
来源:互联网 发布:狸窝照片制作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 16:19



CEF General Usage(CEF3预览)


CEF全称Chromium Embedded Framework,是一个基于Google Chromium 的开源项目。Google Chromium项目主要是为Google Chrome应用开发的,而CEF的目标则是为第三方应用提供可嵌入浏览器支持。CEF隔离底层Chromium和Blink的复杂代码,并提供一套产品级稳定的API,发布跟踪具体Chromium版本的分支,以及二进制包。CEF的大部分特性都提供了丰富的默认实现,让使用者做尽量少的定制即可满足需求。在本文发布的时候,世界上已经有很多公司和机构采用CEF,CEF的安装量超过了100万。[CEF wikipedia]页面上有使用CEF的公司和机构的不完全的列表。CEF的典型应用场景包括:

  • 嵌入一个兼容HTML5的浏览器控件到一个已经存在的本地应用。
  • 创建一个轻量化的壳浏览器,用以托管主要用Web技术开发的应用。
  • 有些应用有独立的绘制框架,使用CEF对Web内容做离线渲染。
  • 使用CEF做自动化Web测试。

CEF3是基于Chomuim Content API多进程构架的下一代CEF,拥有下列优势:

  • 改进的性能和稳定性(JavaScript和插件在一个独立的进程内执行)。
  • 支持Retina显示器。
  • 支持WebGL和3D CSS的GPU加速。
  • 类似WebRTC和语音输入这样的前卫特性。
  • 通过DevTools远程调试协议以及ChromeDriver2提供更好的自动化UI测试。
  • 更快获得当前以及未来的Web特性和标准的能力。



  • 使用二进制包
  • 从源码编译(Building from Source Code)
  • 示例应用程序(Sample Application)
  • 重要概念(Important Concepts)
  • C++ 封装(C++ Wrapper)
    • 进程(Processes)
    • 线程(Threads)
    • 引用计数(Reference Counting)
    • 字符串(Strings)
    • 命令行参数(Command Line Arguments)
  • 应用程序布局(Application Layout)
  • 应用程序结构(Application Structure)
    • Windows操作系统(Windows)
    • Linux操作系统(Linux)
    • Mac X平台(Mac OS X)
  • 单一执行体(Single Executable)
  • 分离子进程执行体(Separate Sub-Process Executable)
  • 集成消息循环(Message Loop Integration)
  • CefSettings
  • CefBrowser和CefFrame
  • CefApp
  • CefClient
  • Browser生命周期(Browser Life Span)
  • 离屏渲染(Off-Screen Rendering)
  • 投递任务(Posting Tasks)
  • 进程间通信(Inter-Process Communication (IPC))
  • 处理启动消息(Process Startup Messages)
  • 处理运行时消息(Process Runtime Messages)
  • 异步JavaScript绑定(Asynchronous JavaScript Bindings)
    • 通用消息转发(Generic Message Router)
    • 自定义实现(Custom Implementation)
  • 同步请求(Synchronous Requests)
  • 网络层(Network Layer)
  • 自定义请求(Custom Requests)
  • 浏览器无关请求(Browser-Independent Requests)
  • 请求响应(Request Handling)
  • Scheme响应(Scheme Handler)
  • 请求拦截(Request Interception)
  • 其他回调(Other Callbacks)
  • Proxy Resolution


CEF3的二进制包可以在这个页面下载。其中包含了在特定平台(Windows,Mac OS X 以及 Linux)编译特定版本CEF3所需的全部文件。不同平台拥有共同的结构:

  • cefclient
  • Debug
  • include
  • libcef_dll
  • Release
  • Resources
  • tools


基于CEF二进制包的应用程序可以使用每个平台上的经典编译工具。包括Windows平台上的Visual Studio,Mac OSX平台上的Xcode,以及Linux平台上的gcc/make编译工具链。CEF项目的下载页面包含了这些平台上编译特定版本CEF所需的编译工具的版本信息。在Linux上编译CEF时需要特别注意依赖工具链。

Tutorial Wiki页面有更多关于如何使用CEF3二进制包创建简单应用程序的细节。

从源码编译(Building from Source Code)


示例应用程序(Sample Application)


重要概念(Important Concepts)


C++ 封装(C++ Wrapper)

libcef 动态链接库导出 C API 使得使用者不用关心CEF运行库和基础代码。libcef_dll_wrapper 工程把 C API 封装成 C++ API同时包含在客户端应用程序工程中,与cefclient一样,源代码作为CEF二进制发布包的一部分共同发布。C/C++ API的转换层代码是由转换工具自动生成。UsingTheCAPI 页面描述了如何使用C API。


进程中;除此之外,Render进程还负责Js Binding和对Dom节点的访问。

默认情况下,主应用程序会被多次启动运行各自独立的进程。这是通过传递不同的命令行参数给CefExecuteProcess函数做到的。如果主应用程序很大,加载时间比较长,或者不能在非浏览器进程里使用,则宿主程序可使用独立的可执行文件去运行这些进程。这可以通过配置CefSettings.browser_subprocess_path变量做到。更多细节请参考Application Structure一节。

CEF3的进程之间可以通过IPC进行通信。Browser和Render进程可以通过发送异步消息进行双向通信。甚至在Render进程可以注册在Browser进程响应的异步JavaScript API。
更多细节,请参考Inter-Process Communication一节。

通过设置命令行的--single-process,CEF3就可以支持用于调试目的的单进程运行模型。支持的平台为:Windows,Mac OS X 和Linux。



  • TID_UI 线程是浏览器的主线程。如果应用程序在调用调用CefInitialize()时,传递CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop=false,这个线程也是应用程序的主线程。
  • TID_IO 线程主要负责处理IPC消息以及网络通信。
  • TID_FILE 线程负责与文件系统交互。

由于CEF采用多线程架构,有必要使用锁和闭包来保证数据的线程安全语义。IMPLEMENT_LOCKING定义提供了Lock()和Unlock()方法以及AutoLock对象来保证不同代码块同步访问数据。CefPostTask函数组支持简易的线程间异步消息传递。更多信息,请参考Posting Tasks章节。


#define REQUIRE_UI_THREAD()   ASSERT(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI));#define REQUIRE_IO_THREAD()   ASSERT(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_IO));#define REQUIRE_FILE_THREAD() ASSERT(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_FILE));
引用计数(Reference Counting)


class MyClass : public CefBase { public:  // Various class methods here... private:  // Various class members here...  IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(MyClass);  // Provides atomic refcounting implementation.};// References a MyClass instanceCefRefPtr<MyClass> my_class = new MyClass();

- libcef包和宿主程序可能使用不同的运行时,对堆管理的方式也不同。所有的对象,包括字符串,需要确保和申请堆内存使用相同的运行时环境。
- libcef包可以编译为支持不同的字符串类型(UTF8,UTF16以及WIDE)。默认采用的是UTF16,默认字符集可以通过更改cef_string.h文件中的定义,然后重新编译来修改。当使用宽字节集的时候,切记字符的长度由当前使用的平台决定。


typedef struct _cef_string_utf16_t {  char16* str;  // Pointer to the string  size_t length;  // String length  void (*dtor)(char16* str);  // Destructor for freeing the string on the correct heap} cef_string_utf16_t;


typedef char16 cef_char_t;typedef cef_string_utf16_t cef_string_t;


  • cef_string_set 对制定的字符串变量赋值(支持深拷贝或浅拷贝)。
  • cef_string_clear 清空字符串。
  • cef_string_cmp 比较两个字符串。




std::string str = “Some UTF8 string”;// Equivalent ways of assigning |str| to |cef_str|. Conversion from UTF8 will occur if necessary.CefString cef_str(str);cef_str = str;cef_str.FromString(str);// Equivalent ways of assigning |cef_str| to |str|. Conversion to UTF8 will occur if necessary.str = cef_str;str = cef_str.ToString();


std::wstring str = “Some wide string”;// Equivalent ways of assigning |str| to |cef_str|. Conversion from wide will occur if necessary.CefString cef_str(str);cef_str = str;cef_str.FromWString(str);// Equivalent ways of assigning |cef_str| to |str|. Conversion to wide will occur if necessary.str = cef_str;str = cef_str.ToWString();


const char* cstr = “Some ASCII string”;CefString cef_str;cef_str.FromASCII(cstr);


CefSettings settings;const char* path = “/path/to/log.txt”;// Equivalent assignments.CefString(&settings.log_file).FromASCII(path);cef_string_from_ascii(path, strlen(path), &settings.log_file);
命令行参数(Command Line Arguments)


应用程序布局(Application Layout)

应用资源布局依赖于平台,有很大的不同。比如,在Mac OS X上,你的资源布局必须遵循特定的app bundles结构;Window与Linux则更灵活,允许你定制CEF库文件与资源文件所在的位置。为了获取到特定可以正常工作的示例,你可以从工程的下载页面下载到一个client压缩包。每个平台对应的README.txt文件详细说明了哪些文件是可选的,哪些文件是必须的。



Application/    cefclient.exe  <= cefclient application executable     libcef.dll <= main CEF library     icudt.dll <= ICU unicode support library     ffmpegsumo.dll <= HTML5 audio/video support library     libEGL.dll, libGLESv2.dll, … <= accelerated compositing support libraries     cef.pak, devtools_resources.pak <= non-localized resources and strings     locales/        en-US.pak, … <= locale-specific resources and strings 




Application/    cefclient  <= cefclient application executable     libcef.so <= main CEF library     ffmpegsumo.so <-- HTML5 audio/video support library     cef.pak, devtools_resources.pak <= non-localized resources and strings     locales/        en-US.pak, … <= locale-specific resources and strings     files/        binding.html, … <= cefclient application resources 


Mac X平台(Mac OS X)

在Mac X平台上,app bundles委托给了Chromium实现,因此不是很灵活。文件夹结构大致如下:

cefclient.app/    Contents/        Frameworks/            Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/                Libraries/                    ffmpegsumo.so <= HTML5 audio/video support library                     libcef.dylib <= main CEF library                Resources/                    cef.pak, devtools_resources.pak <= non-localized resources and strings                    *.png, *.tiff <= Blink image and cursor resources                     en.lproj/, … <= locale-specific resources and strings             libplugin_carbon_interpose.dylib <= plugin support library            cefclient Helper.app/                Contents/                    Info.plist                    MacOS/                        cefclient Helper <= helper executable                     Pkginfo            cefclient Helper EH.app/                Contents/                    Info.plist                    MacOS/                        cefclient Helper EH <= helper executable                     Pkginfo            cefclient Helper NP.app/                Contents/                    Info.plist                    MacOS/                        cefclient Helper NP <= helper executable                     Pkginfo        Info.plist        MacOS/            cefclient <= cefclient application executable         Pkginfo        Resources/            binding.html, … <= cefclient application resources 

列表中的“Chromium Embedded Framework.framework”,这个未受版本管控的框架包含了所有的CEF库文件、资源文件。使用install_name_tool与@executable_path,将cefclient,cefclient helper等可执行文件,连接到了libcef.dylib上。

应用程序cefclient helper用来执行不同特点、独立的进程(Renderer,plugin等),这些进程需要独立的资源布局与Info.plist等文件,它们没有显示停靠图标。用来启动插件进程的EH Helper清除了MH_NO_HEAP_EXECUTION标志位,这样就允许一个可执行堆。只能用来启动NaCL插件进程的NP Helper,清除了MH_PIE标志位,这样就禁用了ASLR。这些都是tools文件夹下面,用来构建进程脚本的一部分。为了理清脚本的依赖关系,更好的做法是检查发行版本中的Xcode工程或者原始文件cefclient.gyp。

应用程序结构(Application Structure)


  • 提供入口函数,用于初始化CEF、运行子进程执行逻辑或者CEF消息循环。
  • 提供CefApp实现,用于处理进程相关的回调。
  • 提供CefClient实现,用于处理Browser实例相关的回调。
  • 执行CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser()创建一个Browser实例,使用CefLifeSpanHandler管理Browser对象生命周期。
入口函数(Entry-Point Function)

像本文中进程章节描述的那样,一个CEF3应用程序会运行多个进程,这些进程能够使用同一个执行器或者为子进程定制的、单独的执行器。进程的执行从入口函数开始,示例cefclient_win.cc、cefclient_gtk.cc、cefclient_mac.mm分别对应Windows、Linux和Mac OS-X平台下的实现。

当执行子进程时,CEF将使用命令行参数指定配置信息,这些命令行参数必须通过CefMainArgs结构体传入到CefExecuteProcess函数。CefMainArgs的定义与平台相关,在Linux、Mac OS X平台下,它接收main函数传入的argc和argv参数值。

CefMainArgs main_args(argc, argv);


CefMainArgs main_args(hInstance);

单一执行体(Single Executable)

当以单一执行体运行时,根据不同的进程类型,入口函数有差异。Windows、Linux平台支持单一执行体架构,Mac OS X平台则不行。

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {  // Structure for passing command-line arguments.  // The definition of this structure is platform-specific.  CefMainArgs main_args(argc, argv);  // Optional implementation of the CefApp interface.  CefRefPtr<MyApp> app(new MyApp);  // Execute the sub-process logic, if any. This will either return immediately for the browser  // process or block until the sub-process should exit.  int exit_code = CefExecuteProcess(main_args, app.get());  if (exit_code >= 0) {    // The sub-process terminated, exit now.    return exit_code;  }  // Populate this structure to customize CEF behavior.  CefSettings settings;  // Initialize CEF in the main process.  CefInitialize(main_args, settings, app.get());  // Run the CEF message loop. This will block until CefQuitMessageLoop() is called.  CefRunMessageLoop();  // Shut down CEF.  CefShutdown();  return 0;}

分离子进程执行体(Separate Sub-Process Executable)



// Program entry-point function.// 程序入口函数int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {  // Structure for passing command-line arguments.  // The definition of this structure is platform-specific.  // 传递命令行参数的结构体。  // 这个结构体的定义与平台相关。  CefMainArgs main_args(argc, argv);  // Optional implementation of the CefApp interface.  // 可选择性地实现CefApp接口  CefRefPtr<MyApp> app(new MyApp);  // Populate this structure to customize CEF behavior.  // 填充这个结构体,用于定制CEF的行为。  CefSettings settings;  // Specify the path for the sub-process executable.  // 指定子进程的执行路径  CefString(&settings.browser_subprocess_path).FromASCII(“/path/to/subprocess”);  // Initialize CEF in the main process.  // 在主进程中初始化CEF   CefInitialize(main_args, settings, app.get());  // Run the CEF message loop. This will block until CefQuitMessageLoop() is called.  // 执行消息循环,此时会堵塞,直到CefQuitMessageLoop()函数被调用。  CefRunMessageLoop();  // Shut down CEF.  // 关闭CEF  CefShutdown();  return 0;}


// Program entry-point function.// 程序入口函数int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {  // Structure for passing command-line arguments.  // The definition of this structure is platform-specific.  // 传递命令行参数的结构体。  // 这个结构体的定义与平台相关。  CefMainArgs main_args(argc, argv);  // Optional implementation of the CefApp interface.  // 可选择性地实现CefApp接口  CefRefPtr<MyApp> app(new MyApp);  // Execute the sub-process logic. This will block until the sub-process should exit.  // 执行子进程逻辑,此时会堵塞直到子进程退出。  return CefExecuteProcess(main_args, app.get());}

集成消息循环(Message Loop Integration)


  1. 周期性执行CefDoMessageLoopWork()函数,替代调用CefRunMessageLoop()。CefDoMessageLoopWork()的每一次调用,都将执行一次CEF消息循环的单次迭代。需要注意的是,此方法调用次数太少时,CEF消息循环会饿死,将极大的影响Browser的性能,调用次数太频繁又将影响CPU使用率。

  2. 设置CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop=true(Windows平台下有效),这个设置项将导致CEF在单独的线程上运行Browser的界面,而不是在主线程上,这种场景下CefDoMessageLoopWork()或者CefRunMessageLoop()都不需要调用,CefInitialze()、CefShutdown()仍然在主线程中调用。你需要提供主程序线程通信的机制(查看cefclient_win.cpp中提供的消息窗口实例)。在Windows平台下,你可以通过命令行参数--multi-threaded-message-loop测试上述消息模型。



  • single_process 设置为true时,Browser和Renderer使用一个进程。此项也可以通过命令行参数“single-process”配置。查看本文中“进程”章节获取更多的信息。
  • browser_subprocess_path 设置用于启动子进程单独执行器的路径。参考本文中单进程执行体章节获取更多的信息。
  • cache_path 设置磁盘上用于存放缓存数据的位置。如果此项为空,某些功能将使用内存缓存,多数功能将使用临时的磁盘缓存。形如本地存储的HTML5数据库只能在设置了缓存路径才能跨session存储。
  • locale 此设置项将传递给Blink。如果此项为空,将使用默认值“en-US”。在Linux平台下此项被忽略,使用环境变量中的值,解析的依次顺序为:LANGUAE,LC_ALL,LC_MESSAGES和LANG。此项也可以通过命令行参数“lang”配置。
  • log_file 此项设置的文件夹和文件名将用于输出debug日志。如果此项为空,默认的日志文件名为debug.log,位于应用程序所在的目录。此项也可以通过命令参数“log-file”配置。
  • log_severity 此项设置日志级别。只有此等级、或者比此等级高的日志的才会被记录。此项可以通过命令行参数“log-severity”配置,可以设置的值为“verbose”,“info”,“warning”,“error”,“error-report”,“disable”。
  • resources_dir_path 此项设置资源文件夹的位置。如果此项为空,Windows平台下cef.pak、Linux平台下devtools_resourcs.pak、Mac OS X下的app bundle Resources目录必须位于组件目录。此项也可以通过命令行参数“resource-dir-path”配置。
  • locales_dir_path 此项设置locale文件夹位置。如果此项为空,locale文件夹必须位于组件目录,在Mac OS X平台下此项被忽略,pak文件从app bundle Resources目录。此项也可以通过命令行参数“locales-dir-path”配置。
  • remote_debugging_port 此项可以设置1024-65535之间的值,用于在指定端口开启远程调试。例如,如果设置的值为8080,远程调试的URL为http://localhost:8080。CEF或者Chrome浏览器能够调试CEF。此项也可以通过命令行参数“remote-debugging-port”配置。








// Implementation of the CefStringVisitor interface.class Visitor : public CefStringVisitor { public:  Visitor() {}  // Called asynchronously when the HTML contents are available.  virtual void Visit(const CefString& string) OVERRIDE {    // Do something with |string|...  }  IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(Visitor);};browser->GetMainFrame()->GetSource(new Visitor());


// CefWindowHandle is defined as HWND on Windows, NSView* on Mac OS X// and GtkWidget* on Linux.CefWindowHandle window_handle = browser->GetHost()->GetWindowHandle();




  • OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing 提供了以编程方式设置命令行参数的机会,更多细节,请参考Command Line Arguments一节。
  • OnRegisterCustomSchemes 提供了注册自定义schemes的机会,更多细节,请参考Request Handling一节。
  • GetBrowserProcessHandler 返回定制Browser进程的Handler,该Handler包括了诸如OnContextInitialized的回调。
  • GetRenderProcessHandler 返回定制Render进程的Handler,该Handler包含了JavaScript相关的一些回调以及消息处理的回调。
    更多细节,请参考JavascriptIntegration和Inter-Process Communication两节。


// MyApp implements CefApp and the process-specific interfaces.class MyApp : public CefApp,              public CefBrowserProcessHandler,              public CefRenderProcessHandler { public:  MyApp() {}  // CefApp methods. Important to return |this| for the handler callbacks.  virtual void OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing(      const CefString& process_type,      CefRefPtr<CefCommandLine> command_line) {    // Programmatically configure command-line arguments...  }  virtual void OnRegisterCustomSchemes(      CefRefPtr<CefSchemeRegistrar> registrar) OVERRIDE {    // Register custom schemes...  }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefBrowserProcessHandler> GetBrowserProcessHandler()      OVERRIDE { return this; }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefRenderProcessHandler> GetRenderProcessHandler()      OVERRIDE { return this; }  // CefBrowserProcessHandler methods.  virtual void OnContextInitialized() OVERRIDE {    // The browser process UI thread has been initialized...  }  virtual void OnRenderProcessThreadCreated(CefRefPtr<CefListValue> extra_info)                                            OVERRIDE {    // Send startup information to a new render process...  }  // CefRenderProcessHandler methods.  virtual void OnRenderThreadCreated(CefRefPtr<CefListValue> extra_info)                                     OVERRIDE {    // The render process main thread has been initialized...    // Receive startup information in the new render process...  }  virtual void OnWebKitInitialized(CefRefPtr<ClientApp> app) OVERRIDE {    // WebKit has been initialized, register V8 extensions...  }  virtual void OnBrowserCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE {    // Browser created in this render process...  }  virtual void OnBrowserDestroyed(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE {    // Browser destroyed in this render process...  }  virtual bool OnBeforeNavigation(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                  CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                                  CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request,                                  NavigationType navigation_type,                                  bool is_redirect) OVERRIDE {    // Allow or block different types of navigation...  }  virtual void OnContextCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                                CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) OVERRIDE {    // JavaScript context created, add V8 bindings here...  }  virtual void OnContextReleased(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                 CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                                 CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) OVERRIDE {    // JavaScript context released, release V8 references here...  }  virtual bool OnProcessMessageReceived(      CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,      CefProcessId source_process,      CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message) OVERRIDE {    // Handle IPC messages from the browser process...  }  IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(MyApp);};



  • 比如处理Browser的生命周期,右键菜单,对话框,通知显示, 拖曳事件,焦点事件,键盘事件等等。如果没有对某个特定的处理接口进行实现会造成什么影响,请查看cef_client.h文件中相关说明。
  • OnProcessMessageReceived在Browser收到Render进程的消息时被调用。更多细节,请参考Inter-Process Communication一节。


// MyHandler implements CefClient and a number of other interfaces.class MyHandler : public CefClient,                  public CefContextMenuHandler,                  public CefDisplayHandler,                  public CefDownloadHandler,                  public CefDragHandler,                  public CefGeolocationHandler,                  public CefKeyboardHandler,                  public CefLifeSpanHandler,                  public CefLoadHandler,                  public CefRequestHandler { public:  MyHandler();  // CefClient methods. Important to return |this| for the handler callbacks.  virtual CefRefPtr<CefContextMenuHandler> GetContextMenuHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefDisplayHandler> GetDisplayHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefDownloadHandler> GetDownloadHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefDragHandler> GetDragHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefGeolocationHandler> GetGeolocationHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefKeyboardHandler> GetKeyboardHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefLifeSpanHandler> GetLifeSpanHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefLoadHandler> GetLoadHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  virtual CefRefPtr<CefRequestHandler> GetRequestHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  virtual bool OnProcessMessageReceived(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                        CefProcessId source_process,                                        CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message)                                        OVERRIDE {    // Handle IPC messages from the render process...  }  // CefContextMenuHandler methods  virtual void OnBeforeContextMenu(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                   CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                                   CefRefPtr<CefContextMenuParams> params,                                   CefRefPtr<CefMenuModel> model) OVERRIDE {    // Customize the context menu...  }  virtual bool OnContextMenuCommand(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                    CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                                    CefRefPtr<CefContextMenuParams> params,                                    int command_id,                                    EventFlags event_flags) OVERRIDE {    // Handle a context menu command...  }  // CefDisplayHandler methods  virtual void OnLoadingStateChange(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                    bool isLoading,                                    bool canGoBack,                                    bool canGoForward) OVERRIDE {    // Update UI for browser state...  }  virtual void OnAddressChange(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                               CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                               const CefString& url) OVERRIDE {    // Update the URL in the address bar...  }  virtual void OnTitleChange(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                             const CefString& title) OVERRIDE {    // Update the browser window title...  }  virtual bool OnConsoleMessage(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                const CefString& message,                                const CefString& source,                                int line) OVERRIDE {    // Log a console message...  }  // CefDownloadHandler methods  virtual void OnBeforeDownload(      CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,      CefRefPtr<CefDownloadItem> download_item,      const CefString& suggested_name,      CefRefPtr<CefBeforeDownloadCallback> callback) OVERRIDE {    // Specify a file path or cancel the download...  }  virtual void OnDownloadUpdated(      CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,      CefRefPtr<CefDownloadItem> download_item,      CefRefPtr<CefDownloadItemCallback> callback) OVERRIDE {    // Update the download status...  }  // CefDragHandler methods  virtual bool OnDragEnter(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                           CefRefPtr<CefDragData> dragData,                           DragOperationsMask mask) OVERRIDE {    // Allow or deny drag events...  }  // CefGeolocationHandler methods  virtual void OnRequestGeolocationPermission(      CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,      const CefString& requesting_url,      int request_id,      CefRefPtr<CefGeolocationCallback> callback) OVERRIDE {    // Allow or deny geolocation API access...  }  // CefKeyboardHandler methods  virtual bool OnPreKeyEvent(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                             const CefKeyEvent& event,                             CefEventHandle os_event,                             bool* is_keyboard_shortcut) OVERRIDE {    // Perform custom handling of key events...  }  // CefLifeSpanHandler methods  virtual bool OnBeforePopup(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                             CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                             const CefString& target_url,                             const CefString& target_frame_name,                             const CefPopupFeatures& popupFeatures,                             CefWindowInfo& windowInfo,                             CefRefPtr<CefClient>& client,                             CefBrowserSettings& settings,                             bool* no_javascript_access) OVERRIDE {    // Allow or block popup windows, customize popup window creation...  }  virtual void OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE {    // Browser window created successfully...  }  virtual bool DoClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE {    // Allow or block browser window close...  }  virtual void OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE {    // Browser window is closed, perform cleanup...  }  // CefLoadHandler methods  virtual void OnLoadStart(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                           CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame) OVERRIDE {    // A frame has started loading content...  }  virtual void OnLoadEnd(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                         CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                         int httpStatusCode) OVERRIDE {    // A frame has finished loading content...  }  virtual void OnLoadError(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                           CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                           ErrorCode errorCode,                           const CefString& errorText,                           const CefString& failedUrl) OVERRIDE {    // A frame has failed to load content...  }  virtual void OnRenderProcessTerminated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                         TerminationStatus status) OVERRIDE {    // A render process has crashed...  }  // CefRequestHandler methods  virtual CefRefPtr<CefResourceHandler> GetResourceHandler(      CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,      CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,      CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request) OVERRIDE {    // Optionally intercept resource requests...  }  virtual bool OnQuotaRequest(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                              const CefString& origin_url,                              int64 new_size,                              CefRefPtr<CefQuotaCallback> callback) OVERRIDE {    // Allow or block quota requests...  }  virtual void OnProtocolExecution(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                   const CefString& url,                                   bool& allow_os_execution) OVERRIDE {    // Handle execution of external protocols...  }  IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(MyHandler);};

Browser生命周期(Browser Life Span)

Browser生命周期从执行 CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser() 或者 CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowserSync() 开始。可以在CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() 回调或者特殊平台例如windows的WM_CREATE 中方便的执行业务逻辑。

// Information about the window that will be created including parenting, size, etc.// The definition of this structure is platform-specific.// 定义的结构体与平台相关CefWindowInfo info;// On Windows for example...info.SetAsChild(parent_hwnd, client_rect);// Customize this structure to control browser behavior.CefBrowserSettings settings;// CefClient implementation.CefRefPtr<MyClient> client(new MyClient);// Create the browser asynchronously. Initially loads the Google URL.CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser(info, client.get(), “http://www.google.com”, settings);The CefLifeSpanHandler class provides the callbacks necessary for managing browser life span. Below is an extract of the relevant methods and members.CefLifeSpanHandler 类提供管理 Browser生命周期必需的回调。以下为相关方法和成员。class MyClient : public CefClient,                 public CefLifeSpanHandler,                 ... {  // CefClient methods.  virtual CefRefPtr<CefLifeSpanHandler> GetLifeSpanHandler() OVERRIDE {    return this;  }  // CefLifeSpanHandler methods.  void OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE;  bool DoClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE;  void OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) OVERRIDE;  // Member accessors.  CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> GetBrower() { return m_Browser; }  bool IsClosing() { return m_bIsClosing; } private:  CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> m_Browser;  int m_BrowserId;  int m_BrowserCount;  bool m_bIsClosing;  IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(MyHandler);  IMPLEMENT_LOCKING(MyHandler);};

当Browser对象创建后OnAfterCreated() 方法立即执行。宿主程序可以用这个方法来保持对Browser对象的引用。

void MyClient::OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) {  // Must be executed on the UI thread.  REQUIRE_UI_THREAD();  // Protect data members from access on multiple threads.  AutoLock lock_scope(this);  if (!m_Browser.get())   {    // Keep a reference to the main browser.    m_Browser = browser;    m_BrowserId = browser->GetIdentifier();  }  // Keep track of how many browsers currently exist.  m_BrowserCount++;}


// Notify the browser window that we would like to close it. This will result in a call to // MyHandler::DoClose() if the JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' event handler allows it.browser->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(false);

Browser对象的关闭事件来源于他的父窗口的关闭方法(比如,在父窗口上点击X控钮。)。父窗口需要调用 CloseBrowser(false) 并且等待操作系统的第二个关闭事件来决定是否允许关闭。如果在JavaScript ‘onbeforeunload’事件处理或者 DoClose()回调中取消了关闭操作,则操作系统的第二个关闭事件可能不会发送。注意一下面示例中对IsCloseing()的判断-它在第一个关闭事件中返回false,在第二个关闭事件中返回true(当 DoCloase 被调用后)。


case WM_CLOSE:  if (g_handler.get() && !g_handler->IsClosing()) {    CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser = g_handler->GetBrowser();    if (browser.get()) {      // Notify the browser window that we would like to close it. This will result in a call to       // MyHandler::DoClose() if the JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' event handler allows it.      browser->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(false);      // Cancel the close.      return 0;    }  }  // Allow the close.  break;case WM_DESTROY:  // Quitting CEF is handled in MyHandler::OnBeforeClose().  return 0;}


gboolean delete_event(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEvent* event,                      GtkWindow* window) {  if (g_handler.get() && !g_handler->IsClosing()) {    CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser = g_handler->GetBrowser();    if (browser.get()) {      // Notify the browser window that we would like to close it. This will result in a call to       // MyHandler::DoClose() if the JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' event handler allows it.      browser->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(false);      // Cancel the close.      return TRUE;    }  }  // Allow the close.  return FALSE;}

MacOS X平台下,处理windowShouldClose选择器:

// Called when the window is about to close. Perform the self-destruction// sequence by getting rid of the window. By returning YES, we allow the window// to be removed from the screen.- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)window {  if (g_handler.get() && !g_handler->IsClosing()) {    CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser = g_handler->GetBrowser();    if (browser.get()) {      // Notify the browser window that we would like to close it. This will result in a call to       // MyHandler::DoClose() if the JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' event handler allows it.      browser->GetHost()->CloseBrowser(false);      // Cancel the close.      return NO;    }  }  // Try to make the window go away.  [window autorelease];  // Clean ourselves up after clearing the stack of anything that might have the  // window on it.  [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(cleanup:)                         withObject:window                      waitUntilDone:NO];  // Allow the close.  return YES;}

DoClose方法设置m_blsClosing 标志位为true,并返回false以再次发送操作系统的关闭事件。

bool MyClient::DoClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) {  // Must be executed on the UI thread.  REQUIRE_UI_THREAD();  // Protect data members from access on multiple threads.  AutoLock lock_scope(this);  // Closing the main window requires special handling. See the DoClose()  // documentation in the CEF header for a detailed description of this  // process.  if (m_BrowserId == browser->GetIdentifier()) {    // Notify the browser that the parent window is about to close.    browser->GetHost()->ParentWindowWillClose();    // Set a flag to indicate that the window close should be allowed.    m_bIsClosing = true;  }  // Allow the close. For windowed browsers this will result in the OS close  // event being sent.  return false;}


void MyHandler::OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) {  // Must be executed on the UI thread.  REQUIRE_UI_THREAD();  // Protect data members from access on multiple threads.  AutoLock lock_scope(this);  if (m_BrowserId == browser->GetIdentifier()) {    // Free the browser pointer so that the browser can be destroyed.    m_Browser = NULL;  }  if (--m_BrowserCount == 0) {    // All browser windows have closed. Quit the application message loop.    CefQuitMessageLoop();  }}


离屏渲染(Off-Screen Rendering)


  • 实现CefRenderHandler接口。除非特别说明,所有的方法都需要覆写。
  • 调用CefWindowInfo::SetAsOffScreen(),将CefWindowInfo传递给CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser()之前还可以选择设置CefWindowInfo::SetTransparentPainting()。如果没有父窗口被传递给SetAsOffScreen,则有些类似上下文菜单这样的功能将不可用。
  • CefRenderHandler::GetViewRect方法将被调用以获得所需要的可视区域。
  • CefRenderHandler::OnPaint() 方法将被调用以提供无效区域(脏区域)以及更新过的像素缓存。cefclient程序里使用OpenGL绘制缓存,但你可以使用任何别的绘制技术。
  • 可以调用CefBrowserHost::WasResized()方法改变浏览器大小。这将导致对GetViewRect()方法的调用,以获取新的浏览器大小,然后调用OnPaint()重新绘制。
  • 调用CefBrowserHost::SendXXX()方法通知浏览器的鼠标、键盘和焦点事件。
  • 调用CefBrowserHost::CloseBrowser()销毁浏览器。


投递任务(Posting Tasks)


CefPostTask(TID_UI, NewCefRunnableMethod(object, &MyObject::MyMethod, param1, param2));


CefPostTask(TID_IO, NewCefRunnableFunction(MyFunction, param1, param2));


如果宿主程序需要保留一个运行循环的引用,则可以使用CefTaskRunner类。例如,获取UI线程的任务运行器(task runner),代码如下:

CefRefPtr<CefTaskRunner> task_runner = CefTaskRunner::GetForThread(TID_UI);

进程间通信(Inter-Process Communication (IPC))


处理启动消息(Process Startup Messages)


处理运行时消息(Process Runtime Messages)


// Create the message object.CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> msg= CefProcessMessage::Create(“my_message”);// Retrieve the argument list object.CefRefPtr<CefListValue> args = msg>GetArgumentList();// Populate the argument values.args->SetString(0, “my string”);args->SetInt(0, 10);// Send the process message to the render process.// Use PID_BROWSER instead when sending a message to the browser process.browser->SendProcessMessage(PID_RENDERER, msg);


bool MyHandler::OnProcessMessageReceived(    CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,    CefProcessId source_process,    CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message) {  // Check the message name.  const std::string& message_name = message->GetName();  if (message_name == “my_message”) {    // Handle the message here...    return true;  }  return false;}


// Helper macros for splitting and combining the int64 frame ID value.#define MAKE_INT64(int_low, int_high) \    ((int64) (((int) (int_low)) | ((int64) ((int) (int_high))) << 32))#define LOW_INT(int64_val) ((int) (int64_val))#define HIGH_INT(int64_val) ((int) (((int64) (int64_val) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFFL))// Sending the frame ID.const int64 frame_id = frame->GetIdentifier();args->SetInt(0, LOW_INT(frame_id));args->SetInt(1, HIGH_INT(frame_id));// Receiving the frame ID.const int64 frame_id = MAKE_INT64(args->GetInt(0), args->GetInt(1));CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame = browser->GetFrame(frame_id);

异步JavaScript绑定(Asynchronous JavaScript Bindings)

JavaScript被集成在Render进程,但是需要频繁和Browser进程交互。 JavaScript API应该被设计成可使用闭包异步执行。

通用消息转发(Generic Message Router)

从1574版本开始,CEF提供了在Render进程执行的JavaScript和在Browser进程执行的C++代码之间同步通信的转发器。应用程序通过C++回调函数(OnBeforeBrowse, OnProcessMessageRecieved, OnContextCreated等)传递数据。Render进程支持通用的JavaScript回调函数注册机制,Browser进程则支持应用程序注册特定的Handler进行处理。


// Create and send a new query.var request_id = window.cefQuery({    request: 'my_request',    persistent: false,    onSuccess: function(response) {},    onFailure: function(error_code, error_message) {}});// Optionally cancel the query.window.cefQueryCancel(request_id);

对应的C++ Handler代码如下:

class Callback : public CefBase { public:  ///  // Notify the associated JavaScript onSuccess callback that the query has  // completed successfully with the specified |response|.  ///  virtual void Success(const CefString& response) =0;  ///  // Notify the associated JavaScript onFailure callback that the query has  // failed with the specified |error_code| and |error_message|.  ///  virtual void Failure(int error_code, const CefString& error_message) =0;};class Handler { public:  ///  // Executed when a new query is received. |query_id| uniquely identifies the  // query for the life span of the router. Return true to handle the query  // or false to propagate the query to other registered handlers, if any. If  // no handlers return true from this method then the query will be  // automatically canceled with an error code of -1 delivered to the  // JavaScript onFailure callback. If this method returns true then a  // Callback method must be executed either in this method or asynchronously  // to complete the query.  ///  virtual bool OnQuery(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                       CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                       int64 query_id,                       const CefString& request,                       bool persistent,                       CefRefPtr<Callback> callback) {    return false;  }  ///  // Executed when a query has been canceled either explicitly using the  // JavaScript cancel function or implicitly due to browser destruction,  // navigation or renderer process termination. It will only be called for  // the single handler that returned true from OnQuery for the same  // |query_id|. No references to the associated Callback object should be  // kept after this method is called, nor should any Callback methods be  // executed.  ///  virtual void OnQueryCanceled(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                               CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                               int64 query_id) {}};


自定义实现(Custom Implementation)


  1. Render进程的JavaScript传递一个回调函数。
// In JavaScript register the callback function.app.setMessageCallback('binding_test', function(name, args) {  document.getElementById('result').value = "Response: "+args[0];});
  1. Render进程的C++端通过一个map持有JavaScript端注册的回调函数。
// Map of message callbacks.typedef std::map<std::pair<std::string, int>,                 std::pair<CefRefPtr<CefV8Context>, CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> > >                 CallbackMap;CallbackMap callback_map_;// In the CefV8Handler::Execute implementation for “setMessageCallback”.if (arguments.size() == 2 && arguments[0]->IsString() &&    arguments[1]->IsFunction()) {  std::string message_name = arguments[0]->GetStringValue();  CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context = CefV8Context::GetCurrentContext();  int browser_id = context->GetBrowser()->GetIdentifier();  callback_map_.insert(      std::make_pair(std::make_pair(message_name, browser_id),                     std::make_pair(context, arguments[1])));}
  1. Render进程发送异步进程间通信到Browser进程。

  2. Browser进程接收到进程间消息,并处理。

  3. Browser进程处理完毕后,发送一个异步进程间消息给Render进程,返回结果。

  4. Render进程接收到进程间消息,则调用最开始保存的JavaScript注册的回调函数处理之。

// Execute the registered JavaScript callback if any.if (!callback_map_.empty()) {  const CefString& message_name = message->GetName();  CallbackMap::const_iterator it = callback_map_.find(      std::make_pair(message_name.ToString(),                     browser->GetIdentifier()));  if (it != callback_map_.end()) {    // Keep a local reference to the objects. The callback may remove itself    // from the callback map.    CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context = it->second.first;    CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> callback = it->second.second;    // Enter the context.    context->Enter();    CefV8ValueList arguments;    // First argument is the message name.    arguments.push_back(CefV8Value::CreateString(message_name));    // Second argument is the list of message arguments.    CefRefPtr<CefListValue> list = message->GetArgumentList();    CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> args = CefV8Value::CreateArray(list->GetSize());    SetList(list, args);  // Helper function to convert CefListValue to CefV8Value.    arguments.push_back(args);    // Execute the callback.    CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> retval = callback->ExecuteFunction(NULL, arguments);    if (retval.get()) {      if (retval->IsBool())        handled = retval->GetBoolValue();    }    // Exit the context.    context->Exit();  }}
  1. 在CefRenderProcessHandler::OnContextReleased()里释放JavaScript注册的回调函数以及其他V8资源。
void MyHandler::OnContextReleased(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                  CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                                  CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) {  // Remove any JavaScript callbacks registered for the context that has been released.  if (!callback_map_.empty()) {    CallbackMap::iterator it = callback_map_.begin();    for (; it != callback_map_.end();) {      if (it->second.first->IsSame(context))        callback_map_.erase(it++);      else        ++it;    }  }}

同步请求(Synchronous Requests)

某些特殊场景下,也许会需要在Browser进程和Render进程做进程间同步通信。这应该被尽可能避免,因为这会对Render进程的性能造成负面影响。然而如果你一定要做进程间同步通信,可以考虑使用XMLHttpRequest,XMLHttpRequest在等待Browser进程的网络响应的时候会等待。Browser进程可以通过自定义scheme Handler或者网络交互处理XMLHttpRequest。更多细节,请参考Network Layer一节。

网络层(Network Layer)



自定义请求(Custom Requests)




// Create a CefRequest object.CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request = CefRequest::Create();// Set the request URL.request->SetURL(some_url);// Set the request method. Supported methods include GET, POST, HEAD, DELETE and PUT.request->SetMethod(“POST”);// Optionally specify custom headers.CefRequest::HeaderMap headerMap;headerMap.insert(    std::make_pair("X-My-Header", "My Header Value"));request->SetHeaderMap(headerMap);// Optionally specify upload content.// The default “Content-Type” header value is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".// Set “Content-Type” via the HeaderMap if a different value is desired.const std::string& upload_data = “arg1=val1&arg2=val2”;CefRefPtr<CefPostData> postData = CefPostData::Create();CefRefPtr<CefPostDataElement> element = CefPostDataElement::Create();element->SetToBytes(upload_data.size(), upload_data.c_str());postData->AddElement(element);request->SetPostData(postData);

浏览器无关请求(Browser-Independent Requests)


class MyRequestClient : public CefURLRequestClient { public:  MyRequestClient()    : upload_total_(0),      download_total_(0) {}  virtual void OnRequestComplete(CefRefPtr<CefURLRequest> request) OVERRIDE {    CefURLRequest::Status status = request->GetRequestStatus();    CefURLRequest::ErrorCode error_code = request->GetRequestError();    CefRefPtr<CefResponse> response = request->GetResponse();    // Do something with the response...  }  virtual void OnUploadProgress(CefRefPtr<CefURLRequest> request,                                uint64 current,                                uint64 total) OVERRIDE {    upload_total_ = total;  }  virtual void OnDownloadProgress(CefRefPtr<CefURLRequest> request,                                  uint64 current,                                  uint64 total) OVERRIDE {    download_total_ = total;  }  virtual void OnDownloadData(CefRefPtr<CefURLRequest> request,                              const void* data,                              size_t data_length) OVERRIDE {    download_data_ += std::string(static_cast<const char*>(data), data_length);  } private:  uint64 upload_total_;  uint64 download_total_;  std::string download_data_; private:  IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(MyRequestClient);};


// Set up the CefRequest object.CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request = CefRequest::Create();// Populate |request| as shown above...// Create the client instance.CefRefPtr<MyRequestClient> client = new MyRequestClient();// Start the request. MyRequestClient callbacks will be executed asynchronously.CefRefPtr<CefURLRequest> url_request = CefURLRequest::Create(request, client.get());// To cancel the request: url_request->Cancel();


  • UR_FLAG_SKIP_CACHE 如果设置了该标志位,则处理请求响应时,缓存将被跳过。
  • UR_FLAG_ALLOW_CACHED_CREDENTIALS 如果设置了该标志位,则可能会发送cookie并在响应端被保存。同时UR_FLAG_ALLOW_CACHED_CREDENTIALS标志位也必须被设置。
  • UR_FLAG_REPORT_UPLOAD_PROGRESS 如果设置了该标志位,则当请求拥有请求体时,上载进度事件将会被触发。
  • UR_FLAG_REPORT_LOAD_TIMING 如果设置了该标志位,则时间信息会被收集。
  • UR_FLAG_REPORT_RAW_HEADERS 如果设置了该标志位,则头部会被发送,并且接收端会被记录。
  • UR_FLAG_NO_DOWNLOAD_DATA 如果设置了该标志位,则CefURLRequestClient::OnDownloadData方法不会被调用。
  • UR_FLAG_NO_RETRY_ON_5XX 如果设置了该标志位,则5xx重定向错误会被交给相关Observer去处理,而不是自动重试。这个功能目前只能在Browser进程的请求端使用。



请求响应(Request Handling)

CEF3 支持两种方式处理网络请求。一种是实现scheme Handler,这种方式允许为特定的(sheme+domain)请求注册特定的请求响应。另一种是请求拦截,允许处理任意的网络请求。

注册自定义scheme(有别于HTTP,HTTPS等)可以让CEF按希望的方式处理请求。例如,如果你希望特定的shceme被当策划那个HTTP一样处理,则应该注册一个standard的scheme。如果你的自定义shceme可被跨域执行,则应该考虑使用使用HTTP scheme代替自定义scheme以避免潜在问题。如果你希望使用自定义scheme,实现CefApp::OnRegisterCustomSchemes回调。

void MyApp::OnRegisterCustomSchemes(CefRefPtr<CefSchemeRegistrar> registrar) {  // Register "client" as a standard scheme.  registrar->AddCustomScheme("client", true, false, false);}

Scheme响应(Scheme Handler)


CefRegisterSchemeHandlerFactory("client", “myapp”, new MySchemeHandlerFactory());

scheme Handler类可以被用在内置shcme(HTTP,HTTPS等),也可以被用在自定义scheme上。当使用内置shceme,选择一个对你的应用程序来说唯一的域名。实现CefSchemeHandlerFactory和CefResoureHandler类去处理请求并返回响应数据。可以参考cefclient/sheme_test.h的例子。

// Implementation of the factory for creating client request handlers.class MySchemeHandlerFactory : public CefSchemeHandlerFactory { public:  virtual CefRefPtr<CefResourceHandler> Create(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,                                               CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,                                               const CefString& scheme_name,                                               CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request)                                               OVERRIDE {    // Return a new resource handler instance to handle the request.    return new MyResourceHandler();  }  IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(MySchemeHandlerFactory);};// Implementation of the resource handler for client requests.class MyResourceHandler : public CefResourceHandler { public:  MyResourceHandler() {}  virtual bool ProcessRequest(CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request,                              CefRefPtr<CefCallback> callback)                              OVERRIDE {    // Evaluate |request| to determine proper handling...    // Execute |callback| once header information is available.    // Return true to handle the request.    return true;  }  virtual void GetResponseHeaders(CefRefPtr<CefResponse> response,                                  int64& response_length,                                  CefString& redirectUrl) OVERRIDE {    // Populate the response headers.    response->SetMimeType("text/html");    response->SetStatus(200);    // Specify the resulting response length.    response_length = ...;  }  virtual void Cancel() OVERRIDE {    // Cancel the response...  }  virtual bool ReadResponse(void* data_out,                            int bytes_to_read,                            int& bytes_read,                            CefRefPtr<CefCallback> callback)                            OVERRIDE {    // Read up to |bytes_to_read| data into |data_out| and set |bytes_read|.    // If data isn't immediately available set bytes_read=0 and execute    // |callback| asynchronously.    // Return true to continue the request or false to complete the request.    return …;  } private:  IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(MyResourceHandler);};


// CefStreamResourceHandler is part of the libcef_dll_wrapper project.#include “include/wrapper/cef_stream_resource_handler.h”const std::string& html_content = “<html><body>Hello!</body></html>”;// Create a stream reader for |html_content|.CefRefPtr<CefStreamReader> stream =    CefStreamReader::CreateForData(        static_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(html_content.c_str())),        html_content.size());// Constructor for HTTP status code 200 and no custom response headers.// There’s also a version of the constructor for custom status code and response headers.return new CefStreamResourceHandler("text/html", stream);

请求拦截(Request Interception)


CefRefPtr<CefResourceHandler> MyHandler::GetResourceHandler(      CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,      CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,      CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request) {  // Evaluate |request| to determine proper handling...  if (...)    return new MyResourceHandler();  // Return NULL for default handling of the request.  return NULL;}

其他回调(Other Callbacks)


Proxy Resolution

CEF3使用类似Google Chrome一样的方式,通过命令行参数传递代理配置。

--proxy-server=host:port      Specify the HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy server to use for requests. An individual proxy      server is specified using the format:        [<proxy-scheme>://]<proxy-host>[:<proxy-port>]      Where <proxy-scheme> is the protocol of the proxy server, and is one of:        "http", "socks", "socks4", "socks5".      If the <proxy-scheme> is omitted, it defaults to "http". Also note that "socks" is equivalent to      "socks5".      Examples:        --proxy-server="foopy:99"            Use the HTTP proxy "foopy:99" to load all URLs.        --proxy-server="socks://foobar:1080"            Use the SOCKS v5 proxy "foobar:1080" to load all URLs.        --proxy-server="sock4://foobar:1080"            Use the SOCKS v4 proxy "foobar:1080" to load all URLs.        --proxy-server="socks5://foobar:66"            Use the SOCKS v5 proxy "foobar:66" to load all URLs.      It is also possible to specify a separate proxy server for different URL types, by prefixing      the proxy server specifier with a URL specifier:      Example:        --proxy-server="https=proxy1:80;http=socks4://baz:1080"            Load https://* URLs using the HTTP proxy "proxy1:80". And load http://*            URLs using the SOCKS v4 proxy "baz:1080".--no-proxy-server      Disables the proxy server.--proxy-auto-detect      Autodetect  proxy  configuration.--proxy-pac-url=URL      Specify proxy autoconfiguration URL.


bool MyHandler::GetAuthCredentials(    CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,    CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,    bool isProxy,    const CefString& host,    int port,    const CefString& realm,    const CefString& scheme,    CefRefPtr<CefAuthCallback> callback) {  if (isProxy) {    // Provide credentials for the proxy server connection.    callback->Continue("myuser", "mypass");    return true;  }  return false;}

网络内容加载可能会因为代理而有延迟。为了更好的用户体验,可以考虑让你的应用程序先显示一个闪屏,等内容加载好了再通过meta refresh显示真实网页。可以指定--no-proxy-server禁用代理并做相关测试。代理延迟也可以通过chrome浏览器重现,方式是使用命令行传参:chrome -url=....
