网络模型--Densely Connected Convolutional Networks

来源:互联网 发布:自学 java c python 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:48

Densely Connected Convolutional Networks CVPR2017 best paper

本文受到 ResNet and Highway Networks 的启发: bypass signal from one layer to the next via identity connections,这里主要是多加了几个 identity connections,发现这么干效果很好。

首先看看 一个 5层 的Dense Block 是怎么Densely Connected

上面5层的模块有多少连接了? 5*(5+1)/2=15


  1. DenseNets
    ResNets [11] add a skip-connection that bypasses the non-linear transformations with an identity function


Dense connectivity
where [x_0 ,x _1 ,…,x_l−1 ] refers to the concatenation of the feature-maps produced in layers 0,…,l−1

Composite function
H定义为 a composite function of three consecutive operations: batch normalization (BN) , followed by a rectified linear unit (ReLU) and a 3 × 3 convolution (Conv)

Pooling layers 可以改变特征图的尺寸,便于 concatenation

Growth rate:If each function H produces k feature-maps as output,We refer to the hyper-parameter k as the growth rate of the network


Bottleneck layers:尽管每个网络层只输出 k 个特征图,但是同时仍然有太多的输入个数,通常的做法是降维,在进行3×3卷积之前首先用一个 1×1卷积将输入个数降低到 4*k, 也就是在 H的定义中再加入一个 1×1卷积
Although each layer only produces k output feature maps, it typically has many more inputs. It has been noted in [36, 11] that a 1×1 convolution can be introduced as bottleneck layer before each 3×3 convolution to reduce the number of input feature-maps

为什么有太多的输入个数了? If each function H_l produces k feature-maps as output, it follows that the l th layer has k×(l−1)+k0 input feature-maps, where k 0 is the number of channels in the input image.

Compression :为了进一步提升模型的简洁性,我们在 transition layers里 降低特征图数量
To further improve model compactness, we can reduce the number of feature-maps at transition layers. If a dense block contains m feature-maps, we let the following transition layer generate bθmc output feature-maps, where 0 <θ ≤1 is referred to as the compression factor.

  1. Experiments
    Error rates (%) on CIFAR and SVHN datasets

    DenseNet and ResNet Top-1 (single model and single-crop) 对比:


1) Middle: DenseNet-BC requires about 1/3 of the parameters as ResNet to achieve comparable accuracy
2)Right: Training and testing curves of the 1001-layer pre-activation ResNet [12] with more than 10M parameters and a 100-layer DenseNet with only 0.8M parameters

总的来说就是简单的多加几个 shortcut ,效果就好了,计算量少了!

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