cs231n Assignment#1 (1)k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) exercise 代码理解笔记

来源:互联网 发布:csgo n卡优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:35

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# Run some setup code for this notebook.import sys                                                          #我这里添加3行代码,否则找不到data_utils模块,添加的就是下载到的文件夹放置路径sys.path.append('E:\\CZU\\assignment1\\cs231n')print (sys.path)import randomimport numpy as npfrom data_utils import load_CIFAR10                                #这里也直接修改为模块的名字了import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom __future__ import print_function# This is a bit of magic to make matplotlib figures appear inline in the notebook# rather than in a new window.%matplotlib inlineplt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 8.0) # set default size of plotsplt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'# Some more magic so that the notebook will reload external python modules;# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1907993/autoreload-of-modules-in-ipython%load_ext autoreload%autoreload 2

# Load the raw CIFAR-10 data.                                   #装载数据集cifar10_dir = 'E:\CZU\cifar-10-python\cifar-10-batches-py'      #修改路径为自己下载好的cifar-10数据集所在路径X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = load_CIFAR10(cifar10_dir)# As a sanity check, we print out the size of the training and test data.print('Training data shape: ', X_train.shape)print('Training labels shape: ', y_train.shape)print('Test data shape: ', X_test.shape)print('Test labels shape: ', y_test.shape)


# Visualize some examples from the dataset.                                      #看一下数据集的部分内容做个示例# We show a few examples of training images from each class.classes = ['plane', 'car', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck']num_classes = len(classes)samples_per_class = 7for y, cls in enumerate(classes):                                                      #按下标 内容 循环classes    idxs = np.flatnonzero(y_train == y)                                                #idxs 是narray类型,flatnonzero返回为所有非0内容的下标队列    idxs = np.random.choice(idxs, samples_per_class, replace=False)    for i, idx in enumerate(idxs):        plt_idx = i * num_classes + y + 1        plt.subplot(samples_per_class, num_classes, plt_idx)        plt.imshow(X_train[idx].astype('uint8'))        plt.axis('off')        if i == 0:            plt.title(cls)plt.show()


# Subsample the data for more efficient code execution in this exercise    二次抽样   我这里为了算快点改成500 和 50 了num_training = 500                                      mask = list(range(num_training))X_train = X_train[mask]y_train = y_train[mask]num_test = 50mask = list(range(num_test))X_test = X_test[mask]y_test = y_test[mask]
# Reshape the image data into rowsX_train = np.reshape(X_train, (X_train.shape[0], -1))X_test = np.reshape(X_test, (X_test.shape[0], -1))print(X_train.shape, X_test.shape)


(500, 3072) (50, 3072)

sys.path.append('E:\\CZU\\assignment1\\cs231n\\classifiers')     #再加了一行路径 下面也修改了一下,改成直接.py的文件from k_nearest_neighbor import KNearestNeighbor                  #这里我离开去pip install future,因为源代码里调用了past模块# Create a kNN classifier instance. # Remember that training a kNN classifier is a noop:           #通过KNearestNeighbor造了一个分类器,不过这个函数什么都没干因为kNN是直接算图片距离的# the Classifier simply remembers the data and does no further processing  #也就是这个分类器把所有训练样本作为参照,然后之后计算测试图片和训练用图片的距离classifier = KNearestNeighbor()classifier.train(X_train, y_train)

# Open cs231n/classifiers/k_nearest_neighbor.py and implement# compute_distances_two_loops.# Test your implementation:print (X_test[0,:5])print (classifier.X_train[0,:5])dists = classifier.compute_distances_one_loop(X_test)      #这个计算距离的函数就要自己到k_nearest_neighbor.py里面写好了,就是作业部分,此处代码另说print(dists.shape)print (dists[0,:5])                                        #因为之前没结果,这里加了好几个print来检查,没结果的原因检查出来是tab和空格混用导致代码没读出来,所以说最好用专门的编辑器


[ 158.  112.   49.  159.  111.][ 59.  62.  63.  43.  46.](50, 500)[ 3803.92350081  4210.59603857  5504.0544147   3473.88960677  4371.58632535]
# We can visualize the distance matrix: each row is a single test example and# its distances to training examples             #把dists可视化一下plt.imshow(dists, interpolation='none')plt.show()

notebook里面输出如图 black indicates low distances while white indicates high distances
# Now implement the function predict_labels and run the code below:# We use k = 1 (which is Nearest Neighbor).y_test_pred = classifier.predict_labels(dists, k=1)           #这一步就是根据上面算出来的距离矩阵,按最接近的k个预测标签,这个内部代码也是自己写# Compute and print the fraction of correctly predicted examplesnum_correct = np.sum(y_test_pred == y_test)                  #这里看一下正确率,预测是27%左右,我实际上26%accuracy = float(num_correct) / num_testprint('Got %d / %d correct => accuracy: %f' % (num_correct, num_test, accuracy))
y_test_pred = classifier.predict_labels(dists, k=5)         #这里把k换成5,按理说应该正确率更高一点,不过我缩小了样本量,反而正确率降低,很正常num_correct = np.sum(y_test_pred == y_test)accuracy = float(num_correct) / num_testprint('Got %d / %d correct => accuracy: %f' % (num_correct, num_test, accuracy))

# Now lets speed up distance matrix computation by using partial vectorization# with one loop. Implement the function compute_distances_one_loop and run the# code below:dists_one = classifier.compute_distances_one_loop(X_test)# To ensure that our vectorized implementation is correct, we make sure that it# agrees with the naive implementation. There are many ways to decide whether# two matrices are similar; one of the simplest is the Frobenius norm. In case# you haven't seen it before, the Frobenius norm of two matrices is the square# root of the squared sum of differences of all elements; in other words, reshape# the matrices into vectors and compute the Euclidean distance between them.difference = np.linalg.norm(dists - dists_one, ord='fro')print('Difference was: %f' % (difference, ))if difference < 0.001:    print('Good! The distance matrices are the same')else:    print('Uh-oh! The distance matrices are different')
# Now implement the fully vectorized version inside compute_distances_no_loops# and run the codedists_two = classifier.compute_distances_no_loops(X_test)# check that the distance matrix agrees with the one we computed before:difference = np.linalg.norm(dists - dists_two, ord='fro')print('Difference was: %f' % (difference, ))if difference < 0.001:    print('Good! The distance matrices are the same')else:    print('Uh-oh! The distance matrices are different')
# Let's compare how fast the implementations aredef time_function(f, *args):    """    Call a function f with args and return the time (in seconds) that it took to execute.    """    import time    tic = time.time()    f(*args)    toc = time.time()    return toc - tictwo_loop_time = time_function(classifier.compute_distances_two_loops, X_test)print('Two loop version took %f seconds' % two_loop_time)one_loop_time = time_function(classifier.compute_distances_one_loop, X_test)print('One loop version took %f seconds' % one_loop_time)no_loop_time = time_function(classifier.compute_distances_no_loops, X_test)print('No loop version took %f seconds' % no_loop_time)# you should see significantly faster performance with the fully vectorized implementation
上面是三种计算距离(二重循环 一重循环 矩阵直接运算)函数的功效对比
num_folds = 5k_choices = [1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 50, 100]X_train_folds = []y_train_folds = []################################################################################# TODO:                                                                        ## Split up the training data into folds. After splitting, X_train_folds and    ## y_train_folds should each be lists of length num_folds, where                ## y_train_folds[i] is the label vector for the points in X_train_folds[i].     ## Hint: Look up the numpy array_split function.                                #################################################################################X_train_folds = np.array_split(X_train, num_folds)y_train_folds = np.array_split(y_train, num_folds)#################################################################################                                 END OF YOUR CODE                             ################################################################################## A dictionary holding the accuracies for different values of k that we find# when running cross-validation. After running cross-validation,# k_to_accuracies[k] should be a list of length num_folds giving the different# accuracy values that we found when using that value of k.k_to_accuracies = {}################################################################################# TODO:                                                                        ## Perform k-fold cross validation to find the best value of k. For each        ## possible value of k, run the k-nearest-neighbor algorithm num_folds times,   ## where in each case you use all but one of the folds as training data and the ## last fold as a validation set. Store the accuracies for all fold and all     ## values of k in the k_to_accuracies dictionary.                               #################################################################################for k in k_choices:    k_to_accuracies[k]=np.zeros(num_folds)    for i in range(num_folds):        Xtr = np.array(X_train_folds[:i] + X_train_folds[i+1:])        ytr = np.array(y_train_folds[:i] + y_train_folds[i+1:])        Xte = np.array(X_train_folds[i])        yte = np.array(y_train_folds[i])             Xtr = np.reshape(Xtr, (int(X_train.shape[0] * 4 / 5), -1))        ytr = np.reshape(ytr, (int(y_train.shape[0] * 4 / 5), -1))        Xte = np.reshape(Xte, (int(X_train.shape[0] / 5), -1))        yte = np.reshape(yte, (int(y_train.shape[0] / 5), -1))        classifier.train(Xtr, ytr)        yte_pred = classifier.predict(Xte, k)        yte_pred = np.reshape(yte_pred, (yte_pred.shape[0], -1))        num_correct = np.sum(yte_pred == yte)        accuracy = float(num_correct) / len(yte)        k_to_accuracies[k][i] = accuracy#################################################################################                                 END OF YOUR CODE                             ##################################################################################Print out the computed accuraciesfor k in sorted(k_to_accuracies):    for accuracy in k_to_accuracies[k]:        print('k = %d, accuracy = %f' % (k, accuracy))

# plot the raw observationsfor k in k_choices:    accuracies = k_to_accuracies[k]    plt.scatter([k] * len(accuracies), accuracies)# plot the trend line with error bars that correspond to standard deviationaccuracies_mean = np.array([np.mean(v) for k,v in sorted(k_to_accuracies.items())])accuracies_std = np.array([np.std(v) for k,v in sorted(k_to_accuracies.items())])plt.errorbar(k_choices, accuracies_mean, yerr=accuracies_std)plt.title('Cross-validation on k')plt.xlabel('k')plt.ylabel('Cross-validation accuracy')plt.show()
# Based on the cross-validation results above, choose the best value for k,   # retrain the classifier using all the training data, and test it on the test# data. You should be able to get above 28% accuracy on the test data.best_k = 1classifier = KNearestNeighbor()classifier.train(X_train, y_train)y_test_pred = classifier.predict(X_test, k=best_k)# Compute and display the accuracynum_correct = np.sum(y_test_pred == y_test)accuracy = float(num_correct) / num_testprint('Got %d / %d correct => accuracy: %f' % (num_correct, num_test, accuracy))


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