Mysql 异常处理--condition和handler

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝古着能买吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 08:29




DECLARE condition_name CONDITION FOR condition_value

| SQLSTATE [VALUE] sqlstate_value

declare..condition 为一个error声明一个别名,将这个别名与错误连接起来,相当于给错误代码起一个友好的别名供异常处理使用
随后的declare..handler 可以使用这个别名

condition_value可以是一个mysql error code或一个SQLSTATE(由5个字符组成)。记住不要使用mysql error code 0 或 以 ‘00’开头的code或一个SQLSTATE,因为这些指示成功而不是一个错误条件
error codes 和 SQLSTATE列表file:///Volumes/SamSung%20SD/Material/Mysql/refman-5.6-en.html-chapter/error-handling.html#error-messages-server


DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR 1051  BEGIN    -- body of handler  END;
  • DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR 1051  BEGIN    -- body of handler  END;


DECLARE no_such_table CONDITION FOR 1051;DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR no_such_table  BEGIN    -- body of handler  END;
  • DECLARE no_such_table CONDITION FOR 1051;DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR no_such_table  BEGIN    -- body of handler  END;

下面是一个错误相同,但是基于相应的SQLSTATE值而不是MySQL error code的例子:

DECLARE no_such_table CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE '42S02';DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR no_such_table  BEGIN    -- body of handler  END;
  • DECLARE no_such_table CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE '42S02';DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR no_such_table  BEGIN    -- body of handler  END;

SQLSTATE 42S02 为所有没有该表错误的总称:

mysql> SELECT * FROM FAN;ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'fandb.FAN' doesn't existmysql> DROP TABLE FAN;ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table 'fandb.FAN'Error: 1051 SQLSTATE: 42S02 (ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR)Message: Unknown table '%s'Error: 1109 SQLSTATE: 42S02 (ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE)  -multi delete时没有该表Message: Unknown table '%s' in %s Error: 1146 SQLSTATE: 42S02 (ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE)Message: Table '%s.%s' doesn't exist

需要注意的是使用signal和resignal是只能使用SQLSTATE不能使用mysql error code


DECLARE handler_action HANDLER
FOR condition_value [, condition_value] …


| SQLSTATE [VALUE] sqlstate_value
| condition_name

declare..handler事件指定一个handler处理一个或多个条件,当其中一个条件触发,指定的事件就会被执行(所说的事件可以是一个简单的set var_name=value或 compound statement written using BEGIN and END )



2.exit:当条件触发(This is true even if the condition occurs in an inner block.),handler事件执行后终止程序


1.mysql error code或SQLSTATE value。记住不要使用mysql error code 0 或 以 ‘00’开头的code或一个SQLSTATE,因为这些指示成功而不是一个错误条件
2.在声明handler前被declare..condition语句声明的condition name
3.SQLWARNING -代表所有已01开头的SQLSTATE,意思就是declare continue|exit handler for SQLWARNING.泛指一类异常

This is relevant within the context of cursors and is used to control what happens when a cursor reaches the end of a data set. If no more rows are available, a No Data condition occurs with SQLSTATE value ‘02000’. To detect this condition, you can set up a handler for it (or for a NOT FOUND condition). For an example, see Section 13.6.6, “Cursors”. This condition also occurs for SELECT … INTO var_list statements that retrieve no rows.

5.SQLEXCEPTION -代表所有未被SQLWARNING或NOT FOUND捕获的SQLSTATE(class of SQLSTATE values that do not begin with ‘00’, ‘01’, or ‘02’)

如果条件被触发,却没有handler被声明用于处理该条件,程序的进行将取决于条件类型(the action taken depends on the condition class)。

1.For SQLEXCEPTION conditions:程序终止,抛出异常,就好似有个exit handler一样

the stored program terminates at the statement that raised the condition, as if there were an EXIT handler。如果该程序是被其他程序调用,那么由调用者处理异常

2.For SQLWARNING conditions:程序继续运行,就好像有个continue handler
3.For NOT FOUND conditions:if the condition was raised normally, the action is CONTINUE. If it was raised by SIGNAL or RESIGNAL, the action is EXIT.


[begin_label:] BEGIN
END [end_label]
存储子程序可以使用BEGIN … END复合语句来包含多个语句。statement_list 代表一个或多个语句的列表。statement_list之内每个语句都必须用分号(;)来结尾。


1.这里使用主键冲突模拟mysql> insert into incr values(2);ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'delimiter $$create procedure actor_insert()begin    declare duplicatekey condition for sqlstate '23000';    declare continue handler for duplicatekey set @b=1;    set @a=1;    insert into incr values(1);    set @a=2;    insert into incr values(2);    set @a=3;    insert into incr values(3);end $$delimiter ;2.CREATE PROCEDURE curdemo()BEGIN  DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE;  DECLARE a CHAR(16);  DECLARE b, c INT;  DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id,data FROM test.t1;  DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT i FROM test.t2;  DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE;
  • 1.这里使用主键冲突模拟mysql> insert into incr values(2);ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'delimiter $$create procedure actor_insert()begin    declare duplicatekey condition for sqlstate '23000';    declare continue handler for duplicatekey set @b=1;    set @a=1;    insert into incr values(1);    set @a=2;    insert into incr values(2);    set @a=3;    insert into incr values(3);end $$delimiter ;2.CREATE PROCEDURE curdemo()BEGIN  DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE;  DECLARE a CHAR(16);  DECLARE b, c INT;  DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id,data FROM test.t1;  DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT i FROM test.t2;  DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE;


1.continuedelimiter $$create procedure actor_insert()begin    declare duplicatekey condition for sqlstate '23000';    declare continue handler for duplicatekey begin select 'hello world';set @b=8;end;    set @a=1;    insert into incr values(1);    set @a=2;    insert into incr values(2);    set @a=3;    insert into incr values(3);end $$delimiter ;mysql> delete from incr where id in (1,3);Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.02 sec)mysql> call actor_insert();+-------------+| hello world |+-------------+| hello world |+-------------+1 row in set (0.01 sec)Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)mysql> select @a,@b;+------+------+| @a   | @b   |+------+------+|    3 |    8 |+------+------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from incr;+----+| id |+----+|  1 ||  2 ||  3 |+----+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)2.exitdelimiter $$create procedure actor_insert()begin    declare duplicatekey condition for sqlstate '23000';    declare exit handler for duplicatekey begin select 'hello world';set @b=8;end;    set @a=1;    insert into incr values(1);    set @a=2;    insert into incr values(2);    set @a=3;    insert into incr values(3);end $$delimiter ;mysql> call actor_insert();+-------------+| hello world |+-------------+| hello world |+-------------+1 row in set (0.33 sec)Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.33 sec)mysql> select * from incr;+----+| id |+----+|  1 ||  2 |+----+2 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select @a,@b;+------+------+| @a   | @b   |+------+------+|    2 |    8 |+------+------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)