来源:互联网 发布:唐小僧 卓软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 17:33

TT and FF are … friends. Uh… very very good friends -__-b

FF is a bad boy, he is always wooing TT to play the following game with him. This is a very humdrum game. To begin with, TT should write down a sequence of integers-_-!!(bored).

Then, FF can choose a continuous subsequence from it(for example the subsequence from the third to the fifth integer inclusively). After that, FF will ask TT what the sum of the subsequence he chose is. The next, TT will answer FF’s question. Then, FF can redo this process. In the end, FF must work out the entire sequence of integers.

Boring~~Boring~~a very very boring game!!! TT doesn’t want to play with FF at all. To punish FF, she often tells FF the wrong answers on purpose.

The bad boy is not a fool man. FF detects some answers are incompatible. Of course, these contradictions make it difficult to calculate the sequence.

However, TT is a nice and lovely girl. She doesn’t have the heart to be hard on FF. To save time, she guarantees that the answers are all right if there is no logical mistakes indeed.

What’s more, if FF finds an answer to be wrong, he will ignore it when judging next answers.

But there will be so many questions that poor FF can’t make sure whether the current answer is right or wrong in a moment. So he decides to write a program to help him with this matter. The program will receive a series of questions from FF together with the answers FF has received from TT. The aim of this program is to find how many answers are wrong. Only by ignoring the wrong answers can FF work out the entire sequence of integers. Poor FF has no time to do this job. And now he is asking for your help~(Why asking trouble for himself~~Bad boy)
Line 1: Two integers, N and M (1 <= N <= 200000, 1 <= M <= 40000). Means TT wrote N integers and FF asked her M questions.

Line 2..M+1: Line i+1 contains three integer: Ai, Bi and Si. Means TT answered FF that the sum from Ai to Bi is Si. It’s guaranteed that 0 < Ai <= Bi <= N.

You can assume that any sum of subsequence is fit in 32-bit integer.
A single line with a integer denotes how many answers are wrong.
Sample Input
10 5
1 10 100
7 10 28
1 3 32
4 6 41
6 6 1
Sample Output


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#define MAXN 1212111int pre[MAXN];//记录父节点int num[MAXN];//记录权值int find(int a)//寻找前一个节点{    if(a!=pre[a])    {        int t = pre[a];        pre[a] = find(pre[a]);        num[a] += num[t];//改变值的大小    }    return pre[a];}int merge(int a, int b, int c){    a--;    int aa = find(a);    int bb = find(b);    if(aa==bb)    {       if(num[b]-num[a] != c)//如果此时不相等,则错误                return 0;       else        return 1;    }    else    {        pre[bb] = aa;        num[bb] = num[a] - num[b] + c;//更新        return 1;    }}int main(){    int n, m, a, b, c;    while(~scanf("%d %d", &n, &m))    {        int ans = 0;        for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)        {            pre[i] = i;            num[i] = 0;        }        for(int i=0;i<m;i++)        {            scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);            if(!merge(a, b, c))                ans++;        }        printf("%d\n", ans);    }    return 0;}


Zjnu Stadium

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 3915 Accepted Submission(s): 1497

Problem Description
In 12th Zhejiang College Students Games 2007, there was a new stadium built in Zhejiang Normal University. It was a modern stadium which could hold thousands of people. The audience Seats made a circle. The total number of columns were 300 numbered 1–300, counted clockwise, we assume the number of rows were infinite.
These days, Busoniya want to hold a large-scale theatrical performance in this stadium. There will be N people go there numbered 1–N. Busoniya has Reserved several seats. To make it funny, he makes M requests for these seats: A B X, which means people numbered B must seat clockwise X distance from people numbered A. For example: A is in column 4th and X is 2, then B must in column 6th (6=4+2).
Now your task is to judge weather the request is correct or not. The rule of your judgement is easy: when a new request has conflicts against the foregoing ones then we define it as incorrect, otherwise it is correct. Please find out all the incorrect requests and count them as R.

There are many test cases:
For every case:
The first line has two integer N(1<=N<=50,000), M(0<=M<=100,000),separated by a space.
Then M lines follow, each line has 3 integer A(1<=A<=N), B(1<=B<=N), X(0<=X<300) (A!=B), separated by a space.

For every case:
Output R, represents the number of incorrect request.

Sample Input
10 10
1 2 150
3 4 200
1 5 270
2 6 200
6 5 80
4 7 150
8 9 100
4 8 50
1 7 100
9 2 100

Sample Output

(PS: the 5th and 10th requests are incorrect)

2009 Multi-University Training Contest 14 - Host by ZJNU


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#define MAXN 1212111int pre[MAXN];//记录父节点int num[MAXN];//记录权值int find(int a)//寻找前一个节点{    if(a!=pre[a])    {        int t = pre[a];        pre[a] = find(pre[a]);        num[a] += num[t];//改变值的大小    }    return pre[a];}int merge(int a, int b, int c){    //a--;    int aa = find(a);    int bb = find(b);    if(aa==bb)    {       if(num[b]-num[a] != c)//如果此时不相等,则错误                return 0;       else        return 1;    }    else    {        pre[bb] = aa;        num[bb] = num[a] - num[b] + c;//更新        return 1;    }}int main(){    int n, m, a, b, c;    while(~scanf("%d %d", &n, &m))    {        int ans = 0;        for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)        {            pre[i] = i;            num[i] = 0;        }        for(int i=0;i<m;i++)        {            scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);            if(!merge(a, b, c))                ans++;        }        printf("%d\n", ans);    }    return 0;}
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 oppo一体机的开机键坏了怎么办 小米手机长时间没用开不了机怎么办 红米2a充电坏了怎么办? 红米手机恢复出厂设置失败怎么办 红米关机强行恢复出厂失败怎么办 红米2a太卡了怎么办 红米2a上网好卡怎么办 红米1内部存储空间坏了怎么办 红米3s开关机键失灵怎么办 红米3s下面三个键失灵怎么办 红米3s手机掉水怎么办 红米手机用久了卡怎么办 红米4x手机不支持计步怎么办 红米4x手机耗电快怎么办 红米4a一体机手机死机怎么办 红米4x打王者卡怎么办 红米5 4g信号不稳定怎么办 红米3x玩游戏卡顿怎么办 红米3开不了机了怎么办 苹果手机装了sim卡没反应怎么办 小米手机打电话的图标没了怎么办 租房时和房东没签协议装修怎么办 三星安卓手机忘记锁屏密码怎么办 刷机了支付宝的余额宝钱没了怎么办 手机刷机支付宝里面的钱怎么办 支付宝宽带缴费交错账号了怎么办 电信宽带反回到翼支付里的钱怎么办 天猫盒子连接电视没反应怎么办 淘宝定制单发货之后是空物流怎么办 微信购买虚拟物品卖家不发货怎么办 虚拟商品确认收货后申请退款怎么办 手机换号码了淘宝怎么办又不能上网 美团酒店订单取消超时了怎么办 订单中快递单号填错了怎么办 高考动态口令卡页面找不到了怎么办 支付宝收钱码被别人扫了怎么办 上高速收费下高速免费卡怎么办 微信聊天记录导出来了是乱码怎么办 电脑用优盘打开文件夹是空的怎么办 快压解压文件在电脑上打不开怎么办 虎牙直播刺激战场观看有延迟怎么办