
来源:互联网 发布:安卓手机数据恢复apk 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 08:13



--3个任务local class = require "middleclass"Point = class('Point')function Point:initialize(x,y)    self.x = x    self.y = yendfunction Point:__tostring()    return 'Point:[' .. tostring(self.x) .. ',' .. tostring(self.y) .. ']'end--从图中建造数据模型aStar = {--0表示可走--1表示不可走{0,0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,1,0,0,0},{0,0,0,1,0,0,0},{0,0,0,1,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0,0,0},}startPoint = Point(3,2)endPoint = Point(3,6)local openTab,closeTab = {},{}function openTab:__tostring()     local ret = ""     for k = 1 ,#self do        ret = ret ..  tostring(self[k])      end      return retend setmetatable(openTab,openTab)function nextPos(aStar,point)    --遍历上下左右添加到开启表    local tmp = {Point(point.x,point.y - 1),Point(point.x,point.y + 1),    Point(point.x - 1 ,point.y ),Point(point.x + 1,point.y)    }    if point.x == endPoint.x and point.y == endPoint.y then        --print("结束")        openTab[#openTab + 1] = point        if #openTab < 10 then            print(openTab)        end         table.remove(openTab)        return    else            for i = 1,4 do            --处于边界内并且可走            if tmp[i].x >= 1 and tmp[i].x <= 5 and tmp[i].y >= 1 and tmp[i].y <= 7 and  aStar[tmp[i].x][tmp[i].y] == 0 then                aStar[point.x][point.y] = 1 --当前位置设置不可走                openTab[#openTab + 1] = point                nextPos(aStar,tmp[i]) --选择下一个位置                table.remove(openTab)                aStar[point.x][point.y] = 0            else                -- 不可走的舍弃,裁枝            end          end     endendnextPos(aStar,startPoint)