Time To Get Up

来源:互联网 发布:炫佳网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 15:40

Problem Description
Little Q's clock is alarming! It's time to get up now! However, after reading the time on the clock, Little Q lies down and starts sleeping again. Well, he has5 alarms, and it's just the first one, he can continue sleeping for a while.

Little Q's clock uses a standard 7-segment LCD display for all digits, plus two small segments for the '':'', and shows all times in a 24-hour format. The '':'' segments are on at all times.

Your job is to help Little Q read the time shown on his clock.

The first line of the input contains an integer T(1T1440), denoting the number of test cases.

In each test case, there is an
7×21 ASCII image of the clock screen.

All digit segments are represented by two characters, and each colon segment is represented by one character. The character ''X'' indicates a segment that is on while ''.'' indicates anything else. See the sample input for details.

For each test case, print a single line containing a stringt in the format of HH:MM, where t(00:00t23:59), denoting the time shown on the clock.

Sample Input

Sample Output

#include"iostream"using namespace std;char ai[100][100];int panduan(int a,int b){if(ai[a][b+1]=='X'){if(ai[a+1][b]=='X'){if(ai[a+3][b+1]!='X') return 0;else if(ai[a+4][b]!='X'&&ai[a+1][b+3]!='X') return 5;else if(ai[a+4][b]!='X') return 9;else if(ai[a+1][b+3]!='X') return 6;else return 8;}else{if(ai[a+4][b]=='X') return 2;else if(ai[a+3][b+1]=='X') return 3;else return 7;}}else{if(ai[a+1][b]=='X'){return 4;}else return 1;}}int main(){int t;cin>>t;while(t--){for(int i=0;i<7;i++){cin>>ai[i];}cout<<panduan(0,0);cout<<panduan(0,5);cout<<":";cout<<panduan(0,12);cout<<panduan(0,17)<<endl;}return 0;}