图示识别光流Optical Flow

来源:互联网 发布:知乎孔雀东南飞 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 21:00








clcclearclose all% 读取文件对象mp4_name='Mp4\sub01\sub01_01.mp4';videoReader = vision.VideoFileReader(mp4_name,'ImageColorSpace','Intensity','VideoOutputDataType','uint8');% 类型转化对象converter = vision.ImageDataTypeConverter;% 光流对象opticalFlow = vision.OpticalFlow('ReferenceFrameDelay', 1);opticalFlow.OutputValue = 'Horizontal and vertical components in complex form';if 0 % 使用的算法opticalFlow.Method = 'Lucas-Kanade';opticalFlow.NoiseReductionThreshold = 0.001; % 默认是0.0039elseopticalFlow.Method = 'Horn-Schunck';opticalFlow.Smoothness = 0.5; % 默认是1end% 显示对象frame = step(videoReader);figuresubplot(121)himg = imshow(frame);subplot(122)hof = imshow(frame);%用于在图像中绘制标记;hsi=vision.ShapeInserter('Shape','Lines','BorderColor','Custom',... 'CustomBorderColor',255);%用于播放视频图像的系统对象;hvp = vision.VideoPlayer ('Name','Motion Vector');% 开始播放ii=1;while ~isDone(videoReader)% 得到一帧frame = step(videoReader);% 格式转化im = step(converter, frame);% 计算光流of = step(opticalFlow, im);%产生坐标点lines=videooptflowlines(of,20);    if ~ isempty(lines)   out = step(hsi,im,lines); %标记出光流   step(hvp,out);%观看检测效果   end% 光流图转化ofI = computeColor(real(of), imag(of));path=strcat('opticalFlow_img\sub01\01\',num2str(ii),'.jpg');imwrite(ofI,path);ii=ii+1;% figure, imshow(ofI);% 显示set(himg, 'cdata', frame)set(hof, 'cdata', ofI)drawnowendrelease(videoReader);release(hvp);


function img = computeColor(u,v)%   computeColor color codes flow field U, V%   According to the c++ source code of Daniel Scharstein %   Contact: schar@middlebury.edu%   Author: Deqing Sun, Department of Computer Science, Brown University%   Contact: dqsun@cs.brown.edu%   $Date: 2007-10-31 21:20:30 (Wed, 31 Oct 2006) $% Copyright 2007, Deqing Sun.%%                         All Rights Reserved%% Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its% documentation for any purpose other than its incorporation into a% commercial product is hereby granted without fee, provided that the% above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting% documentation, and that the name of the author and Brown University not be used in% advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software% without specific, written prior permission.%% THE AUTHOR AND BROWN UNIVERSITY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE,% INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ANY% PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR BROWN UNIVERSITY BE LIABLE FOR% ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. nanIdx = isnan(u) | isnan(v);u(nanIdx) = 0;v(nanIdx) = 0;colorwheel = makeColorwheel();ncols = size(colorwheel, 1);rad = sqrt(u.^2+v.^2);          a = atan2(-v, -u)/pi;fk = (a+1) /2 * (ncols-1) + 1;  % -1~1 maped to 1~ncols   k0 = floor(fk);                 % 1, 2, ..., ncolsk1 = k0+1;k1(k1==ncols+1) = 1;f = fk - k0;for i = 1:size(colorwheel,2)    tmp = colorwheel(:,i);    col0 = tmp(k0)/255;    col1 = tmp(k1)/255;    col = (1-f).*col0 + f.*col1;          idx = rad <= 1;       col(idx) = 1-rad(idx).*(1-col(idx));    % increase saturation with radius        col(~idx) = col(~idx)*0.75;             % out of range        img(:,:, i) = uint8(floor(255*col.*(1-nanIdx)));         end;    %%function colorwheel = makeColorwheel()%   color encoding scheme%   adapted from the color circle idea described at%   http://members.shaw.ca/quadibloc/other/colint.htmRY = 15;YG = 6;GC = 4;CB = 11;BM = 13;MR = 6;ncols = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR;colorwheel = zeros(ncols, 3); % r g bcol = 0;%RYcolorwheel(1:RY, 1) = 255;colorwheel(1:RY, 2) = floor(255*(0:RY-1)/RY)';col = col+RY;%YGcolorwheel(col+(1:YG), 1) = 255 - floor(255*(0:YG-1)/YG)';colorwheel(col+(1:YG), 2) = 255;col = col+YG;%GCcolorwheel(col+(1:GC), 2) = 255;colorwheel(col+(1:GC), 3) = floor(255*(0:GC-1)/GC)';col = col+GC;%CBcolorwheel(col+(1:CB), 2) = 255 - floor(255*(0:CB-1)/CB)';colorwheel(col+(1:CB), 3) = 255;col = col+CB;%BMcolorwheel(col+(1:BM), 3) = 255;colorwheel(col+(1:BM), 1) = floor(255*(0:BM-1)/BM)';col = col+BM;%MRcolorwheel(col+(1:MR), 3) = 255 - floor(255*(0:MR-1)/MR)';colorwheel(col+(1:MR), 1) = 255;
