Qt Socket 多线程操作

来源:互联网 发布:矢仓枫子 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 12:34

Qt 关于Socket 多线程通信


     最近有个项目需要用到Qt中的socket通信,于是就查阅网上的一些资料和QT API的文档,过程虽然比较艰难,但成果确实~,你懂得,现在就和大家分享它们的用法.


1 incomingConnection,它的定义如下:

void QTcpServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)

This virtual function is called by QTcpServer when a new connection is available. The socketDescriptor argument is the native socket descriptor for the accepted connection.

The base implementation creates a QTcpSocket, sets the socket descriptor and then stores the QTcpSocket in an internal list of pending connections. Finally newConnection() is emitted.

Reimplement this function to alter the server's behavior when a connection is available.

If this server is using QNetworkProxy then the socketDescriptor may not be usable with native socket functions, and should only be used with QTcpSocket::setSocketDescriptor().

Note: If you want to handle an incoming connection as a new QTcpSocket object in another thread you have to pass the socketDescriptor to the other thread and create the QTcpSocket object there and use its setSocketDescriptor() method.


class myserver :public QTcpServer{protected:    virtual void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor);};
void myserver::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor){    qDebug()<<"New Connect is connect"<<socketDescriptor;    socketThread * thread=new socketThread();    thread->write_ptr(socketDescriptor);    thread->start();}


class socketThread :public QThread{public:   //定义自己需要的方法或变量   qintptr ptr;   QTcpSocket * socket;//客户端的定义 void write_ptr(qintptr p){ ptr=p; } protected: virtual void run()}

void socketThread::run(){    socket=new QTcpSocket();    socket->setSocketDescriptor(ptr);//客户端的初始化    if(socket->waitForConnected(10000)){        qDebug()<<"Connect Success";    }    else{        qDebug()<<"Connect Fail";    }    while(true){//完成需要的功能     }}
 myserver * server; server=new myserver(); server->listen(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4,6665);