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英文简写 英文全称 中文解释 CC Coordinating Conjunctions 并列连词 CD Cardinal Numbers 基数词 DT Determiners 限定词(例:the,a,an,this,every,each,any,your,their,whose等) EX Existence There 存在词汇there FW Foreign Words 外来语/词 IN Prepositions and Subordinating Conjunctions 介词和从属连词 JJ Adjectives 形容词 JJR Comparative Adjectives 形容词比较级 JJS Superlative Adjectives 形容词最高级 LS List Item Markers 列表项标记(例:1. , 2., a, a., ….) MD Modal Verbs 情态动词 NN Common Nouns(Singular or Mass) 普通名词(单数或复数) NNS Common Nouns (Plural) 普通名词(复数) NNP Proper Nouns (Singular) 专有名词(单数) NNPS Proper Nouns (Plural) 专有名词(复数) PDT Predeterminers 前置限定词(例:both,all…) POS Possessive Endings ‘s 以’s结束的词(例:he’s, it’s.) PRP Personal Pronouns 人称代词(例:i,me,my,you…) PRP$ Possessive Pronouns 物主代词(例:mine,ours,thine,yours,his,hers,its…) RB Adverbs 副词 RBR Comparative Adverbs 程度副词(例:hard,fast,early,well,badly,far,quietly,carefully,happily …) RBS Superlative Adverbs 副词最高级 RP Particles 小品词(例:along,away,back,by,down,forward,in,off,on,out,over,round,under,up…) SYM Symbols 符号 TO to 单词to UH Interjection 感叹词(例:aha, ahem, ahh, ahoy, alas, arg, aw, bam, bingo, blah, boo, bravo, brrr,oh …) VB Verbs (base form) 动词原形 VBD Verbs (past tense) 动词(过去时态) VBG Verbs (gerund or present participle) 动词(动名词或现分词) VBN Verbs (past participle) 动词(过去分词) VBP Verbs (non 3rd person singular present) 动词(非第三人称单数) VBZ Verbs (3rd person singular present) 动词(第三人称单数) WDT Wh-determiner Wh开头的限定词(例:what,which…) WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun Wh开头代词的所有格(例:whom, whose…) WRB Wh-adverb Wh开头的副词(例:when, where, why, how, whence, whereby, wherein, whereupon, and how) # Pound sign 英镑符 $ Dollar mark 美元符 “ vbnb Right hand side double or single quotations 右边是双引号或单引号 ” Right hand side double or single quotations 右边是双引号或单引号 , Non-full stop break punctuation marks for the sentence 逗号 ( or LRB Left hand side brackets 左括号 ) or RRB Right hand side brackets 右括号 . Full stop marks of sentences, including . (full stop), ? (question mark), ! (exclamation point). 句子结束符(包含英文句号,问号,感叹号) : Colon : and semi-colon ; 冒号和分号