scott 查询题

来源:互联网 发布:iphone检测软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 03:54


select ename,dname from scott.emp t1 inner join scott.dept t2 on t1.deptno=t2.deptno where job='CLERK';


select * from scott.emp t1 right join scott.dept t2 on t1.deptno=t2.deptno


select * from scott.emp t1 left join scott.dept t2 on t1.deptno=t2.deptno



select * from scott.emp where deptno=(select deptno from scott.dept where dname='SALES')



select * from scott.emp t1 inner join scott.dept t2 on t1.deptno=t2.deptno where t2.dname='SALES';





select t1.ename as 员工姓名,t2.ename 经理姓名 from scott.emp t1,scott.emp t2 where t1.mgr=t2.empno;


select t1.ename as 员工姓名,t2.ename 经理姓名 from scott.emp t1,scott.emp t2 where t1.mgr=t2.empno and t1.hiredate<t2.hiredate


select t1.ename,t1.job,t1.deptno,t2.ename,t2.job,t2.deptno from scott.emp t1 cross join scott.emp t2 where t1.job=t2.job and t1.deptno <>t2.deptno


select t1.ename as 员工姓名,t2.ename 经理姓名 from scott.emp t1,scott.emp t2 where t1.mgr=t2.empno and t1.deptno=10;


select * from scott.emp where sal>2500 union select * from scott.emp where job='ANALYST'


select * from scott.emp where sal>2500 intersectselect * from scott.emp where job='ANALYST


select * from scott.emp where sal>2500minusselect * from scott.emp where job='ANALYST';


select * from scott.emp where sal>(select avg(sal) from scott.emp)


select * from scott.emp where job=(select job from scott.emp where ename='SMITH')


select * from scott.emp where sal>(select  sal from scott.emp where ename='SMITH')


select ename,sal from scott.emp where sal>all(select  sal from scott.emp where deptno=30)


select * from scott.emp where deptno in (select deptno from scott.emp group by deptno having count(*)>5);


select * from scott.dept where deptno in(select deptno from scott.emp group by deptno having min(sal)>2000)


select * from scott.dept where deptno in (select deptno from (select deptno,count(*)                          as 人数                         from scott.emp                          group by deptno) where 人数=(select max(人数)                  from(select deptno,count(*)                  as 人数                  from scott.emp                  group by deptno)));                


select * from scott.dept where deptno in(select deptno           from scott.emp           group by deptno           having count(*)>=1)


select * from scott.emp e where sal>(select avg(sal)       from scott.emp       group by deptno       having e.deptno=deptno);


select * from((select * from scott.emp e                     where sal>(select avg(sal)                     from scott.emp                      group by deptno                      having e.deptno=deptno)) t1                      inner join                   (select avg(sal),deptno                     from scott.emp                     group by deptno) t2 on t1.deptno=t2.deptno);


select * from scott.dept where deptno in(select distinct deptno           from scott.emp           where empno in(select distinct mgr                    from scott.emp));


select * from scott.emp t1,scott.dept t2 where t1.deptno=t2.deptno and t1.deptno in(select deptno                              from scott.emp                             group by deptno                             having avg(sal)<2000)