
来源:互联网 发布:什么是核函数 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 12:45





windows下socket有2个版本,分别对应2个不同的头文件 winsock.h 和 winsock2.h 。对应WSAStartup第一个参数是MAKEWORD(1,1)还是MAKEWORD(1,2)。


而偶个人感觉,用socket s=socket(AF_NET…….)的方式创建更通用。所以很执拗的使用winsock版本,抛弃winsock2。因为socket是POSIX通用的接口。用这个,跨平台移植工作量更小。



TEMPLATE = appCONFIG += console c++11CONFIG -= app_bundleCONFIG -= qtSOURCES += main.cpp \    Pinger.cppHEADERS += \    Pinger.h#Qt下导入winsock。2个版本的都在这里面了。LIBS += -lWS2_32


#ifndef PINGER_H#define PINGER_H#include <windows.h>#include <winsock.h>#include <string>#pragma pack(push)#pragma pack(1)struct IpHead{    unsigned int    uiHeadLen:4;            ///<头部长度    unsigned int    uiVersion:4;            ///<版本    unsigned char   ucTos;                  ///<服务类型,type of service    unsigned short  usTotalLen;             ///<总长度    unsigned short  usIpId;                 ///<标识    unsigned short  usFlags;                ///<3位标志+13位片偏移    unsigned char   ucTtl;                  ///<TTL,time to live    unsigned char   ucProtocol;             ///<协议    unsigned short  usCheckSum;             ///<首部总校验和    unsigned int    uiSrcIP;                ///<源ip    unsigned int    uiDstIP;                ///<目的ip};struct IcmpHead{    unsigned char   ucType;                 ///<类型    unsigned char   ucCode;                 ///<代码    unsigned short  ususIcmpChkSum;         ///<校验和    unsigned short  usIcmpId;               ///<id    unsigned char   usSeq;                  ///<序号    unsigned long   ulTimeStamp;            ///<时间戳};#pragma pack(pop)#define DEF_PACKET_SIZE     32#define ECHO_REQUEST        8#define ECHO_REPLY          0#define ICMP_ECHOREPLY      0#define ICMP_MIN            sizeof(IcmpHead)#define ICMP_ECHO           8class Pinger{public:    Pinger();    virtual ~Pinger();    /**     * @brief ping          ping指定ip地址     * @param dstIP         目的ip,不能包含空格等非法字符     * @param packNum       一共ping几包     * @param sndTime       发送超时时间,单位毫秒     * @param rcvTime       接收超时时间,单位毫秒     * @return              成功ping通的包数,大于0表示ping通     */    int ping(const char* dstIP, const int& packNum, const int &sndTime, const int &rcvTime);    /**     * @brief getTips       获取提示信息     * @return              提示信息     */    std::string getTips() const {return m_strTips_;}protected:    /**     * @brief checkSum      计算校验和     * @param buf           待计算缓冲区     * @param wordCnt       字个数     * @return              校验和     */    unsigned short checkSum(const WORD *buf, const int &wordCnt);    /**     * @brief decodeIcmpHead        解析icmp头     * @param rcvBuf                头部缓冲区     * @param bread                 字节数     * @param from                  来源ip地址     * @return                      0表示正常,其他见错误码EnErrCode     */    int decodeIcmpHead(char *rcvBuf,unsigned int bread,sockaddr_in *from);    /**     * @brief fillImcpData          填充icmp数据     * @param icmpData              缓冲区     * @param byteCnt               缓冲区长度     */    void fillImcpData(char *icmpData, int byteCnt);    std::string  m_strTips_;                ///<提示信息private:    enum EnErrCode{        EnOK,        EnNullPtr,        EnBadData,        EnInvalidIp,        EnSockErr,    };    unsigned int m_uiId__;                  ///<当前对象id计数    static unsigned int m_uiCnt__;          ///<总对象创建数计数};#endif // PINGER_H


#include "Pinger.h"unsigned int Pinger::m_uiCnt__=0;Pinger::Pinger(){    WSADATA data;    char tips[256]={0};    snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"wsa init ret %d,errCode:%d.\n",WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,2),&data),WSAGetLastError());    m_strTips_+=tips;    m_uiId__=m_uiCnt__++;}Pinger::~Pinger(){    WSACleanup();}int Pinger::ping(const char *dstIP, const int& packNum, const int& sndTime, const int& rcvTime){    int nRet=0;    m_strTips_+="ping tips.\n";    char tips[256]={0};    SOCKET sockRaw=INVALID_SOCKET;    struct sockaddr_in  dest,from;    unsigned short seq_no=0;    int bread,datasize;    int fromlen=sizeof(from);    char icmp_data[1024]={0};    char rcvbuf[1024]={0};    unsigned int addr = inet_addr(dstIP);    int timeout=sndTime;    if(INADDR_NONE ==addr){        m_strTips_+="invalid dstip,";        m_strTips_+=dstIP;        return EnInvalidIp;    }    sockRaw=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_ICMP);    if(INVALID_SOCKET == sockRaw){        snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"create sock failed,errcode:%d\n",WSAGetLastError());        m_strTips_+=tips;        return EnSockErr;    }    //set send time-out val    bread = setsockopt(sockRaw,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDTIMEO,(char*)&timeout,sizeof(timeout));    snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"set send time-out %d,ret:%d,errCode:%d.",timeout,bread,WSAGetLastError());    m_strTips_+=tips;    //set recv time-out val    timeout=rcvTime;    bread = setsockopt(sockRaw,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(char*)&timeout,sizeof(timeout));    snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"set recv time-out %d,ret:%d,errCode:%d.",timeout,bread,WSAGetLastError());    m_strTips_+=tips;    memset(&dest,0,sizeof(dest));    dest.sin_addr.s_addr=addr;    dest.sin_family= AF_INET;    datasize=DEF_PACKET_SIZE+sizeof(IcmpHead);    m_strTips_+="\n";    for(int i=packNum;i>0;i--){        fillIcmpData(icmp_data,datasize);        ((IcmpHead*)icmp_data)->ulTimeStamp=GetTickCount();        ((IcmpHead*)icmp_data)->usSeq=seq_no++;        ((IcmpHead*)icmp_data)->ususIcmpChkSum=checkSum((WORD*)icmp_data,datasize);        int bwrote = sendto(sockRaw,icmp_data,datasize,0,(struct sockaddr*)&dest,sizeof(dest));        snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"send,ret:%d,sndErrCode:%d,",bwrote,WSAGetLastError());        m_strTips_+=tips;        bread = recvfrom(sockRaw,rcvbuf,sizeof(rcvbuf),0,(struct sockaddr*)&from,&fromlen);        snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"recv,ret:%d,rcvErrCode:%d.",bread,WSAGetLastError());        m_strTips_+=tips;        if(bread>0){            decodeIcmpHead(rcvbuf,bread,&from);            nRet++;        }        Sleep(200);        m_strTips_+="\n";    }    if(INVALID_SOCKET != sockRaw){        int clsRet= closesocket(sockRaw);        snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"close sock:%u,ret:%d,errCode:%d\n",sockRaw,clsRet,WSAGetLastError());        m_strTips_+=tips;    }    return nRet;}unsigned short Pinger::checkSum(const WORD *buf, const int& wordCnt){    WORD wChkSum=0;    for(int i = wordCnt;i>0;i--){        wChkSum+=*buf++;    }    wChkSum=(wChkSum>>16)+(wChkSum & 0xffff);    wChkSum+=(wChkSum>>16);    return (WORD)(~wChkSum);}int Pinger::decodeIcmpHead(char *rcvBuf, const unsigned int bread, const sockaddr_in *from){    if(NULL == rcvBuf || NULL == from){        m_strTips_+="decode imcp head encounter null ptr.\n";        return EnNullPtr;    }    char tips[256]={0};    IpHead *ipHead=(IpHead*)rcvBuf;    IcmpHead *icmpHead=NULL;    WORD  wIpHeadLen=ipHead->uiHeadLen*4;    if(bread<(wIpHeadLen+ICMP_MIN)){        snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"too few bytes from %s\n",inet_ntoa((from->sin_addr)));        m_strTips_+=tips;        return EnBadData;    }    icmpHead=(IcmpHead*)(rcvBuf+wIpHeadLen);    if(icmpHead->ucType != ICMP_ECHOREPLY){        snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"no echo tpye %d rcved.\n",int(icmpHead->ucType));        m_strTips_+=tips;    }    if(icmpHead->usIcmpId != m_uiId__){        snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"some one's pack. realId:%u,myId:%u.\n",icmpHead->usIcmpId,m_uiId__);        m_strTips_+=tips;    }    snprintf(tips,sizeof(tips),"reply from %s, %u bytes, time:%u ms, seq:%d, id:%u.\n",inet_ntoa(from->sin_addr),            bread-wIpHeadLen,GetTickCount()-icmpHead->ulTimeStamp,icmpHead->usSeq,icmpHead->usIcmpId);    m_strTips_+=tips;    return 0;}void Pinger::fillIcmpData(char *icmpData, const int &byteCnt){    if(NULL == icmpData){        m_strTips_+="fill icmp data encounter null ptr.\n";        return;    }    IcmpHead *icmpHead=(IcmpHead*)icmpData;    char* dataPart=NULL;    icmpHead->ucType=ICMP_ECHO;    icmpHead->ucCode=0;    icmpHead->ususIcmpChkSum=0;    icmpHead->usIcmpId=m_uiId__;    dataPart=icmpData+sizeof(IcmpHead);    memset(dataPart,0,byteCnt-sizeof(IcmpHead));}


#include <iostream>#include "Pinger.h"using namespace std;int main(){    cout << "Hello World!" << endl;    for(int i=0;i<10;i++){        Pinger p;"",1,200,200);        cout<<p.getTips().c_str()<<endl;    }    return 0;}



Hello World!wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:63,rcvErrCode:0.reply from, 43 bytes, time:15 ms, seq:0, id:0.close sock:132,ret:0,errCode:0wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:63,rcvErrCode:0.reply from, 43 bytes, time:16 ms, seq:0, id:1.close sock:120,ret:0,errCode:0wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:63,rcvErrCode:0.reply from, 43 bytes, time:0 ms, seq:0, id:2.close sock:116,ret:0,errCode:0wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:63,rcvErrCode:0.reply from, 43 bytes, time:0 ms, seq:0, id:3.close sock:112,ret:0,errCode:0wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:63,rcvErrCode:0.reply from, 43 bytes, time:0 ms, seq:0, id:4.close sock:124,ret:0,errCode:0wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:63,rcvErrCode:0.reply from, 43 bytes, time:16 ms, seq:0, id:5.close sock:132,ret:0,errCode:0wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:63,rcvErrCode:0.reply from, 43 bytes, time:15 ms, seq:0, id:6.close sock:120,ret:0,errCode:0wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:63,rcvErrCode:0.reply from, 43 bytes, time:15 ms, seq:0, id:7.close sock:116,ret:0,errCode:0wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:-1,rcvErrCode:10060.close sock:112,ret:0,errCode:0wsa init ret 0, tips.set send time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.set recv time-out 200,ret:0,errCode:0.send,ret:43,sndErrCode:0,recv,ret:63,rcvErrCode:0.reply from, 43 bytes, time:15 ms, seq:0, id:9.close sock:124,ret:0,errCode:0







main.cpp:11: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]"",2,200,200);                                   ^


sprintf(tips,"reply from %s, %u bytes, time:%u ms, seq:%d.\n",inet_ntoa(from->sin_addr),        bread-wIpHeadLen,GetTickCount()-icmpHead->ulTimeStamp,icmpHead->usSeq);
Pinger.cpp:136: warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 5 has type 'DWORD {aka long unsigned int}' [-Wformat=]             bread-wIpHeadLen,GetTickCount()-icmpHead->ulTimeStamp,icmpHead->usSeq);                                                                                  ^


cd  pro_pathgit initgit add *git commit -m "first version"git remote add origin your_git_urigit fetch your_git_urigit pull your_git_uri --allow-unrelated-historiesgit push -u origin master


create sock failed,errcode:10013




code descprition WSAEBADF 10009 File handle is not valid.The file handle supplied is not valid. WSAEACCES 10013 Permission denied.An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. An example is using a broadcast address for sendto without broadcast permission being set using setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST).Another possible reason for the WSAEACCES error is that when the bind function is called (on Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 and later), another application, service, or kernel mode driver is bound to the same address with exclusive access. Such exclusive access is a new feature of Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 and later, and is implemented by using the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE option. WSAEFAULT 10014 Bad address.The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument of a call. This error occurs if an application passes an invalid pointer value, or if the length of the buffer is too small. For instance, if the length of an argument, which is a sockaddr structure, is smaller than the sizeof(sockaddr). WSAEINVAL 10022 Invalid argument.Some invalid argument was supplied (for example, specifying an invalid level to the setsockopt function). In some instances, it also refers to the current state of the socket—for instance, calling accept on a socket that is not listening. WSAEMFILE 10024 Too many open files.Too many open sockets. Each implementation may have a maximum number of socket handles available, either globally, per process, or per thread. WSAEWOULDBLOCK 10035 Resource temporarily unavailable.This error is returned from operations on nonblocking sockets that cannot be completed immediately, for example recv when no data is queued to be read from the socket. It is a nonfatal error, and the operation should be retried later. It is normal for WSAEWOULDBLOCK to be reported as the result from calling connect on a nonblocking SOCK_STREAM socket, since some time must elapse for the connection to be established. WSAEINPROGRESS 10036 Operation now in progress.A blocking operation is currently executing. Windows Sockets only allows a single blocking operation—per- task or thread—to be outstanding, and if any other function call is made (whether or not it references that or any other socket) the function fails with the WSAEINPROGRESS error.