
来源:互联网 发布:qq三国js点智力 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 09:21



1.1 关于ES RPC


1.2 关于Netty



图 nettyyoudian

二、ES RPC 源码分析

2.1 一个简单例子说明过程

首先上时序图,举最简单的例子引入话题,一次通过es的java Client Api进行Get请求调用(Tcp方式)。

场景1:Client 连接节点A并发送请求,数据在节点B。

图 es-get1

场景2:场景1简化版,Client 连接节点A并发送请求,数据就在A直接返回。

图 es-get2


2.2 ES中的RPC,源码部分



  • TransportService(Es通信过程中存请求上下文,以及RPC方法映射,即request对应action的地方),
    的 clientHandlers就是异步回调池(根据requestId拿到回调执行),存放的就是requestId以及对应的

  • code1,code3 Connection连接是根据node从transport获取的。

  • code2发送请求最终会执行sendRequestInternal()

  • code4 client线程每次通过socket调用一次远程接口前,生成一个唯一的ID,即requestID

  • code5 构造超时回调。

  • code6 todo

  • code7 把线程上下文和callback封装

  • code8 将处理结果的回调对象callback,存放到全局ConcurrentHashMap里面put(requestID, callback);

  • code9 放入定时线程池中(类似于ScheduledThreadPool),到时间会调用handleException(e)回调给该connection超时异常。

public class TransportService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent {    public final <T extends TransportResponse> void sendRequest(final DiscoveryNode node, final String action,                                                                final TransportRequest request,                                                                final TransportRequestOptions options,                                                                TransportResponseHandler<T> handler) {        try {            Transport.Connection connection = getConnection(node);//code1            sendRequest(connection, action, request, options, handler);//code2        } catch (NodeNotConnectedException ex) {            // the caller might not handle this so we invoke the handler            handler.handleException(ex);        }    }    public Transport.Connection getConnection(DiscoveryNode node) {//code3        if (isLocalNode(node)) {            return localNodeConnection;        } else {            return transport.getConnection(node);        }    }       private <T extends TransportResponse> void sendRequestInternal(final Transport.Connection connection, final String action,                                                                       final TransportRequest request,                                                                       final TransportRequestOptions options,                                                                       TransportResponseHandler<T> handler) {            if (connection == null) {                throw new IllegalStateException("can't send request to a null connection");            }            DiscoveryNode node = connection.getNode();            final long requestId = transport.newRequestId();    //code4            final TimeoutHandler timeoutHandler;            try {                if (options.timeout() == null) {                    timeoutHandler = null;                } else {                    timeoutHandler = new TimeoutHandler(requestId); //code5                }                Supplier<ThreadContext.StoredContext> storedContextSupplier = threadPool.getThreadContext().newRestorableContext(true);  //code6                TransportResponseHandler<T> responseHandler = new ContextRestoreResponseHandler<>(storedContextSupplier, handler);  //code7                clientHandlers.put(requestId, new RequestHolder<>(responseHandler, connection, action, timeoutHandler));    //code8                if (lifecycle.stoppedOrClosed()) {                    // if we are not started the exception handling will remove the RequestHolder again and calls the handler to notify                    // the caller. It will only notify if the toStop code hasn't done the work yet.                    throw new TransportException("TransportService is closed stopped can't send request");                }                if (timeoutHandler != null) {                    assert options.timeout() != null;                    timeoutHandler.future = threadPool.schedule(options.timeout(), ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, timeoutHandler);//code9                }                connection.sendRequest(requestId, action, request, options); // local node optimization happens upstream code10            } catch (final Exception e) {                // usually happen either because we failed to connect to the node                // or because we failed serializing the message                final RequestHolder holderToNotify = clientHandlers.remove(requestId);                // If holderToNotify == null then handler has already been taken care of.                if (holderToNotify != null) {                    holderToNotify.cancelTimeout();                    // callback that an exception happened, but on a different thread since we don't                    // want handlers to worry about stack overflows                    final SendRequestTransportException sendRequestException = new SendRequestTransportException(node, action, e);                    threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC).execute(new AbstractRunnable() {                        @Override                        public void onRejection(Exception e) {                            // if we get rejected during node shutdown we don't wanna bubble it up                            logger.debug(                                (Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(                                    "failed to notify response handler on rejection, action: {}",                                    holderToNotify.action()),                                e);                        }                        @Override                        public void onFailure(Exception e) {                            logger.warn(                                (Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(                                    "failed to notify response handler on exception, action: {}",                                    holderToNotify.action()),                                e);                        }                        @Override                        protected void doRun() throws Exception {                            holderToNotify.handler().handleException(sendRequestException);                        }                    });                } else {                    logger.debug("Exception while sending request, handler likely already notified due to timeout", e);                }            }        }}
  • TcpTransport是Netty4Transport和Netty3Transport的父类,利用范型抽象出了Channel所有涉及Channel的均由

  • NodeChannels存入transport容器中(TcpTransport),可执行发送逻辑。

  • TcpTransportChannel可执行响应逻辑。

  • 发送会根据场景选择channel(recovery,bulk,reg,state,ping分别对应不同的channel[],个数也不同,其创建的过程

  • 真正的发送逻辑是sendRequestToChannel(),最终执行code12发送消息。

图 es5-uml1

public abstract class TcpTransport<Channel> extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements Transport {    protected final ConcurrentMap<DiscoveryNode, NodeChannels> connectedNodes = newConcurrentMap();    private final Set<NodeChannels> openConnections = newConcurrentSet();        public final class NodeChannels implements Connection {        @Override        public void sendRequest(long requestId, String action, TransportRequest request, TransportRequestOptions options)            throws IOException, TransportException {            if (closed.get()) {                throw new NodeNotConnectedException(node, "connection already closed");            }            Channel channel = channel(options.type());            sendRequestToChannel(this.node, channel, requestId, action, request, options, getVersion(), (byte)0);//code11        }    }    private void sendRequestToChannel(DiscoveryNode node, final Channel targetChannel, final long requestId, final String action,                                        final TransportRequest request, TransportRequestOptions options, Version channelVersion,                                      byte status) throws IOException,        TransportException {        if (compress) {            options = TransportRequestOptions.builder(options).withCompress(true).build();        }        status = TransportStatus.setRequest(status);        ReleasableBytesStreamOutput bStream = new ReleasableBytesStreamOutput(bigArrays);        // we wrap this in a release once since if the onRequestSent callback throws an exception        // we might release things twice and this should be prevented        final Releasable toRelease = Releasables.releaseOnce(() -> Releasables.close(bStream.bytes()));        boolean addedReleaseListener = false;        StreamOutput stream = bStream;        try {            // only compress if asked, and, the request is not bytes, since then only            // the header part is compressed, and the "body" can't be extracted as compressed            if (options.compress() && canCompress(request)) {                status = TransportStatus.setCompress(status);                stream = CompressorFactory.COMPRESSOR.streamOutput(stream);            }            // we pick the smallest of the 2, to support both backward and forward compatibility            // note, this is the only place we need to do this, since from here on, we use the serialized version            // as the version to use also when the node receiving this request will send the response with            Version version = Version.min(getCurrentVersion(), channelVersion);            stream.setVersion(version);            threadPool.getThreadContext().writeTo(stream);            stream.writeString(action);            BytesReference message = buildMessage(requestId, status, node.getVersion(), request, stream, bStream);            final TransportRequestOptions finalOptions = options;            Runnable onRequestSent = () -> { // this might be called in a different thread                try {                    toRelease.close();                } finally {                    transportServiceAdapter.onRequestSent(node, requestId, action, request, finalOptions);                }            };            addedReleaseListener = internalSendMessage(targetChannel, message, onRequestSent);        } finally {            IOUtils.close(stream);            if (!addedReleaseListener) {                toRelease.close();            }        }    }    /**     * sends a message view the given channel, using the given callbacks.     *     * @return true if the message was successfully sent or false when an error occurred and the error hanlding logic was activated     *     */    private boolean internalSendMessage(Channel targetChannel, BytesReference message, Runnable onRequestSent) throws IOException {        boolean success;        try {            sendMessage(targetChannel, message, onRequestSent);            success = true;        } catch (IOException ex) {            // passing exception handling to deal with this and raise disconnect events and decide the right logging level            onException(targetChannel, ex);            success = false;        }        return success;    }}    public class Netty4Transport extends TcpTransport<Channel> {    @Override    protected void sendMessage(Channel channel, BytesReference reference, Runnable sendListener) {        final ChannelFuture future = channel.writeAndFlush(Netty4Utils.toByteBuf(reference));//code12        future.addListener(f -> sendListener.run());    }}


  • 服务端接收到请求并处理后,将response结果(此结果中包含了前面的requestID)发送给客户端


  • 客户端socket连接上专门监听消息的线程收到消息,分析结果,取到requestID。

  • messageReceived是比较常见的解析数据包的过程,es自己通过XContent实现的序列化协议,所以代码可读性稍差,作者

  • 然叫首先交由TransportService.Adapter 从前面的ConcurrentHashMap里面get(requestID)出callback对象,

  • code13执行的过程其实就是执行发送消息时的幂名内部类(也叫回调),

public abstract class TcpTransport<Channel> extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements Transport {    /**     * This method handles the message receive part for both request and responses     */    public final void messageReceived(BytesReference reference, Channel channel, String profileName,                                      InetSocketAddress remoteAddress, int messageLengthBytes) throws IOException {        final int totalMessageSize = messageLengthBytes + TcpHeader.MARKER_BYTES_SIZE + TcpHeader.MESSAGE_LENGTH_SIZE;        transportServiceAdapter.addBytesReceived(totalMessageSize);        // we have additional bytes to read, outside of the header        boolean hasMessageBytesToRead = (totalMessageSize - TcpHeader.HEADER_SIZE) > 0;        StreamInput streamIn = reference.streamInput();        boolean success = false;        try (ThreadContext.StoredContext tCtx = threadPool.getThreadContext().stashContext()) {            long requestId = streamIn.readLong();            byte status = streamIn.readByte();            Version version = Version.fromId(streamIn.readInt());            if (TransportStatus.isCompress(status) && hasMessageBytesToRead && streamIn.available() > 0) {                Compressor compressor;                try {                    final int bytesConsumed = TcpHeader.REQUEST_ID_SIZE + TcpHeader.STATUS_SIZE + TcpHeader.VERSION_ID_SIZE;                    compressor = CompressorFactory.compressor(reference.slice(bytesConsumed, reference.length() - bytesConsumed));                } catch (NotCompressedException ex) {                    int maxToRead = Math.min(reference.length(), 10);                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("stream marked as compressed, but no compressor found, first [").append(maxToRead)                        .append("] content bytes out of [").append(reference.length())                        .append("] readable bytes with message size [").append(messageLengthBytes).append("] ").append("] are [");                    for (int i = 0; i < maxToRead; i++) {                        sb.append(reference.get(i)).append(",");                    }                    sb.append("]");                    throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString());                }                streamIn = compressor.streamInput(streamIn);            }            if (version.onOrAfter(Version.CURRENT.minimumCompatibilityVersion()) == false || version.major != Version.CURRENT.major) {                throw new IllegalStateException("Received message from unsupported version: [" + version                    + "] minimal compatible version is: [" +Version.CURRENT.minimumCompatibilityVersion() + "]");            }            streamIn = new NamedWriteableAwareStreamInput(streamIn, namedWriteableRegistry);            streamIn.setVersion(version);            threadPool.getThreadContext().readHeaders(streamIn);            if (TransportStatus.isRequest(status)) {                handleRequest(channel, profileName, streamIn, requestId, messageLengthBytes, version, remoteAddress, status);            } else {                final TransportResponseHandler<?> handler;                if (TransportStatus.isHandshake(status)) {                    handler = pendingHandshakes.remove(requestId);                } else {                    TransportResponseHandler theHandler = transportServiceAdapter.onResponseReceived(requestId);                    if (theHandler == null && TransportStatus.isError(status)) {                        handler = pendingHandshakes.remove(requestId);                    } else {                        handler = theHandler;                    }                }                // ignore if its null, the adapter logs it                if (handler != null) {                    if (TransportStatus.isError(status)) {                        handlerResponseError(streamIn, handler);                    } else {                        handleResponse(remoteAddress, streamIn, handler);                    }                    // Check the entire message has been read                    final int nextByte = streamIn.read();                    // calling read() is useful to make sure the message is fully read, even if there is an EOS marker                    if (nextByte != -1) {                        throw new IllegalStateException("Message not fully read (response) for requestId [" + requestId + "], handler ["                            + handler + "], error [" + TransportStatus.isError(status) + "]; resetting");                    }                }            }            success = true;        } finally {            if (success) {                IOUtils.close(streamIn);            } else {                IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(streamIn);            }        }    }    private void handleResponse(InetSocketAddress remoteAddress, final StreamInput stream, final TransportResponseHandler handler) {        final TransportResponse response = handler.newInstance();        response.remoteAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(remoteAddress));        try {            response.readFrom(stream);        } catch (Exception e) {            handleException(handler, new TransportSerializationException(                "Failed to deserialize response of type [" + response.getClass().getName() + "]", e));            return;        }        threadPool.executor(handler.executor()).execute(new AbstractRunnable() {            @Override            public void onFailure(Exception e) {                handleException(handler, new ResponseHandlerFailureTransportException(e));            }            @Override            protected void doRun() throws Exception {                handler.handleResponse(response);   //code13            }});    }}    
public class TransportService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent {    protected class Adapter implements TransportServiceAdapter {        @Override        public TransportResponseHandler onResponseReceived(final long requestId) {            RequestHolder holder = clientHandlers.remove(requestId);            if (holder == null) {                checkForTimeout(requestId);                return null;            }            holder.cancelTimeout();            if (traceEnabled() && shouldTraceAction(holder.action())) {                traceReceivedResponse(requestId, holder.connection().getNode(), holder.action());            }            return holder.handler();        }    }    }