CC26xx I2S

来源:互联网 发布:win10仿mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 22:17


/* * main.c * *  Created on: 4 Apr, 2016 *      Author: Lenovo *//* Board Header files */#include "Board.h"/* BIOS Header files */#include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Task.h>#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Semaphore.h>#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Clock.h>/* XDCtools Header files */#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <xdc/std.h>#include <xdc/runtime/System.h>#include <xdc/runtime/Error.h>/* HW Header files */#include <inc/hw_types.h>#include <inc/hw_ints.h>/* RF Header files */#include "rfEasyLinkTx.h"/* UART Header files */#include <ti/drivers/UART.h> //RTOS/* AON IOC Header files */#include <driverlib/aon_ioc.h>#include <inc/hw_aon_ioc.h>/* I2S Header files */#include <driverlib/i2s.h>#include <driverlib/prcm.h>#include <ti/drivers/pin/PINCC26XX.h>/* Power Header files  */#include <ti/drivers/Power.h> //RTOS#include <ti/drivers/power/PowerCC26XX.h>/* SSI Header files */#include <ti/drivers/SPI.h>#include <ti/drivers/spi/SPICC26XXDMA.h>#include <ti/drivers/dma/UDMACC26XX.h>#define BCLK_DIV (16)   //BCLK division 48MHz/16 = 3MHz//#define BCLK_DIV (24) //BCLK division 48MHz/16 = 2MHz//#define BCLK_DIV (48) //BCLK division 48MHz/16 = 1MHz#define WCLK (IOID_6)#define BCLK (IOID_7)#define MISO (IOID_1)#define I2S_BUFF_SIZE       (512)#define I2S_BUFF_IN_NUM     (2)#define I2S_BUFF_OUT_NUM    (1)int32_t i2s_in[I2S_BUFF_SIZE];int32_t i2s_out[I2S_BUFF_SIZE];int32_t mic_out[I2S_BUFF_SIZE];/* Pin driver handle */static PIN_Handle pinHandle;static PIN_State pinState;static ti_sysbios_family_arm_m3_Hwi_Struct hwiStruct;uint32_t mic_buffer_size = 0;int32_t mic_output = 0;/* Debug */volatile unsigned char text[100] = {"\0"};Task_Struct myTask;UART_Handle uart;///* Pin Table */PIN_Config PinTable[] ={    WCLK    | PIN_INPUT_DIS | PIN_PUSHPULL | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_HIGH,    BCLK    | PIN_INPUT_DIS | PIN_PUSHPULL | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_LOW ,    MISO    | PIN_INPUT_EN  | PIN_PULLDOWN,    PIN_TERMINATE                                                                      /* Terminate list */};Char myTaskStack[512];static void i2s_terminate(void){    HWREG(I2S0_BASE + I2S_O_AIFDMACFG) = 0;    HWREG(I2S0_BASE + I2S_O_STMPCTL) = 0;    HWREG(I2S0_BASE + I2S_O_IRQCLR) = 0x3F;    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_I2SCLKCTL) = 0;    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_CLKLOADCTL) = PRCM_CLKLOADCTL_LOAD;    HWREG(I2S0_BASE + I2S_O_IRQMASK) = 0;}static void i2s_extract(void){    sprintf(text, "%d\r", HWREG(I2S0_BASE + I2S_O_STMPWCNT));    UART_write(uart, (const long*)text, sizeof(text));}static void i2s_ihandler(UArg arg){//  I2SEnable(I2S0_BASE);    I2SPointerUpdate(I2S0_BASE, true);    I2SPointerUpdate(I2S0_BASE, false);    i2s_extract();}void Uart_init(void){    UART_Params uartParams;    /* Create a UART with data processing off. */    UART_Params_init(&uartParams);    uartParams.writeDataMode = UART_DATA_BINARY;    uartParams.readDataMode = UART_DATA_BINARY;    uartParams.readReturnMode = UART_RETURN_FULL;    uartParams.readEcho = UART_ECHO_OFF;    uartParams.baudRate = 19200;    uart = UART_open(Board_UART0, &uartParams);    if (uart == NULL) {        System_abort("Error opening the UART");    }}void i2s_init(void){    /* 1.   Set up and configure required ADx and clock pins */    pinHandle = PIN_open(&pinState, PinTable);    if(NULL == pinHandle)    {        while(1);    }    IOCPortConfigureSet(BCLK, IOC_PORT_MCU_I2S_BCLK, IOC_STD_OUTPUT);    IOCPortConfigureSet(WCLK, IOC_PORT_MCU_I2S_WCLK, IOC_STD_OUTPUT);    IOCPortConfigureSet(MISO, IOC_PORT_MCU_I2S_AD0,  IOC_STD_INPUT );    /* 2.   Enable I2S peripheral & configure WCLK and MCLK audio clocks  */    Power_setConstraint(PowerCC26XX_SB_DISALLOW);    Power_setDependency(PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_I2S);    // I2S Clock Gate Gate For Run mode    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_I2SCLKGR) = PRCM_I2SCLKGR_CLK_EN;    // I2S Clock gate for Sleep mode    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_I2SCLKGS) = PRCM_I2SCLKGS_CLK_EN;    // I2S Clock Control (data and WCLK are sampled on the positive edge of BCLK, USER defined WCLK, CLK disabled)    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_I2SCLKCTL) = (PRCM_I2SCLKCTL_SMPL_ON_POSEDGE | (2 << PRCM_I2SCLKCTL_WCLK_PHASE_S));    // WCLK Division Ratio. (WCLK = MCUCLK/(BDIV*(WDIV[7:0] + WDIV[15:8]) [Hz])) = 48kHz    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_I2SWCLKDIV) = 0x2020;    // MCLK Division Ratio. (MCLK = MCUCLK/MDIV [Hz] = 48MHz/24 = 2MHz)    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_I2SMCLKDIV) = 94;    // Load settings from buffers to actual registers    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_CLKLOADCTL) = PRCM_CLKLOADCTL_LOAD;    /* 3.   Configure the serial audio interface format and the memory interface controller     *      Set the following registers: I2S:AIFWCLKSRC, I2S:AIFDIRCFG,     *      I2S:AIFFMTCFG, I2S:AIFWMSK0, I2S:AIFWMSK1, and I2S:AIFWMSK2.     *      BCLK must not be running when changing the I2S:AIFWCLKSRC register. */    I2SControlTable g_controlTable;    // Define global    g_pControlTable = &g_controlTable; // Assign pointer    I2SClockConfigure(  I2S0_BASE,                I2S_INT_WCLK |      // Clock source (internal)                I2S_INVERT_WCLK);   // Clock polarity (not inverted)    I2SChannelConfigure(I2S0_BASE,                I2S_MONO_MODE |     // single phase chan 0                I2S_LINE_INPUT,                I2S_LINE_UNUSED,    // null for chan 1                I2S_LINE_UNUSED);   // null for chan 2    I2SAudioFormatConfigure(I2S0_BASE,                I2S_MEM_LENGTH_24   | // Sample size                I2S_POS_EDGE        | // Positive Clock edge sampling                I2S_DUAL_PHASE_FMT  | // Phase                I2S_WORD_LENGTH_24,   // Word length                1);    I2SBufferConfig(    I2S0_BASE,                (uint32_t)&i2s_in,      // address of input buffer                (uint32_t)&i2s_out,     // address of output buffer                I2S_DMA_BUF_SIZE_256,   // size of DMA buffer: 256                I2S_BUFF_SIZE);    /* 4.   Enable BCLK (set externally in the PRCM module) */    // I2S clock control    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_I2SCLKCTL) = (PRCM_I2SCLKCTL_SMPL_ON_POSEDGE | (2 << PRCM_I2SCLKCTL_WCLK_PHASE_S) | PRCM_I2SCLKCTL_EN);    // I2S clock control (Use internally generated clock    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_I2SBCLKSEL) = PRCM_I2SBCLKSEL_SRC;    // BCLK division ratio (BCLK = MCUCLK/BDIV[Hz] = 48MHz/16 = 3MHz)    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_I2SBCLKDIV) = BCLK_DIV;    //Load setting from buffers to actual registers    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_CLKLOADCTL) = PRCM_CLKLOADCTL_LOAD;    /* 5.   Configure and prepare and samplestamp generator */    // Set the I2S:STMPWPER register.    uint16_t tmp = I2S_BUFF_SIZE;    /* This number corresponds to the total size of the sample ring buffer used by the system.       Set the two registers I2S:STMPINTRIG and I2S:STMPOUTTRIG > I2S:STMPWPER       to avoid false triggers before the samplestamp generator is started.     */    //WCLK Counter period value    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + I2S_O_STMPWPER) = tmp;    //WCLK Counter trigger value for input pins    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + I2S_O_STMPINTRIG) = tmp + 1;    //WCLK counter trigger value for output pins    HWREG(PRCM_BASE + I2S_O_STMPOUTTRIG) = tmp + 1;    /* 6.   Enable the samplestamp generator */    I2SSampleStampEnable(I2S0_BASE);    /* 7.   Enable the serial audio interface */    // Set the I2S:AIFPTRNEXT and the I2S:AIFOUTPTRNEXT registers for first memory interface buffers    // Set the I2S:AIFDMACFG register; This number corresponds to the length of each block in the sample ring buffer used by the system    I2SEnable(I2S0_BASE);    // Set the I2S:AIFINPTRNEXT and the I2S:AIFOUTPTRNEXT registers for second memory interface buffers.    I2SPointerUpdate(I2S0_BASE, true);    I2SPointerUpdate(I2S0_BASE, false);    Hwi_Params hwiParams;    // Setup HWI Handler    Hwi_Params_init(&hwiParams);    Hwi_construct(&hwiStruct, INT_I2S_IRQ, i2s_ihandler, &hwiParams, NULL);    // Enable DMA_IN interrupt    I2SIntEnable(I2S0_BASE, I2S_INT_DMA_IN);    I2SPointerUpdate(I2S0_BASE, true);    I2SPointerUpdate(I2S0_BASE, false);    /* 8.   START INPUT AND OUTPUT AUDIO STREAMING */    // Set the I2S:STMPINTRIG and the I2S:STMPOUTTRIG registers so they correctly match the I2S:AIFINPTR and the I2S:AIFOUTPTR registers    I2SSampleStampConfigure(I2S0_BASE, true, false);    // Interrupt clear register    I2SIntClear(I2S0_BASE, I2S_INT_DMA_IN);}static void taskFxn(UArg a0, UArg a1){    i2s_init();}int main(void){    Task_Params taskParams;    /* Call board init functions. */    Board_initGeneral();    Board_initUART();    /* Initialize UART peripheral */    Uart_init();    /* Configure task. */    Task_Params_init(&taskParams);    taskParams.stack = myTaskStack;    taskParams.stackSize = sizeof(myTaskStack);    Task_construct(&myTask, taskFxn, &taskParams, NULL);    /* Start BIOS */    BIOS_start();    return (0);}