To Write A Stack

来源:互联网 发布:mac怎么打开微博故事 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:17

To implement Stack.

This is actually Java homework. I thought it is would be insanely easy, though it is indeed not difficult. Just two things here:

1. I was totally familiar with Exceptions. Now I know a little and am kinda interested in it now.

2. About the method "clear()", I thought it would be enough to make head equal nullptr, then when I looked into the implements of LinkedList I found this:

//Clearing all of the links between nodes is "unnecessary", but:
        // - helps a generational GC if the discarded nodes inhabit
        //   more than one generation
        // - is sure to free memory even if there is a reachable Iterator

It seems that the second  reason here has nothing to do with stack. And the first reason, I don't know a thing. Maybe look into it later.

UPDATED on AUG.4.2017.




根据一个很久以前ORACLE官方发布的BUG(链接),在删除节点的相关操作中(包括remove,clear等),当时(2003年)的实现方式会导致链表中废弃节点的生存期过长(“Aroot entry node remaining in scope can keep a huge chain of referenced entries alive for considerably longer than is necessary.”),只有当root本身被回收以后废弃节点才会被回收。所以会导致内存溢出。该链接给出的解决方案是将废弃节点的next和previous均置为null,这样可以保证废弃节点被尽快回收。(其中的root指的时什么?Q2



/** * Created by lyl-2017 on 2017/7/26. */public class AnotherStack<T> {    private class Node {        T value;        Node next;        Node(T value, Node next) {            this.value = value;   = next;        }    }    private Node head = null;    private int size = 0;    public void push(T value) {        head = new Node(value, head);        ++size;    }    public T pop() {        if (head == null)            throw new EmptyStackException();        T e = head.value;        head =;        --size;        return e;    }    public T peek() {        if (head == null)            throw new EmptyStackException();        return head.value;    }    public void clear() {        while(head!=null){            Node next =;            head = null;            head = next;        }        size = 0;    }    boolean isEmpty() {        return head == null;    }    public int size() {        return size;    }}class EmptyStackException extends RuntimeException {    EmptyStackException() {        super();    }}
