来源:互联网 发布:Affinity photo mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 18:42
1) wlan_mac.bin
2) NV#4678
3) bdwlan.bin (BDF)
4) WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini
5) Random generate from S/N
优先级:wlan_mac.bin > NV#4678 > bdwlan.bin > INI > random MAC
If MAC address is specified thru wlan_mac.bin, we'll use the same MAC addresses for wlan0~ wlan3 interfaces as wlan_mac.bin support up to 4 different custom MAC addresses.
If wlan_mac.bin is not present and MAC address is specified in modem NV#4678, we'll use the MAC address for wlan0 interface. The rest of the 3 MAC addresses will be generated randomly by changing the first and the fourth byte of MAC address which derived from wlan0.
If no valid wlan_mac.bin and no valid modem NV#4678, then MAC address specified in bdwlan.bin file is used for wlan0 interface. The rest of the 3 MAC addresses will be generated randomly by changing the first and the fourth byte of MAC address which derived from wlan0.
If no wlan_mac.bin & no NV item & no BDF MAC, we'll try to use the INI file if the wlan0 MAC address specified in INI is not default 000AF58989FF. We'll use the MAC in INI for wlan0~wlan3 interfaces as INI support up to 4 different custom MAC addresses.
If not any of above, we'll auto generate wlan0 MAC address using the device SOC serial number. The first 3 bytes will be OUI and the last 3 bytes will match the last 3 bytes of SOC serial number. The rest of the 3 MAC addresses will be generated randomly by changing the first and the fourth byte of MAC address which derived from wlan0.