
来源:互联网 发布:java怎么调用外部接口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 07:45






start_date = "2017-04-01"end_date = "2017-06-20"trading_csv_name = 'trading_data_two_year.csv'portfolio_csv_name = 'port_two_year.csv'benchmark_csv_name = None
begin = = bt_backtest.backtrader_backtest(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, trading_csv_name=trading_csv_name, \                                              portfolio_csv_name=portfolio_csv_name, bechmark_csv_name=benchmark_csv_name)
end = "time elapse:", (end - begin)print 'Start Portfolio Value: %.2f' % result_dict['start_cash']print 'Final Portfolio Value: %.2f' % result_dict['final_value']print 'Total Return:', result_dict['total_return']print 'Sharpe Ratio :', result_dict['sharpe_ratio'] #* 2 # todo there should be consider!print 'Max Drowdown:', result_dict['max_drowdown'] * 2print 'Max Drowdown Money:', result_dict['max_drowdown_money']print "Trade Information", result_dict['trade_info']result = pd.read_csv('result.csv', index_col=0)result.plot() = pd.read_csv('position_info.csv', index_col=0)
trading_csv_name = 'trading_data_two_year.csv'portfolio_csv_name = 'port_two_year.csv'benchmark_csv_name = None














portfolio_csv_name = 'port_two_year.csv'


        benchmark_csv_name自然就是benchmark的daily return数据文件了。这里可以不设置。



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,                        unicode_literals)import datetimeimport backtrader as btfrom backtrader import Orderimport pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt#  Create a Strateyclass AlphaPortfolioStrategy(bt.Strategy):    def log(self, txt, dt=None):        dt = dt or self.datas[0]        print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))    def __init__(self, dataId_to_secId_dict, secId_to_dataId_dict, adj_df, end_date, backtesting_length=None, benchmark=None, result_csv_name='result'):        # 1.get target portfolio weight        self.adj_df = adj_df        self.backtesting_length = backtesting_length        self.end_date = end_date        # 2.backtrader data_id and secId transfer diction        self.dataId_to_secId_dict = dataId_to_secId_dict        self.secId_to_dataId_dict = secId_to_dataId_dict        self.benchmark = benchmark        # the untradable day due to the up and down floor, empty it in a new adjustment day        self.order_line_dict = {}        self.pre_position_data_id = list()        self.value_for_plot = {}        # 4.keep track of pending orders and buy price/commission        self.order = None        self.buyprice = None        self.buycomm = None        self.value = 10000000.0 = 10000000.0        self.positions_info = open('position_info.csv', 'wb')        self.positions_info.write('date, bt_id,sec_code, size, last price\n')    def start(self):        print("the world call me!")    def notify_fund(self, cash, value, fundvalue, shares):        # update the market value every day        # print("actual value:", value)        self.value = value - 10000000.0  # we give the broker more 10 million for the purpose of illiquidity        # self.value = value  # we give the broker more 10 million for the purpose of illiquidity        self.value_for_plot[self.datetime.datetime()] = self.value / 10000000.0 = cash        # print("cash:", cash)    def notify_order(self, order):        if order.status in [order.Submitted, order.Accepted]:            # Buy/Sell order submitted/accepted to/by broker - Nothing to do            return        # Check if an order has been completed        # Attention: broker could reject order if not enougth cash        if order.status in [order.Completed]:            if order.isbuy():                # order.                self.log(                    'BUY EXECUTED, Price: %.2f, Cost: %.2f, Comm %.2f' %                    (order.executed.price,                     order.executed.value,                     order.executed.comm))                self.buyprice = order.executed.price                self.buycomm = order.executed.comm            else:  # Sell                self.log('SELL EXECUTED, Price: %.2f, Cost: %.2f, Comm %.2f' %                         (order.executed.price,                          order.executed.value,                          order.executed.comm))            self.bar_executed = len(self)        elif order.status in [order.Canceled, order.Rejected]:            self.log('Order Canceled/Rejected')        elif order.status == order.Margin:            self.log('Order Margin')        self.order = None    def notify_trade(self, trade):        if not trade.isclosed:            return        self.log('OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS %.2f, NET %.2f' %                 (trade.pnl, trade.pnlcomm))    def next(self):        # 0.Check if an order is pending ... if yes, we cannot send a 2nd one        # if self.order:        #     return        bar_time = self.datetime.datetime()        bar_time_str = bar_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')        trading_date = bar_time + datetime.timedelta(days=1)        # bar_time_str = (self.datetime.datetime() + datetime.timedelta(1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')        print(bar_time_str, self.value)        print("bar day===:", bar_time_str, "===============")        for (k, v) in self.dataId_to_secId_dict.items():            size = self.positions[self.datas[k]].size            price = self.datas[k].close[-1]            self.positions_info.write('%s ,%s ,%s, %s, %s' % (bar_time_str, k, v, size, price))            self.positions_info.write('\n')        # 1. no matter the adjustment day, up/down floor blocked order should deal with each bar        for (k, v) in self.order_line_dict.items():            bar = self.datas[k]            buyable = False if bar.low[1] / bar.close[0] > 1.0950 else True            sellable = False if bar.high[1] / bar.close[0] < 0.910 else True            # buyable = False if ([1] / bar.close[0] > 1.0950) and (bar.close[1] / bar.close[0] > 1.0950) else True            # sellable = False if ([1] / bar.close[0] < 0.910 and (bar.close[1] / bar.close[0] < 0.91)) else True            if v > 0:                if buyable:                    del self.order_line_dict[k]                    self.log('%s BUY CREATE, %.2f, vlo is %s' % (self.dataId_to_secId_dict[k],[1], v))                    self.order =, size=v, exectype=Order.Market)                else:                    print("############:")                    print("unbuyable:", self.dataId_to_secId_dict[k])            elif v < 0:                if sellable:                    del self.order_line_dict[k]                    self.log('%s SELL CREATE, %.2f, vol is %s' % (self.dataId_to_secId_dict[k],[1], v))                    self.order = self.sell(data=bar, size=abs(v), exectype=Order.Market)                else:                    print("############:")                    print("unsellable:", self.dataId_to_secId_dict[k])        # 2. ensure the adjustment day        # 2.1 get the current bar time        adj_sig = self.adj_df[self.adj_df['sigdate'] == trading_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')][['secucode', 'hl_weight']]        # 2.2 check the adjustment day        if len(adj_sig) == 0 or bar_time_str == self.end_date:            return        # 3. adjust the portfolio        # 3.1 set two dicts to store the buy order and sell order spearately        buy_dict = {}        sell_dict = {}        self.order_line_dict = {}        current_position_data_id = list()        # 3.2 iterate the portfolio instruments and divide into buy group and sell group        for index in adj_sig.index:            # get current instrument code and transfer to the data_id            sec_id = adj_sig.loc[index]['secucode']            data_id = self.secId_to_dataId_dict[sec_id]            if self.backtesting_length and data_id >= self.backtesting_length:                continue            bar = self.datas[data_id]            current_position_data_id.append(data_id)            # get the  target weight value            target_weight = adj_sig.loc[index]['hl_weight']            # calculate the current weight value            current_position = self.positions[self.datas[data_id]]            current_mv = current_position.size * bar.close[0]            current_weight = current_mv / float(self.value)            diff_weight = (target_weight - current_weight)            if[1] == 0:                continue            diff_volume = int(diff_weight * self.value /[1] / 100) * 100            print("the weight difference", diff_weight)            if diff_volume > 0:                buy_dict[data_id] = diff_volume            elif diff_volume < 0:                sell_dict[data_id] = diff_volume        # 3.3 make order work        for (k, v) in sell_dict.items():            bar = self.datas[k]            # sellable = False if (bar.high[1] == bar.low[1]) and ([1] / bar.close[0] < 0.920) else True            sellable = False if ([1] / bar.close[0] < 0.920) else True            # sellable = False if ([1] / bar.close[0] < 0.910 and (bar.close[1] / bar.close[0] < 0.91)) else True            if sellable:                self.log('%s SELL CREATE, %.2f, vol is %s' % (self.dataId_to_secId_dict[k],[1], v))                self.order = self.sell(data=bar, size=abs(v), exectype=Order.Market)            else:                print("############:")                print("unsellable:", self.dataId_to_secId_dict[k])                self.order_line_dict[k] = v        for (k, v) in buy_dict.items():            bar = self.datas[k]            # buyable = False if (bar.low[1] == bar.high[1]) and ([1] / bar.close[0]) > 1.0950 else True            buyable = False if ([1] / bar.close[0]) > 1.0950 else True            # buyable = False if ([1] / bar.close[0] > 1.0950) and (bar.close[1] / bar.close[0] > 1.0950) else True            if buyable:                self.log('%s BUY CREATE, %.2f, vlo is %s' % (self.dataId_to_secId_dict[k],[1], v))                self.order =, size=v, exectype=Order.Market)            else:                print("############:")                print("unbuyable:", self.dataId_to_secId_dict[k])                self.order_line_dict[k] = v        # 3.4 close position, when the data_id is not in current portfolio and in last portfolio, we close the position        if self.pre_position_data_id:            clost_data_id = [di for di in self.pre_position_data_id if di not in current_position_data_id]            for di in clost_data_id:                bar = self.datas[di]                print('CLOSE POSITION:',  self.dataId_to_secId_dict[di])                self.order = self.close(data=bar)        # 3.5 update the position data id for next checking        self.pre_position_data_id = current_position_data_id    def stop(self):        # plot the net value and the benchmark curves        plot_df = pd.concat([pd.Series(self.value_for_plot, name="net value").to_frame(), self.benchmark], axis=1, join='inner')        plot_df.to_csv('result.csv')        self.positions_info.close()        print("death")def backtrader_backtest(start_date, end_date, trading_csv_name, portfolio_csv_name, bechmark_csv_name):    # 1.backtest parameters setting:start time, end time, the assets number(backtest_length) and the benckmark data and new a cerebro    start_date, end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d"), datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")    backtest_length = None    # benchmark series    if bechmark_csv_name:        benchmark = pd.read_csv(bechmark_csv_name, date_parser=True, dtype={'date': str})        benchmark['date'] = benchmark['date'].apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d"))        benchmark = benchmark.set_index('date')    else:        benchmark = None    # result_df = pd.DataFrame()    cerebro = bt.Cerebro()    # 2.get required trading data    # 2.1 get trading data(total trading data)    trading_data_df = pd.read_csv(trading_csv_name, dtype={'sigdate': str, 'secucode': str})    trading_data_df.rename(columns={'sigdate': 'tradingdate', 'secucode': 'ticker'}, inplace=True)    transer = lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d")    trading_data_df['tradingdate'] = trading_data_df['tradingdate'].apply(transer)    trading_data_df = trading_data_df[(trading_data_df['tradingdate'] > start_date) & (trading_data_df['tradingdate'] < end_date)]    trading_data_df['openinterest'] = 0    trading_data_df = trading_data_df.set_index('tradingdate')    # 2.2 get target portfolio data for the target assets filter    adj_df = pd.read_csv(portfolio_csv_name, dtype={'secucode': str})    adj_df = adj_df[['sigdate', 'secucode', 'hl_weight']]    parser1 = lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y/%m/%d")    parser2 = lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")    adj_df['sigdate'] = adj_df['sigdate'].apply(parser1)    adj_df = adj_df[(adj_df['sigdate'] > start_date) & (adj_df['sigdate'] < end_date)]    adj_df['sigdate'] = adj_df['sigdate'].apply(parser2)    # 2.3 generate two diction to trans between secId and backtrader id    sec_id_list = adj_df['secucode'].drop_duplicates().tolist()    data_id_list = [i for i in range(len(sec_id_list))]    dataId_to_secId_dict = dict(zip(data_id_list, sec_id_list))    secId_to_dataId_dict = dict(zip(sec_id_list, data_id_list))    print("total stocks' number", len(sec_id_list), '.', 'data feeding......')    # 2.4 feed required datafeed and add them to the cerebro    for index, sec_id in enumerate(sec_id_list[0:backtest_length]):        sec_df = trading_data_df[trading_data_df['ticker'] == sec_id]        # sec_df = sec_df.set_index('tradingdate')        sec_raw_start = sec_df.index[0]        if sec_raw_start != start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"):            na_fill_value = sec_df.head(1)['open'].values[0]            df_temp = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=sec_raw_start, freq='D')[:-1],                                    columns=['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'openinterest']                                   ).fillna(na_fill_value)            frames = [df_temp, sec_df]            sec_df = pd.concat(frames)        data_feed = bt.feeds.PandasData(dataname=sec_df,                                        fromdate=start_date,                                        todate=end_date                                        )        cerebro.adddata(data_feed, name=sec_id)    print('data feed finish!')    # 3.cerebero config    cerebro.addstrategy(AlphaPortfolioStrategy,                        dataId_to_secId_dict, secId_to_dataId_dict, adj_df, end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), backtest_length, benchmark)    #    cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.Returns, _name="Returns")    cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.SharpeRatio, _name='SharpeRatio', riskfreerate=0.00, stddev_sample=True, annualize=True)    cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.AnnualReturn, _name='AnnualReturn')    cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.DrawDown, _name='DW')    cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.TradeAnalyzer, _name='TradeAnalyzer')    ### information print    start_cash = ( - 10000000.0)    # start_cash = (    # print('Starting Portfolio Value: %.2f' % ( - 10000000.0))    print("start")    results =  # run the cerebro    # 4. show the result    strat = results[0]    final_value = ( - 10000000.0)    total_return = (( - 10000000.0) / 10000000.0 - 1)    # final_value = (    # total_return = (( / 10000000.0 - 1)    sharpe_ratio = strat.analyzers.SharpeRatio.get_analysis()['sharperatio']    max_drowdown = strat.analyzers.DW.get_analysis()['max']['drawdown']    max_drowdown_money = strat.analyzers.DW.get_analysis()['max']['moneydown']    trade_info = strat.analyzers.TradeAnalyzer.get_analysis()    return_dict = {'start_cash': start_cash, 'final_value': final_value, 'total_return': total_return,\                   'sharpe_ratio': sharpe_ratio, 'max_drowdown': max_drowdown, 'max_drowdown_money': max_drowdown_money,\                   'trade_info': trade_info}    return return_dict
        基本上,代码的注释很全面了,基本实现了涨跌停不能买入,进入排队等待,当日开盘价买入,滑点设置等等这些功能。Backtrader有一点,可能是为了加快速度,特别不方便,就是datafeed不能按照名字来实现查找,而是用index来寻找,所以我们需要建立一个全局的dict,能够实现data id到股票代码以及反过来的一一对应的dict。别的,其实实现起来还是比较方便的,但是性能有待提高,等后续需要继续启动这个项目的时候,笔者继续努力吧。譬如如何修改一个查找的逻辑和数据类型的使用。
