来源:互联网 发布:淘宝加盟可靠吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:53

01 -- MB01
02 -- MB31
03 -- MB1A
04 -- MB1B
05 -- MB1C
06 -- MB11
07 -- MB04



form recvfromord tables pt_tran structure zwttran.  "移库定义  data: goodsmvt_header  type   bapi2017_gm_head_01,        goodsmvt_code    type   bapi2017_gm_code,        goodsmvt_headret type   bapi2017_gm_head_ret,        materialdocument type   bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc,        matdocumentyear  type   bapi2017_gm_head_ret-doc_year,        goodsmvt_item    type standard table of   /afs/bapi2017_gm_item_create,        return           type standard table of   bapiret2,        w_creturn        type   bapiret2,        w_goodsmvt_item  type                     /afs/bapi2017_gm_item_create,        w_return         type   bapiret2.  data:lt_retmsg like table of bapiret2 with header line,       lt_return like table of bapiret2 with header line.  data:l_tran_nbr like zwttran-tran_nbr,       l_tranpo   like zwttran-tranpo,       l_matdoc   like zwttran-matdoc,       l_flag     like zwttran-flag,       l_line_id type i.  data:l_asn_nbr type ze_ref_field, "asn号       l_po type ze_ref_field,"po号       l_po_line(5) type n,"po行号       l_matnr type matnr."货号  data:l_type type char1,"类型       l_afpo type afpo,"生产订单       l_j_3abssi type  j_3abssi,"生产订单计划行       l_eket type eket,"采购订单计划行       l_ekpo type ekpo."采购订单行项目  data:lt_bom like table of zwmbom with header line.  refresh:t_tran_nbr.  loop at pt_tran.    clear :t_tran_nbr.    t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.    if pt_tran-tran_type = '603' and pt_tran-tran_code = '02' and pt_tran-proc_stat_code = '10'  and pt_tran-ref_field_6 = 'P'.      t_tran_nbr-po = pt_tran-ref_field_3.    endif.    append t_tran_nbr.  endloop.  sort t_tran_nbr by tran_nbr po.  delete adjacent duplicates from t_tran_nbr.  loop at t_tran_nbr.    clear:l_tran_nbr,l_matdoc,l_matnr,l_asn_nbr,l_po,l_matnr,l_type,l_afpo,l_j_3abssi,l_eket,l_ekpo,l_tranpo,lt_retmsg,lt_return,pt_tran.    refresh:lt_return.    clear:goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return.    refresh:goodsmvt_item ,return.    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where tran_type = '603' and tran_code = '02'  and proc_stat_code = '10' and units_rcvd > 0                      and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr and ref_field_3 = t_tran_nbr-po.      if pt_tran-ref_field_6 = 'P'.        l_tran_nbr =  pt_tran-tran_nbr.        "获取asn号        l_asn_nbr = pt_tran-ref_field_1.        l_po = pt_tran-ref_field_3.        concatenate l_tran_nbr l_po into l_tranpo.        if pt_tran-ref_field_4 is not initial.          l_po_line = pt_tran-ref_field_4.        else.          clear l_po_line.        endif.        l_matnr = pt_tran-matnr.        clear:lt_retmsg.        refresh:lt_retmsg.        call function 'ZLC_GET_PREMOVE101'          EXPORTING            p_matnr    = l_matnr            p_po       = l_po            p_po_line  = l_po_line          IMPORTING            p_type     = l_type            p_afpo     = l_afpo            p_j_3abssi = l_j_3abssi            p_ekpo     = l_ekpo            p_eket     = l_eket          TABLES            pt_retmsg  = lt_retmsg.        read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          case l_type.            when 'E'.              "事务代码              goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '02'.                 "mb31              "明细              w_goodsmvt_item-line_id = w_goodsmvt_item-line_id + 1.              w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '101'."移动类型              w_goodsmvt_item-material = l_j_3abssi-matnr."大货号              w_goodsmvt_item-grid_value = l_j_3abssi-j_3asize."网格值              w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant."工厂              w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = g_stge_loc."地点              w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-units_rcvd."数量              w_goodsmvt_item-orderid = l_j_3abssi-j_3absnr."订单号              w_goodsmvt_item-order_itno = l_j_3abssi-j_3ahbsp."行项目              w_goodsmvt_item-sched_line_sku = l_j_3abssi-j_3aebsp."计划行项目              w_goodsmvt_item-mvt_ind = 'F'."生产订单              w_goodsmvt_item-stck_type = 'E'.              w_goodsmvt_item-gr_rcpt  = pt_tran-user_id.              append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.            when 'F'.              "事务代码              goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '01'.                 "mb01              "明细              w_goodsmvt_item-line_id = w_goodsmvt_item-line_id + 1.              l_line_id = w_goodsmvt_item-line_id.              w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '101'."移动类型              w_goodsmvt_item-material = l_ekpo-matnr."大货号              w_goodsmvt_item-grid_value = l_eket-j_3asize."网格值              w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant."工厂              w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = g_stge_loc."地点              clear w_goodsmvt_item-vendor.              w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-units_rcvd."数量              clear w_goodsmvt_item-batch.              w_goodsmvt_item-po_number = l_eket-ebeln."采购订单              w_goodsmvt_item-po_item = l_eket-ebelp."采购订单行号              w_goodsmvt_item-sched_line_sku = l_eket-etenr."计划行              clear:w_goodsmvt_item-parent_id,w_goodsmvt_item-line_depth.              w_goodsmvt_item-mvt_ind = 'B'."采购订单              w_goodsmvt_item-stck_type = 'E'."库存类型              w_goodsmvt_item-gr_rcpt  = pt_tran-user_id.              append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.              refresh:lt_bom.              call function 'ZLC_GET_BOM'                EXPORTING                  p_ebeln = l_eket-ebeln                  p_ebelp = l_eket-ebelp                  p_etenr = l_eket-etenr                TABLES                  pt_bom  = lt_bom.              if lines( lt_bom ) > 0.                loop at lt_bom.                  w_goodsmvt_item-line_id = w_goodsmvt_item-line_id + 1.                  w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '543'."移动类型                  w_goodsmvt_item-material = lt_bom-matnr."货号                  if lt_bom-grdv is not initial.                    w_goodsmvt_item-grid_value = lt_bom-grdv.                  else.                    clear w_goodsmvt_item-grid_value.                  endif.                  w_goodsmvt_item-plant = '1000'."工厂                  clear w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc.                  w_goodsmvt_item-vendor = lt_bom-vendor."供应商                  w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = lt_bom-entry_qnt * pt_tran-units_rcvd."数量                  if lt_bom-charg is not initial.                    w_goodsmvt_item-batch = lt_bom-charg.                  else.                    clear w_goodsmvt_item-batch.                  endif.                  w_goodsmvt_item-parent_id = l_line_id.                  w_goodsmvt_item-line_depth = 1.                  w_goodsmvt_item-mvt_ind = 'B'."采购订单                  w_goodsmvt_item-stck_type = 'E'."库存类型                  w_goodsmvt_item-gr_rcpt  = pt_tran-user_id.                  append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.                endloop.              endif.          endcase.        else.          append lines of lt_retmsg to lt_return.        endif.      endif.    endloop.    read table lt_return with key type = 'E'.    if sy-subrc <> 0.      if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.        "删除日志        perform deletepixtranlog using l_tranpo.        "执行操作        call function '/AFS/BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'          EXPORTING            goodsmvt_header   = goodsmvt_header            goodsmvt_code     = goodsmvt_code          IMPORTING            goodsmvt_headret  = goodsmvt_headret            materialdocument  = materialdocument            matdocumentyear   = matdocumentyear          TABLES            afs_goodsmvt_item = goodsmvt_item            return            = return.        read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          "提交          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'            EXPORTING              wait = 'X'.          l_flag = 'S'.          l_matdoc = materialdocument.        else.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.          l_flag = 'F'.        endif.        update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tranpo = l_tranpo.        if l_flag = 'F'.          perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tranpo.        endif.      endif.    else.      update zwttran set flag = 'F' where tranpo = l_tranpo.      perform writepixtranlog tables lt_return using l_tranpo.    endif.  endloop.endform.                    "recvfromord

form dopixtran tables pt_tran structure zwttran.  data: l_tran_nbr like zwttran-tran_nbr,        l_matdoc   like zwttran-matdoc,        l_flag     like zwttran-flag,        l_mara     like mara,        lt_mard like table of mard with header line.  data:goodsmvt_header  type   bapi2017_gm_head_01,        goodsmvt_code    type   bapi2017_gm_code,        goodsmvt_headret type   bapi2017_gm_head_ret,        materialdocument type   bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc,        matdocumentyear  type   bapi2017_gm_head_ret-doc_year,        goodsmvt_item    type standard table of   bapi2017_gm_item_create,        return           type standard table of   bapiret2,        w_goodsmvt_item  type                     bapi2017_gm_item_create,        w_return         type bapiret2.  data:lt_retmsg like table of bapiret2 with header line.  refresh:t_tran_nbr.  loop at pt_tran.    clear:t_tran_nbr.    t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.    collect t_tran_nbr.  endloop.  sort t_tran_nbr by tran_nbr.  loop at t_tran_nbr.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& BEGIN 从3,4仓移库到物流中心仓库    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    clear:l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return.    refresh:goodsmvt_item ,return.    "事物码    goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '04'.    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where tran_type = '603' and tran_code = '02' and proc_stat_code = '10' and units_rcvd > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      if pt_tran-ref_field_6 = 'Y'.        l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.        w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '311'."移库        w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant.        w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = pt_tran-ref_field_7.        w_goodsmvt_item-material = pt_tran-matnr.        w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-units_rcvd.        w_goodsmvt_item-move_plant = g_plant.        w_goodsmvt_item-move_stloc = g_stge_loc.        append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.      endif.    endloop.    "执行操作    if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.      l_flag = 'F'.      call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'        EXPORTING          goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header          goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code        IMPORTING          goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret          materialdocument = materialdocument          matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear        TABLES          goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item          return           = return.      read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.      if sy-subrc <> 0.        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'          EXPORTING            wait = 'X'.        if materialdocument is not initial.          l_flag = 'S'.          l_matdoc = materialdocument.        endif.      else.        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.        perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tran_nbr.      endif.      update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& END 移入    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& BEGIN 从物流中心仓库移至3,4仓    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    clear:l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return.    refresh:goodsmvt_item ,return.    "事物码    goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '04'.    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where  tran_type = '300' and tran_code = '01' and actn_code = '07'and invn_adjmt_qty > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      if pt_tran-rsn_code = 'YC'.        l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.        w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '311'."移库        w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant.        w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc =  g_stge_loc.        w_goodsmvt_item-material = pt_tran-matnr.        w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-invn_adjmt_qty.        w_goodsmvt_item-move_plant = g_plant.        w_goodsmvt_item-move_stloc = pt_tran-ref_field_5.        append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.      endif.    endloop.    "执行操作    if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.      l_flag = 'F'.      call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'        EXPORTING          goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header          goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code        IMPORTING          goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret          materialdocument = materialdocument          matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear        TABLES          goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item          return           = return.      read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.      if sy-subrc <> 0.        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'          EXPORTING            wait = 'X'.        if materialdocument is not initial.          l_flag = 'S'.          l_matdoc = materialdocument.        endif.      else.        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.        perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tran_nbr.      endif.      update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& END 移出    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& begin 冻结库存    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    clear:l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return.    refresh:goodsmvt_item ,return.    "事物码    goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '04'.    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where tran_type = '300' and tran_code = '01' and actn_code = '05' and invn_adjmt_qty > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.      w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '344'."冻结库存      w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant.      w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = g_stge_loc.      w_goodsmvt_item-material = pt_tran-matnr.      w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-invn_adjmt_qty.      append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.    endloop.    "执行操作    if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.      l_flag = 'F'.      call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'        EXPORTING          goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header          goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code        IMPORTING          goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret          materialdocument = materialdocument          matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear        TABLES          goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item          return           = return.      read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.      if sy-subrc <> 0.        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'          EXPORTING            wait = 'X'.        if materialdocument is not initial.          l_flag = 'S'.          l_matdoc = materialdocument.        endif.      else.        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.        perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tran_nbr.      endif.      update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& END 冻结库存    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& begin 解冻库存    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    clear:l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return.    refresh:goodsmvt_item ,return.    "事物码    goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '04'.    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where tran_type = '606' and tran_code = '02' and actn_code = '06' and invn_adjmt_qty > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.      w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '343'."解冻库存      w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant.      w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = g_stge_loc.      w_goodsmvt_item-material = pt_tran-matnr.      w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-invn_adjmt_qty.      append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.    endloop.    "执行操作    if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.      l_flag = 'F'.      call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'        EXPORTING          goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header          goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code        IMPORTING          goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret          materialdocument = materialdocument          matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear        TABLES          goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item          return           = return.      read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.      if sy-subrc <> 0.        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'          EXPORTING            wait = 'X'.        if materialdocument is not initial.          l_flag = 'S'.          l_matdoc = materialdocument.        endif.      else.        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.        perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tran_nbr.      endif.      update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& END 解冻库存    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& BEGIN 内部领用    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    data:l_kostl like csks-kostl,"成本中心         l_prctr like cepc-prctr,"利润中心         l_csks like csks,"成本中心结构         l_cepc like cepc."利润中心结构    data:lt_tpmsg like table of bapiret2 with header line.    clear:l_kostl,l_prctr,l_csks,l_cepc.    clear:l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    refresh:goodsmvt_item,return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    "事物码    goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '03'.                           "MB1A    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where  tran_type = '300' and tran_code = '01' and actn_code = '07'and invn_adjmt_qty > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      if pt_tran-rsn_code = 'NL'.        clear:l_kostl,l_csks,lt_tpmsg.        refresh:lt_tpmsg.        l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.        l_kostl = pt_tran-ref_field_5.        call function 'ZLC_GET_CSKS'          EXPORTING            P_KOKRS   = '1000'            P_KOSTL   = l_kostl          IMPORTING            p_csks    = l_csks          TABLES            pt_retmsg = lt_tpmsg.        read table lt_tpmsg with key type = 'E'.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '201'."内部领用          w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant.          w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = g_stge_loc.          w_goodsmvt_item-material = pt_tran-matnr.          w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-invn_adjmt_qty.          w_goodsmvt_item-costcenter = l_kostl."成本中心          w_goodsmvt_item-profit_ctr = l_csks-prctr."利润中心          append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.        else.          append lines of lt_tpmsg to lt_retmsg.        endif.      endif.    endloop.    "执行操作    read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.    if sy-subrc <> 0.      if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.        l_flag = 'F'.        call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'          EXPORTING            goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header            goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code          IMPORTING            goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret            materialdocument = materialdocument            matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear          TABLES            goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item            return           = return.        read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'            EXPORTING              wait = 'X'.          if materialdocument is not initial.            l_flag = 'S'.            l_matdoc = materialdocument.          endif.        else.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.          perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tran_nbr.        endif.        update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      endif.    else.      update zwttran set flag = 'F' where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      perform writepixtranlog tables lt_retmsg using l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& END 内部领用    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& BEGIN 内部领用退回    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    clear:l_kostl,l_prctr,l_csks,l_cepc.    clear:l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    refresh:goodsmvt_item,return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    "事物码    goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '03'.                           "MB1A    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where tran_type = '603' and tran_code = '02' and proc_stat_code = '10' and units_rcvd > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      if pt_tran-ref_field_6 = 'N'.        clear:l_kostl,l_csks,lt_tpmsg.        refresh:lt_tpmsg.        l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.        l_kostl = pt_tran-ref_field_5.        call function 'ZLC_GET_CSKS'          EXPORTING            P_KOKRS   = '1000'            P_KOSTL   = l_kostl          IMPORTING            p_csks    = l_csks          TABLES            pt_retmsg = lt_tpmsg.        read table lt_tpmsg with key type = 'E'.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '202'."内部领用冲销          w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant.          w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = g_stge_loc.          w_goodsmvt_item-material = pt_tran-matnr.          w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-units_rcvd.          w_goodsmvt_item-costcenter = l_kostl."成本中心          w_goodsmvt_item-profit_ctr = l_csks-prctr."利润中心          append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.        else.          append lines of lt_tpmsg to lt_retmsg.        endif.      endif.    endloop.    "执行操作    read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.    if sy-subrc <> 0.      if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.        l_flag = 'F'.        call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'          EXPORTING            goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header            goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code          IMPORTING            goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret            materialdocument = materialdocument            matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear          TABLES            goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item            return           = return.        read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'            EXPORTING              wait = 'X'.          if materialdocument is not initial.            l_flag = 'S'.            l_matdoc = materialdocument.          endif.        else.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.          perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tran_nbr.        endif.        update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      endif.    else.      update zwttran set flag = 'F' where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      perform writepixtranlog tables lt_retmsg using l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& END 内部领用退回    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& BEGIN 报废    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    clear:l_kostl,l_prctr,l_csks,l_cepc.    clear:l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    refresh:goodsmvt_item,return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    "事物码    goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '03'.    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where  tran_type = '300' and tran_code = '01' and actn_code = '07'and invn_adjmt_qty > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      if pt_tran-rsn_code = 'BF'.        clear:l_prctr,l_cepc.        refresh:lt_tpmsg.        l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.        l_prctr = pt_tran-ref_field_5.        call function 'ZLC_GET_CEPC'          EXPORTING            p_kokrs   = '1000'            p_prctr   = l_prctr          IMPORTING            p_cepc    = l_cepc          TABLES            pt_retmsg = lt_tpmsg.        read table lt_tpmsg with key type = 'E'.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '551'."报废          w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant.          w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = g_stge_loc.          w_goodsmvt_item-material = pt_tran-matnr.          w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-invn_adjmt_qty.          w_goodsmvt_item-profit_ctr = l_prctr."利润中心          append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.        else.          append lines of lt_tpmsg to lt_retmsg.        endif.      endif.    endloop.    "执行操作    read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.    if sy-subrc <> 0.      if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.        l_flag = 'F'.        call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'          EXPORTING            goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header            goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code          IMPORTING            goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret            materialdocument = materialdocument            matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear          TABLES            goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item            return           = return.        read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'            EXPORTING              wait = 'X'.          if materialdocument is not initial.            l_flag = 'S'.            l_matdoc = materialdocument.          endif.        else.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.          perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tran_nbr.        endif.        update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      endif.    else.      update zwttran set flag = 'F' where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      perform writepixtranlog tables lt_retmsg using l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& END 报废    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& BEGIN 转包    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    data:l_lifnr like lfa1-lifnr.    clear:l_lifnr,l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    refresh:goodsmvt_item,return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    "事物码    goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '04'.    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where  tran_type = '300' and tran_code = '01' and actn_code = '07'and invn_adjmt_qty > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      if pt_tran-rsn_code = 'ZB'.        clear:l_lifnr.        refresh:lt_tpmsg.        l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.        l_lifnr = pt_tran-ref_field_5.        call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT'          EXPORTING            input  = l_lifnr          IMPORTING            output = l_lifnr.        select count(*) from lfa1 where lifnr = l_lifnr.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          lt_tpmsg-type = 'E'.          concatenate '供应商' l_lifnr '不存在!' into lt_tpmsg-message.          append lt_tpmsg.        endif.        read table lt_tpmsg with key type = 'E'.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '541'."转包          w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant.          w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = g_stge_loc.          w_goodsmvt_item-material = pt_tran-matnr.          w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-invn_adjmt_qty.          w_goodsmvt_item-vendor = l_lifnr."供应商          append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.        else.          append lines of lt_tpmsg to lt_retmsg.        endif.      endif.    endloop.    "执行操作    read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.    if sy-subrc <> 0.      if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.        l_flag = 'F'.        call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'          EXPORTING            goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header            goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code          IMPORTING            goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret            materialdocument = materialdocument            matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear          TABLES            goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item            return           = return.        read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'            EXPORTING              wait = 'X'.          if materialdocument is not initial.            l_flag = 'S'.            l_matdoc = materialdocument.          endif.        else.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.          perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tran_nbr.        endif.        update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      endif.    else.      update zwttran set flag = 'F' where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      perform writepixtranlog tables lt_retmsg using l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& END 转包    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& BEGIN 转包冲销    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    clear:l_lifnr,l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,goodsmvt_header,goodsmvt_code,goodsmvt_headret,materialdocument,matdocumentyear, goodsmvt_item ,return,w_return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    refresh:goodsmvt_item,return,lt_tpmsg,lt_retmsg.    "事物码    goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '04'.    "头    goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.    goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.    "明细    loop at pt_tran where tran_type = '603' and tran_code = '02' and proc_stat_code = '10' and units_rcvd > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      if pt_tran-ref_field_6 = 'T'.        clear:l_lifnr.        refresh:lt_tpmsg.        l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.        l_lifnr = pt_tran-ref_field_7.        call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT'          EXPORTING            input  = l_lifnr          IMPORTING            output = l_lifnr.        select count(*) from lfa1 where lifnr = l_lifnr.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          lt_tpmsg-type = 'E'.          concatenate '供应商' l_lifnr '不存在!' into lt_tpmsg-message.          append lt_tpmsg.        endif.        read table lt_tpmsg with key type = 'E'.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          w_goodsmvt_item-move_type = '542'."转包冲销          w_goodsmvt_item-plant = g_plant.          w_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc = g_stge_loc.          w_goodsmvt_item-material = pt_tran-matnr.          w_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = pt_tran-units_rcvd.          w_goodsmvt_item-vendor = l_lifnr."供应商          append w_goodsmvt_item to goodsmvt_item.        else.          append lines of lt_tpmsg to lt_retmsg.        endif.      endif.    endloop.    "执行操作    read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.    if sy-subrc <> 0.      if goodsmvt_item[] is not initial.        l_flag = 'F'.        call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'          EXPORTING            goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header            goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code          IMPORTING            goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret            materialdocument = materialdocument            matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear          TABLES            goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item            return           = return.        read table return with key type = 'E' into w_return.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'            EXPORTING              wait = 'X'.          if materialdocument is not initial.            l_flag = 'S'.            l_matdoc = materialdocument.          endif.        else.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.          perform writepixtranlog tables return using l_tran_nbr.        endif.        update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      endif.    else.      update zwttran set flag = 'F' where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      perform writepixtranlog tables lt_retmsg using l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& END 转包冲销    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "& BEGIN 盘点    "&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    data:l_physinv_head type bapi_physinv_create_head,         lt_physinv_item   like table of bapi_physinv_create_items with header line.    data:it_count_item like table of bapi_physinv_count_items with header line,         lt_temp like table of bapi_physinv_count_items with header line,         l_invdoc type iblnr,         l_nblnr(10) type c,         l_count type i.    "&--------------------------------------------盘点-------------------------------------------------------------&    "初始化    clear:l_tran_nbr,l_flag,l_matdoc,l_physinv_head,lt_physinv_item, lt_retmsg,it_count_item,lt_temp,l_invdoc,l_nblnr,l_count.    refresh:lt_physinv_item, lt_retmsg,lt_temp,it_count_item.    "盘点单头    l_physinv_head-plant = g_plant.    l_physinv_head-stge_loc = g_stge_loc.    l_physinv_head-doc_date = sy-datum.    l_physinv_head-plan_date = sy-datum.    loop at pt_tran where  ( ( tran_type = '300' and ( tran_code = '04' or tran_code = '01') and actn_code = '14' )      or ( tran_type = '300' and tran_code = '04' and actn_code = '' ) ) and invn_adjmt_qty > 0 and tran_nbr = t_tran_nbr-tran_nbr.      clear:lt_temp.      l_tran_nbr = pt_tran-tran_nbr.      "盘点单计数      lt_temp-material = pt_tran-matnr.      case pt_tran-invn_adjmt_type.        when 'A'.          lt_temp-entry_qnt = pt_tran-invn_adjmt_qty.        when 'S'.          lt_temp-entry_qnt = - pt_tran-invn_adjmt_qty.      endcase.      collect lt_temp.    endloop.    loop at lt_temp.      add 1 to l_count.      "初始化      clear:lt_mard.      refresh:lt_mard.      "获取当前库存      call function 'ZLC_GET_STOCK'        EXPORTING          p_matnr = lt_temp-material          p_werks = g_plant          p_lgort = g_stge_loc        TABLES          pt_mard = lt_mard.      read table lt_mard index 1.      "盘点处理      if sy-subrc = 0.        "盘点单物料        lt_physinv_item-material = lt_temp-material.        append lt_physinv_item.        "盘点单计数        it_count_item-item = l_count.        it_count_item-material = lt_temp-material.        it_count_item-entry_qnt = lt_mard-labst + lt_temp-entry_qnt.        clear:l_mara.        call function 'ZLC_GET_MARA'          EXPORTING            p_matnr = lt_temp-material          IMPORTING            p_mara  = l_mara.        if l_mara is not initial.          it_count_item-entry_uom = l_mara-meins.        endif.        append it_count_item.      else.        clear:lt_retmsg.        lt_retmsg-type = 'E'.        concatenate '商品' lt_temp-material ',' g_plant ',' g_stge_loc  '不存在!' into lt_retmsg-message.        append lt_retmsg.      endif.    endloop.    read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.    if sy-subrc <> 0.      if it_count_item[] is not initial.        l_flag = 'F'.        clear:lt_retmsg.        refresh:lt_retmsg.        call function 'BAPI_MATPHYSINV_CREATE_MULT'"创建盘点凭证        exporting          head   = l_physinv_head        tables          items  = lt_physinv_item          return = lt_retmsg.        loop at lt_retmsg.          if lt_retmsg-type = 'S' and lt_retmsg-id = 'M7'          and lt_retmsg-number = '710'.            l_nblnr = lt_retmsg-message_v1.            shift l_nblnr right deleting trailing space.            overlay l_nblnr with '0000000000'.            l_invdoc = l_nblnr.          endif.        endloop.        read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.        if sy-subrc <> 0.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'            EXPORTING              wait = 'X'.          clear:lt_retmsg.          refresh:lt_retmsg.          call function 'BAPI_MATPHYSINV_COUNT'"输入盘点数量          exporting            physinventory = l_invdoc            fiscalyear    = sy-datum+0(4)            count_date    = sy-datum          tables            items         = it_count_item            return        = lt_retmsg.          read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.          if sy-subrc <> 0.            call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'              EXPORTING                wait = 'X'.            clear:lt_retmsg.            refresh:lt_retmsg.            call function 'BAPI_MATPHYSINV_POSTDIFF'"处理差异            exporting              physinventory = l_invdoc              fiscalyear    = sy-datum+0(4)              pstng_date    = sy-datum            tables              return        = lt_retmsg.            read table lt_retmsg with key type = 'E'.            if sy-subrc <> 0.              call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'                EXPORTING                  wait = 'X'.              loop at lt_retmsg.                if lt_retmsg-type = 'S' and lt_retmsg-id = 'M7'                and lt_retmsg-number = '716'.                  l_nblnr = lt_retmsg-message_v2.                  shift l_nblnr right deleting trailing space.                  overlay l_nblnr with '0000000000'.                  l_matdoc = l_nblnr.                endif.              endloop.              l_flag = 'S'.            else.              call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.            endif.          else.            call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.          endif.        else.          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.        endif.        update zwttran set flag = l_flag matdoc = l_matdoc iblnr = l_invdoc where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.        if l_flag = 'F'.          perform writepixtranlog tables lt_retmsg using l_tran_nbr.        endif.      endif.    else.      update zwttran set flag = 'F' where tran_nbr = l_tran_nbr.      perform writepixtranlog tables lt_retmsg using l_tran_nbr.    endif.    "  &--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&    "  & end 报损、报溢、盘点    "  &--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&  endloop.
