
来源:互联网 发布:软件质量指标 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 02:16

jQuery ocupload 文件上传之一键上传

  1. 上传批量数据需要注意的事项:
    Form表单的编码方式 multipart/form-data
    上传文件对应 input type=”file”
  2. 一键上传的原理如下图:



 //文件上传        $(function(){                $("#button-import").upload({                action: '../../area/uploadAreaInfo.action',                 //自动提交功能关闭,改为手动提交                autoSubmit: false,                onSelect: function() {                    //正则表达式判断文件格式:此处上传excle表格                    var filename = this.filename();                    var regex = /^.*\.(xls|xlsx)$/ ;                    if(regex.test(filename)){                        // 满足                        this.submit();                    }else{                         $.messager.alert("警告","只能上传.xls或.xlsx结尾的文件!","warning");                    }                },                //回调函数                onComplete: function(response) {                    alert("文件上传成功!")                }            });

4 . 在服务端接收文件处理。
5 .下面是相关的js文档

$(function(){    $(".uploadfile").upload({            action: 'CourseXMLFileUploadHander.ashx',            name: 'xml',            params: {                'type': 'uploadCourseXMLFile',                'rand': Math.random()            },            onSelect: function(self, element) {                this.autoSubmit = false;                var re = new RegExp("(xml){1}quot;, "                        i ");                          if(!re.test(this.filename())) {                            alert("Only xml file can be uploaded");                        } else {                            this.submit();                        }                    },                    onSubmit: function(self, element) {                        $('.uploadfile').hide();                        $('#ajax_update').parent().show();                        //alert('Uploading file...');                      },                    onComplete: function(data, self, element) {                        $('#ajax_update').parent().hide();                        $('.uploadfile').show();                        self.resetInput();                        try {                            var ret = data;                            if(ret.indexOf("exception") >= 0) {                                alert('Upload file exception: ' + eval(data)[0].exception);                            } else {                                showSuccess('File is successfully Load.');                                uploadSuccess(ret);                            }                        } catch(err) {                            alert(data);                        }                    }            });    });

6 . ocupload完整文档

http: //code.google.com/p/ocupload/    This documentation covers the following.        *Basic Usage *        Options *        Functions *        CallbacksBasic UsageAs a jQuery chained    function        $(element).upload( /** options */ );As a stand - alone jQuery    function        $.ocupload($(element), /** options */ );Options    Both of the functions accept an optional options object,which can contain any or all of the following( default value):    *    name: ("file") The name of the file input form element.*enctype: ("multipart/form-data") The enctype attribute of the form, it is usually a good idea to leave this asdefault.*action: (null) The form action attribute, the page that will do the processing on the server side.*autoSubmit: (true) If true the form will be submitted after the user selects a file(after the file browser closes).*params: ({}) Additional paramaters to be sent with the file, creates a hidden form element using the key as the name of the form and the value as the value.*onSubmit: (null) The callbackfunction called before submitting the form.*onComplete: (null) The callbackfunction called after the action page loads.*onSelect: (null) The callbackfunction called after the user has selected a file.Example     var myUpload = $(element).upload({        name: 'file',        action: '',        enctype: 'multipart/form-data',        params: {},        autoSubmit: true,        onSubmit: function() {},        onComplete: function() {},        onSelect: function() {}    });Functions ,filename,Descriptionstring filename(void)This function returns the name of the currently selected file.Example    var myUpload = $(element).upload();    alert(myUpload.filename());    name    Description    string name(void)    void name(string)This function is used to get and set the name of the file input.Example    //Setting name at creation     var myUpload = $(element).upload({        name: 'myFile'    });    //Changes the file input name to "myNewFile"     myUpload.name('myNewFile');    //Alerts "myNewFile"     alert(myUpload.name());action Descriptionstring action(void)void action(string)This function is used to get and set the action of the form.Example    //Setting action at creation     var myUpload = $(element).upload({        action: 'upload.php'    });    //Changes the form action to "path/to/dir/newUpload.php"     myUpload.action('path/to/dir/newUpload.php');    //Alerts "path/to/dir/newUpload.php"     alert(myUpload.action());enctype Descriptionstring enctype(void)void enctype(string)This function is used to get and set the enctype of the form.Example    //Setting enctype at creation     var myUpload = $(element).upload({        enctype: 'multipart/form-data'    });    //Changes the form enctype to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"     myUpload.enctype('application/x-www-form-urlencoded');    //Alerts "text/plain"     alert(myUpload.enctype());params Descriptionobject params(void)void params(object)This function is used to alter additional parameters.Example    //Setting paramters at creation     var myUpload = $(element).upload({        params: {            name: 'My file',            description: 'My file description'        }    });    /**      * Settings paramaters during runtime      *      name: "My file" is replaced with "My new file      *      description: remains the same      *      size: is added      */    myUpload.params({        name: 'My new file',        size: '1000kb'    });set Descriptionvoid set(object)This function is used to alter options after creation of the object.Example    //Setting options at creation     var myUpload = $(element).upload( /** options */ );    //Setting options after creation     myUpload.set({        name: 'file',        action: '',        enctype: 'multipart/form-data',        params: {},        autoSubmit: true,        onSubmit: function() {},        onComplete: function() {},        onSelect: function() {}    });submit Descriptionvoid submit(object)This function is used to submit the form if autoSubmit is turned off.Example    Javascript    var myUpload = $(element).upload( /** options */ );    HTML        < input type = "button" value = "submit" onclick = "myUpload.submit()" / >    Callbacks    onSubmitvoid onSubmit(void) DescriptionThis is called before the form is submitted, this is where you should make last minute changes to the parameters etc...    onCompletevoid onComplete(response) DescriptionThis is called after the action page has loaded, the first parameter contains the html response from the action so you can use it like an AJAX response.onComplete does not mean the file was uploaded successfully, you should use the action script to supply a suitable response.onSelectvoid onSelect(void) Description
