
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝 串货 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:22



"""ChatterBot utility functions"""def import_module(dotted_path):    """    Imports the specified module based on the    dot notated import path for the module.    """    import importlib    module_parts = dotted_path.split('.')    module_path = '.'.join(module_parts[:-1])    module = importlib.import_module(module_path)    return getattr(module, module_parts[-1])def initialize_class(data, **kwargs):    """    :param data: A string or dictionary containing a import_path attribute.    """    if isinstance(data, dict):        import_path = data.pop('import_path')        data.update(kwargs)        Class = import_module(import_path)        return Class(**data)    else:        Class = import_module(data)        return Class(**kwargs)def validate_adapter_class(validate_class, adapter_class):    """    Raises an exception if validate_class is not a    subclass of adapter_class.    :param validate_class: The class to be validated.    :type validate_class: class    :param adapter_class: The class type to check against.    :type adapter_class: class    :raises: Adapter.InvalidAdapterTypeException    """    from .adapters import Adapter    # If a dictionary was passed in, check if it has an import_path attribute    if isinstance(validate_class, dict):        origional_data = validate_class.copy()        validate_class = validate_class.get('import_path')        if not validate_class:            raise Adapter.InvalidAdapterTypeException(                'The dictionary {} must contain a value for "import_path"'.format(                    str(origional_data)                )            )    if not issubclass(import_module(validate_class), adapter_class):        raise Adapter.InvalidAdapterTypeException(            '{} must be a subclass of {}'.format(                validate_class,                adapter_class.__name__            )        )def input_function():    """    Normalizes reading input between python 2 and 3.    The function 'raw_input' becomes 'input' in Python 3.    """    import sys    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:        user_input = str(raw_input()) # NOQA        # Avoid problems using format strings with unicode characters        if user_input:            user_input = user_input.decode('utf-8')    else:        user_input = input() # NOQA    return user_inputdef nltk_download_corpus(resource_path):    """    Download the specified NLTK corpus file    unless it has already been downloaded.    Returns True if the corpus needed to be downloaded.    """    from import find    from nltk import download    from os.path import split, sep    from zipfile import BadZipfile    # Download the NLTK data only if it is not already downloaded    _, corpus_name = split(resource_path)    # From    # When using find() to locate a directory contained in a zipfile,    # the resource name must end with the forward slash character.    # Otherwise, find() will not locate the directory.    #    # Helps when resource_path=='sentiment/vader_lexicon''    if not resource_path.endswith(sep):        resource_path = resource_path + sep    downloaded = False    try:        find(resource_path)    except LookupError:        download(corpus_name)        downloaded = True    except BadZipfile:        raise BadZipfile(            'The NLTK corpus file being opened is not a zipfile, '            'or it has been corrupted and needs to be manually deleted.'        )    return downloadeddef remove_stopwords(tokens, language):    """    Takes a language (i.e. 'english'), and a set of word tokens.    Returns the tokenized text with any stopwords removed.    Stop words are words like "is, the, a, ..."    """    from nltk.corpus import stopwords    # Get the stopwords for the specified language    stop_words = stopwords.words(language)    # Remove the stop words from the set of word tokens    tokens = set(tokens) - set(stop_words)    return tokensdef get_response_time(chatbot):    """    Returns the amount of time taken for a given    chat bot to return a response.    :param chatbot: A chat bot instance.    :type chatbot: ChatBot    :returns: The response time in seconds.    :rtype: float    """    import time    start_time = time.time()    chatbot.get_response('Hello')    return time.time() - start_timedef generate_strings(total_strings, string_length=20):    """    Generate a list of random strings.    :param total_strings: The number of strings to generate.    :type total_strings: int    :param string_length: The length of each string to generate.    :type string_length: int    :returns: The generated list of random strings.    :rtype: list    """    import random    import string    statements = []    for _ in range(0, total_strings):        text = ''.join(            random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + ' ') for _ in range(string_length)        )        statements.append(text)    return statements


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""This module contains various text-comparison algorithmsdesigned to compare one statement to another."""class Comparator:    def __call__(self, statement_a, statement_b):        return, statement_b)    def compare(self, statement_a, statement_b):        return 0    def get_initialization_functions(self):        """        Return all initialization methods for the comparison algorithm.        Initialization methods must start with 'initialize_' and        take no parameters.        """        initialization_methods = [            (                method,                getattr(self, method),            ) for method in dir(self) if method.startswith('initialize_')        ]        return {            key: value for (key, value) in initialization_methods        }class LevenshteinDistance(Comparator):    """    Compare two statements based on the Levenshtein distance    of each statement's text.    For example, there is a 65% similarity between the statements    "where is the post office?" and "looking for the post office"    based on the Levenshtein distance algorithm.    """    def compare(self, statement, other_statement):        """        Compare the two input statements.        :return: The percent of similarity between the text of the statements.        :rtype: float        """        import sys        # Use python-Levenshtein if available        try:            from Levenshtein.StringMatcher import StringMatcher as SequenceMatcher        except ImportError:            from difflib import SequenceMatcher        PYTHON = sys.version_info[0]        # Return 0 if either statement has a falsy text value        if not statement or not other_statement:            return 0        # Get the lowercase version of both strings        if PYTHON < 3:            statement_text = unicode(statement.lower()) # NOQA            other_statement_text = unicode(other_statement.lower()) # NOQA        else:            statement_text = str(statement.lower())            other_statement_text = str(other_statement.lower())        similarity = SequenceMatcher(            None,            statement_text,            other_statement_text        )        # Calculate a decimal percent of the similarity        percent = round(similarity.ratio(), 2)        return percentclass SynsetDistance(Comparator):    """    Calculate the similarity of two statements.    This is based on the total maximum synset similarity between each word in each sentence.    This algorithm uses the `wordnet`_ functionality of `NLTK`_ to determine the similarity    of two statements based on the path similarity between each token of each statement.    This is essentially an evaluation of the closeness of synonyms.    """    def initialize_nltk_wordnet(self):        """        Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded.        """        from utils import nltk_download_corpus        nltk_download_corpus('corpora/wordnet')    def initialize_nltk_punkt(self):        """        Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded.        """        from utils import nltk_download_corpus        nltk_download_corpus('tokenizers/punkt')    def initialize_nltk_stopwords(self):        from utils import nltk_download_corpus        nltk_download_corpus('tokenizers/stopwords')    def compare(self, statement, other_statement):        """        Compare the two input statements.        :return: The percent of similarity between the closest synset distance.        :rtype: float        .. _wordnet:        .. _NLTK:        """        from nltk.corpus import wordnet        from nltk import word_tokenize        from chatterbot import utils        import itertools        tokens1 = word_tokenize(statement.lower())        tokens2 = word_tokenize(other_statement.lower())        # Remove all stop words from the list of word tokens        tokens1 = utils.remove_stopwords(tokens1, language='english')        tokens2 = utils.remove_stopwords(tokens2, language='english')        # The maximum possible similarity is an exact match        # Because path_similarity returns a value between 0 and 1,        # max_possible_similarity is the number of words in the longer        # of the two input statements.        max_possible_similarity = max(            len(statement.split()),            len(other_statement.split())        )        max_similarity = 0.0        # Get the highest matching value for each possible combination of words        for combination in itertools.product(*[tokens1, tokens2]):            synset1 = wordnet.synsets(combination[0])            synset2 = wordnet.synsets(combination[1])            if synset1 and synset2:                # Get the highest similarity for each combination of synsets                for synset in itertools.product(*[synset1, synset2]):                    similarity = synset[0].path_similarity(synset[1])                    if similarity and (similarity > max_similarity):                        max_similarity = similarity        if max_possible_similarity == 0:            return 0        return max_similarity / max_possible_similarityclass SentimentComparison(Comparator):    """    Calculate the similarity of two statements based on the closeness of    the sentiment value calculated for each statement.    """    def initialize_nltk_vader_lexicon(self):        """        Download the NLTK vader lexicon for sentiment analysis        that is required for this algorithm to run.        """        from utils import nltk_download_corpus        nltk_download_corpus('sentiment/vader_lexicon')    def compare(self, statement, other_statement):        """        Return the similarity of two statements based on        their calculated sentiment values.        :return: The percent of similarity between the sentiment value.        :rtype: float        """        from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer        sentiment_analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()        statement_polarity = sentiment_analyzer.polarity_scores(statement.lower())        statement2_polarity = sentiment_analyzer.polarity_scores(other_statement.lower())        statement_greatest_polarity = 'neu'        statement_greatest_score = -1        for polarity in sorted(statement_polarity):            if statement_polarity[polarity] > statement_greatest_score:                statement_greatest_polarity = polarity                statement_greatest_score = statement_polarity[polarity]        statement2_greatest_polarity = 'neu'        statement2_greatest_score = -1        for polarity in sorted(statement2_polarity):            if statement2_polarity[polarity] > statement2_greatest_score:                statement2_greatest_polarity = polarity                statement2_greatest_score = statement2_polarity[polarity]        # Check if the polarity if of a different type        if statement_greatest_polarity != statement2_greatest_polarity:            return 0        values = [statement_greatest_score, statement2_greatest_score]        difference = max(values) - min(values)        return 1.0 - differenceclass JaccardSimilarity(Comparator):    """    Calculates the similarity of two statements based on the Jaccard index.    The Jaccard index is composed of a numerator and denominator.    In the numerator, we count the number of items that are shared between the sets.    In the denominator, we count the total number of items across both sets.    Let's say we define sentences to be equivalent if 50% or more of their tokens are equivalent.    Here are two sample sentences:        The young cat is hungry.        The cat is very hungry.    When we parse these sentences to remove stopwords, we end up with the following two sets:        {young, cat, hungry}        {cat, very, hungry}    In our example above, our intersection is {cat, hungry}, which has count of two.    The union of the sets is {young, cat, very, hungry}, which has a count of four.    Therefore, our `Jaccard similarity index`_ is two divided by four, or 50%.    Given our similarity threshold above, we would consider this to be a match.    .. _`Jaccard similarity index`:    """    SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD = 0.5    def initialize_nltk_wordnet(self):        """        Download the NLTK wordnet corpora that is required for this algorithm        to run only if the corpora has not already been downloaded.        """        from utils import nltk_download_corpus        nltk_download_corpus('corpora/wordnet')    def initialize_nltk_averaged_perceptron_tagger(self):        from utils import nltk_download_corpus        nltk_download_corpus('corpora/averaged_perceptron_tagger')    def compare(self, statement, other_statement):        """        Return the calculated similarity of two        statements based on the Jaccard index.        """        from nltk.corpus import wordnet        import nltk        import string        a = statement.lower()        b = other_statement.lower()        # Get default English stopwords and extend with punctuation        stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')        stopwords.extend(string.punctuation)        stopwords.append('')        lemmatizer = nltk.stem.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()        def get_wordnet_pos(pos_tag):            if pos_tag[1].startswith('J'):                return (pos_tag[0], wordnet.ADJ)            elif pos_tag[1].startswith('V'):                return (pos_tag[0], wordnet.VERB)            elif pos_tag[1].startswith('N'):                return (pos_tag[0], wordnet.NOUN)            elif pos_tag[1].startswith('R'):                return (pos_tag[0], wordnet.ADV)            else:                return (pos_tag[0], wordnet.NOUN)        ratio = 0        pos_a = map(get_wordnet_pos, nltk.pos_tag(nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(a)))        pos_b = map(get_wordnet_pos, nltk.pos_tag(nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(b)))        lemma_a = [            lemmatizer.lemmatize(                token.strip(string.punctuation),                pos            ) for token, pos in pos_a if pos == wordnet.NOUN and token.strip(                string.punctuation            ) not in stopwords        ]        lemma_b = [            lemmatizer.lemmatize(                token.strip(string.punctuation),                pos            ) for token, pos in pos_b if pos == wordnet.NOUN and token.strip(                string.punctuation            ) not in stopwords        ]        # Calculate Jaccard similarity        try:            ratio = len(set(lemma_a).intersection(lemma_b)) / float(len(set(lemma_a).union(lemma_b)))            print("intersection=", len(set(lemma_a).intersection(lemma_b)))            print("union=",float(len(set(lemma_a).union(lemma_b))))        except Exception as e:            print('Error', e)        print ("Jaccard ratio=",ratio)        return ratio >= self.SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD# ---------------------------------------- #levenshtein_distance = LevenshteinDistance()synset_distance = SynsetDistance()sentiment_comparison = SentimentComparison()jaccard_similarity = JaccardSimilarity()


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-from comparisons import LevenshteinDistance#编辑距离L1=LevenshteinDistance();"go home","go to school")print ("LevenshteinDistance=",result_L1)from compare import SynsetDistance#近义词距离s1=SynsetDistance();s1.initialize_nltk_wordnet()s1.initialize_nltk_punkt()s1.initialize_nltk_stopwords()"bad","worse")print ("SynsetDistance=",result_s1)from compare import SentimentComparison#情感分析s2=SentimentComparison();s2.initialize_nltk_vader_lexicon()"bad mood","god weather")print ("sentiment=",result_s2)from compare import JaccardSimilarityj=JaccardSimilarity();j.initialize_nltk_wordnet()j.initialize_nltk_averaged_perceptron_tagger()"I go to school","I go to school")print("Jaccard factor=",result_j)


class LevenshteinDistance(Comparator)



go to school 和 go to home


('LevenshteinDistance=', 0.53)



class SynsetDistance(Comparator)




('SynsetDistance=', 1.0)



class SentimentComparison(Comparator)


bad mood

good weather

('sentiment=', 0)


class JaccardSimilarity(Comparator)


I go to school

I go to school

('intersection=', 1)
('union=', 1.0)
('Jaccard ratio=', 1.0)
('Jaccard factor=', True)