C# 利用39字体生成条码

来源:互联网 发布:天刀韩莹莹捏脸数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 03:29

using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Drawing.Text; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace WSBarCode.Barcodes { /// /// Summary description for Code39. /// public class Code39 { private const int _itemSepHeight=3; SizeF _titleSize=SizeF.Empty; SizeF _barCodeSize=SizeF.Empty; SizeF _codeStringSize=SizeF.Empty; #region Barcode Title private string _titleString=null; private Font _titleFont=null; public string Title { get { return _titleString;} set { _titleString=value; } } public Font TitleFont { get { return _titleFont; } set { _titleFont=value; } } #endregion #region Barcode code string private bool _showCodeString=false; private Font _codeStringFont=null; public bool ShowCodeString { get { return _showCodeString; } set { _showCodeString=value; } } public Font CodeStringFont { get { return _codeStringFont; } set { _codeStringFont=value; } } #endregion #region Barcode Font private Font _c39Font=null; private float _c39FontSize=12; private string _c39FontFileName=null; private string _c39FontFamilyName=null; public string FontFileName { get { return _c39FontFileName; } set { _c39FontFileName=value; } } public string FontFamilyName { get { return _c39FontFamilyName; } set { _c39FontFamilyName=value; } } public float FontSize { get { return _c39FontSize; } set { _c39FontSize=value; } } private Font Code39Font { get { if (_c39Font==null) { // Load the barcode font PrivateFontCollection pfc=new PrivateFontCollection(); pfc.AddFontFile(_c39FontFileName); FontFamily family=new FontFamily(_c39FontFamilyName,pfc); _c39Font=new Font(family,_c39FontSize); } return _c39Font; } } #endregion public Code39() { _titleFont=new Font("Arial",10); _codeStringFont=new Font("Arial",10); } #region Barcode Generation public Bitmap GenerateBarcode(string barCode) { int bcodeWidth=0; int bcodeHeight=0; // Get the image container... Bitmap bcodeBitmap =CreateImageContainer(barCode, ref bcodeWidth, ref bcodeHeight); Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bcodeBitmap); // Fill the background objGraphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), new Rectangle(0,0,bcodeWidth,bcodeHeight)); int vpos=0; // Draw the title string if (_titleString!=null) { objGraphics.DrawString(_titleString, _titleFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),XCentered((int)_titleSize.Width,bcodeWidth),vpos); vpos+=(((int)_titleSize.Height)+_itemSepHeight); } // Draw the barcode objGraphics.DrawString(barCode, Code39Font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),XCentered((int)_barCodeSize.Width,bcodeWidth),vpos); // Draw the barcode string if (_showCodeString) { vpos+=(((int)_barCodeSize.Height)); objGraphics.DrawString(barCode, _codeStringFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),XCentered((int)_codeStringSize.Width,bcodeWidth),vpos); } // return the image... return bcodeBitmap; } private Bitmap CreateImageContainer(string barCode, ref int bcodeWidth, ref int bcodeHeight) { Graphics objGraphics; // Create a temporary bitmap... Bitmap tmpBitmap = new Bitmap(1,1,PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(tmpBitmap); // calculate size of the barcode items... if (_titleString!=null) { _titleSize=objGraphics.MeasureString(_titleString,_titleFont); bcodeWidth=(int)_titleSize.Width; bcodeHeight=(int)_titleSize.Height+_itemSepHeight; } _barCodeSize=objGraphics.MeasureString(barCode,Code39Font); bcodeWidth=Max(bcodeWidth,(int)_barCodeSize.Width); bcodeHeight+=(int)_barCodeSize.Height; if (_showCodeString) { _codeStringSize=objGraphics.MeasureString(barCode,_codeStringFont); bcodeWidth=Max(bcodeWidth,(int)_codeStringSize.Width); bcodeHeight+=(_itemSepHeight+(int)_codeStringSize.Height); } // dispose temporary objects... objGraphics.Dispose(); tmpBitmap.Dispose(); return (new Bitmap(bcodeWidth,bcodeHeight,PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)); } #endregion #region Auxiliary Methods private int Max(int v1, int v2) { return (v1>v2 ? v1 : v2 ); } private int XCentered(int localWidth, int globalWidth) { return ((globalWidth-localWidth)/2); } #endregion } }
