sequence list 线性表

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝天猫店铺托管 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:58
  • sequence list C code complementations briefly only for learing.

  • reference books:《零基础学数据结构》,《算法导论》,《数据结构与算法分析-c描述》,《数据结构》-严蔚敏

  • Qt creator4.3.1 and Visual studio community 2015 both be tested.

/*seq_list.h:sequence list header. *Author    :ZMG. *E-mail    : *Date      :2017-8-20 *Version   :0.1  *ALL rights reserved! *Code style try to refer to GNU linux kernel. :) */  #ifndef SEQ_LIST_H#define SEQ_LIST_H  //include some essential headers.#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h> //define sequence list structure type.#define list_size  1000#define data_type  int typedef struct {    data_type list[list_size];  //also: data_type * list,then define int list_size.    int length;}seq_list;  //functions declaration belowvoid init_seq_list(seq_list *L); //initialize sequence list.void destroy_seq_list(seq_list *L); //destroy sequncent listist.void clear_seq_list(seq_list *L); //empty sequence list.void is_seq_list_empty(seq_list L); //sequence list is empty or get_seq_list_length(seq_list L); //sequence list's get_seq_list_element(seq_list L, int i, data_type *e); //get sequence list locate_seq_list_element(seq_list L, data_type e); //locate sequence list insert_seq_list_element(seq_list *L, int i, data_type e); //insert sequence list delete_seq_list_element(seq_list *L, int i, data_type *e); //delete sequence list element.  #endif // SEQ_LIST_H

/*seq_list.c: sequence list implementation source file. *Author    :ZMG. *E-mail    : *Date      :2017-8-20 *Version   :0.1  *ALL rights reserved! *Code style try to refer to GNU linux kernel. :) */  #include "seq_list.h" //some functions implementation.void init_seq_list(seq_list *L) //initialize sequence list.{    L->length = 0;} void destroy_seq_list(seq_list *L) //destroy sequncent listist.{    free(L); //must have initialized the sequence list *L.} void clear_seq_list(seq_list *L) //empty sequence list.{    L->length = 0;} void is_seq_list_empty(seq_list L) //sequence list is empty or not.{    if (L.length == 0) {        printf("sequence list is empty. \n");    } else if (L.length != 0) {        printf("sequence list is not empty. \n");    }} int get_seq_list_length(seq_list L) //sequence list's length.{    return L.length;} int get_seq_list_element(seq_list L, int i, data_type *e) //get sequence list element.{    if (i < 1 || i > L.length)        return -1;        *e = L.list[i-1];     return 1;} int locate_seq_list_element(seq_list L, data_type e) //locate sequence list element.{    int i = 0;     for (i = 0; i < L.length; i++) {        if (L.list[i] == e) {;}    }     return i-1;} int insert_seq_list_element(seq_list *L, int i, data_type e) //insert sequence list element.{    int j = 0;     if (i < 1 || i > L->length + 1) {        printf ("insert illegal.exit!");        return -1;    } else if (L->length >= list_size) {        printf("the sequence list is full,can not insert element any more.exit! \n");        return -1;    } else {        for (j = L->length; j >= i; j--)            L->list[j] = L->list[j-1];  //let list[i-1] = list[i]            L->list[i-1] = e;            L->length = L->length + 1;             return 1;        }} int delete_seq_list_element(seq_list *L, int i, data_type *e) //delete sequence list element.{    int j = 0;     if (L->length <= 0) {        printf("sequence list is empty and cannot delete element any more.exit! \n");        return 0;    } else if (i < 1 || i > L->length) {        printf("the location you delete is not applicable.exit! \n");        return -1;    } else {        *e = L->list[i-1];        for (j = i; j <= L->length-1; j++) {            L->list[j-1] = L->list[j];  //let list[i] = list[i-1]        }        L->length = L->length - 1;         return 1;    }}

/*main      :for testing. *Author    :ZMG. *E-mail    : *Date      :2017-8-20 *Version   :0.1  *ALL rights reserved! *Code style try to refer to GNU linux kernel. :) */  #include "seq_list.h" int main(void){    int i = 0;    int j = 0;    int flag = 0;    data_type e = 0;    int length = 0;     seq_list A;    seq_list B;     init_seq_list(&A);    init_seq_list(&B);     //insert 1~10 to A    for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {        if (insert_seq_list_element(&A, i, i) == 0) {            printf("the location you insert is illegal.exit! \n");            return -1;        }    }     //insert some data into B    for (i = 1, j = 1; j <= 6; i += 2, j++) {        if (insert_seq_list_element(&B, j, i * 2) == 0) {            printf("the location you insert is illegal.exit! \n");            return -1;        }    }     printf("A: \n");    for (i = 1; i <= A.length; i++) {        flag = get_seq_list_element(A, i, &e);         if (flag == 1)            printf("%4d", e);    }     printf("\n");     length = A.length;    printf("A.length = %4d \n", length);     printf("B: \n");    for (i = 1; i <= B.length; i++) {        flag = get_seq_list_element(B, i, &e);         if (flag == 1)            printf("%4d", e);    }     printf("\n");     length = B.length;    printf("B.length = %4d \n", length);         //code other functons if you want to test bolow.     system("pause");}
