python3 实现统计单词表中每个字母的出现频率

来源:互联网 发布:网络推广软文范文 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 02:42

这个问题解决的思路为:首先从文件中按行依次读入单词,去除换行符后添加到数组 new_list 中。依次遍历数组 new_list 的每一个字符串,将每个字符串连同上一次循环中的频率统计结果 old_d (old_d在遍历new_list之前进行初始化)一起作为实参传递给频率统计函数 histogram()。histogram()函数在上一轮频率统计基础上得出本轮频率统计结果,结果通过字典 d 传回,将值赋给 old_d 。直到遍历完new_list,再将 old_d 统计结果打印。

'''transform string into dictionarys is input string d is dictionary to restore every bit in string'''def histogram(s, old_d):    d = old_d    for c in s:        d[c] = d.get(c, 0) + 1     return d'''This function can calculate the frequency of every letter in alphabet'''            fin = open("words.txt")new_list = []for line in fin:    rs = line.rstrip('\n')  #delete the '\n' after every letter    new_list.append(rs)  # new_list is used to restore lettersold_d = dict() # initialize the dictionary for i in range(len(new_list)): #calculate the letter #frequency of every word    old_d = histogram(new_list[i], old_d) #old_d is used to     #restore letter frequency before new_list[i]print(old_d) 
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