PIL 的安装 及使用

来源:互联网 发布:大数据研究生考试科目 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 08:16

PIL(Python Imaging Library)是一个 Python 图像处理库。而Pillow 是一个对 PIL 友好的分支。

下面介绍Pillow的安装 以及使用PIL对 TexturePacker生成的.plist 和 .png 大图进行裁剪成小图

1、Pillow安装 (首先计算机已经安装了 Python)


#!pythonimport os,sysfrom xml.etree import ElementTreefrom PIL import Imagedef endWith(s,*endstring):        array = map(s.endswith,endstring)        if True in array:                return True        else:                return False                 # Get the all files & directories in the specified directory (path).def get_recursive_file_list(path):    current_files = os.listdir(path)    all_files = []    for file_name in current_files:        full_file_name = os.path.join(path, file_name)        if endWith(full_file_name,'.plist'):                full_file_name = full_file_name.replace('.plist','')                all_files.append(full_file_name)         if os.path.isdir(full_file_name):            next_level_files = get_recursive_file_list(full_file_name)            all_files.extend(next_level_files)     return all_filesdef tree_to_dict(tree):    d = {}    for index, item in enumerate(tree):        if item.tag == 'key':            if tree[index+1].tag == 'string':                d[item.text] = tree[index + 1].text            elif tree[index + 1].tag == 'true':                d[item.text] = True            elif tree[index + 1].tag == 'false':                d[item.text] = False            elif tree[index+1].tag == 'dict':                d[item.text] = tree_to_dict(tree[index+1])    return ddef gen_png_from_plist(plist_filename, png_filename):    file_path = plist_filename.replace('.plist', '')    big_image = Image.open(png_filename)    root = ElementTree.fromstring(open(plist_filename, 'r').read())    plist_dict = tree_to_dict(root[0])    to_list = lambda x: x.replace('{','').replace('}','').split(',')    for k,v in plist_dict['frames'].items():        rectlist = to_list(v['frame'])        width = int( rectlist[3] if v['rotated'] else rectlist[2] )        height = int( rectlist[2] if v['rotated'] else rectlist[3] )        box=(             int(rectlist[0]),            int(rectlist[1]),            int(rectlist[0]) + width,            int(rectlist[1]) + height,            )        sizelist = [ int(x) for x in to_list(v['sourceSize'])]        offset = [ int(float(x)) for x in to_list(v['offset'])]        rect_on_big = big_image.crop(box)        if v['rotated']:            #rect_on_big = rect_on_big.rotate(90)  #错误的处理           rect_on_big = rect_on_big.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)        result_image = Image.new('RGBA', sizelist, (0,0,0,0))        if v['rotated']:            result_box=(                ( sizelist[0] - height )/2 + offset[0],                ( sizelist[1] - width )/2 - offset[1],                ( sizelist[0] + height )/2 + offset[0],                ( sizelist[1] + width )/2 - offset[1]                )        else:            result_box=(                ( sizelist[0] - width )/2 + offset[0],                ( sizelist[1] - height )/2 - offset[1],                ( sizelist[0] + width )/2 + offset[0],                ( sizelist[1] + height )/2 - offset[1]                )        result_image.paste(rect_on_big, result_box, mask=0)        if not os.path.isdir(file_path):            os.mkdir(file_path)        outfile = (file_path+'/' + k).replace('gift_', '')        print outfile, "generated"        result_image.save(outfile)if __name__ == '__main__':    currtenPath = os.getcwd()    allPlistArray = get_recursive_file_list(currtenPath)        for plist in allPlistArray:         filename = plist         plist_filename = filename + '.plist'         png_filename = filename + '.png'         if (os.path.exists(plist_filename) and os.path.exists(png_filename)):             gen_png_from_plist( plist_filename, png_filename )         else:             print "make sure you have both plist and png files in the same directory"

写一个上述的Python脚本文件,将其命名为 unpack_plist.py 

在窗口命令中执行 Python unpack_list.py #dir/name          #dir/name 是.plist文件所在路径/文件名 (不包括文件类型后缀)   注:.plist名字与.png文件同名

