
来源:互联网 发布:大数据产品经理面试 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 16:42

1. 问题与试验




long currentTimeMillis ()

Returns the current time in milliseconds. Note that while the unit of time of the return value is a millisecond, the granularity of the value depends on the underlying operating system and may be larger. For example, many operating systems measure time in units of tens of milliseconds.

See the description of the class Date for a discussion of slight discrepancies that may arise between “computer time” and coordinated universal time (UTC).



public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        Button button = (Button) findViewById(;        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {            @Override            public void onClick(View v) {                test();            }        });    }    private void test() {        Log.i("TEST_ZONE", "" + System.currentTimeMillis());    }}


08-10 09:52:56.087 21629 21629 I TEST_ZONE: 150232997608708-10 03:53:19.125 21629 21629 I TEST_ZONE: 1502329999125


2. 系统如何处理时区

代码分析基于Android 7.1.1

2.1 设置更改时区的逻辑


/** * The class displaying a list of time zones that match a filter string * such as "Africa", "Europe", etc. Choosing an item from the list will set * the time zone. Pressing Back without choosing from the list will not * result in a change in the time zone setting. */public class ZonePicker extends ListFragment


    @Override    public void onListItemClick(ListView listView, View v, int position, long id) {        // Ignore extra clicks        if (!isResumed()) return;        final Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>)listView.getItemAtPosition(position);        final String tzId = (String) map.get(ZoneGetter.KEY_ID);        // Update the system timezone value        final Activity activity = getActivity();        final AlarmManager alarm = (AlarmManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);        alarm.setTimeZone(tzId);        final TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzId);        if (mListener != null) {            mListener.onZoneSelected(tz);        } else {            getActivity().onBackPressed();        }    }

看到设置时区使用的API为 AlarmManager.setTimeZone(),官方文档的解释为:

void setTimeZone (String timeZone)

Sets the system’s persistent default time zone. This is the time zone for all apps, even after a reboot. Use setDefault(TimeZone) if you just want to change the time zone within your app, and even then prefer to pass an explicit TimeZone to APIs that require it rather than changing the time zone for all threads.

On android M and above, it is an error to pass in a non-Olson timezone to this function. Note that this is a bad idea on all Android releases because POSIX and the TimeZone class have opposite interpretations of ‘+’ and ‘-’ in the same non-Olson ID.


        @Override        public void setTimeZone(String tz) {            getContext().enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(                    "android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE",                    "setTimeZone");            final long oldId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();            try {                setTimeZoneImpl(tz);            } finally {                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(oldId);            }        }
    void setTimeZoneImpl(String tz) {        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(tz)) {            return;        }        TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz);        // Prevent reentrant calls from stepping on each other when writing        // the time zone property        boolean timeZoneWasChanged = false;        synchronized (this) {            String current = SystemProperties.get(TIMEZONE_PROPERTY);            if (current == null || !current.equals(zone.getID())) {                if (localLOGV) {                    Slog.v(TAG, "timezone changed: " + current + ", new=" + zone.getID());                }                timeZoneWasChanged = true;                SystemProperties.set(TIMEZONE_PROPERTY, zone.getID());            }            // Update the kernel timezone information            // Kernel tracks time offsets as 'minutes west of GMT'            int gmtOffset = zone.getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis());            setKernelTimezone(mNativeData, -(gmtOffset / 60000));        }        TimeZone.setDefault(null);        if (timeZoneWasChanged) {            Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_TIMEZONE_CHANGED);            intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING);            intent.putExtra("time-zone", zone.getID());            getContext().sendBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL);        }    }

(2)更新Linux Kernel时区信息。从注释上看到内核会监测与GMT(格林尼治时间)的时差。

            // Update the kernel timezone information            // Kernel tracks time offsets as 'minutes west of GMT'            int gmtOffset = zone.getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis());            setKernelTimezone(mNativeData, -(gmtOffset / 60000));


private native int setKernelTime(long nativeData, long millis);private native int setKernelTimezone(long nativeData, int minuteswest);


static jint android_server_AlarmManagerService_setKernelTime(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong nativeData, jlong millis){    AlarmImpl *impl = reinterpret_cast<AlarmImpl *>(nativeData);    struct timeval tv;    int ret;    if (millis <= 0 || millis / 1000LL >= INT_MAX) {        return -1;    }    tv.tv_sec = (time_t) (millis / 1000LL);    tv.tv_usec = (suseconds_t) ((millis % 1000LL) * 1000LL);    ALOGD("Setting time of day to sec=%d\n", (int) tv.tv_sec);    ret = impl->setTime(&tv);    if(ret < 0) {        ALOGW("Unable to set rtc to %ld: %s\n", tv.tv_sec, strerror(errno));        ret = -1;    }    return ret;}static jint android_server_AlarmManagerService_setKernelTimezone(JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong, jint minswest){    struct timezone tz;    tz.tz_minuteswest = minswest;    tz.tz_dsttime = 0;    int result = settimeofday(NULL, &tz);    if (result < 0) {        ALOGE("Unable to set kernel timezone to %d: %s\n", minswest, strerror(errno));        return -1;    } else {        ALOGD("Kernel timezone updated to %d minutes west of GMT\n", minswest);    }    return 0;}