mysql 存储过程 -- 游标的使用

来源:互联网 发布:linux 递归删除目录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:49
create procedure changefrozen()
declare i int DEFAULT 0 ;
declare d int DEFAULT 0 ;
declare y_id int;
declare y_uid int;
declare y_task_id int;
declare y_frozentime int;
declare y_frozenmoney int;
declare y_unfreezetime int;
declare y_status int;
declare cur_exp cursor for
select id,uid,task_id,frozentime,frozenmoney,unfreezetime,`status` from keke_witkey_frozencapital where `status`= 0 and unfreezetime<=unix_timestamp();
declare continue handler for not found set i=1;
open cur_exp;
fetch cur_exp into y_id,y_uid,y_task_id,y_frozentime,y_frozenmoney,y_unfreezetime,y_status;
while i<> 1 do
if y_id is not null then
update keke_witkey_frozencapital set `status`=1,updatetime=unix_timestamp() where id=y_id and `status`=0;
set @res= (select `status` from keke_witkey_frozencapital where id=y_id limit 1); #变量赋值
if @res>0 then #判断当前的数据状态是否发生变化
update keke_witkey_space set balance=balance+y_frozenmoney where uid=y_uid;
set @u_username=(select username from keke_witkey_space where uid=y_uid limit 1); #变量赋值
set @u_balance=(select balance from keke_witkey_space where uid=y_uid limit 1); #变量赋值
insert into keke_witkey_finance(fina_type,fina_action,uid,username,obj_type,obj_id,fina_cash,user_balance,fina_time,fina_mem) values('in','mysql',y_uid,@u_username,'frozen',y_task_id,y_frozenmoney,@u_balance,unix_timestamp(),'冻结资金自动解冻');
end if;
end if;
fetch cur_exp into y_id,y_uid,y_task_id,y_frozentime,y_frozenmoney,y_unfreezetime,y_status;
end while;
close cur_exp;