
来源:互联网 发布:女童白色运动鞋淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 18:46

这个例子创建了一个简单的表, 表的内容为姓名和年龄, 实现了增、删、改、查的基本功能。

import sqlite3class database:    def __init__(self):        self.conn = sqlite3.connect('test.db')        print ("Opened database successfully")        self.c = self.conn.cursor()        self.choice = {'1': self.new_table, '2' : \                                     self.add, '3': self.delete, \                                     '4': self.change, '5': self.check}    def __del__(self):        self.conn.close()    def new_table(self):        name = input("please enter table's name\n")        self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE ''' +name+    '''(NAME   CHAR(20)   NOT NULL,            AGE    INT        NOT NULL);''')        #名字不能有数字        print("Table created successfully")    def add(self):        table_name = input("please input table's name\n")        name = input("please input user's name\n")        age = input("please input user's age\n")        self.c.execute('''INSERT INTO '''+table_name+''' (NAME, AGE) VALUES ("'''+ name + '''", ''' + str(age) + ''');''');    def delete(self):        table_name = input("please input table's name\n")         name = input("please input the name you want to delete\n")        self.c.execute("delete from " + table_name + ''' where name="''' + name+'''"''')    def change(self):        table_name = input("please input table's name\n")         name = input("please input your name\n")        new_age = input("please enter the new age\n")        self.c.execute("update " + table_name + " set AGE="+str(new_age) +''' where name="''' + name+'''"''')    def check(self):        table_name = input("please input table's name\n")         name = input("please input your name\n")        result = self.c.execute("select age from " + table_name + ''' where name="''' + name+'''"''')        for i in result:            print("\nyour age is " + str(i[0]) + "\n")    def loop(self):        while(1):            c = input("enter 1 to create a new table\nenter 2 to add information\n"\                             +"enter 3 to delete information\nenter 4 to update information\n"\                             +"enter 5 to check your age\n----------------------------------\n")            self.choice.get(c)()            self.conn.commit()test = database()test.loop()