libmad+alsa 实现arm下mp3播放

来源:互联网 发布:新浪微博个性域名在哪 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 15:32

2015-10-10 18:42:55

libmad是一个开源的mp3解码库,轻便高效,mplayer也是用这个库来解码mp3的。ALSA(Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)是Linux中提供声音设备驱动的内核组件,用来代替原来的开放声音系统(Open Sound System,OSSv3)。除了声音设备驱动,ALSA还包含一个用户空间的函数库,以方便开发者通过高级API使用驱动功能,而不必直接与内核驱动交互。


tar -xvz -f libmad-0.15.1b.tar.gz
tar -xvj -f alsa-lib-1.0.29.tar.bz2

进入libmad解压之后的目录,进行配置,这里把库的安装目录设为/usr/local/libmab/mad ,编译工具用arm-linux-gcc
./configure CC=arm-linux-gcc –host=arm-linux –disable-shared –disable-debugging –prefix=/usr/local/libmab/mad

make install
如果make出现错误:error: unrecognized command line option “-fforce-mem”,就在Makefile中找到“-fforce-mem”字符串然后删除。
重新make&make install
然后在指定的安装目录/usr/local/libmab/mad 下会出现include和lib两个目录
把lib目录下的libmad.a和libmad.la文件复制到编译工具arm-linux-gcc目录下的lib目录,我这里是 /usr/local/arm/arm-2009q3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/lib/

这样部署好之后,在程序中添加头文件# include “mad.h”

./configure CC=arm-linux-gcc –host=arm-linux –prefix=/usr/local/arm-alsa
make install
然后在指定的安装目录/usr/local/arm-alsa 下会出现include和lib等几个目录。



这样部署好之后,在程序中添加头文件# include “alsa/asoundlib.h”

First, you need a mad_decoder struct. This holds all information about how you want your stream decoded, such as input/output functions, error handling functions, etc.

mad_decoder_init() sets this structure up for you.

struct mad_decoder decoder;

struct my_playbuf playbuf;

mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, input_func, header_func, /filter/ 0, output_func, /error/ 0, /* message */ 0);

In this example, the function called to get more data is set to input_callback, the function called after MPEG headers have been decoded is header_func, the function called after all sound data has been decoded to PCM (for output) is output_callback, and the filter, error, and message functions are unset.

Now, MAD runs in a constant decoding loop. It runs something along the following lines:

if I'm out of data    call input_funcif input_func says there's no more data,    quitdecode the header and call header_funcdecode the mpeg audio datacall the filter functioncall the output functionloop

Now, this is an oversimplification obviously. The important thing to realise is that at every step of the process you can tell MAD what to do.






# include <stdio.h># include <unistd.h># include <sys/stat.h># include <sys/mman.h># include <sys/fcntl.h># include "mad.h"# include "alsa/asoundlib.h"static int decode(unsigned char const *, unsigned long);int set_pcm();void set_volume(long volume);snd_pcm_t* handle=NULL; //PCI设备句柄snd_pcm_hw_params_t* params=NULL;//硬件信息和PCM流配置int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  struct stat stat;  void *fdm;  if (argc != 3)    {    printf("Usage: minimad + mp3 file name + volume\n");    return 1;    }  int fd;  fd=open(argv[1],O_RDWR);  if(fd<0)  {    perror("open file failed:");    return 1;  }  if (fstat(fd, &stat) == -1 ||stat.st_size == 0)  {    printf("fstat failed:\n");    return 2;  }  fdm = mmap(0, stat.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);  if (fdm == MAP_FAILED)    return 3;  if(set_pcm()!=0) //设置pcm 参数    {        printf("set_pcm fialed:\n");        return 1;    }    set_volume(atoi(argv[2]));    decode(fdm, stat.st_size);    if (munmap(fdm, stat.st_size) == -1)      return 4;    snd_pcm_drain(handle);    snd_pcm_close(handle);  return 0;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------//alsa设置相关函数int set_pcm(){    int rc;    int dir=0;    int rate = 44100;; /* 采样频率 44.1KHz*/    //int format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE; /* 量化位数 16 */    int channels = 2; /* 声道数 2 */    rc=snd_pcm_open(&handle, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0);    if(rc<0)    {      perror("\nopen PCM device failed:");      exit(1);    }    snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca(&params); //分配params结构体    rc=snd_pcm_hw_params_any(handle, params);//初始化params    if(rc<0)    {      perror("\nsnd_pcm_hw_params_any:");      exit(1);    }    rc=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(handle, params, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED); //初始化访问权限    if(rc<0)    {      perror("\nsed_pcm_hw_set_access:");      exit(1);    }    rc=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(handle, params, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE); //设置16位采样精度    if(rc<0)    {      perror("snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format failed:");      exit(1);    }    rc=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(handle, params, channels); //设置声道,1表示单声>道,2表示立体声    if(rc<0)    {      perror("\nsnd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels:");      exit(1);    }    rc=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(handle, params, &rate, &dir); //设置>频率    if(rc<0)    {      perror("\nsnd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near:");      exit(1);    }    rc = snd_pcm_hw_params(handle, params);    if(rc<0)    {      perror("\nsnd_pcm_hw_params: ");      exit(1);    }    return 0;}void set_volume(long volume){  snd_mixer_t *mixerFd;  snd_mixer_elem_t *elem;  long minVolume = 0,maxVolume = 100;  int result;  // 打开混音器   if ((result = snd_mixer_open( &mixerFd, 0)) < 0)   {        printf("snd_mixer_open error!\n");        mixerFd = NULL;   }  // Attach an HCTL to an opened mixer   if ((result = snd_mixer_attach( mixerFd, "default")) < 0)   {        printf("snd_mixer_attach error!\n");        snd_mixer_close(mixerFd);        mixerFd = NULL;   }  // 注册混音器   if ((result = snd_mixer_selem_register( mixerFd, NULL, NULL)) < 0)  {        printf("snd_mixer_selem_register error!\n");        snd_mixer_close(mixerFd);        mixerFd = NULL;  }  // 加载混音器  if ((result = snd_mixer_load( mixerFd)) < 0)  {        printf("snd_mixer_load error!\n");        snd_mixer_close(mixerFd);        mixerFd = NULL;  }   // 遍历混音器元素    for(elem=snd_mixer_first_elem(mixerFd); elem; elem=snd_mixer_elem_next(elem))    {        if (snd_mixer_elem_get_type(elem) == SND_MIXER_ELEM_SIMPLE &&             snd_mixer_selem_is_active(elem)) // 找到可以用的, 激活的elem        {            snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume_range(elem, &minVolume, &maxVolume);            snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_all(elem, volume);        }    }    snd_mixer_close(mixerFd);}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////libmad设置相关函数/* * This is a private message structure. A generic pointer to this structure * is passed to each of the callback functions. Put here any data you need * to access from within the callbacks. */struct buffer {  unsigned char const *start;  unsigned long length;};/* * This is the input callback. The purpose of this callback is to (re)fill * the stream buffer which is to be decoded. In this example, an entire file * has been mapped into memory, so we just call mad_stream_buffer() with the * address and length of the mapping. When this callback is called a second * time, we are finished decoding. */staticenum mad_flow input(void *data,            struct mad_stream *stream){  struct buffer *buffer = data;  if (!buffer->length)    return MAD_FLOW_STOP;  mad_stream_buffer(stream, buffer->start, buffer->length);  buffer->length = 0;  return MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE;}/* * The following utility routine performs simple rounding, clipping, and * scaling of MAD's high-resolution samples down to 16 bits. It does not * perform any dithering or noise shaping, which would be recommended to * obtain any exceptional audio quality. It is therefore not recommended to * use this routine if high-quality output is desired. */static inlinesigned int scale(mad_fixed_t sample){  /* round */  sample += (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS - 16));  /* clip */  if (sample >= MAD_F_ONE)    sample = MAD_F_ONE - 1;  else if (sample < -MAD_F_ONE)    sample = -MAD_F_ONE;  /* quantize */  return sample >> (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 16);}/* * This is the output callback function. It is called after each frame of * MPEG audio data has been completely decoded. The purpose of this callback * is to output (or play) the decoded PCM audio. */staticenum mad_flow output(void *data,             struct mad_header const *header,             struct mad_pcm *pcm){  unsigned int nchannels, nsamples,n;  mad_fixed_t const *left_ch, *right_ch;  /* pcm->samplerate contains the sampling frequency */  nchannels = pcm->channels;  n=nsamples = pcm->length;  left_ch = pcm->samples[0];  right_ch = pcm->samples[1];  unsigned char Output[6912], *OutputPtr;  int fmt, wrote, speed, exact_rate, err, dir;   OutputPtr = Output;   while (nsamples--)   {    signed int sample;    /* output sample(s) in 16-bit signed little-endian PCM */    sample = scale(*left_ch++);    *(OutputPtr++) = sample >> 0;    *(OutputPtr++) = sample >> 8;    if (nchannels == 2)        {            sample = scale (*right_ch++);            *(OutputPtr++) = sample >> 0;            *(OutputPtr++) = sample >> 8;        }  }    OutputPtr = Output;    snd_pcm_writei (handle, OutputPtr, n);    OutputPtr = Output;  return MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE;}/* * This is the error callback function. It is called whenever a decoding * error occurs. The error is indicated by stream->error; the list of * possible MAD_ERROR_* errors can be found in the mad.h (or stream.h) * header file. */staticenum mad_flow error(void *data,            struct mad_stream *stream,            struct mad_frame *frame){  struct buffer *buffer = data;  printf("this is mad_flow error\n");  fprintf(stderr, "decoding error 0x%04x (%s) at byte offset %u\n",      stream->error, mad_stream_errorstr(stream),      stream->this_frame - buffer->start);  /* return MAD_FLOW_BREAK here to stop decoding (and propagate an error) */  return MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE;}/* * This is the function called by main() above to perform all the decoding. * It instantiates a decoder object and configures it with the input, * output, and error callback functions above. A single call to * mad_decoder_run() continues until a callback function returns * MAD_FLOW_STOP (to stop decoding) or MAD_FLOW_BREAK (to stop decoding and * signal an error). */staticint decode(unsigned char const *start, unsigned long length){  struct buffer buffer;  struct mad_decoder decoder;  int result;  /* initialize our private message structure */  buffer.start = start;  buffer.length = length;  /* configure input, output, and error functions */  mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &buffer,           input, 0 /* header */, 0 /* filter */, output,           error, 0 /* message */);  /* start decoding */  result = mad_decoder_run(&decoder, MAD_DECODER_MODE_SYNC);  /* release the decoder */  mad_decoder_finish(&decoder);  return result;}

arm-linux-gcc -o alsaplayer alsa_minimad.c -lmad -lasound
使用方法:alsaplayer 文件名 音量
例如:alsaplayer voice.mp3 20




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