UE4 VR 瞬移 Teleport 一

来源:互联网 发布:北风网大数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 21:58

下面我们共同研究一线 在UE4中如何利用寻路网格做vr瞬移

include “Components/ActorComponent.h”
include “Components/SplineComponent.h”
include “Components/SplineMeshComponent.h”
include “RunebergVR_Teleporter.generated.h”

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.#pragma once#include "Components/ActorComponent.h"#include "Components/SplineComponent.h"#include "Components/SplineMeshComponent.h"#include "RunebergVR_Teleporter.generated.h"UENUM(BlueprintType)enum class EMoveDirectionEnum : uint8{    MOVE_FORWARD    UMETA(DisplayName = "Towards Player"),    MOVE_BACKWARD   UMETA(DisplayName = "Away from Player"),    MOVE_LEFT       UMETA(DisplayName = "Left of Player"),    MOVE_RIGHT      UMETA(DisplayName = "Right of Player"),    MOVE_CUSTOM     UMETA(DisplayName = "Use a Custom Rotation for Direction")};UCLASS(ClassGroup = (VR), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))class VRTELEP_API URunebergVR_Teleporter : public USceneComponent{    GENERATED_BODY()public:     // Sets default values for this component's properties    URunebergVR_Teleporter();protected:    // Called when the game starts    virtual void BeginPlay() override;public:     // Called every frame    virtual void TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction) override;    // The teleport beam's mesh    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Beam Parameters")        class UStaticMesh* TeleportBeamMesh = nullptr;    /** The teleport beam's Launch Velocity Magnitude - higher number increases range of teleport */    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Beam Parameters")        float BeamMagnitude = 500.f;    /** A location offset from the parent mesh origin where the teleport beam will start */    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Beam Parameters")        FVector BeamLocationOffset = FVector::ZeroVector;    /** For ray type beam, ensure the lenth of the beam reaches target location instantenously. Uses RayScaleRate as base length unit */    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Beam Parameters")        bool RayInstantScale = true;    /** How much the ray will scale up until it reaches target location */    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Beam Parameters")        float RayScaleRate = 1.f;    /** The teleport beam's navigation mesh tolerance - fine tune to fit your nav mesh bounds */    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Beam Parameters")        FVector BeamHitNavMeshTolerance = FVector(10.f, 10.f, 10.f);    /** The teleport beam's custom gravity */    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Beam Parameters")        float ArcOverrideGravity = 0.f;    // The teleport target stuff    /** Additional offset of pawn (internal offsets are Steam: 112, Rift: 250) */    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Target Parameters")        FVector TeleportTargetPawnSpawnOffset = FVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Target Parameters")        float FloorIsAtZ = 0.f;    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Target Parameters")        class UStaticMesh* TeleportTargetMesh = nullptr;    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Target Parameters")        FVector TeleportTargetMeshScale = FVector(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Target Parameters")        FVector TeleportTargetMeshSpawnOffset = FVector(0.f, 0.f, 5.f);    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Target Parameters")        class UParticleSystem* TeleportTargetParticle = nullptr;    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Target Parameters")        FVector TeleportTargetParticleScale = FVector(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Teleport Target Parameters")        FVector TeleportTargetParticleSpawnOffset = FVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);    /** Check to see if an active teleport mode is turned on */    UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "VR - Read Only")        bool IsTeleporting = false;    // Show the teleportation arc trace    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VR")        bool ShowTeleportArc();    // Show the teleportation ray trace    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VR")        bool ShowTeleportRay();    // Remove the teleportation arc trace    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VR")        bool HideTeleportArc();    // Remove the teleportation ray trace    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VR")        bool HideTeleportRay();    // Show marker in the world    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VR")        bool ShowMarker();    // Move Marker    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VR")        bool MoveMarker(EMoveDirectionEnum MarkerDirection = EMoveDirectionEnum::MOVE_FORWARD, int Rate = 25, FRotator CustomDirection = FRotator::ZeroRotator);    // Remove marker    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VR")        bool HideMarker();    // Teleport    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VR")        bool TeleportNow();private:    // Teleport target height offset - defaults to SteamVR    FVector PawnHeightOffset = FVector(0.f, 0.f,0.f);    // Teleport targetting mode    int TeleportMode = -1;    // Teleport Arc constants    const float ArcRadius = 0.f;    const float MaxSimTime = 2.f;    const float SimFrequency = 30.f;    // Teleport Arc spline parameters    USplineComponent* ArcSpline = nullptr;    TArray<FVector> ArcPoints;    TArray<USplineMeshComponent*> ArcSplineMeshes;    TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > ArcObjectTypesToIgnore;    FVector RayMeshScale = FVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);    FVector RayMeshScale_Max = FVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);    bool bIsBeamTypeTeleport = false;    float RayNumOfTimesToScale = 0.f;    float RayNumOfTimesToScale_Actual = 0.f;    float RayDistanceToTarget = 0.f;    // TeleportRay mesh    UStaticMeshComponent* RayMesh = nullptr;    // Teleport target location    FVector TargetLocation = FVector::ZeroVector;    FRotator TargetRotation = FRotator::ZeroRotator;    bool bIsTargetLocationValid = false;    // Spawned visible components for targetting marker    UParticleSystemComponent* TargetParticleSystemComponent = nullptr;    UStaticMeshComponent* TargetStaticMeshComponent = nullptr;    // Draw teleport arc    void DrawTeleportArc();    // Clear teleport arc spline    void ClearTeleportArc();    // Draw teleport ray    void DrawTeleportRay();    // Clear teleport arc spline    void ClearTeleportRay();    // Spawn target location marker    void SpawnTargetMarker(FVector MarkerLocation = FVector::ZeroVector, FRotator MarkerRotation = FRotator::ZeroRotator);    // Show target location marker    void SetTargetMarkerVisibility(bool MakeVisible = false);    // Show target location marker    void SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(FVector MarkerLocation = FVector::ZeroVector, FRotator MarkerRotation = FRotator::ZeroRotator);    // Remove target location marker    void RemoveTargetMarker();};


// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.#include "VRTeleP.h"#include "Engine.h"#include "CoreUObject.h"#include "RunebergVR_Teleporter.h"#include "Kismet/KismetMathLibrary.h"#include "IHeadMountedDisplay.h"// Sets default values for this component's propertiesURunebergVR_Teleporter::URunebergVR_Teleporter(){    // Set this component to be initialized when the game starts, and to be ticked every frame.  You can turn these features    // off to improve performance if you don't need them.    PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true;    // Auto Activate this component    bAutoActivate = true;}// Called when the game startsvoid URunebergVR_Teleporter::BeginPlay(){    Super::BeginPlay();    // Ensure target marker is not visible at start    SetVisibility(false, true);    // Set object types for the teleport arc to ignore    ArcObjectTypesToIgnore.Add(EObjectTypeQuery::ObjectTypeQuery1); // World static objects                                                                    // Create teleport arc spline    ArcSpline = NewObject<USplineComponent>(GetAttachParent());    ArcSpline->RegisterComponentWithWorld(GetWorld());    ArcSpline->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable);    ArcSpline->AttachToComponent(GetAttachParent(), FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);    // Adjust pawn spawn target offset based on HMD    static const FName HMDName = GEngine->HMDDevice->GetDeviceName();    if (GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid())    {        // Override height offset for Oculus Rift        if (HMDName == FName(TEXT("OculusRift")))        {            PawnHeightOffset.Z = 262.f;        }    }}// Called every framevoid URunebergVR_Teleporter::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction){    Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);    if (IsTeleporting && bIsBeamTypeTeleport)    {        if (TeleportMode == 0)        {            DrawTeleportArc();        }        else if (TeleportMode == 1)        {            DrawTeleportRay();        }    }}// Draw Teleport Arcvoid URunebergVR_Teleporter::DrawTeleportArc(){    // Set Teleport Arc Parameters    FPredictProjectilePathParams Params = FPredictProjectilePathParams(        ArcRadius,        FVector(GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().X + BeamLocationOffset.X,            GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().Y + BeamLocationOffset.Y,            GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().Z + BeamLocationOffset.Z),        GetAttachParent()->GetForwardVector() * BeamMagnitude,        MaxSimTime);    Params.bTraceWithCollision = true;    Params.bTraceComplex = false;    Params.DrawDebugType = EDrawDebugTrace::None;    Params.DrawDebugTime = 0.f;    Params.SimFrequency = SimFrequency;    Params.ObjectTypes = ArcObjectTypesToIgnore;    Params.OverrideGravityZ = ArcOverrideGravity;    Params.bTraceWithChannel = false;    // Do the arc trace    FPredictProjectilePathResult PredictResult;    bool bHit = UGameplayStatics::PredictProjectilePath(this, Params, PredictResult);    // Show Target Marker (if a valid teleport location)    if (bHit)    {        TargetLocation = GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem()->ProjectPointToNavigation(            this,            PredictResult.HitResult.Location,            (ANavigationData*)0, 0,            BeamHitNavMeshTolerance);        // Check if arc hit location is within the nav mesh        if (!PredictResult.HitResult.Location.Equals(TargetLocation, 0.0001f))        {            TargetLocation = PredictResult.HitResult.Location;            TargetRotation = UKismetMathLibrary::FindLookAtRotation(TargetLocation, GetOwner()->GetActorLocation());            SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(TargetLocation, TargetRotation);            // Set Target Marker Visibility            SetTargetMarkerVisibility(true);            bIsTargetLocationValid = true;        }        else        {            // Set Target Marker Visibility            SetTargetMarkerVisibility(false);            bIsTargetLocationValid = false;        }    }    else    {        // Set Target Marker Visibility        SetTargetMarkerVisibility(false);        bIsTargetLocationValid = false;    }    // Set the teleport arc points    if (ArcSpline)    {        // Clean-up old Spline        ClearTeleportArc();        // Set the point type for the curve        ArcSpline->SetSplinePointType(ArcPoints.Num() - 1, ESplinePointType::CurveClamped, true);        for (const FPredictProjectilePathPointData& PathPoint : PredictResult.PathData)        {            // Add the point to the arc spline            ArcPoints.Add(PathPoint.Location);            ArcSpline->AddSplinePoint(PathPoint.Location, ESplineCoordinateSpace::Local, true);        }    }    // Populate arc points with meshes    if (TeleportBeamMesh)    {        for (int32 i = 0; i < ArcPoints.Num() - 2; i++)        {            // Add the arc mesh            USplineMeshComponent* ArcMesh = NewObject<USplineMeshComponent>(ArcSpline);            ArcMesh->RegisterComponentWithWorld(GetWorld());            ArcMesh->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable);            //ArcMesh->AttachToComponent(ArcSpline, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);            ArcMesh->SetStaticMesh(TeleportBeamMesh);            ArcSplineMeshes.Add(ArcMesh);            // Bend mesh to conform to arc            ArcMesh->SetStartAndEnd(ArcPoints[i],                ArcSpline->GetTangentAtSplinePoint(i, ESplineCoordinateSpace::Local),                ArcPoints[i + 1],                ArcSpline->GetTangentAtSplinePoint(i + 1, ESplineCoordinateSpace::Local),                true);        }    }}// Clear Teleport arcvoid URunebergVR_Teleporter::ClearTeleportArc(){    // Clear Arc    ArcPoints.Empty();    ArcSpline->ClearSplinePoints();    for (int32 i = 0; i < ArcSplineMeshes.Num(); i++)    {        if (ArcSplineMeshes[i])        {            ArcSplineMeshes[i]->DestroyComponent();        }    }    ArcSplineMeshes.Empty();}// Show the teleportation arc tracebool URunebergVR_Teleporter::ShowTeleportArc(){    if (!IsTeleporting)    {        TeleportMode = 0;        IsTeleporting = true;        bIsBeamTypeTeleport = true;        SpawnTargetMarker();        return true;    }    return false;}// Remove the teleportation arc tracebool URunebergVR_Teleporter::HideTeleportArc(){    if (IsTeleporting)    {        TeleportMode = -1;        IsTeleporting = false;        bIsBeamTypeTeleport = false;        ClearTeleportArc();        // Clear Target Marker        RemoveTargetMarker();        return true;    }    return false;}// Remove the teleportation ray tracebool URunebergVR_Teleporter::HideTeleportRay(){    if (IsTeleporting)    {        TeleportMode = -1;        IsTeleporting = false;        bIsBeamTypeTeleport = false;        ClearTeleportRay();        RayMeshScale = FVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);        // Clear Target Marker        RemoveTargetMarker();        return true;    }    return false;}// Clear Teleport rayvoid URunebergVR_Teleporter::ClearTeleportRay(){    if (RayMesh)    {        // Remove ray mesh component        RayMesh->DestroyComponent();        RayMesh = nullptr;    }}// Draw Teleport Rayvoid URunebergVR_Teleporter::DrawTeleportRay(){    // Setup ray trace    FCollisionQueryParams Ray_TraceParams(FName(TEXT("Ray_Trace")), true, this->GetOwner());    Ray_TraceParams.bTraceComplex = true;    Ray_TraceParams.bTraceAsyncScene = true;    Ray_TraceParams.bReturnPhysicalMaterial = false;    // Initialize Hit Result var    FHitResult Ray_Hit(ForceInit);    // Get Target Location    TargetLocation = FVector(GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().X + BeamLocationOffset.X,        GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().Y + BeamLocationOffset.Y,        GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().Z + BeamLocationOffset.Z) +        (GetAttachParent()->GetComponentRotation().Vector() * BeamMagnitude);    // Do the ray trace    bool bHit = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByObjectType(        Ray_Hit,        GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation(),        FVector(GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().X + BeamLocationOffset.X,            GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().Y + BeamLocationOffset.Y,            GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().Z + BeamLocationOffset.Z) +            (GetAttachParent()->GetComponentRotation().Vector() * BeamMagnitude),        ECC_WorldStatic,        Ray_TraceParams    );    // Reset Target Marker    SetTargetMarkerVisibility(false);    bIsTargetLocationValid = false;    // Check if we hit a possible location to teleport to    if (bHit)    {        // Check if target location is within the nav mesh        FVector tempTargetLocation = GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem()->ProjectPointToNavigation(            this,            Ray_Hit.ImpactPoint,            (ANavigationData*)0, 0,            BeamHitNavMeshTolerance);        if (!tempTargetLocation.Equals(Ray_Hit.ImpactPoint, 0.0001f))        {            // Set Target Marker Visibility            TargetLocation = Ray_Hit.ImpactPoint;            TargetRotation = UKismetMathLibrary::FindLookAtRotation(TargetLocation, GetOwner()->GetActorLocation());            SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(TargetLocation, TargetRotation);            SetTargetMarkerVisibility(true);            bIsTargetLocationValid = true;        }    }    // Draw ray mesh    ClearTeleportRay();    if (TeleportBeamMesh)    {        // Spawn the beam mesh        RayMesh = NewObject<UStaticMeshComponent>(GetAttachParent());        RayMesh->RegisterComponentWithWorld(GetWorld());        RayMesh->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable);        RayMesh->AttachToComponent(GetAttachParent(), FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);        RayMesh->SetCollisionEnabled(ECollisionEnabled::NoCollision);        RayMesh->SetStaticMesh(TeleportBeamMesh);        RayMesh->AddLocalOffset(BeamLocationOffset);        RayMesh->SetWorldRotation(UKismetMathLibrary::FindLookAtRotation(FVector(GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().X + BeamLocationOffset.X,            GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().Y + BeamLocationOffset.Y,            GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation().Z + BeamLocationOffset.Z), TargetLocation));        // Scale the beam mesh        if (RayInstantScale)        {            // Calculate how long the beam should be using RayScaleRate as the base unit            RayMeshScale = FVector(FVector::Distance(GetComponentLocation(), TargetLocation) * RayScaleRate, 1.f, 1.f);            RayMesh->SetWorldScale3D(RayMeshScale);        }        else        {            // Scale beam mesh gradually until it reaches the target location            RayDistanceToTarget = FVector::Distance(GetComponentLocation(), TargetLocation);            RayNumOfTimesToScale = RayDistanceToTarget;            if (RayNumOfTimesToScale_Actual < RayNumOfTimesToScale)            {                // We haven't reached the target location yet, set the mesh scale                RayMesh->SetWorldScale3D(RayMeshScale);                RayMeshScale.X = RayMeshScale.X + RayScaleRate;                // Update temp scale variables                RayMeshScale_Max = RayMeshScale;                RayNumOfTimesToScale_Actual += RayScaleRate;            }            else            {                // Scale mesh to max possible size to hit target location                RayMesh->SetWorldScale3D(RayMeshScale_Max);            }        }    }}// Show the teleportation ray tracebool URunebergVR_Teleporter::ShowTeleportRay(){    if (!IsTeleporting)    {        TeleportMode = 1;        IsTeleporting = true;        bIsBeamTypeTeleport = true;        SpawnTargetMarker();        RayNumOfTimesToScale_Actual = 0.f;        return true;    }    return false;}// Teleport objectbool URunebergVR_Teleporter::TeleportNow(){    // Only teleport if targetting is enabled    if (IsTeleporting && bIsTargetLocationValid) {        // Teleport        GetAttachParent()->GetOwner()->SetActorLocation(TargetLocation + PawnHeightOffset + TeleportTargetPawnSpawnOffset, false, nullptr, ETeleportType::None);        // Remove teleport artifacts        switch (TeleportMode)        {        case 0:            HideTeleportArc();            break;        case 1:            HideTeleportRay();            break;        case 2:            HideMarker();        default:            break;        }        // Reset Teleport mode        TeleportMode = -1;        return true;    }    return false;}// Show the teleport target markerbool URunebergVR_Teleporter::ShowMarker(){    if (!IsTeleporting)    {        // Calculate Target Location        TargetLocation = GetAttachParent()->GetComponentLocation() + (GetAttachParent()->GetComponentRotation().Vector() * BeamMagnitude);        // Check if target location is within the nav mesh        FVector tempTargetLocation = GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem()->ProjectPointToNavigation(            this,            TargetLocation,            (ANavigationData*)0, 0,            BeamHitNavMeshTolerance);        if (!tempTargetLocation.Equals(TargetLocation, 0.0001f))        {            // Set Target Marker Visibility            TargetRotation = UKismetMathLibrary::FindLookAtRotation(TargetLocation, GetOwner()->GetActorLocation());            SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(TargetLocation, TargetRotation);            SetTargetMarkerVisibility(true);            bIsTargetLocationValid = true;        }        else        {            return false;        }        // Set teleport parameters        TeleportMode = 2;        IsTeleporting = true;        bIsBeamTypeTeleport = false;        bIsTargetLocationValid = true;        // Show target marker        SpawnTargetMarker();        TargetRotation = UKismetMathLibrary::FindLookAtRotation(TargetLocation, GetOwner()->GetActorLocation());        TargetLocation.Z = FloorIsAtZ;        // Calculate Rotation of marker to face player and set the new transform        SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(TargetLocation, TargetRotation);        // Make target marker visible        SetTargetMarkerVisibility(true);        return true;    }    return false;}// Remove Markerbool URunebergVR_Teleporter::HideMarker(){    if (IsTeleporting)    {        TeleportMode = -1;        IsTeleporting = false;        bIsBeamTypeTeleport = false;        bIsTargetLocationValid = false;        // Clear Target Marker        RemoveTargetMarker();        return true;    }    return false;}// Move markerbool URunebergVR_Teleporter::MoveMarker(EMoveDirectionEnum MarkerDirection, int Rate, FRotator CustomDirection){    // Only move marker if it is visible and active    if (IsTeleporting) {        switch (MarkerDirection)        {        case  EMoveDirectionEnum::MOVE_FORWARD:            TargetLocation = FVector(TargetLocation + (TargetRotation.Vector() * Rate));            TargetLocation.Z = FloorIsAtZ;            SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(TargetLocation, TargetRotation);            break;        case  EMoveDirectionEnum::MOVE_BACKWARD:            TargetLocation = TargetLocation + (TargetRotation.Vector() * -Rate);            TargetLocation.Z = FloorIsAtZ;            SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(TargetLocation, TargetRotation);            break;        case  EMoveDirectionEnum::MOVE_LEFT:            // Tilt original marker location to point Westwards            CustomDirection = TargetRotation;            CustomDirection.Yaw += 90.0f;            // Calculate target location             TargetLocation = TargetLocation + (CustomDirection.Vector() * Rate);            TargetLocation.Z = FloorIsAtZ;            SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(TargetLocation, TargetRotation);            break;        case  EMoveDirectionEnum::MOVE_RIGHT:            // Tilt original marker location to point Eastwards            CustomDirection = TargetRotation;            CustomDirection.Yaw += 90.0f;            // Calculate target location             TargetLocation = TargetLocation + (CustomDirection.Vector() * -Rate);            TargetLocation.Z = FloorIsAtZ;            SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(TargetLocation, FRotator::ZeroRotator);            break;        case  EMoveDirectionEnum::MOVE_CUSTOM:            TargetLocation = FVector(TargetLocation + (CustomDirection.Vector() * Rate));            TargetLocation.Z = FloorIsAtZ;            SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(TargetLocation, TargetRotation);            break;        default:            break;        }        return true;    }    return false;}// Show target location markervoid URunebergVR_Teleporter::SpawnTargetMarker(FVector MarkerLocation, FRotator MarkerRotation){    // Activate Particle System if available    if (TeleportTargetParticle) {        TargetParticleSystemComponent = UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(this, TeleportTargetParticle, MarkerLocation, MarkerRotation);        TargetParticleSystemComponent->SetWorldScale3D(TeleportTargetParticleScale);        TargetParticleSystemComponent->SetVisibility(false);        TargetParticleSystemComponent->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable);    }    // Show Static Mesh if available    if (TeleportTargetMesh) {        // Create new static mesh component and attach to actor        TargetStaticMeshComponent = NewObject<UStaticMeshComponent>(this);        TargetStaticMeshComponent->RegisterComponentWithWorld(GetWorld());        TargetStaticMeshComponent->SetSimulatePhysics(false);        TargetStaticMeshComponent->SetCollisionEnabled(ECollisionEnabled::NoCollision);        TargetStaticMeshComponent->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable);        TargetStaticMeshComponent->AttachToComponent(GetOwner()->GetRootComponent(), FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);        //Set Mesh        TargetStaticMeshComponent->SetVisibility(false);        TargetStaticMeshComponent->SetWorldScale3D(TeleportTargetMeshScale);        TargetStaticMeshComponent->SetStaticMesh(TeleportTargetMesh);    }}// Remove target location markervoid URunebergVR_Teleporter::RemoveTargetMarker(){    // Destroy Particle System if available    if (TargetParticleSystemComponent) {        TargetParticleSystemComponent->DestroyComponent();        TargetParticleSystemComponent = nullptr;    }    // Destroy Static Mesh if available    if (TargetStaticMeshComponent) {        TargetStaticMeshComponent->DestroyComponent();        TargetStaticMeshComponent = nullptr;    }    bIsTargetLocationValid = false;}// Show target location markervoid  URunebergVR_Teleporter::SetTargetMarkerVisibility(bool MakeVisible){    // Activate Particle System if available    if (TargetParticleSystemComponent) {        TargetParticleSystemComponent->SetVisibility(MakeVisible);    }    // Show Static Mesh if available    if (TargetStaticMeshComponent) {        TargetStaticMeshComponent->SetVisibility(MakeVisible);    }}// Move target location markervoid  URunebergVR_Teleporter::SetTargetMarkerLocationAndRotation(FVector MarkerLocation, FRotator MarkerRotation){    // Activate Particle System if available    if (TargetParticleSystemComponent) {        TargetParticleSystemComponent->SetWorldLocation(MarkerLocation + TeleportTargetParticleSpawnOffset);        TargetParticleSystemComponent->SetWorldRotation(MarkerRotation);    }    // Show Static Mesh if available    if (TargetStaticMeshComponent) {        TargetStaticMeshComponent->SetWorldLocation(MarkerLocation + TeleportTargetMeshSpawnOffset);        TargetStaticMeshComponent->SetWorldRotation(MarkerRotation);    }}

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