
来源:互联网 发布:红三兵炒股软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:52



  1. 规定用户上传的文件的编码
  2. 自动识别文件编码


         测试主要以ansi,unicode,unicode big endian,utf-8,以文件流的形式进行测试
/*对于需要重复读取的流(判断编码取一次,获取内容取一次),需要使用支持reset的流.注:有些解析器支持字节数组,但是处理字节数组与处理流是有区别的,可能会得到不同的结果*/BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes("GBK")));


package charset;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.nio.charset.Charset;import org.apache.tika.detect.AutoDetectReader;import org.junit.Test;public class ParseCharset {public static String content = "中国";@Testpublic void parseByTika() {AutoDetectReader detect = null;InputStream in = null;try {in = new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\temp\\test.txt");//detect = new AutoDetectReader(getInputStream(charsetName));detect = new AutoDetectReader(in);Charset charset = detect.getCharset();//System.out.println(charset.name());String row = null;while ((row = detect.readLine()) != null) {if (!charset.name().startsWith("UTF"))row = new String(row.getBytes(charset.name()), "GBK");System.out.println("charset : " + charset.name() +"; content : "+ row);}} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {try {in.close();detect.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}/***************运行结果****************//*        unicode big endian  charset : UTF-16BE; content : 中国                  ansi  charset : IBM855; content : 中国                  unicode charset : UTF-16LE; content : 中国                  utf-8 charset : UTF-8; content : 中国  注:一般解析不出来,当ISO-8859-1(字节编码,数据不会丢失)处理*//***************相关依赖****************//* * pom依赖  * <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.tika/tika-core --><dependency><groupId>org.apache.tika</groupId><artifactId>tika-core</artifactId><version>1.16</version></dependency><!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.tika/tika-parsers --><dependency><groupId>org.apache.tika</groupId><artifactId>tika-parsers</artifactId><version>1.16</version></dependency> *解析基本所有常见格式的文件,得到文件的metadata,content等内容,返回格式化信息 *解析的内容有 文件格式,文件内容,文件编码,字符串语言等 * *  */}}
tika解析的核心源码,AutoDetectReader配置了三种解析器Icu4jEncodingDetector,UniversalEncodingDetector ,HtmlEncodingDetector,轮询解析,以UniversalEncodingDetector 为例
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package org.apache.tika.parser.txt;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.nio.charset.Charset;import org.apache.tika.detect.EncodingDetector;import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata;public class UniversalEncodingDetector implements EncodingDetector {    private static final int BUFSIZE = 1024;    private static final int LOOKAHEAD = 16 * BUFSIZE;    public Charset detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)            throws IOException {        if (input == null) {            return null;        }        input.mark(LOOKAHEAD);        try {            UniversalEncodingListener listener =                    new UniversalEncodingListener(metadata);            byte[] b = new byte[BUFSIZE];            int n = 0;            int m = input.read(b);            while (m != -1 && n < LOOKAHEAD && !listener.isDone()) {                n += m;                listener.handleData(b, 0, m);                m = input.read(b, 0, Math.min(b.length, LOOKAHEAD - n));            }            return listener.dataEnd();        } catch (LinkageError e) {            return null; // juniversalchardet is not available        } finally {            input.reset();        }    }}


        if (this.done) {            return;        }                if (length > 0) {            this.gotData = true;        }                if (this.start) {            this.start = false;            if (length > 3) {                int b1 = buf[offset] & 0xFF;                int b2 = buf[offset+1] & 0xFF;                int b3 = buf[offset+2] & 0xFF;                int b4 = buf[offset+3] & 0xFF;                                         //判断规则                switch (b1) {                case 0xEF:                    if (b2 == 0xBB && b3 == 0xBF) {                        this.detectedCharset = Constants.CHARSET_UTF_8;                    }                    break;                case 0xFE:                    if (b2 == 0xFF && b3 == 0x00 && b4 == 0x00) {                        this.detectedCharset = Constants.CHARSET_X_ISO_10646_UCS_4_3412;                    } else if (b2 == 0xFF) {                        this.detectedCharset = Constants.CHARSET_UTF_16BE;                    }                    break;                case 0x00:                    if (b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0xFE && b4 == 0xFF) {                        this.detectedCharset = Constants.CHARSET_UTF_32BE;                    } else if (b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0xFF && b4 == 0xFE) {                        this.detectedCharset = Constants.CHARSET_X_ISO_10646_UCS_4_2143;                    }                    break;                case 0xFF:                    if (b2 == 0xFE && b3 == 0x00 && b4 == 0x00) {                        this.detectedCharset = Constants.CHARSET_UTF_32LE;                    } else if (b2 == 0xFE) {                        this.detectedCharset = Constants.CHARSET_UTF_16LE;                    }                    break;                } // swich end                                if (this.detectedCharset != null) {                    this.done = true;                    return;                }            }        } // if (start) end                int maxPos = offset + length;        for (int i=offset; i<maxPos; ++i) {            int c = buf[i] & 0xFF;            if ((c & 0x80) != 0 && c != 0xA0) {                if (this.inputState != InputState.HIGHBYTE) {                    this.inputState = InputState.HIGHBYTE;                                        if (this.escCharsetProber != null) {                        this.escCharsetProber = null;                    }                                        if (this.probers[0] == null) {                        this.probers[0] = new MBCSGroupProber();                    }                    if (this.probers[1] == null) {                        this.probers[1] = new SBCSGroupProber();                    }                    if (this.probers[2] == null) {                        this.probers[2] = new Latin1Prober();                    }                }            } else {                if (this.inputState == InputState.PURE_ASCII &&                    (c == 0x1B || (c == 0x7B && this.lastChar == 0x7E))) {                    this.inputState = InputState.ESC_ASCII;                }                this.lastChar = buf[i];            }        } // for end                CharsetProber.ProbingState st;        if (this.inputState == InputState.ESC_ASCII) {            if (this.escCharsetProber == null) {                this.escCharsetProber = new EscCharsetProber();            }            st = this.escCharsetProber.handleData(buf, offset, length);            if (st == CharsetProber.ProbingState.FOUND_IT) {                this.done = true;                this.detectedCharset = this.escCharsetProber.getCharSetName();            }        } else if (this.inputState == InputState.HIGHBYTE) {            for (int i=0; i<this.probers.length; ++i) {                st = this.probers[i].handleData(buf, offset, length);                if (st == CharsetProber.ProbingState.FOUND_IT) {                    this.done = true;                    this.detectedCharset = this.probers[i].getCharSetName();                    return;                }            }        } else { // pure ascii            // do nothing        }    


public void parseByIo() {try {File file = new File("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\temp\\test.txt");CodepageDetectorProxy detector = CodepageDetectorProxy.getInstance();//相关解析器detector.add(new ByteOrderMarkDetector());detector.add(JChardetFacade.getInstance());detector.add(new ParsingDetector(true));        detector.add(ASCIIDetector.getInstance());        detector.add(UnicodeDetector.getInstance());                //获取编码        java.nio.charset.Charset charset = null;            charset = detector.detectCodepage(file.toURI().toURL());                        //读取文本内容            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), charset));            String content = reader.readLine();if (!charset.name().startsWith("UTF"))content = new String(content.getBytes(charset.name()), "GBK");            System.out.println("charset : " + charset.name() +"; content : "+ content);            reader.close();/***************运行结果****************//*        unicode big endian  charset : UTF-16BE; content : 中国                  ansi  charset : windows-1252; content : 中国                  unicode charset : UTF-16LE; content : 中国                  utf-8 charset : UTF-8; content : 中国 *//***************相关依赖****************//*https://sourceforge.net/projects/cpdetector/files/cpdetector/javadoc/ * 下载相关jar,引入项目中 * antlr-2.7.4.jar * chardet-1.0.jar * cpdetector-1.0.10.jar * jargs-1.0.jar *  */} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}


public void parseByany23() {InputStream in = null;try {in = new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\temp\\test.txt");TikaEncodingDetector detector = new TikaEncodingDetector();String guessEncoding = detector.guessEncoding(in);String preGuessEncoding=guessEncoding;if (!guessEncoding.startsWith("UTF")) {guessEncoding = "GBK";}in.close();            //读取文本内容            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\temp\\test.txt"), guessEncoding));            String content = reader.readLine();            System.out.println("charset : " + preGuessEncoding +"; content : "+ content);            reader.close();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {try {in.close();} catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}}/***************运行结果****************//*        unicode big endian  charset : UTF-16BE; content : 中国                  ansi  charset : IBM420_ltr; content : 中国                  unicode charset : UTF-16LE; content : 中国                  utf-8 charset : UTF-8; content : 中国  注:此方法只为单纯获取编码,但是不能再获取编码的获取编码内容,需要打开文件2次(fileInputStream不支持reset) *//***************相关依赖****************//* * pom依赖 <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.any23/apache-any23-encoding --><dependency><groupId>org.apache.any23</groupId><artifactId>apache-any23-encoding</artifactId><version>1.1</version></dependency> *  */}
   /**     * Return an array of all charsets that appear to be plausible     * matches with the input data.  The array is ordered with the     * best quality match first.     * <p>     * Raise an exception if     * <ul>     * <li>no charsets appear to match the input data.</li>     * <li>no input text has been provided</li>     * </ul>     *     * @return An array of CharsetMatch objects representing possibly matching charsets.     * @stable ICU 3.4     */    public CharsetMatch[] detectAll() {        CharsetRecognizer csr;        int i;        CharsetMatch charsetMatch;        int confidence;        ArrayList<CharsetMatch> matches = new ArrayList<CharsetMatch>();        //  Iterate over all possible charsets, remember all that        //    give a match quality > 0.        for (i = 0; i < ALL_CS_RECOGNIZERS.size(); i++) {            csr = ALL_CS_RECOGNIZERS.get(i).recognizer;            charsetMatch = csr.match(this);            if (charsetMatch != null) {                confidence = charsetMatch.getConfidence() & 0x000000ff;                if (confidence > 0) {                    // Just to be safe, constrain                    confidence = Math.min(confidence, MAX_CONFIDENCE);                    // Apply charset hint.                    if ((fDeclaredEncoding != null) && (fDeclaredEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase(csr.getName()))) {                        // Reduce lack of confidence (delta between "sure" and current) by 50%.                        confidence += (MAX_CONFIDENCE - confidence) / 2;                    }                    CharsetMatch m = new CharsetMatch(this, csr, confidence, charsetMatch.getName(), charsetMatch.getLanguage());                    matches.add(m);                }            }        }        Collections.sort(matches);      // CharsetMatch compares on confidence        Collections.reverse(matches);   //  Put best match first.        CharsetMatch[] resultArray = new CharsetMatch[matches.size()];        resultArray = matches.toArray(resultArray);        return resultArray;    }


@Testpublic void parseByCharsetDetector () {try {BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\temp\\test.txt")));System.out.println(in.markSupported());CharsetDetector detector = new CharsetDetector();detector.setText(in);CharsetMatch cm = detector.detect();String charsetName = cm.getName();BufferedReader reader=null;if (!charsetName.startsWith("UTF")) {reader=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "GBK"));} else {reader = new BufferedReader(cm.getReader());}String content = reader.readLine();//读取文本内容System.out.println("charset : " + charsetName +"; content : "+ content);reader.close();in.close();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} /***************运行结果****************//*        unicode big endian  charset : UTF-16LE; content : 中国                  ansi charset : IBM420_ltr; content : 中国                  unicode charset : UTF-16BE; content : 中国                  utf-8 charset : UTF-8; content : 中国  注:此方法对流的要求必须要允许reset,此处编码为IBM420_ltr,会报错,故需重新读取一次流 *//***************相关依赖****************//* * pom依赖 <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.codehaus.groovy/groovy-all --><!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.any23/apache-any23-encoding --><dependency><groupId>org.apache.any23</groupId><artifactId>apache-any23-encoding</artifactId><version>1.1</version></dependency> *  */}


@Testpublic void parseByCharsetToolkit() {File file = new File("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\temp\\test.txt");try {CharsetToolkit detector = new CharsetToolkit(file);detector.setDefaultCharset(Charset.forName("GBK"));Charset charset = detector.getCharset();BufferedReader reader = detector.getReader();String content = reader.readLine();//读取文本内容if (!charset.name().startsWith("UTF"))content = new String(content.getBytes(charset.name()), "GBK");            System.out.println("charset : " + charset.name() +"; content : "+ content);reader.close();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} /***************运行结果****************//*        unicode big endian  charset : UTF-16BE; content : 中国                  ansi charset : GBK; content : 中国                  unicode charset : UTF-16LE; content : 中国                  utf-8 charset : UTF-8; content : 中国  注:此方法对无法解析的都使用期默认的编码,故要设置默认编码 *//***************相关依赖****************//* * pom依赖 <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.codehaus.groovy/groovy-all --><dependency>    <groupId>org.codehaus.groovy</groupId>    <artifactId>groovy-all</artifactId>    <version>2.4.12</version></dependency> *  */}
    /**     * Guess the encoding of the provided buffer.     * If Byte Order Markers are encountered at the beginning of the buffer, we immediately     * return the charset implied by this BOM. Otherwise, the file would not be a human     * readable text file.     * <p>     * If there is no BOM, this method tries to discern whether the file is UTF-8 or not.     * If it is not UTF-8, we assume the encoding is the default system encoding     * (of course, it might be any 8-bit charset, but usually, an 8-bit charset is the default one).     * <p>     * It is possible to discern UTF-8 thanks to the pattern of characters with a multi-byte sequence.     * <pre>     * UCS-4 range (hex.)        UTF-8 octet sequence (binary)     * 0000 0000-0000 007F       0xxxxxxx     * 0000 0080-0000 07FF       110xxxxx 10xxxxxx     * 0000 0800-0000 FFFF       1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx     * 0001 0000-001F FFFF       11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx     * 0020 0000-03FF FFFF       111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx     * 0400 0000-7FFF FFFF       1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx     * </pre>     * With UTF-8, 0xFE and 0xFF never appear.     *     * @return the Charset recognized.     */    private Charset guessEncoding() {        // if the file has a Byte Order Marker, we can assume the file is in UTF-xx        // otherwise, the file would not be human readable        if (hasUTF8Bom())            return Charset.forName("UTF-8");        if (hasUTF16LEBom())            return Charset.forName("UTF-16LE");        if (hasUTF16BEBom())            return Charset.forName("UTF-16BE");        // if a byte has its most significant bit set, the file is in UTF-8 or in the default encoding        // otherwise, the file is in US-ASCII        boolean highOrderBit = false;        // if the file is in UTF-8, high order bytes must have a certain value, in order to be valid        // if it's not the case, we can assume the encoding is the default encoding of the system        boolean validU8Char = true;        // TODO the buffer is not read up to the end, but up to length - 6        int length = buffer.length;        int i = 0;        while (i < length - 6) {            byte b0 = buffer[i];            byte b1 = buffer[i + 1];            byte b2 = buffer[i + 2];            byte b3 = buffer[i + 3];            byte b4 = buffer[i + 4];            byte b5 = buffer[i + 5];            if (b0 < 0) {                // a high order bit was encountered, thus the encoding is not US-ASCII                // it may be either an 8-bit encoding or UTF-8                highOrderBit = true;                // a two-bytes sequence was encountered                if (isTwoBytesSequence(b0)) {                    // there must be one continuation byte of the form 10xxxxxx,                    // otherwise the following character is is not a valid UTF-8 construct                    if (!isContinuationChar(b1))                        validU8Char = false;                    else                        i++;                }                // a three-bytes sequence was encountered                else if (isThreeBytesSequence(b0)) {                    // there must be two continuation bytes of the form 10xxxxxx,                    // otherwise the following character is is not a valid UTF-8 construct                    if (!(isContinuationChar(b1) && isContinuationChar(b2)))                        validU8Char = false;                    else                        i += 2;                }                // a four-bytes sequence was encountered                else if (isFourBytesSequence(b0)) {                    // there must be three continuation bytes of the form 10xxxxxx,                    // otherwise the following character is is not a valid UTF-8 construct                    if (!(isContinuationChar(b1) && isContinuationChar(b2) && isContinuationChar(b3)))                        validU8Char = false;                    else                        i += 3;                }                // a five-bytes sequence was encountered                else if (isFiveBytesSequence(b0)) {                    // there must be four continuation bytes of the form 10xxxxxx,                    // otherwise the following character is is not a valid UTF-8 construct                    if (!(isContinuationChar(b1)                        && isContinuationChar(b2)                        && isContinuationChar(b3)                        && isContinuationChar(b4)))                        validU8Char = false;                    else                        i += 4;                }                // a six-bytes sequence was encountered                else if (isSixBytesSequence(b0)) {                    // there must be five continuation bytes of the form 10xxxxxx,                    // otherwise the following character is is not a valid UTF-8 construct                    if (!(isContinuationChar(b1)                        && isContinuationChar(b2)                        && isContinuationChar(b3)                        && isContinuationChar(b4)                        && isContinuationChar(b5)))                        validU8Char = false;                    else                        i += 5;                }                else                    validU8Char = false;            }            if (!validU8Char)                break;            i++;        }        // if no byte with an high order bit set, the encoding is US-ASCII        // (it might have been UTF-7, but this encoding is usually internally used only by mail systems)        if (!highOrderBit) {            // returns the default charset rather than US-ASCII if the enforce8Bit flag is set.            if (this.enforce8Bit)                return this.defaultCharset;            else                return Charset.forName("US-ASCII");        }        // if no invalid UTF-8 were encountered, we can assume the encoding is UTF-8,        // otherwise the file would not be human readable        if (validU8Char)            return Charset.forName("UTF-8");        // finally, if it's not UTF-8 nor US-ASCII, let's assume the encoding is the default encoding        return this.defaultCharset;    }
