dataTable Demo

来源:互联网 发布:东汉末年 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:50
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line-height:21px; overflow:hidden; width:100px;">CentO核核核核核核核核核核核核核核核核核核核核核vS                    53.5                </div>            </td>            <td>已停止</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td></td>            <td>                <input type="checkbox" name="checkList"></td>            <td>                <a class="clickdom" href="javascript:;" isclick="true" onClick="clickDom(this);">lsfdqtest</a>            </td>            <td></td>            <td>1核/16G</td>            <td>2G</td>            <td>CentOS 52.5</td>            <td>运行中</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td></td>            <td>                <input type="checkbox" name="checkList"></td>            <td>                <a class="clickdom" href="javascript:;" isclick="true" onClick="clickDom(this);">lsqtest</a>            </td>            <td></td>            <td>3核/1G</td>            <td>5G</td>            <td>CentOS 56.5</td>            <td>运行中</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td></td>            <td>                <input type="checkbox" name="checkList"></td>            <td>                <a class="clickdom" href="javascript:;" isclick="true" onClick="clickDom(this);">lsqtdfest</a>            </td>            <td></td>            <td>1核/3G</td>            <td>13G</td>            <td>CentOS 53.5</td>            <td>已停止</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td></td>            <td>                <input type="checkbox" name="checkList"></td>            <td>                <a class="clickdom" href="javascript:;" isclick="true" onClick="clickDom(this);">lsfdqtest</a>            </td>            <td></td>            <td>1核/16G</td>            <td>2G</td>            <td>CntOS 52.5</td>            <td>运行中</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td></td>            <td>                <input type="checkbox" name="checkList"></td>            <td>                <a class="clickdom" href="javascript:;" isclick="true" onClick="clickDom(this);">lsqtest</a>            </td>            <td></td>            <td>3核/1G</td>            <td>5G</td>            <td>CentOS 56.5</td>            <td>运行中</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td></td>            <td>                <input type="checkbox" name="checkList"></td>            <td>                <a class="clickdom" href="javascript:;" isclick="true" onClick="clickDom(this);">lsqtdfest</a>            </td>            <td></td>            <td>1核/3G</td>            <td>3G</td>            <td>CentOS 53.5</td>            <td>已停止</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td></td>            <td>                <input type="checkbox" name="checkList"></td>            <td>                <a class="clickdom" href="javascript:;" isclick="true" onClick="clickDom(this);">aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</a>            </td>            <td></td>            <td>1核/16G</td>            <td>2G</td>            <td>CentOS 52.5</td>            <td>运行中</td>        </tr>        <tr>            <td></td>            <td>                <input type="checkbox" name="checkList"></td>            <td>                <a class="clickdom" href="javascript:;" isclick="true"                   onClick="clickDom(this);">bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb</a>            </td>            <td></td>            <td>1核/16G</td>            <td>2G</td>            <td>CentOS 52.5</td>            <td>运行中</td>        </tr>        </tbody>    </table>    <div class="showslider">        <button class="closediv">关闭</button>    </div>    <style>        .showslider {            width: 80%; 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