            }        },        setTranslateX: a.animationFrame(function(a) {            if (this.scroller)                if (this.scalable && this.offCanvas.parentNode === this.wrapper) {                    var b = Math.abs(a) / this.offCanvasWidth                      , c = 1 - (1 - this.options.scale) * b                      , d = this.options.scale + (1 - this.options.scale) * b                      , f = (1 - (1 - this.options.opacity) * b,                    this.options.opacity + (1 - this.options.opacity) * b);                    this.offCanvas.classList.contains(e) ? (this.offCanvas.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "-100%",                    this.scroller.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "left") : (this.offCanvas.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "200%",                    this.scroller.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "right"),                    this.offCanvas.style.opacity = f,                    this.offCanvas.style.webkitTransform = "translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + d + ")",                    this.scroller.style.webkitTransform = "translate3d(" + a + "px,0,0) scale(" + c + ")"                } else                    this.slideIn ? this.offCanvas.style.webkitTransform = "translate3d(" + a + "px,0,0)" : this.scroller.style.webkitTransform = "translate3d(" + a + "px,0,0)"        }),        getTranslateX: function() {            if (this.offCanvas) {                var b = this.slideIn ? this.offCanvas : this.scroller                  , c = a.parseTranslateMatrix(a.getStyles(b, "webkitTransform"));                return c && c.x || 0            }            return 0        },        isShown: function(a) {            var b = !1;            if (this.slideIn)                b = "left" === a ? this.classList.contains(j) && this.wrapper.querySelector("." + e + "." + j) : "right" === a ? this.classList.contains(j) && this.wrapper.querySelector("." + f + "." + j) : this.classList.contains(j) && (this.wrapper.querySelector("." + e + "." + j) || this.wrapper.querySelector("." + f + "." + j));            else {                var c = this.getTranslateX();                b = "right" === a ? this.classList.contains(j) && 0 > c : "left" === a ? this.classList.contains(j) && c > 0 : this.classList.contains(j) && 0 !== c            }            return b        },        close: function() {            this._initOffCanvasVisible(),            this.offCanvas = this.wrapper.querySelector("." + f + "." + j) || this.wrapper.querySelector("." + e + "." + j),            this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvas.offsetWidth,            this.scroller && (this.offCanvas.offsetHeight,            this.offCanvas.classList.add(k),            this.scroller.classList.add(k),            this.openPercentage(0))        },        show: function(a) {            return this._initOffCanvasVisible(),            this.isShown(a) ? !1 : (a || (a = this.wrapper.querySelector("." + f) ? "right" : "left"),            "right" === a ? (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasRight,            this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasRightWidth) : (this.offCanvas = this.offCanvasLeft,            this.offCanvasWidth = this.offCanvasLeftWidth),            this.scroller && (this.offCanvas.offsetHeight,            this.offCanvas.classList.add(k),            this.scroller.classList.add(k),            this.openPercentage("left" === a ? 100 : -100)),            !0)        },        toggle: function(a) {            var b = a;            a && a.classList && (b = a.classList.contains(e) ? "left" : "right",            this.refresh(a)),            this.show(b) || this.close()        }    })      , n = function(a) {        if (parentNode = a.parentNode,        parentNode) {            if (parentNode.classList.contains(h))                return parentNode;            if (parentNode = parentNode.parentNode,            parentNode.classList.contains(h))                return parentNode        }    }      , o = function(b, d) {        if ("A" === d.tagName && d.hash) {            var e = c.getElementById(d.hash.replace("#", ""));            if (e) {                var f = n(e);                if (f)                    return a.targets._container = f,                    e            }        }        return !1    };    a.registerTarget({        name: d,        index: 60,        handle: o,        target: !1,        isReset: !1,        isContinue: !0    }),    b.addEventListener("tap", function(b) {        if (a.targets.offcanvas)            for (var d = b.target; d && d !== c; d = d.parentNode)                if ("A" === d.tagName && d.hash && d.hash === "#" + a.targets.offcanvas.id) {                    b.detail && b.detail.gesture && b.detail.gesture.preventDefault(),                    a(a.targets._container).offCanvas().toggle(a.targets.offcanvas),                    a.targets.offcanvas = a.targets._container = null ;                    break                }    }),    a.fn.offCanvas = function(b) {        var c = [];        return this.each(function() {            var d = null              , e = this;            e.classList.contains(h) || (e = n(e));            var f = e.getAttribute("data-offCanvas");            f ? d = a.data[f] : (f = ++a.uuid,            a.data[f] = d = new m(e,b),            e.setAttribute("data-offCanvas", f)),            ("show" === b || "close" === b || "toggle" === b) && d.toggle(),            c.push(d)        }),        1 === c.length ? c[0] : c    }    ,    a.ready(function() {        a(".mui-off-canvas-wrap").offCanvas()    })}(mui, window, document, "offcanvas"),function(a, b) {    var c = "mui-action"      , d = function(a, b) {        var d = b.className || "";        return "string" != typeof d && (d = ""),        d && ~d.indexOf(c) ? (b.classList.contains("mui-action-back") && a.preventDefault(),        b) : !1    };    a.registerTarget({        name: b,        index: 50,        handle: d,        target: !1,        isContinue: !0    })}(mui, "action"),function(a, b, c, d) {    var e = "mui-modal"      , f = function(a, b) {        if ("A" === b.tagName && b.hash) {            var d = c.getElementById(b.hash.replace("#", ""));            if (d && d.classList.contains(e))                return d        }        return !1    };    a.registerTarget({        name: d,        index: 50,        handle: f,        target: !1,        isReset: !1,        isContinue: !0    }),    b.addEventListener("tap", function(b) {        a.targets.modal && (b.detail.gesture.preventDefault(),        a.targets.modal.classList.toggle("mui-active"))    })}(mui, window, document, "modal"),function(a, b, c, d) {    var e = "mui-popover"      , f = "mui-popover-arrow"      , g = "mui-popover-action"      , h = "mui-backdrop"      , i = "mui-bar-popover"      , j = "mui-bar-backdrop"      , k = "mui-backdrop-action"      , l = "mui-active"      , m = "mui-bottom"      , n = function(b, d) {        if ("A" === d.tagName && d.hash) {            if (a.targets._popover = c.getElementById(d.hash.replace("#", "")),            a.targets._popover && a.targets._popover.classList.contains(e))                return d;            a.targets._popover = null        }        return !1    };    a.registerTarget({        name: d,        index: 60,        handle: n,        target: !1,        isReset: !1,        isContinue: !0    });    var o, p = function(a) {}, q = function(b) {        this.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", q),        this.addEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, a.preventDefault),        a.trigger(this, "shown", this)    }, r = function(b) {        v(this, "none"),        this.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", r),        this.removeEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, a.preventDefault),        p(!1),        a.trigger(this, "hidden", this)    }, s = function() {        var b = c.createElement("div");        return b.classList.add(h),        b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, a.preventDefault),        b.addEventListener("tap", function(b) {            var d = a.targets._popover;            d && (d.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", r),            d.classList.remove(l),            t(d),            c.body.setAttribute("style", ""))        }),        b    }(), t = function(b) {        s.setAttribute("style", "opacity:0"),        a.targets.popover = a.targets._popover = null ,        o = a.later(function() {            !b.classList.contains(l) && s.parentNode && s.parentNode === c.body && c.body.removeChild(s)        }, 350)    };    b.addEventListener("tap", function(b) {        if (a.targets.popover) {            for (var d = !1, e = b.target; e && e !== c; e = e.parentNode)                e === a.targets.popover && (d = !0);            d && (b.detail.gesture.preventDefault(),            u(a.targets._popover, a.targets.popover))        }    });    var u = function(a, b, d) {        if (!("show" === d && a.classList.contains(l) || "hide" === d && !a.classList.contains(l))) {            o && o.cancel(),            a.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", q),            a.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", r),            s.classList.remove(j),            s.classList.remove(k);            var e = c.querySelector(".mui-popover.mui-active");            if (e && (e.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", r),            e.classList.remove(l),            a === e))                return void t(e);            var f = !1;            (a.classList.contains(i) || a.classList.contains(g)) && (a.classList.contains(g) ? (f = !0,            s.classList.add(k)) : s.classList.add(j)),            v(a, "block"),            a.offsetHeight,            a.classList.add(l),            s.setAttribute("style", ""),            c.body.appendChild(s),            p(!0),            w(a, b, f),            s.classList.add(l),            a.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", q)        }    }      , v = function(a, b, c, d) {        var e = a.style;        "undefined" != typeof b && (e.display = b),        "undefined" != typeof c && (e.top = c + "px"),        "undefined" != typeof d && (e.left = d + "px")    }      , w = function(d, e, h) {        if (d && e) {            if (h)                return void v(d, "block");            var i = b.innerWidth              , j = b.innerHeight              , k = d.offsetWidth              , l = d.offsetHeight              , n = e.offsetWidth              , o = e.offsetHeight              , p = a.offset(e)              , q = d.querySelector("." + f);            q || (q = c.createElement("div"),            q.className = f,            d.appendChild(q));            var r = q && q.offsetWidth / 2 || 0              , s = 0              , t = 0              , u = 0              , w = 0              , x = d.classList.contains(g) ? 0 : 5              , y = "top";            l + r < p.top - b.pageYOffset ? s = p.top - l - r : l + r < j - (p.top - b.pageYOffset) - o ? (y = "bottom",            s = p.top + o + r) : (y = "middle",            s = Math.max((j - l) / 2 + b.pageYOffset, 0),            t = Math.max((i - k) / 2 + b.pageXOffset, 0)),            "top" === y || "bottom" === y ? (t = n / 2 + p.left - k / 2,            u = t,            x > t && (t = x),            t + k > i && (t = i - k - x),            q && ("top" === y ? q.classList.add(m) : q.classList.remove(m),            u -= t,            w = k / 2 - r / 2 + u,            w = Math.max(Math.min(w, k - 2 * r - 6), 6),            q.setAttribute("style", "left:" + w + "px"))) : "middle" === y && q.setAttribute("style", "display:none"),            v(d, "block", s, t)        }    };    a.createMask = function(b) {        var d = c.createElement("div");        d.classList.add(h),        d.addEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, a.preventDefault),        d.addEventListener("tap", function() {            e.close()        });        var e = [d];        return e._show = !1,        e.show = function() {            return e._show = !0,            d.setAttribute("style", "opacity:1"),            c.body.appendChild(d),            e        }        ,        e._remove = function() {            return e._show && (e._show = !1,            d.setAttribute("style", "opacity:0"),            a.later(function() {                var a = c.body;                d.parentNode === a && a.removeChild(d)            }, 350)),            e        }        ,        e.close = function() {            b ? b() !== !1 && e._remove() : e._remove()        }        ,        e    }    ,    a.fn.popover = function() {        var b = arguments;        this.each(function() {            a.targets._popover = this,            ("show" === b[0] || "hide" === b[0] || "toggle" === b[0]) && u(this, b[1], b[0])        })    }}(mui, window, document, "popover"),function(a, b, c, d, e) {    var f = "mui-control-item"      , g = "mui-segmented-control"      , h = "mui-segmented-control-vertical"      , i = "mui-control-content"      , j = "mui-bar-tab"      , k = "mui-tab-item"      , l = function(a, b) {        return b.classList && (b.classList.contains(f) || b.classList.contains(k)) ? (b.parentNode && b.parentNode.classList && b.parentNode.classList.contains(h) || a.preventDefault(),        b) : !1    };    a.registerTarget({        name: d,        index: 80,        handle: l,        target: !1    }),    b.addEventListener("tap", function(b) {        var e = a.targets.tab;        if (e) {            for (var h, l, m, n = "mui-active", o = "." + n, p = e.parentNode; p && p !== c; p = p.parentNode) {                if (p.classList.contains(g)) {                    h = p.querySelector(o + "." + f);                    break                }                p.classList.contains(j) && (h = p.querySelector(o + "." + k))            }            h && h.classList.remove(n);            var q = e === h;            if (e && e.classList.add(n),            e.hash && (m = c.getElementById(e.hash.replace("#", "")))) {                if (!m.classList.contains(i))                    return void e.classList[q ? "remove" : "add"](n);                if (!q) {                    var r = m.parentNode;                    l = r.querySelectorAll("." + i + o);                    for (var s = 0; s < l.length; s++) {                        var t = l[s];                        t.parentNode === r && t.classList.remove(n)                    }                    m.classList.add(n);                    for (var u = [], v = r.querySelectorAll("." + i), s = 0; s < v.length; s++)                        v[s].parentNode === r && u.push(v[s]);                    a.trigger(m, a.eventName("shown", d), {                        tabNumber: Array.prototype.indexOf.call(u, m)                    }),                    b.detail && b.detail.gesture.preventDefault()                }            }        }    })}(mui, window, document, "tab"),function(a, b, c) {    var d = "mui-switch"      , e = "mui-switch-handle"      , f = "mui-active"      , g = "mui-dragging"      , h = "mui-disabled"      , i = "." + e      , j = function(a, b) {        return b.classList && b.classList.contains(d) ? b : !1    };    a.registerTarget({        name: c,        index: 100,        handle: j,        target: !1    });    var k = function(a) {        this.element = a,        this.classList = this.element.classList,        this.handle = this.element.querySelector(i),        this.init(),        this.initEvent()    };    k.prototype.init = function() {        this.toggleWidth = this.element.offsetWidth,        this.handleWidth = this.handle.offsetWidth,        this.handleX = this.toggleWidth - this.handleWidth - 3    }    ,    k.prototype.initEvent = function() {        this.element.addEventListener(a.EVENT_START, this),        this.element.addEventListener("drag", this),        this.element.addEventListener("swiperight", this),        this.element.addEventListener(a.EVENT_END, this),        this.element.addEventListener(a.EVENT_CANCEL, this)    }    ,    k.prototype.handleEvent = function(b) {        if (!this.classList.contains(h))            switch (b.type) {            case a.EVENT_START:                this.start(b);                break;            case "drag":                this.drag(b);                break;            case "swiperight":                this.swiperight();                break;            case a.EVENT_END:            case a.EVENT_CANCEL:                this.end(b)            }    }    ,    k.prototype.start = function(a) {        this.handle.style.webkitTransitionDuration = this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = ".2s",        this.classList.add(g),        (0 === this.toggleWidth || 0 === this.handleWidth) && this.init()    }    ,    k.prototype.drag = function(a) {        var b = a.detail;        this.isDragging || ("left" === b.direction || "right" === b.direction) && (this.isDragging = !0,        this.lastChanged = void 0,        this.initialState = this.classList.contains(f)),        this.isDragging && (this.setTranslateX(b.deltaX),        a.stopPropagation(),        b.gesture.preventDefault())    }    ,    k.prototype.swiperight = function(a) {        this.isDragging && a.stopPropagation()    }    ,    k.prototype.end = function(b) {        this.classList.remove(g),        this.isDragging ? (this.isDragging = !1,        b.stopPropagation(),        a.trigger(this.element, "toggle", {            isActive: this.classList.contains(f)        })) : this.toggle()    }    ,    k.prototype.toggle = function(b) {        var c = this.classList;        b === !1 ? this.handle.style.webkitTransitionDuration = this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = "0s" : this.handle.style.webkitTransitionDuration = this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = ".2s",        c.contains(f) ? (c.remove(f),        this.handle.style.webkitTransform = "translate(0,0)") : (c.add(f),        this.handle.style.webkitTransform = "translate(" + this.handleX + "px,0)"),        a.trigger(this.element, "toggle", {            isActive: this.classList.contains(f)        })    }    ,    k.prototype.setTranslateX = a.animationFrame(function(a) {        if (this.isDragging) {            var b = !1;            (this.initialState && -a > this.handleX / 2 || !this.initialState && a > this.handleX / 2) && (b = !0),            this.lastChanged !== b && (b ? (this.handle.style.webkitTransform = "translate(" + (this.initialState ? 0 : this.handleX) + "px,0)",            this.classList[this.initialState ? "remove" : "add"](f)) : (this.handle.style.webkitTransform = "translate(" + (this.initialState ? this.handleX : 0) + "px,0)",            this.classList[this.initialState ? "add" : "remove"](f)),            this.lastChanged = b)        }    }),    a.fn["switch"] = function(b) {        var c = [];        return this.each(function() {            var b = null              , d = this.getAttribute("data-switch");            d ? b = a.data[d] : (d = ++a.uuid,            a.data[d] = new k(this),            this.setAttribute("data-switch", d)),            c.push(b)        }),        c.length > 1 ? c : c[0]    }    ,    a.ready(function() {        a("." + d)["switch"]()    })}(mui, window, "toggle"),function(a, b, c) {    function d(a, b) {        var c = b ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener";        a[c]("drag", F),        a[c]("dragend", F),        a[c]("swiperight", F),        a[c]("swipeleft", F),        a[c]("flick", F)    }    var e, f, g = "mui-active", h = "mui-selected", i = "mui-grid-view", j = "mui-table-view-radio", k = "mui-table-view-cell", l = "mui-collapse-content", m = "mui-disabled", n = "mui-switch", o = "mui-btn", p = "mui-slider-handle", q = "mui-slider-left", r = "mui-slider-right", s = "mui-transitioning", t = "." + p, u = "." + q, v = "." + r, w = "." + h, x = "." + o, y = .8, z = isOpened = openedActions = progress = !1, A = sliderActionLeft = sliderActionRight = buttonsLeft = buttonsRight = sliderDirection = sliderRequestAnimationFrame = !1, B = translateX = lastTranslateX = sliderActionLeftWidth = sliderActionRightWidth = 0, C = function(a) {        a ? f ? f.classList.add(g) : e && e.classList.add(g) : (B && B.cancel(),        f ? f.classList.remove(g) : e && e.classList.remove(g))    }, D = function() {        if (translateX !== lastTranslateX) {            if (buttonsRight && buttonsRight.length > 0) {                progress = translateX / sliderActionRightWidth,                translateX < -sliderActionRightWidth && (translateX = -sliderActionRightWidth - Math.pow(-translateX - sliderActionRightWidth, y));                for (var a = 0, b = buttonsRight.length; b > a; a++) {                    var c = buttonsRight[a];                    "undefined" == typeof c._buttonOffset && (c._buttonOffset = c.offsetLeft),                    buttonOffset = c._buttonOffset,                    E(c, translateX - buttonOffset * (1 + Math.max(progress, -1)))                }            }            if (buttonsLeft && buttonsLeft.length > 0) {                progress = translateX / sliderActionLeftWidth,                translateX > sliderActionLeftWidth && (translateX = sliderActionLeftWidth + Math.pow(translateX - sliderActionLeftWidth, y));                for (var a = 0, b = buttonsLeft.length; b > a; a++) {                    var d = buttonsLeft[a];                    "undefined" == typeof d._buttonOffset && (d._buttonOffset = sliderActionLeftWidth - d.offsetLeft - d.offsetWidth),                    buttonOffset = d._buttonOffset,                    buttonsLeft.length > 1 && (d.style.zIndex = buttonsLeft.length - a),                    E(d, translateX + buttonOffset * (1 - Math.min(progress, 1)))                }            }            E(A, translateX),            lastTranslateX = translateX        }        sliderRequestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(function() {            D()        })    }, E = function(a, b) {        a && (a.style.webkitTransform = "translate(" + b + "px,0)")    };    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_START, function(b) {        e && C(!1),        e = f = !1,        z = isOpened = openedActions = !1;        for (var g = b.target, h = !1; g && g !== c; g = g.parentNode)            if (g.classList) {                var p = g.classList;                if (("INPUT" === g.tagName && "radio" !== g.type && "checkbox" !== g.type || "BUTTON" === g.tagName || p.contains(n) || p.contains(o) || p.contains(m)) && (h = !0),                p.contains(l))                    break;                if (p.contains(k)) {                    e = g;                    var q = e.parentNode.querySelector(w);                    if (!e.parentNode.classList.contains(j) && q && q !== e)                        return a.swipeoutClose(q),                        void (e = h = !1);                    if (!e.parentNode.classList.contains(i)) {                        var r = e.querySelector("a");                        r && r.parentNode === e && (f = r)                    }                    var s = e.querySelector(t);                    s && (d(e),                    b.stopPropagation()),                    h || (s ? (B && B.cancel(),                    B = a.later(function() {                        C(!0)                    }, 100)) : C(!0));                    break                }            }    }),    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, function(a) {        C(!1)    });    var F = {        handleEvent: function(a) {            switch (a.type) {            case "drag":                this.drag(a);                break;            case "dragend":                this.dragend(a);                break;            case "flick":                this.flick(a);                break;            case "swiperight":                this.swiperight(a);                break;            case "swipeleft":                this.swipeleft(a)            }        },        drag: function(a) {            if (e) {                z || (A = sliderActionLeft = sliderActionRight = buttonsLeft = buttonsRight = sliderDirection = sliderRequestAnimationFrame = !1,                A = e.querySelector(t),                A && (sliderActionLeft = e.querySelector(u),                sliderActionRight = e.querySelector(v),                sliderActionLeft && (sliderActionLeftWidth = sliderActionLeft.offsetWidth,                buttonsLeft = sliderActionLeft.querySelectorAll(x)),                sliderActionRight && (sliderActionRightWidth = sliderActionRight.offsetWidth,                buttonsRight = sliderActionRight.querySelectorAll(x)),                e.classList.remove(s),                isOpened = e.classList.contains(h),                isOpened && (openedActions = e.querySelector(u + w) ? "left" : "right")));                var b = a.detail                  , c = b.direction                  , d = b.angle;                if ("left" === c && (d > 150 || -150 > d) ? (buttonsRight || buttonsLeft && isOpened) && (z = !0) : "right" === c && d > -30 && 30 > d && (buttonsLeft || buttonsRight && isOpened) && (z = !0),                z) {                    a.stopPropagation(),                    a.detail.gesture.preventDefault();                    var f = a.detail.deltaX;                    if (isOpened && ("right" === openedActions ? f -= sliderActionRightWidth : f += sliderActionLeftWidth),                    f > 0 && !buttonsLeft || 0 > f && !buttonsRight) {                        if (!isOpened)                            return;                        f = 0                    }                    0 > f ? sliderDirection = "toLeft" : f > 0 ? sliderDirection = "toRight" : sliderDirection || (sliderDirection = "toLeft"),                    sliderRequestAnimationFrame || D(),                    translateX = f                }            }        },        flick: function(a) {            z && a.stopPropagation()        },        swipeleft: function(a) {            z && a.stopPropagation()        },        swiperight: function(a) {            z && a.stopPropagation()        },        dragend: function(b) {            if (z) {                b.stopPropagation(),                sliderRequestAnimationFrame && (cancelAnimationFrame(sliderRequestAnimationFrame),                sliderRequestAnimationFrame = null );                var c = b.detail;                z = !1;                var d = "close"                  , f = "toLeft" === sliderDirection ? sliderActionRightWidth : sliderActionLeftWidth                  , g = c.swipe || Math.abs(translateX) > f / 2;                g && (isOpened ? "left" === c.direction && "right" === openedActions ? d = "open" : "right" === c.direction && "left" === openedActions && (d = "open") : d = "open"),                e.classList.add(s);                var i;                if ("open" === d) {                    var j = "toLeft" === sliderDirection ? -f : f;                    if (E(A, j),                    i = "toLeft" === sliderDirection ? buttonsRight : buttonsLeft,                    "undefined" != typeof i) {                        for (var k = null , l = 0; l < i.length; l++)                            k = i[l],                            E(k, j);                        k.parentNode.classList.add(h),                        e.classList.add(h),                        isOpened || a.trigger(e, "toLeft" === sliderDirection ? "slideleft" : "slideright")                    }                } else                    E(A, 0),                    sliderActionLeft && sliderActionLeft.classList.remove(h),                    sliderActionRight && sliderActionRight.classList.remove(h),                    e.classList.remove(h);                var m;                if (buttonsLeft && buttonsLeft.length > 0 && buttonsLeft !== i)                    for (var l = 0, n = buttonsLeft.length; n > l; l++) {                        var o = buttonsLeft[l];                        m = o._buttonOffset,                        "undefined" == typeof m && (o._buttonOffset = sliderActionLeftWidth - o.offsetLeft - o.offsetWidth),                        E(o, m)                    }                if (buttonsRight && buttonsRight.length > 0 && buttonsRight !== i)                    for (var l = 0, n = buttonsRight.length; n > l; l++) {                        var p = buttonsRight[l];                        m = p._buttonOffset,                        "undefined" == typeof m && (p._buttonOffset = p.offsetLeft),                        E(p, -m)                    }            }        }    };    a.swipeoutOpen = function(b, c) {        if (b) {            var d = b.classList;            if (!d.contains(h)) {                c || (c = b.querySelector(v) ? "right" : "left");                var e = b.querySelector(a.classSelector(".slider-" + c));                if (e) {                    e.classList.add(h),                    d.add(h),                    d.remove(s);                    for (var f, g = e.querySelectorAll(x), i = e.offsetWidth, j = "right" === c ? -i : i, k = g.length, l = 0; k > l; l++)                        f = g[l],                        "right" === c ? E(f, -f.offsetLeft) : E(f, i - f.offsetWidth - f.offsetLeft);                    d.add(s);                    for (var l = 0; k > l; l++)                        E(g[l], j);                    E(b.querySelector(t), j)                }            }        }    }    ,    a.swipeoutClose = function(b) {        if (b) {            var c = b.classList;            if (c.contains(h)) {                var d = b.querySelector(v + w) ? "right" : "left"                  , e = b.querySelector(a.classSelector(".slider-" + d));                if (e) {                    e.classList.remove(h),                    c.remove(h),                    c.add(s);                    var f, g = e.querySelectorAll(x), i = e.offsetWidth, j = g.length;                    E(b.querySelector(t), 0);                    for (var k = 0; j > k; k++)                        f = g[k],                        "right" === d ? E(f, -f.offsetLeft) : E(f, i - f.offsetWidth - f.offsetLeft)                }            }        }    }    ,    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_END, function(a) {        e && (C(!1),        A && d(e, !0))    }),    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_CANCEL, function(a) {        e && (C(!1),        A && d(e, !0))    });    var G = function(b) {        var c = b.target && b.target.type || "";        if ("radio" !== c && "checkbox" !== c) {            var d = e.classList;            if (d.contains("mui-radio")) {                var f = e.querySelector("input[type=radio]");                f && (f.disabled || f.readOnly || (f.checked = !f.checked,                a.trigger(f, "change")))            } else if (d.contains("mui-checkbox")) {                var f = e.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]");                f && (f.disabled || f.readOnly || (f.checked = !f.checked,                a.trigger(f, "change")))            }        }    };    b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_CLICK, function(a) {        e && e.classList.contains("mui-collapse") && a.preventDefault()    }),    b.addEventListener("doubletap", function(a) {        e && G(a)    });    var H = /^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON|SELECT)$/;    b.addEventListener("tap", function(b) {        if (e) {            var c = !1              , d = e.classList              , f = e.parentNode;            if (f && f.classList.contains(j)) {                if (d.contains(h))                    return;                var i = f.querySelector("li" + w);                return i && i.classList.remove(h),                d.add(h),                void a.trigger(e, "selected", {                    el: e                })            }            if (d.contains("mui-collapse") && !e.parentNode.classList.contains("mui-unfold")) {                if (H.test(b.target.tagName) || b.detail.gesture.preventDefault(),                !d.contains(g)) {                    var k = e.parentNode.querySelector(".mui-collapse.mui-active");                    k && k.classList.remove(g),                    c = !0                }                d.toggle(g),                c && a.trigger(e, "expand")            } else                G(b)        }    })}(mui, window, document),function(a, b) {    a.alert = function(c, d, e, f) {        if (a.os.plus) {            if ("undefined" == typeof c)                return;            "function" == typeof d ? (f = d,            d = null ,            e = "纭畾") : "function" == typeof e && (f = e,            e = null ),            a.plusReady(function() {                plus.nativeUI.alert(c, f, d, e)            })        } else            b.alert(c)    }}(mui, window),function(a, b) {    a.confirm = function(c, d, e, f) {        if (a.os.plus) {            if ("undefined" == typeof c)                return;            "function" == typeof d ? (f = d,            d = null ,            e = null ) : "function" == typeof e && (f = e,            e = null ),            a.plusReady(function() {                plus.nativeUI.confirm(c, f, d, e)            })        } else            f(b.confirm(c) ? {                index: 0            } : {                index: 1            })    }}(mui, window),function(a, b) {    a.prompt = function(c, d, e, f, g) {        if (a.os.plus) {            if ("undefined" == typeof message)                return;            "function" == typeof d ? (g = d,            d = null ,            e = null ,            f = null ) : "function" == typeof e ? (g = e,            e = null ,            f = null ) : "function" == typeof f && (g = f,            f = null ),            a.plusReady(function() {                plus.nativeUI.prompt(c, g, e, d, f)            })        } else {            var h = b.prompt(c);            g(h ? {                index: 0,                value: h            } : {                index: 1,                value: ""            })        }    }}(mui, window),function(a, b) {    var c = "mui-active";    a.toast = function(b) {        if (a.os.plus)            a.plusReady(function() {                plus.nativeUI.toast(b, {                    verticalAlign: "bottom"                })            });        else {            var d = document.createElement("div");            d.classList.add("mui-toast-container"),            d.innerHTML = '<div class="mui-toast-message">' + b + "</div>",            d.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", function() {                d.classList.contains(c) || d.parentNode.removeChild(d)            }),            document.body.appendChild(d),            d.offsetHeight,            d.classList.add(c),            setTimeout(function() {                d.classList.remove(c)            }, 2e3)        }    }}(mui, window),function(a, b, c) {    var d = "mui-popup"      , e = "mui-popup-backdrop"      , f = "mui-popup-in"      , g = "mui-popup-out"      , h = "mui-popup-inner"      , i = "mui-popup-title"      , j = "mui-popup-text"      , k = "mui-popup-input"      , l = "mui-popup-buttons"      , m = "mui-popup-button"      , n = "mui-popup-button-bold"      , e = "mui-popup-backdrop"      , o = "mui-active"      , p = []      , q = function() {        var b = c.createElement("div");        return b.classList.add(e),        b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, a.preventDefault),        b.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", function() {            this.classList.contains(o) || b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b)        }),        b    }()      , r = function(a) {        return '<div class="' + k + '"><input type="text" autofocus placeholder="' + (a || "") + '"/></div>'    }      , s = function(a, b, c) {        return '<div class="' + h + '"><div class="' + i + '">' + b + '</div><div class="' + j + '">' + a.replace(/\r\n/g, "<br/>").replace(/\n/g, "<br/>") + "</div>" + (c || "") + "</div>"    }      , t = function(a) {        for (var b = a.length, c = [], d = 0; b > d; d++)            c.push('<span class="' + m + (d === b - 1 ? " " + n : "") + '">' + a[d] + "</span>");        return '<div class="' + l + '">' + c.join("") + "</div>"    }      , u = function(b, e) {        var h = c.createElement("div");        h.className = d,        h.innerHTML = b;        var i = function() {            h.parentNode && h.parentNode.removeChild(h),            h = null        };        h.addEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, a.preventDefault),        h.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", function(a) {            h && a.target === h && h.classList.contains(g) && i()        }),        h.style.display = "block",        c.body.appendChild(h),        h.offsetHeight,        h.classList.add(f),        q.classList.contains(o) || (q.style.display = "block",        c.body.appendChild(q),        q.offsetHeight,        q.classList.add(o));        var j = a.qsa("." + m, h)          , l = h.querySelector("." + k + " input")          , n = {            element: h,            close: function(a, b) {                h && (e && e({                    index: a || 0,                    value: l && l.value || ""                }),                b !== !1 ? (h.classList.remove(f),                h.classList.add(g)) : i(),                p.pop(),                p.length ? p[p.length - 1].show(b) : q.classList.remove(o))            }        }          , r = function(a) {            n.close(j.indexOf(a.target))        };        return a(h).on("tap", "." + m, r),        p.length && p[p.length - 1].hide(),        p.push({            close: n.close,            show: function(a) {                h.style.display = "block",                h.offsetHeight,                h.classList.add(f)            },            hide: function() {                h.style.display = "none",                h.classList.remove(f)            }        }),        n    }      , v = function(b, c, d, e, f) {        return "undefined" != typeof b ? ("function" == typeof c ? (e = c,        f = d,        c = null ,        d = null ) : "function" == typeof d && (f = e,        e = d,        d = null ),        a.os.plus && "div" !== f ? plus.nativeUI.alert(b, e, c || "鎻愮ず", d || "纭畾") : u(s(b, c || "鎻愮ず") + t([d || "纭畾"]), e)) : void 0    }      , w = function(b, c, d, e, f) {        return "undefined" != typeof b ? ("function" == typeof c ? (e = c,        f = d,        c = null ,        d = null ) : "function" == typeof d && (f = e,        e = d,        d = null ),        a.os.plus && "div" !== f ? plus.nativeUI.confirm(b, e, c, d || ["鍙栨秷", "纭"]) : u(s(b, c || "鎻愮ず") + t(d || ["鍙栨秷", "纭"]), e)) : void 0    }      , x = function(b, c, d, e, f, g) {        return "undefined" != typeof b ? ("function" == typeof c ? (f = c,        g = d,        c = null ,        d = null ,        e = null ) : "function" == typeof d ? (f = d,        g = e,        d = null ,        e = null ) : "function" == typeof e && (g = f,        f = e,        e = null ),        a.os.plus && "div" !== g ? plus.nativeUI.prompt(b, f, d || "鎻愮ず", c, e || ["鍙栨秷", "纭"]) : u(s(b, d || "鎻愮ず", r(c)) + t(e || ["鍙栨秷", "纭"]), f)) : void 0    }      , y = function() {        return p.length ? (p[p.length - 1].close(),        !0) : !1    }      , z = function() {        for (; p.length; )            p[p.length - 1].close()    };    a.closePopup = y,    a.closePopups = z,    a.alert = v,    a.confirm = w,    a.prompt = x}(mui, window, document),function(a, b) {    var c = "mui-progressbar"      , d = "mui-progressbar-in"      , e = "mui-progressbar-out"      , f = "mui-progressbar-infinite"      , g = ".mui-progressbar"      , h = function(b) {        if (b = a(b || "body"),        0 !== b.length) {            if (b = b[0],            b.classList.contains(c))                return b;            var d = b.querySelectorAll(g);            if (d)                for (var e = 0, f = d.length; f > e; e++) {                    var h = d[e];                    if (h.parentNode === b)                        return h                }        }    }      , i = function(h, i, j) {        if ("number" == typeof h && (j = i,        i = h,        h = "body"),        h = a(h || "body"),        0 !== h.length) {            h = h[0];            var l;            if (h.classList.contains(c))                l = h;            else {                var m = h.querySelectorAll(g + ":not(." + e + ")");                if (m)                    for (var n = 0, o = m.length; o > n; n++) {                        var p = m[n];                        if (p.parentNode === h) {                            l = p;                            break                        }                    }                l ? l.classList.add(d) : (l = b.createElement("span"),                l.className = c + " " + d + ("undefined" != typeof i ? "" : " " + f) + (j ? " " + c + "-" + j : ""),                "undefined" != typeof i && (l.innerHTML = "<span></span>"),                h.appendChild(l))            }            return i && k(h, i),            l        }    }      , j = function(a) {        var b = h(a);        if (b) {            var c = b.classList;            c.contains(d) && !c.contains(e) && (c.remove(d),            c.add(e),            b.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", function() {                b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b),                b = null            }))        }    }      , k = function(a, b, c) {        "number" == typeof a && (c = b,        b = a,        a = !1);        var d = h(a);        if (d && !d.classList.contains(f)) {            b && (b = Math.min(Math.max(b, 0), 100)),            d.offsetHeight;            var e = d.querySelector("span");            if (e) {                var g = e.style;                g.webkitTransform = "translate3d(" + (-100 + b) + "%,0,0)",                "undefined" != typeof c ? g.webkitTransitionDuration = c + "ms" : g.webkitTransitionDuration = ""            }            return d        }    };    a.fn.progressbar = function(a) {        var b = [];        return a = a || {},        this.each(function() {            var c = this              , d = c.mui_plugin_progressbar;            d ? a && d.setOptions(a) : c.mui_plugin_progressbar = d = {                options: a,                setOptions: function(a) {                    this.options = a                },                show: function() {                    return i(c, this.options.progress, this.options.color)                },                setProgress: function(a) {                    return k(c, a)                },                hide: function() {                    return j(c)                }            },            b.push(d)        }),        1 === b.length ? b[0] : b    }}(mui, document),function(a, b, c) {    var d = "mui-icon"      , e = "mui-icon-clear"      , f = "mui-icon-speech"      , g = "mui-icon-search"      , h = "mui-icon-eye"      , i = "mui-input-row"      , j = "mui-placeholder"      , k = "mui-tooltip"      , l = "mui-hidden"      , m = "mui-focusin"      , n = "." + e      , o = "." + f      , p = "." + h      , q = "." + j      , r = "." + k      , s = function(a) {        for (; a && a !== c; a = a.parentNode)            if (a.classList && a.classList.contains(i))                return a;        return null    }      , t = function(a, b) {        this.element = a,        this.options = b || {            actions: "clear"        },        ~this.options.actions.indexOf("slider") ? (this.sliderActionClass = k + " " + l,        this.sliderActionSelector = r) : (~this.options.actions.indexOf("clear") && (this.clearActionClass = d + " " + e + " " + l,        this.clearActionSelector = n),        ~this.options.actions.indexOf("speech") && (this.speechActionClass = d + " " + f,        this.speechActionSelector = o),        ~this.options.actions.indexOf("search") && (this.searchActionClass = j,        this.searchActionSelector = q),        ~this.options.actions.indexOf("password") && (this.passwordActionClass = d + " " + h,        this.passwordActionSelector = p)),        this.init()    };    t.prototype.init = function() {        this.initAction(),        this.initElementEvent()    }    ,    t.prototype.initAction = function() {        var b = this          , c = b.element.parentNode;        c && (b.sliderActionClass ? b.sliderAction = b.createAction(c, b.sliderActionClass, b.sliderActionSelector) : (b.searchActionClass && (b.searchAction = b.createAction(c, b.searchActionClass, b.searchActionSelector),        b.searchAction.addEventListener("tap", function(c) {            a.focus(b.element),            c.stopPropagation()        })),        b.speechActionClass && (b.speechAction = b.createAction(c, b.speechActionClass, b.speechActionSelector),        b.speechAction.addEventListener("click", a.stopPropagation),        b.speechAction.addEventListener("tap", function(a) {            b.speechActionClick(a)        })),        b.clearActionClass && (b.clearAction = b.createAction(c, b.clearActionClass, b.clearActionSelector),        b.clearAction.addEventListener("tap", function(a) {            b.clearActionClick(a)        })),        b.passwordActionClass && (b.passwordAction = b.createAction(c, b.passwordActionClass, b.passwordActionSelector),        b.passwordAction.addEventListener("tap", function(a) {            b.passwordActionClick(a)        }))))    }    ,    t.prototype.createAction = function(a, b, e) {        var f = a.querySelector(e);        if (!f) {            var f = c.createElement("span");            f.className = b,            b === this.searchActionClass && (f.innerHTML = '<span class="' + d + " " + g + '"></span><span>' + this.element.getAttribute("placeholder") + "</span>",            this.element.setAttribute("placeholder", ""),            this.element.value.trim() && a.classList.add("mui-active")),            a.insertBefore(f, this.element.nextSibling)        }        return f    }    ,    t.prototype.initElementEvent = function() {        var b = this.element;        if (this.sliderActionClass) {            var c = this.sliderAction              , d = null              , e = function() {                c.classList.remove(l);                var a = b.offsetLeft                  , e = b.offsetWidth - 28                  , f = c.offsetWidth                  , g = Math.abs(b.max - b.min)                  , h = e / g * Math.abs(b.value - b.min);                c.style.left = 14 + a + h - f / 2 + "px",                c.innerText = b.value,                d && clearTimeout(d),                d = setTimeout(function() {                    c.classList.add(l)                }, 1e3)            };            b.addEventListener("input", e),            b.addEventListener("tap", e),            b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, function(a) {                a.stopPropagation()            })        } else {            if (this.clearActionClass) {                var f = this.clearAction;                if (!f)                    return;                a.each(["keyup", "change", "input", "focus", "cut", "paste"], function(a, c) {                    !function(a) {                        b.addEventListener(a, function() {                            f.classList[b.value.trim() ? "remove" : "add"](l)                        })                    }(c)                }),                b.addEventListener("blur", function() {                    f.classList.add(l)                })            }            this.searchActionClass && (b.addEventListener("focus", function() {                b.parentNode.classList.add("mui-active")            }),            b.addEventListener("blur", function() {                b.value.trim() || b.parentNode.classList.remove("mui-active")            }))        }    }    ,    t.prototype.setPlaceholder = function(a) {        if (this.searchActionClass) {            var b = this.element.parentNode.querySelector(q);            b && (b.getElementsByTagName("span")[1].innerText = a)        } else            this.element.setAttribute("placeholder", a)    }    ,    t.prototype.passwordActionClick = function(a) {        "text" === this.element.type ? this.element.type = "password" : this.element.type = "text",        this.passwordAction.classList.toggle("mui-active"),        a.preventDefault()    }    ,    t.prototype.clearActionClick = function(b) {        var c = this;        c.element.value = "",        a.focus(c.element),        c.clearAction.classList.add(l),        b.preventDefault()    }    ,    t.prototype.speechActionClick = function(d) {        if (b.plus) {            var e = this              , f = e.element.value;            e.element.value = "",            c.body.classList.add(m),            plus.speech.startRecognize({                engine: "iFly"            }, function(b) {                e.element.value += b,                a.focus(e.element),                plus.speech.stopRecognize(),                a.trigger(e.element, "recognized", {                    value: e.element.value                }),                f !== e.element.value && (a.trigger(e.element, "change"),                a.trigger(e.element, "input"))            }, function(a) {                c.body.classList.remove(m)            })        } else            alert("only for 5+");        d.preventDefault()    }    ,    a.fn.input = function(b) {        var c = [];        return this.each(function() {            var b = null              , d = []              , e = s(this.parentNode);            if ("range" === this.type && e.classList.contains("mui-input-range"))                d.push("slider");            else {                var f = this.classList;                f.contains("mui-input-clear") && d.push("clear"),                a.os.android && a.os.stream || !f.contains("mui-input-speech") || d.push("speech"),                f.contains("mui-input-password") && d.push("password"),                "search" === this.type && e.classList.contains("mui-search") && d.push("search")            }            var g = this.getAttribute("data-input-" + d[0]);            if (g)                b = a.data[g];            else {                g = ++a.uuid,                b = a.data[g] = new t(this,{                    actions: d.join(",")                });                for (var h = 0, i = d.length; i > h; h++)                    this.setAttribute("data-input-" + d[h], g)            }            c.push(b)        }),        1 === c.length ? c[0] : c    }    ,    a.ready(function() {        a(".mui-input-row input").input()    })}(mui, window, document),function(a, b) {    var c = /^rgba\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/      , d = function(a) {        var b = a.match(c);        return b && 5 === b.length ? [b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4]] : []    }      , e = function(b, c) {        this.element = b,        this.options = a.extend({            top: 0,            offset: 150,            duration: 16        }, c || {}),        this._style = this.element.style,        this._bgColor = this._style.backgroundColor;        var e = d(mui.getStyles(this.element, "backgroundColor"));        if (!e.length)            throw new Error("鍏冪礌鑳屾櫙棰滆壊蹇呴』涓篟GBA");        this._R = e[0],        this._G = e[1],        this._B = e[2],        this._A = e[3],        this._bufferFn = a.buffer(this.handleScroll, this.options.duration, this),        this.initEvent()    };    e.prototype.initEvent = function() {        b.addEventListener("scroll", this._bufferFn),        b.addEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, this._bufferFn)    }    ,    e.prototype.handleScroll = function() {        this._style.backgroundColor = "rgba(" + this._R + "," + this._G + "," + this._B + "," + (b.scrollY - this.options.top) / this.options.offset + ")"    }    ,    e.prototype.destory = function() {        b.removeEventListener("scroll", this._bufferFn),        b.removeEventListener(a.EVENT_MOVE, this._bufferFn),        this.element.style.backgroundColor = this._bgColor,        this.element.mui_plugin_transparent = null    }    ,    a.fn.transparent = function(a) {        a = a || {};        var b = [];        return this.each(function() {            var c = this.mui_plugin_transparent;            if (!c) {                var d = this.getAttribute("data-top")                  , f = this.getAttribute("data-offset")                  , g = this.getAttribute("data-duration");                null !== d && "undefined" == typeof a.top && (a.top = d),                null !== f && "undefined" == typeof a.offset && (a.offset = f),                null !== g && "undefined" == typeof a.duration && (a.duration = g),                c = this.mui_plugin_transparent = new e(this,a)            }            b.push(c)        }),        1 === b.length ? b[0] : b    }    ,    a.ready(function() {        a(".mui-bar-transparent").transparent()    })}(mui, window),function(a) {    var b = "ontouchstart"in document      , c = b ? "tap" : "click"      , d = "change"      , e = "mui-numbox"      , f = ".mui-btn-numbox-plus,.mui-numbox-btn-plus"      , g = ".mui-btn-numbox-minus,.mui-numbox-btn-minus"      , h = ".mui-input-numbox,.mui-numbox-input"      , i = a.Numbox = a.Class.extend({        init: function(b, c) {            var d = this;            if (!b)                throw "鏋勯€  numbox 鏃剁己灏戝鍣ㄥ厓绱 ";            d.holder = b,            c = c || {},            c.step = parseInt(c.step || 1),            d.options = c,            d.input = a.qsa(h, d.holder)[0],            d.plus = a.qsa(f, d.holder)[0],            d.minus = a.qsa(g, d.holder)[0],            d.checkValue(),            d.initEvent()        },        initEvent: function() {            var b = this;            b.plus.addEventListener(c, function(c) {                var e = parseInt(b.input.value) + b.options.step;                b.input.value = e.toString(),                a.trigger(b.input, d, null )            }),            b.minus.addEventListener(c, function(c) {                var e = parseInt(b.input.value) - b.options.step;                b.input.value = e.toString(),                a.trigger(b.input, d, null )            }),            b.input.addEventListener(d, function(c) {                b.checkValue();                var e = parseInt(b.input.value);                a.trigger(b.holder, d, {                    value: e                })            })        },        getValue: function() {            var a = this;            return parseInt(a.input.value)        },        checkValue: function() {            var a = this              , b = a.input.value;            if (null == b || "" == b || isNaN(b))                a.input.value = a.options.min || 0,                a.minus.disabled = null != a.options.min;            else {                var b = parseInt(b);                null != a.options.max && !isNaN(a.options.max) && b >= parseInt(a.options.max) ? (b = a.options.max,                a.plus.disabled = !0) : a.plus.disabled = !1,                null != a.options.min && !isNaN(a.options.min) && b <= parseInt(a.options.min) ? (b = a.options.min,                a.minus.disabled = !0) : a.minus.disabled = !1,                a.input.value = b            }        },        setOption: function(a, b) {            var c = this;            c.options[a] = b        }    });    a.fn.numbox = function(a) {        return this.each(function(a, b) {            if (!b.numbox)                if (d)                    b.numbox = new i(b,d);                else {                    var c = b.getAttribute("data-numbox-options")                      , d = c ? JSON.parse(c) : {};                    d.step = b.getAttribute("data-numbox-step") || d.step,                    d.min = b.getAttribute("data-numbox-min") || d.min,                    d.max = b.getAttribute("data-numbox-max") || d.max,                    b.numbox = new i(b,d)                }        }),        this[0] ? this[0].numbox : null    }    ,    a.ready(function() {        a("." + e).numbox()    })}(mui);
