
来源:互联网 发布:一钻淘宝店铺转让 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 09:28

Glog是著名google开源C++日志库glog的golang版本,具有轻量级、简单、稳定和高效等特性。 目前被用在大型的容器云开源项目Kubernetes中。


  • Overview
  • Usage
  • Source Code Reading
  • flag.Parse()困境
  • Reference



  • 支持四种日志等级INFO < WARING < ERROR < FATAL,不支持DEBUG等级。
  • 每个日志等级对应一个日志文件,低等级的日志文件中除了包含该等级的日志,还会包含高等级的日志。
  • 日志文件可以根据大小切割,但是不能根据日期切割。
  • 日志文件名称格式:program.host.userName.log.log_level.date-time.pid,不可自定义。
  • 固定日志输出格式:Lmmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg…,不可自定义。
  • 程序开始时必须调用flag.Parse()解析命令行参数,退出时必须调用glog.Flush()确保将缓存区日志输出。




package mainimport ("flag""fmt""os""github.com/golang/glog")func main() {//Init the command-line flags.flag.Parse()// Will be ignored as the program has exited in Fatal().defer func() {fmt.Println("Message in defer")}()// Flushes all pending log I/O.defer glog.Flush()// The temp folder for log files when --log_dir is not set.fmt.Printf("Temp folder for log files: %s\n", os.TempDir())glog.Info("Info")glog.V(1).Info("L1 info")glog.Error("Error")glog.Fatal("Fatal")// Will be ignored as the program has exited in Fatal().glog.Error("Error after Fatal")}


  • 参数列表
$ ./glog.exe -hUsage of E:\gocode\src\test\glog\glog.exe:  -alsologtostderr        log to standard error as well as files (同时输出到os.Stderr和log files)  -log_backtrace_at value        when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace  -log_dir string        If non-empty, write log files in this directory (指定log files的目录,默认是os.TempDir())  -logtostderr        log to standard error instead of files (只输出到os.Stderr)  -stderrthreshold value        logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (大于等于该severity的log,会输出到os.Stderr)  -v value        log level for V logs (设置vLog的等级)  -vmodule value        comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
  • Output
$ ./glog.exeTemp folder for log files: C:\Users\robin\AppData\Local\TempE0608 13:09:38.304553    2584 main.go:28] ErrorF0608 13:09:38.305553    2584 main.go:29] Fatalgoroutine 1 [running]:github.com/golang/glog.stacks(0x544d00, 0x0, 0x30, 0x40)        E:/gocode/src/github.com/golang/glog/glog.go:769 +0x8bgithub.com/golang/glog.(*loggingT).output(0x535100, 0x3, 0x116980a0, 0x52206c, 0                                                                                                    x7, 0x1d, 0x0)        E:/gocode/src/github.com/golang/glog/glog.go:720 +0x2d1github.com/golang/glog.(*loggingT).printDepth(0x535100, 0x3, 0x1, 0x116b7f64, 0x                                                                                                    1, 0x1)        E:/gocode/src/github.com/golang/glog/glog.go:646 +0xe7github.com/golang/glog.(*loggingT).print(0x535100, 0x3, 0x116b7f64, 0x1, 0x1)        E:/gocode/src/github.com/golang/glog/glog.go:637 +0x49github.com/golang/glog.Fatal(0x116b7f64, 0x1, 0x1)        E:/gocode/src/github.com/golang/glog/glog.go:1128 +0x43main.main()        E:/gocode/src/test/glog/main.go:29 +0x28d$ ls /C/Users/robin/AppData/Local/Temp | grep glogglog.exe.robin-PC.robin-PC_robin.log.ERROR.20170608-130938.2584glog.exe.robin-PC.robin-PC_robin.log.FATAL.20170608-130938.2584glog.exe.robin-PC.robin-PC_robin.log.INFO.20170608-130938.2584glog.exe.robin-PC.robin-PC_robin.log.WARNING.20170608-130938.2584

Log files输出到默认的临时目录(C:\Users\robin\AppData\Local\Temp)下。在标准输出上只能看到Error和Fatal log,是因为默认的--stderrthreshold为ERROR。不过所有log都会输出到log files,除非设置--logtostderr=true。设置--alsologtostderr=true,所有log除了输出到log files,还会输出到标准输出,此选项会覆盖--stderrthreshold的设置。


Source Code Reading


  • glog.go:主要实现log等级定义、输出以及vlog。
  • glog_file.go:主要实现日志文件目录和各等级日志文件的创建。

Log Levels Definition

// severity identifies the sort of log: info, warning etc. It also implements// the flag.Value interface. The -stderrthreshold flag is of type severity and// should be modified only through the flag.Value interface. The values match// the corresponding constants in C++.type severity int32 // sync/atomic int32// These constants identify the log levels in order of increasing severity.// A message written to a high-severity log file is also written to each// lower-severity log file.const (infoLog severity = iotawarningLogerrorLogfatalLognumSeverity = 4)const severityChar = "IWEF"var severityName = []string{infoLog:    "INFO",warningLog: "WARNING",errorLog:   "ERROR",fatalLog:   "FATAL",}

Flush Daemon


func init() {flag.BoolVar(&logging.toStderr, "logtostderr", false, "log to standard error instead of files")flag.BoolVar(&logging.alsoToStderr, "alsologtostderr", false, "log to standard error as well as files")flag.Var(&logging.verbosity, "v", "log level for V logs")flag.Var(&logging.stderrThreshold, "stderrthreshold", "logs at or above this threshold go to stderr")flag.Var(&logging.vmodule, "vmodule", "comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging")flag.Var(&logging.traceLocation, "log_backtrace_at", "when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace")// Default stderrThreshold is ERROR.logging.stderrThreshold = errorLoglogging.setVState(0, nil, false)go logging.flushDaemon()}// Flush flushes all pending log I/O.func Flush() {logging.lockAndFlushAll()}...const flushInterval = 30 * time.Second// flushDaemon periodically flushes the log file buffers.func (l *loggingT) flushDaemon() {for _ = range time.NewTicker(flushInterval).C {l.lockAndFlushAll()}}


所有的log都支持多种输出模式,例如,Info[f|ln|Depth](),最终都是调用output()来输出到log files或者Stderr。

Info()Infoln()没有区别,因为glog为了保证每行只有一条log记录,会主动check末尾是否有换行符,如果没有的话,会自动加上。 InfoDepth()提供的depth参数,用来指定log信息中source file number来自的堆栈的深度。当depth为0时,就等价于Info()。 由于depth的设置很难有一个明确的参考标准,因此InfoDepth()不常用。

func (l *loggingT) println(s severity, args ...interface{}) {buf, file, line := l.header(s, 0)fmt.Fprintln(buf, args...)l.output(s, buf, file, line, false)}func (l *loggingT) print(s severity, args ...interface{}) {l.printDepth(s, 1, args...)}func (l *loggingT) printDepth(s severity, depth int, args ...interface{}) {buf, file, line := l.header(s, depth)fmt.Fprint(buf, args...)if buf.Bytes()[buf.Len()-1] != '\n' {buf.WriteByte('\n')}l.output(s, buf, file, line, false)}func (l *loggingT) printf(s severity, format string, args ...interface{}) {buf, file, line := l.header(s, 0)fmt.Fprintf(buf, format, args...)if buf.Bytes()[buf.Len()-1] != '\n' {buf.WriteByte('\n')}l.output(s, buf, file, line, false)}......// Info logs to the INFO log.// Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Print; a newline is appended if missing.func Info(args ...interface{}) {logging.print(infoLog, args...)}// InfoDepth acts as Info but uses depth to determine which call frame to log.// InfoDepth(0, "msg") is the same as Info("msg").func InfoDepth(depth int, args ...interface{}) {logging.printDepth(infoLog, depth, args...)}// Infoln logs to the INFO log.// Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Println; a newline is appended if missing.func Infoln(args ...interface{}) {logging.println(infoLog, args...)}// Infof logs to the INFO log.// Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf; a newline is appended if missing.func Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {logging.printf(infoLog, format, args...)}

output()在输出log的整个过程中都会加锁,以防止写冲突。 每次输出log时都会check是否已调用flag.Parse()。如果没有调用就直接将log输出到Stderr,同时在其前面提示ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: 的错误。如果已经调用就会根据命令行参数来决定输出行为:如果设置--toStderr=true,就只会输出到Stderr; 如果设置--alsoToStderr=true,且输出log level大于或等于--stderrThreshold的话, 输出到log file的同时也会输出到Stderr。stderrThreshold的默认值是ERROR

Glog还有另外一个很赞的功能就是,遇到Fatal log会在自动退出程序,并在退出前将所有goroutine的堆栈信息输出,方便排错。因此,在程序需要异常退出的时候,直接调用Fatal[f|ln|Depth](),应该成为一种标准做法。

// output writes the data to the log files and releases the buffer.func (l *loggingT) output(s severity, buf *buffer, file string, line int, alsoToStderr bool) {l.mu.Lock()if l.traceLocation.isSet() {if l.traceLocation.match(file, line) {buf.Write(stacks(false))}}data := buf.Bytes()if !flag.Parsed() {os.Stderr.Write([]byte("ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: "))os.Stderr.Write(data)} else if l.toStderr {os.Stderr.Write(data)} else {if alsoToStderr || l.alsoToStderr || s >= l.stderrThreshold.get() {os.Stderr.Write(data)}if l.file[s] == nil {if err := l.createFiles(s); err != nil {os.Stderr.Write(data) // Make sure the message appears somewhere.l.exit(err)}}switch s {case fatalLog:l.file[fatalLog].Write(data)fallthroughcase errorLog:l.file[errorLog].Write(data)fallthroughcase warningLog:l.file[warningLog].Write(data)fallthroughcase infoLog:l.file[infoLog].Write(data)}}if s == fatalLog {// If we got here via Exit rather than Fatal, print no stacks.if atomic.LoadUint32(&fatalNoStacks) > 0 {l.mu.Unlock()timeoutFlush(10 * time.Second)os.Exit(1)}// Dump all goroutine stacks before exiting.// First, make sure we see the trace for the current goroutine on standard error.// If -logtostderr has been specified, the loop below will do that anyway// as the first stack in the full dump.if !l.toStderr {os.Stderr.Write(stacks(false))}// Write the stack trace for all goroutines to the files.trace := stacks(true)logExitFunc = func(error) {} // If we get a write error, we'll still exit below.for log := fatalLog; log >= infoLog; log-- {if f := l.file[log]; f != nil { // Can be nil if -logtostderr is set.f.Write(trace)}}l.mu.Unlock()timeoutFlush(10 * time.Second)os.Exit(255) // C++ uses -1, which is silly because it's anded with 255 anyway.}l.putBuffer(buf)l.mu.Unlock()if stats := severityStats[s]; stats != nil {atomic.AddInt64(&stats.lines, 1)atomic.AddInt64(&stats.bytes, int64(len(data)))}}


vLog是用户自定义的log级别,与glog自带的log级别完全独立,使log等级控制更加丰富,灵活。 不过只提供Info(),Infof()和Infoln()三个方法,因此只能对infoLog进行更细粒度的等级划分,可以认为是补充DEBUG等级。


if glog.V(2) {glog.Info("log this")}// Equalsglog.V(2).Info("log this")


// Verbose is a boolean type that implements Infof (like Printf) etc.// See the documentation of V for more information.type Verbose boolfunc V(level Level) Verbose {// Here is a cheap but safe test to see if V logging is enabled globally.if logging.verbosity.get() >= level {return Verbose(true)}if atomic.LoadInt32(&logging.filterLength) > 0 {logging.mu.Lock()defer logging.mu.Unlock()if runtime.Callers(2, logging.pcs[:]) == 0 {return Verbose(false)}v, ok := logging.vmap[logging.pcs[0]]if !ok {v = logging.setV(logging.pcs[0])}return Verbose(v >= level)}return Verbose(false)}// Info is equivalent to the global Info function, guarded by the value of v.// See the documentation of V for usage.func (v Verbose) Info(args ...interface{}) {if v {logging.print(infoLog, args...)}}// Infoln is equivalent to the global Infoln function, guarded by the value of v.// See the documentation of V for usage.func (v Verbose) Infoln(args ...interface{}) {if v {logging.println(infoLog, args...)}}// Infof is equivalent to the global Infof function, guarded by the value of v.// See the documentation of V for usage.func (v Verbose) Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {if v {logging.printf(infoLog, format, args...)}}


从上面的源码阅读和原理分析可以了解到,Glog通过标准flag库获取log配置相关参数,并且在每次输出log的时候都会check是否已调用flag.Parse()。 这就将Glog与标准flag库紧密绑定在一起,不仅严格限制了flag库的选择,而且还会与其他flag库存在不可避免的冲突。 在项目中引入Kubernetes的log和flag机制的时候,发现了这个棘手的问题。Kubernetes能够正常运行,但是自己的代码,无论是否调用flag.Parse(),都会存在问题:

  • 为了正常使用glog,就必须调用flag.Parse(),但是会出现pflag添加的一些命令行参数不能被解析而出错,因为它们没有被添加到标准flag库的FlagSet中。
  • 为了避免pflag添加的一些命令行参数解析出错,一定不能调用flag.Parse(),但是glog输出的时候提示错误。

通过把Kubernetes相关源码,甚至用到的glog,标准flag库以及pflag库的源码都读了一遍,才搞清楚其中的原因。这个问题是由Glog PR #13引入的,该PR的comments和code reviews中都有人提到,此code change会导致与其他flag库兼容性问题。 之所以Kubernetes没问题,而自己的代码无论怎样都有问题,是因为我用的是最新的glog库,而Kubernetes用的是比较老的版本,还未引入这个PR。 因为这个被忽略的细节,我被困惑了好几天,直到把所有相关的代码都看了一遍,才找到问题的根源。这过程中的收获不仅是搞清楚其原理,还吸取了一个很大的教训:看源码的时候,一定要注意版本,尤其是一些dependency的版本,通过IDE直接跳转过去的代码,可能跟真实使用的并不是一个版本。


  • Kubernetes Logging Conventions
  • Go 语言日志指南
  • golang日志库glog解析