SAP change log Part NO issue

来源:互联网 发布:网络监控视频直播 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:16

  1. 清空change log table, 如果清不掉,用RSAR_PSA_CLEANUP_DIRECTORY先清掉RSTSODSPART这个table的数据,勾选repair
  2. 如果part NO9999,每跑完一次request得请一次change log table




相关table RSTSODS









Machine generated alternative text: Cause. The PSA loading process tries to create a partition 9999 + 1 = 10000, which is not allowed. Hence it raised an exception in form of UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION.. The table RSTSODSPART already contains the last possible partition number (PARTNO) for the affected PSA.• The field PARTNO in RSTSODSPART does not match the PARTNO from RSTSODS


Machine generated alternative text: ResolutionAs first step, please read and apply one of the SAP note, which fits to the release level of the system:2247910Relevant for:SAPKW731 08- SAPKW731 17SAPKW73008 - SAPKW73D14SAPKW7400S - SAPKW74O1 4Until SAPK-750021 NSAPBW2295109Relevant for:SAPKW7003O - SAPKW70035SAPKW7O1 14- SAPKW7O1 18SAPKW7O214 - SAPKW7O218


Machine generated alternative text: As second step ensure that the affected PSAICI-IANGELOG table is consistent with A8AP program RSAFi_PSA_CLEANUP_DIRECTORY. To ensure the consistency of the PARTNO value, runRS_PSA_PART_HIGH_VALU E_CHECK.If step 1 and 2 did not help, use ABAP program RSAR_PSA_REPARTITION in SAP note 2247910 (read note for further information about usage), which is currently valid for databases: ORACLE.MSSQL. SYBASE and SAP HANkSee AlsoIf the PARTNO fieid still contains the value 9999:. then it can be repaired with the programs below, depending on the release:For BW 7.3x: SAP_PSA_REORG_PART_ORA. which is delivered with note 1884877.For BW lOx: SAP_PSA_PARTITION_COMPRE SS