
来源:互联网 发布:php使用百度编辑器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 08:42

将下面的代码拷贝到一个单元中,创建一个包,加入这个单元后安装.使用的时候设置好背景颜色,边框颜色,图标(png格式)相对路径的文件名称.这个控件可以利用PNG图像的颜色透明特性,背景色默认透明度为50%,可以将按钮后面的内容显示出来.GDIPAPI,PSSD-364,GDIPOBJ, GDIPUTIL三个单元可用万一的博客上寻找下载地址.

unit u360StyleButton;  interface    uses    SysUtils, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls,Graphics, Messages, Windows,  GDIPAPI, GDIPOBJ, GDIPUTIL;  type  TBtn360Style = class(TButton)  private    FBkgColor: TColor; //鼠标悬停是的背景颜色    FEdgColor: TColor; //边框颜色    FCanvas: TCanvas;    FMouseEnter: Boolean;    FPngFileName: string;    procedure CNDrawItem(var Message:TWMDrawItem);message CN_DRAWITEM;    procedure SetPngFileName(const Value: string);    procedure SetBkgColor(const Value: TColor);    procedure SetEdgColor(const Value: TColor);  protected    procedure CreateParams(var Params:TCreateParams);override;    procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER;    procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;    procedure SetButtonStyle(ADefault:Boolean);override; //必须重新找个函数 否则会按默认样式绘制  public    constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent);override;      destructor Destroy;override;    published    property PngFileName: string read FPngFileName write SetPngFileName;    property BkgColor: TColor read FBkgColor write SetBkgColor;    property EdgColor: TColor read FEdgColor write SetEdgColor;  end; procedure Register;    implementation constructor TBtn360Style.Create(AOwner: TComponent);   begin     inherited Create(AOwner);  DoubleBuffered := True;     FCanvas := TCanvas.Create;  FBkgColor := clBlue;  FEdgColor := clSkyBlue;end;  destructor TBtn360Style.Destroy;   begin     FCanvas.Free;  inherited Destroy;   end;procedure TBtn360Style.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);begin     inherited CreateParams(Params);     with Params do Style := Style or BS_OWNERDRAW;   end;  procedure TBtn360Style.SetEdgColor(const Value: TColor);begin  if FEdgColor <> Value then  begin    FEdgColor := Value;    Invalidate;  end;end;procedure TBtn360Style.SetBkgColor(const Value: TColor);begin  if FBkgColor <> Value then  begin    FBkgColor := Value;    Invalidate;  end;end;procedure TBtn360Style.SetButtonStyle(ADefault: Boolean);begin  if csDesigning in ComponentState then    inherited;end;procedure TBtn360Style.SetPngFileName(const Value: string);begin  if FPngFileName <> Value then  begin    FPngFileName := Value;    Invalidate;  end;end;procedure TBtn360Style.CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage);begin  inherited;  FMouseEnter := True;  Invalidate;end;procedure TBtn360Style.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage);begin  inherited;  FMouseEnter := False;  Invalidate;end;procedure TBtn360Style.CNDrawItem(var Message: TWMDrawItem);   var     IsDown: Boolean;  ARect: TRect;  DrawItemStruct: TDrawItemStruct;  wh:TSize;  g: TGPGraphics;  pen: TGPPen;  img: TGPImage;  img2: TGPBitmap;  imgAtt: TGPImageAttributes;  i, j:Integer;const  ColorMatrix: TColorMatrix = (    (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),    (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),    (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),    (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),    (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));begin  DrawItemStruct:=Message.DrawItemStruct^;  FCanvas.Handle := DrawItemStruct.hDC;  g := TGPGraphics.Create(FCanvas.Handle);  pen := TGPPen.Create(GDIPAPI.MakeColor(128, FEdgColor and $FF, (FEdgColor shr 8) and $FF, (FEdgColor shr 16) and $FF));  img := TGPImage.Create(FPngFileName);  img2 := TGPBitmap.Create(Width, Height);  for i := 0 to img2.GetWidth do    for j := 0 to img2.GetHeight do    begin      color := GDIPAPI.MakeColor(128, FBkgColor and $FF, (FBkgColor shr 8) and $FF, (FBkgColor shr 16) and $FF);      img2.SetPixel(i, j, color);    end;  ARect := ClientRect;  with DrawItemStruct do    IsDown := itemState and ODS_SELECTED <> 0;  if FMouseEnter then   //鼠标在按钮上 则绘制一个背景及边框  begin    Perform($000B, 0, 0);    g.DrawImage(img2, 0, 0, Width, Height);    g.DrawRectangle(pen, 0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1);    Perform($000B, 1, 0);  end;  //按钮被按下时的状态绘制  if IsDown then  begin    imgAtt := TGPImageAttributes.Create;    imgAtt.SetColorMatrix(ColorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlagsDefault, ColorAdjustTypeDefault);    g.DrawImage(img, MakeRect(0, 0, img.GetWidth, img.GetHeight),                -10, -10, img.GetWidth + 10, img.GetHeight + 10, UnitPixel, imgAtt);    FreeAndNil(imgAtt);  end  else  //绘制一个未按下的按钮    g.DrawImage(img, (Width - img.GetWidth) div 2, 10);  FreeAndNil(img);  FreeAndNil(img2);  FreeAndNil(g);  FreeAndNil(pen);  //绘制Caption文本内容      FCanvas.Font := Self.Font;     ARect:=ClientRect;     wh:=FCanvas.TextExtent(Caption);     FCanvas.Pen.Width := 1;     FCanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;     if not Enabled then     begin //按钮失效时应多绘一次Caption文本        FCanvas.Font.Color := clBtnHighlight;       FCanvas.TextOut((Width div 2)-(wh.cx div 2), height - wh.cy - 10,Caption);       FCanvas.Font.Color := clBtnShadow;     end  else    FCanvas.TextOut((Width div 2)-(wh.cx div 2), height - wh.cy - 10,Caption);  FCanvas.Handle := 0;end;procedure Register;begin  RegisterComponents('HenreashPackages', [TBtn360Style]);end;end.  
