空前纪录 all-time record

来源:互联网 发布:园林景观软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 17:16



The nation's capital, which topped the list, accommodated 830,000 tourists, up 20 percent from last year. Its tourism revenue totaled 2.16 billion yuan. Both figures are all-time records, the Beijing municipal tourism bureau said.


在上面的报道中,all-time record就是指“空前纪录”。All-time意思是“空前的、创纪录的”。最近经济不景气,在很多国家,unemployment rate will reach an all-time high.(失业率将创历史新高)。不过,春节期间外出旅游过得非常愉快,this is without a doubt my all-time crummiest moment(这无疑是我一生中最充实快乐的时光)。

纳达尔刚刚战胜了费德勒摘得澳网男单桂冠,他可以被称为one of the all-time great tennis players(历来最好的网球键将)。去年的北京奥运会上,很多运动员better their own record(刷新了自己创下的历史纪录)。“纪录创造者(保持者)“我们常说成是a record setter/holder,而”打破纪录“则是break/smash the record, to set a new record。如果equal the record(平了之前的纪录),那就稍有遗憾了。
