
来源:互联网 发布:怎么搜淘宝衣服好看 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 17:58


CRTP ,curiously recurring template pattern 奇特的递归模板编程,意思是一个类继承的父类是个模板类,参数是自己。

// The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)template<class T>class Base{    // methods within Base can use template to access members of Derived};class Derived : public Base<Derived>{    // ...};

1. CRTP 可以用于实现静态多态性


#include <iostream>using namespace std;template<typename T>class BaseClass{public:    void Func()    {        //通过静态类型转换,调用对应类型的成员函数,实现静态多态性        static_cast<T*>(this)->funcImpl();    }private:     void funcImpl()    {        cout << "Base class" << endl;    }};class Base : public BaseClass<Base>{};class Derive : public BaseClass<Derive>{public:    void funcImpl()    {        cout << "Derive class" << endl;    }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){    BaseClass<Derive> der;    der.Func();     //Derive class    BaseClass<Base> bas;    bas.Func();     //Base class    return 0;}

2. CRTP 可以用于定义一些公共的函数,然后子类继承,可以实现代码的复用性


#include <iostream>#include <memory>#include <Windows.h>using namespace std;// 互斥锁对象class Mutex{public:    Mutex();    ~Mutex();    void lock() const;    void unlock() const;private:    HANDLE m_hMutex;};//在构造函数里创建锁Mutex::Mutex(){    m_hMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);}//析构函数里销毁锁Mutex::~Mutex(){    ::CloseHandle(m_hMutex);}//互斥锁上锁void Mutex::lock() const{    DWORD d = WaitForSingleObject(m_hMutex, INFINITE);}//互斥锁解锁void Mutex::unlock() const{    ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex);}template <class T>class CSingleton {public:    static T* Instance()            // 取单例对象    {        if (s_instance.get() == NULL)       // double check + 加锁 保证单例对象的创建唯一        {            mutex.lock();            if (s_instance.get() == NULL)            {                s_instance = shared_ptr<T>(new T);            }            mutex.unlock();        }        return s_instance.get();    }protected:                  // 构造函数和析构函数设定为protected可允许派生类访问    CSingleton() {}     ~CSingleton() {}private:                        //  拷贝构造函数和赋值运算符设定为private的,并且设定为delete或者声明并不实现。    CSingleton(const CSingleton<T>&) = delete;    CSingleton<T>&  operator=(const CSingleton<T> &) = delete;private:    static shared_ptr<T> s_instance;    static Mutex mutex;};// 初始化CSingleton<Foo>的静态成员变量class Foo;template<> shared_ptr<Foo> CSingleton<Foo>::s_instance;template<> Mutex CSingleton<Foo>::mutex;//初始化CSingleton<T>的静态成员变量//template<typename T> shared_ptr<T> CSingleton<T>::s_instance;//template<typename T> Mutex CSingleton<T>::mutex;//单例模式,基类使用的模型class Foo : public CSingleton<Foo>{    friend class CSingleton<Foo>;   // 基类可以调用自身定义的private构造函数private:    Foo() {}public:    void fun()    {        cout << "fun " << endl;    }    /*其他定义*/};int main(){    Foo* f = Foo::Instance();    f->fun();    cin.get();    return 0;}

3. 对象计数(Object counter),记录一个类被创建和销毁的次数,

#include <iostream>using namespace std;template <typename T>struct counter{public:    static int objects_created;    static int objects_alive;    counter()    {        ++objects_created;        ++objects_alive;    }    counter(const counter&)    {        ++objects_created;        ++objects_alive;    }protected:    ~counter() // objects should never be removed through pointers of this type    {        --objects_alive;    }};template <typename T> int counter<T>::objects_created(0);template <typename T> int counter<T>::objects_alive(0);class X : public counter<X>{    // ...};class Y : public counter<Y>{    // ...};int main(){    X x;    cout << X::objects_created << endl;    return 0;}
