
来源:互联网 发布:解手机密码软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:00

When i set up LNMP on my vps , there are many errors happened , so i share my experience and I wish that can help you :

1: Perl warning : Setting locale failed

run :

export LC_ALL=C;

2: Cannot create directory

This issue happened when permission is incorrect , you can change your web site directory permission to 755 or 777 , in fact , in most cases ,you should change to 777 to work .

chmod -R 777 you-web-site-directory

3: Cannot establish database connect

First ,you should check your database server ,

server –status-all;

and if mysql is running , edit your wordpress setting :

vim your-web-site-directory/wp-config.php

change the username password and more .

4 : FTP

When you insatll something like themes, plugins and more , the site may prompt you to use Ftp , but if you don’t want to use Ftp , you can do this :

vim your-site-directory/wp-config.php;

add this :


and then you can install directly.

5: Cannot connect to database

Edit www directory wp-config.php file ,and input DB_name,DB_passwd,DB_user.