进程创建过程详解 CreateProcess

来源:互联网 发布:php登录代码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 07:34


0x01 CreateProcessW



BOOLWINAPICreateProcessA(    LPCSTR lpApplicationName,    LPSTR lpCommandLine,    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,    BOOL bInheritHandles,    DWORD dwCreationFlags,    LPVOID lpEnvironment,    LPCSTR lpCurrentDirectory,    LPSTARTUPINFOA lpStartupInfo,    LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation    )/*++    ANSI thunk to CreateProcessW--*/{    NTSTATUS Status;    PUNICODE_STRING CommandLine;    UNICODE_STRING ApplicationName;    UNICODE_STRING CurrentDirectory;    STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo;    ANSI_STRING AnsiString;    UNICODE_STRING Unicode;    UNICODE_STRING DynamicCommandLine;    UNICODE_STRING NullUnicodeString;    BOOL ReturnStatus;    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (lpCommandLine)) {        if ( (strlen( lpCommandLine ) + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) <             NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString.MaximumLength ) {            DynamicCommandLine.Buffer = NULL;            CommandLine = Basep8BitStringToStaticUnicodeString( lpCommandLine );            if (CommandLine == NULL) {                return FALSE;            }        } else {            if (!Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString( &DynamicCommandLine,                                                        lpCommandLine )) {                return FALSE;            }        }    } else {         DynamicCommandLine.Buffer = NULL;         CommandLine = &NullUnicodeString;         CommandLine->Buffer = NULL;    }    ApplicationName.Buffer = NULL;    ApplicationName.Buffer = NULL;    CurrentDirectory.Buffer = NULL;    RtlMoveMemory(&StartupInfo,lpStartupInfo,sizeof(*lpStartupInfo));    ASSERT(sizeof(StartupInfo) == sizeof(*lpStartupInfo));    StartupInfo.lpReserved = NULL;    StartupInfo.lpDesktop = NULL;    StartupInfo.lpTitle = NULL;    try {        try {            if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpApplicationName)) {                if (!Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString( &ApplicationName,                                                            lpApplicationName )) {                    ReturnStatus = FALSE;                    goto tryexit;                }            }            if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpCurrentDirectory)) {                if (!Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString( &CurrentDirectory,                                                            lpCurrentDirectory )) {                    ReturnStatus = FALSE;                    goto tryexit;                }            }            if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpStartupInfo->lpReserved)) {                //                // Win95 does not touch reserved, and Intergraph Voxtel passes                // garbage for this. Handle this by probing lpReserved, and if                // the pointer is bad, ignore it                //                try {                    RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpStartupInfo->lpReserved);                    }                except (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION                            ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER                            : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) {                    goto bail_on_reserved;                    }                Unicode.MaximumLength = (USHORT)RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize(&AnsiString) ;                StartupInfo.lpReserved = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(),                                                          MAKE_TAG( TMP_TAG ),                                                          Unicode.MaximumLength);                if ( !StartupInfo.lpReserved ) {                    BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_NO_MEMORY);                    ReturnStatus = FALSE;                    goto tryexit;                    }                Unicode.Buffer = StartupInfo.lpReserved;                Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE);                if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {                    BaseSetLastNTError(Status);                    ReturnStatus = FALSE;                    goto tryexit;                    }                }bail_on_reserved:            if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpStartupInfo->lpDesktop)) {                RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpStartupInfo->lpDesktop);                Unicode.MaximumLength = (USHORT)RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize(&AnsiString) ;                StartupInfo.lpDesktop = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(),                                                         MAKE_TAG( TMP_TAG ),                                                         Unicode.MaximumLength);                if ( !StartupInfo.lpDesktop ) {                    BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_NO_MEMORY);                    ReturnStatus = FALSE;                    goto tryexit;                    }                Unicode.Buffer = StartupInfo.lpDesktop;                Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE);                if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {                    BaseSetLastNTError(Status);                    ReturnStatus = FALSE;                    goto tryexit;                    }                }            if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpStartupInfo->lpTitle)) {                RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpStartupInfo->lpTitle);                Unicode.MaximumLength = (USHORT)RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize(&AnsiString) ;                StartupInfo.lpTitle = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(),                                                       MAKE_TAG( TMP_TAG ),                                                       Unicode.MaximumLength);                if ( !StartupInfo.lpTitle ) {                    BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_NO_MEMORY);                    ReturnStatus = FALSE;                    goto tryexit;                    }                Unicode.Buffer = StartupInfo.lpTitle;                Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE);                if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {                    BaseSetLastNTError(Status);                    ReturnStatus = FALSE;                    goto tryexit;                    }                }            }        except (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION                    ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER                    : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) {            BaseSetLastNTError(GetExceptionCode());            ReturnStatus = FALSE;            goto tryexit;            }        ReturnStatus = CreateProcessW(                            ApplicationName.Buffer,                            DynamicCommandLine.Buffer ? DynamicCommandLine.Buffer                                                      : CommandLine->Buffer,                            lpProcessAttributes,                            lpThreadAttributes,                            bInheritHandles,                            dwCreationFlags,                            lpEnvironment,                            CurrentDirectory.Buffer,                            &StartupInfo,                            lpProcessInformation                            );tryexit:;        }    finally {        RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DynamicCommandLine);        RtlFreeUnicodeString(&ApplicationName);        RtlFreeUnicodeString(&CurrentDirectory);        RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,StartupInfo.lpReserved);        RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,StartupInfo.lpDesktop);        RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,StartupInfo.lpTitle);        }    return ReturnStatus;}


WINBASEAPIBOOLWINAPICreateProcessW(    LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,    //指向一个NULL结尾的,新进程的可执行文件的名称    LPWSTR lpCommandLine,          //指向一个NULL结尾的,传给新进程的命令行字符串    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,    //指向一个SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES结构体,分配给新的进程对象    //SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES结构可以决定是否返回的句柄可以被子进程继承(bInheritHandle )。如果lpProcessAttributes参数为空(NULL),那么句柄不能被继承。    //SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES结构的lpSecurityDescriptor成员可以指定新进程的安全描述符,如果参数为空,新进程使用默认的安全描述符。    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,    //指向一个SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES结构体,分配给新的线程对象    BOOL bInheritHandles,    //标识新进程是否可以从调用进程处继承所有可继承的句柄。被继承的句柄与原进程拥有完全相同的值和访问权限。    DWORD dwCreationFlags,    //标识了影响新进程创建方式的标志,多个标志按位或进行组合    LPVOID lpEnvironment,    //指向一块内存,其中包含新进程要使用的环境字符串。如果此参数为空,新进程继承父进程的一组环境字符串。    LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,    //指向一个以NULL结尾的字符串,用来设置新进程的当前驱动器和目录,这个字符串必须是一个包含驱动器名的绝对路径。如果这个参数为空,新进程将使用与父进程相同的驱动器和目录。    LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,    //指向一个用于决定新进程的主窗体如何显示的STARTUPINFO结构体。    LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation    //指向一个用来接收新进程的识别信息的PROCESS_INFORMATION结构体。     );


  STARTUPINFO StartupInfo = { 0 };
  StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
  PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo = { 0 };


  (2)第六参数:dwCreationFlags 的部分标志:

  含义:新进程将是一个进程树的根进程。进程树中的全部进程都是根进程的子进程。新进程树的用户标识符与这个进程的标识符是相同的,由lpProcessInformation参数返回。进程树经常使用GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent函数允许发送CTRL+C或   CTRL+BREAK信号到一组控制台进程。
0x02  创建进程详细步骤1:打开目标映像文件,创建进程对象,线程对象
   1 BOOL   2 WINAPI   3 CreateProcessW(   4     LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,   5     LPWSTR lpCommandLine,   6     LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,   7     LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,   8     BOOL bInheritHandles,   9     DWORD dwCreationFlags,  10     LPVOID lpEnvironment,  11     LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,  12     LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,  13     LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation  14     )  15   16 {  17     NTSTATUS Status;  18     OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja;  19     POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES pObja;  20     HANDLE ProcessHandle, ThreadHandle, VdmWaitHandle = NULL;  21     HANDLE FileHandle, SectionHandle;  22     CLIENT_ID ClientId;  23     UNICODE_STRING PathName;  24     IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;  25     BOOLEAN TranslationStatus;  26     RTL_RELATIVE_NAME RelativeName;  27     PVOID FreeBuffer;  28     LPWSTR NameBuffer;  29     LPWSTR WhiteScan;  30     ULONG Length,i;  31     PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION ProcessInfo;  32     SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION ImageInformation;  33     NTSTATUS StackStatus;  34     BOOLEAN bStatus;  35     INITIAL_TEB InitialTeb;  36     CONTEXT ThreadContext;  37     PPEB Peb;  38     BASE_API_MSG m;  39     PBASE_CREATEPROCESS_MSG a= (PBASE_CREATEPROCESS_MSG)&m.u.CreateProcess;  40     PBASE_CHECKVDM_MSG b= (PBASE_CHECKVDM_MSG)&m.u.CheckVDM;  41     PWCH TempNull = NULL;  42     WCHAR TempChar;  43     UNICODE_STRING VdmNameString;  44     PVOID BaseAddress;  45     ULONG VdmReserve;  46     SIZE_T BigVdmReserve;  47     ULONG iTask=0;  48     LPWSTR CurdirBuffer, CurdirFilePart;  49     DWORD CurdirLength,CurdirLength2;  50     ULONG VDMCreationState=0;  51     ULONG VdmBinaryType = 0;  52     UNICODE_STRING  SubSysCommandLine;  53     PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders;  54     DWORD dwNoWindow = (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_NO_WINDOW);  55     ANSI_STRING AnsiStringVDMEnv;  56     UNICODE_STRING UnicodeStringVDMEnv;  57     WCHAR ImageFileDebuggerCommand[ 64 ];  58     LPWSTR QuotedBuffer;  59     BOOLEAN QuoteInsert;  60     BOOLEAN QuoteCmdLine = FALSE;  61     BOOLEAN QuoteFound;  62     BOOLEAN SearchRetry;  63     BOOLEAN IsWowBinary = FALSE;  64     STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo;  65     DWORD LastError;  66     DWORD fileattr;  67     PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS PriClass;  68     PVOID State;  69 #if defined(BUILD_WOW6432) || defined(_WIN64)  70     LPCWSTR lpOriginalApplicationName = lpApplicationName;  71     LPWSTR lpOriginalCommandLine = lpCommandLine;  72 #endif  73   74 #if defined(WX86) || defined(_AXP64_)  75     HANDLE Wx86Info = NULL;  76 #endif  77   78 #if defined WX86  79     BOOLEAN UseKnownWx86Dll;  80     UseKnownWx86Dll = NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll;  81     NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll = FALSE;  82 #endif  83   84   85     RtlZeroMemory(lpProcessInformation,sizeof(*lpProcessInformation));  86   87     // Private VDM flag should be ignored; Its meant for internal use only.  88     dwCreationFlags &= (ULONG)~CREATE_NO_WINDOW;  89   90     //  91     // CREATE_WITH_USERPROFILE is the new Create Flag that is used  92     // only by CreateProcessWithLogonW.  If this flags ends up getting  93     // passed to CreateProcess, we must reject it.  94     //  95     if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_WITH_USERPROFILE ) {  96         SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);  97         return FALSE;  98         }  99  100     if ((dwCreationFlags & (DETACHED_PROCESS | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)) == 101         (DETACHED_PROCESS | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)) { 102  103         SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); 104         return FALSE; 105         } 106  107     AnsiStringVDMEnv.Buffer = NULL; 108     UnicodeStringVDMEnv.Buffer = NULL; 109  110     // 111     // the lowest specified priority class is used. 112     // 113  114     if (dwCreationFlags & IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS ) { 115         PriClass.PriorityClass = PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_IDLE; 116         } 117     else if (dwCreationFlags & BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ) { 118         PriClass.PriorityClass = PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_BELOW_NORMAL; 119         } 120     else if (dwCreationFlags & NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ) { 121         PriClass.PriorityClass = PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_NORMAL; 122         } 123     else if (dwCreationFlags & ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ) { 124         PriClass.PriorityClass = PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_ABOVE_NORMAL; 125         } 126     else if (dwCreationFlags & HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ) { 127         PriClass.PriorityClass =  PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_HIGH; 128         } 129     else if (dwCreationFlags & REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS ) { 130         if ( BasepIsRealtimeAllowed(FALSE) ) { 131             PriClass.PriorityClass =  PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_REALTIME; 132             } 133         else { 134             PriClass.PriorityClass =  PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_HIGH; 135             } 136         } 137     else { 138         PriClass.PriorityClass = PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_UNKNOWN; 139         } 140     PriClass.Foreground = FALSE; 141  142     dwCreationFlags = (dwCreationFlags & ~PRIORITY_CLASS_MASK ); 143  144     // 145     // Default separate/shared VDM option if not explicitly specified. 146     // 147  148     if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM) { 149         if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM) { 150             SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); 151  152             return FALSE; 153             } 154         } 155     else 156     if ((dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM) == 0) { 157         if (BaseStaticServerData->DefaultSeparateVDM) { 158             dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM; 159             } 160         } 161  162     if ((dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM) == 0) { 163         // 164         // If the creator is running inside a job object, always 165         // set SEPERATE_WOW_VDM so the VDM is part of the job. 166         // 167         JOBOBJECT_BASIC_UI_RESTRICTIONS UiRestrictions; 168  169         Status = NtQueryInformationJobObject(NULL, 170                                              JobObjectBasicUIRestrictions, 171                                              &UiRestrictions, 172                                              sizeof(UiRestrictions), 173                                              NULL); 174         if (Status != STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) { 175             // 176             // Anything other than STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED indicates the 177             // current process is inside a job. 178             // 179             dwCreationFlags = (dwCreationFlags & (~CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM)) | 180                                   CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM; 181             } 182         } 183  184  185     // 186     //  If ANSI environment, convert to Unicode 187     // 188  189     if (lpEnvironment && !(dwCreationFlags & CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT) ) { 190         PUCHAR s; 191         STRING Ansi; 192         UNICODE_STRING Unicode; 193         MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemoryInformation; 194  195         Ansi.Buffer = s = lpEnvironment; 196         while (*s || *(s+1))            // find end of block 197             s++; 198  199         Ansi.Length = (USHORT)(s - Ansi.Buffer) + 1; 200         Ansi.MaximumLength = Ansi.Length + 1; 201         MemoryInformation.RegionSize = Ansi.MaximumLength * sizeof(WCHAR); 202         Unicode.Buffer = NULL; 203         Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), 204                                           &Unicode.Buffer, 205                                           0, 206                                           &MemoryInformation.RegionSize, 207                                           MEM_COMMIT, 208                                           PAGE_READWRITE 209                                         ); 210         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { 211             BaseSetLastNTError(Status); 212  213             return FALSE; 214             } 215  216         Unicode.MaximumLength = (USHORT)MemoryInformation.RegionSize; 217         Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&Unicode, &Ansi, FALSE); 218         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { 219             NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), 220                                  &Unicode.Buffer, 221                                  &MemoryInformation.RegionSize, 222                                  MEM_RELEASE 223                                ); 224             BaseSetLastNTError(Status); 225  226             return FALSE; 227             } 228         lpEnvironment = Unicode.Buffer; 229         } 230  231     FileHandle = NULL; 232     SectionHandle = NULL; 233     ProcessHandle = NULL; 234     ThreadHandle = NULL; 235     FreeBuffer = NULL; 236     NameBuffer = NULL; 237     VdmNameString.Buffer = NULL; 238     BaseAddress = (PVOID)1; 239     VdmReserve = 0; 240     CurdirBuffer = NULL; 241     CurdirFilePart = NULL; 242     SubSysCommandLine.Buffer = NULL; 243     QuoteFound = FALSE; 244     QuoteInsert = FALSE; 245     QuotedBuffer = NULL; 246  247     try { 248  249         // 250         // Make a copy of the startup info so we can change it. 251         // 252  253         StartupInfo = *lpStartupInfo; 254  255         // 256         // STARTF_USEHOTKEY means hStdInput is really the hotkey value. 257         // STARTF_HASSHELLDATA means std handles are used for shell-private 258         // data.  This flag is used if an icon is passed to ShellExecuteEx. 259         // As a result they cannot be specified with STARTF_USESTDHANDLES. 260         // Consistent with Win95, USESTDHANDLES is ignored. 261         // 262  263         if (StartupInfo.dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES && 264             StartupInfo.dwFlags & (STARTF_USEHOTKEY | STARTF_HASSHELLDATA)) { 265  266             StartupInfo.dwFlags &= ~STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; 267             } 268  269 VdmRetry: 270         LastError = 0; 271         SearchRetry = TRUE; 272         QuoteInsert = FALSE; 273         QuoteCmdLine = FALSE; 274         if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( lpApplicationName )) { 275  276             // 277             // Locate the image 278             // 279  280             // forgot to free NameBuffer before goto VdmRetry??? 281             ASSERT(NameBuffer == NULL); 282  283             NameBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 284                                           MAKE_TAG( TMP_TAG ), 285                                           MAX_PATH * sizeof( WCHAR )); 286             if ( !NameBuffer ) { 287                 BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_NO_MEMORY); 288                 return FALSE; 289                 } 290             lpApplicationName = lpCommandLine; 291             TempNull = (PWCH)lpApplicationName; 292             WhiteScan = (LPWSTR)lpApplicationName; 293  294             // 295             // check for lead quote 296             // 297             if ( *WhiteScan == L'\"' ) { 298                 SearchRetry = FALSE; 299                 WhiteScan++; 300                 lpApplicationName = WhiteScan; 301                 while(*WhiteScan) { 302                     if ( *WhiteScan == (WCHAR)'\"' ) { 303                         TempNull = (PWCH)WhiteScan; 304                         QuoteFound = TRUE; 305                         break; 306                         } 307                     WhiteScan++; 308                     TempNull = (PWCH)WhiteScan; 309                     } 310                 } 311             else { 312 retrywsscan: 313                 lpApplicationName = lpCommandLine; 314                 while(*WhiteScan) { 315                     if ( *WhiteScan == (WCHAR)' ' || 316                          *WhiteScan == (WCHAR)'\t' ) { 317                         TempNull = (PWCH)WhiteScan; 318                         break; 319                         } 320                     WhiteScan++; 321                     TempNull = (PWCH)WhiteScan; 322                     } 323                 } 324             TempChar = *TempNull; 325             *TempNull = UNICODE_NULL; 326  327 #ifdef WX86 328  329             // 330             // Wx86 applications must use x86 version of known exes 331             // for compatibility. 332             // 333  334             if (UseKnownWx86Dll) { 335                LPWSTR KnownName; 336  337                NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll = FALSE; 338  339                KnownName = BasepWx86KnownExe(lpApplicationName); 340                if (KnownName) { 341                   lpApplicationName = KnownName; 342                   } 343                } 344 #endif 345  346  347             Length = SearchPathW( 348                         NULL, 349                         lpApplicationName, 350                         (PWSTR)L".exe", 351                         MAX_PATH, 352                         NameBuffer, 353                         NULL 354                         )*2; 355  356             if (Length != 0 && Length < MAX_PATH * sizeof( WCHAR )) { 357                 // 358                 // SearchPathW worked, but file might be a directory 359                 // if this happens, we need to keep trying 360                 // 361                 fileattr = GetFileAttributesW(NameBuffer); 362                 if ( fileattr != 0xffffffff && 363                      (fileattr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { 364                     Length = 0; 365                 } else { 366                     Length++; 367                     Length++; 368                 } 369             } 370  371             if ( !Length || Length >= MAX_PATH<<1 ) { 372  373                 // 374                 // If we search pathed, then return file not found. 375                 // otherwise, try to be more specific. 376                 // 377                 RTL_PATH_TYPE PathType; 378                 HANDLE hFile; 379  380                 PathType = RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U(lpApplicationName); 381                 if ( PathType != RtlPathTypeRelative ) { 382  383                     // 384                     // The failed open should set get last error properly. 385                     // 386  387                     hFile = CreateFileW( 388                                 lpApplicationName, 389                                 GENERIC_READ, 390                                 FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 391                                 NULL, 392                                 OPEN_EXISTING, 393                                 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 394                                 NULL 395                                 ); 396                     if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { 397                         CloseHandle(hFile); 398                         BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND); 399                         } 400                     } 401                 else { 402                     BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND); 403                     } 404  405                 // 406                 // remember initial last error value for the retry scan path 407                 // 408  409                 if ( LastError ) { 410                     SetLastError(LastError); 411                     } 412                 else { 413                     LastError = GetLastError(); 414                     } 415  416                 // 417                 // restore the command line 418                 // 419  420                 *TempNull = TempChar; 421                 lpApplicationName = NameBuffer; 422  423                 // 424                 // If we still have command line left, then keep going 425                 // the point is to march through the command line looking 426                 // for whitespace so we can try to find an image name 427                 // launches of things like: 428                 // c:\word 95\winword.exe /embedding -automation 429                 // require this. Our first iteration will stop at c:\word, our next 430                 // will stop at c:\word 95\winword.exe 431                 // 432                 if (*WhiteScan && SearchRetry) { 433                     WhiteScan++; 434                     TempNull = WhiteScan; 435                     QuoteInsert = TRUE; 436                     QuoteFound = TRUE; 437                     goto retrywsscan; 438                 } 439  440                 return FALSE; 441                 } 442             // 443             // restore the command line 444             // 445  446             *TempNull = TempChar; 447             lpApplicationName = NameBuffer; 448             } 449         else 450         if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( lpCommandLine ) || *lpCommandLine == UNICODE_NULL ) { 451             QuoteCmdLine = TRUE; 452             lpCommandLine = (LPWSTR)lpApplicationName; 453             } 454  455  456 #ifdef WX86 457  458        // 459        // Wx86 applications must use x86 version of known exes 460        // for compatibility. 461        // 462  463        if (UseKnownWx86Dll) { 464            LPWSTR KnownName; 465  466            NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll = FALSE; 467  468            KnownName = BasepWx86KnownExe(lpApplicationName); 469            if (KnownName) { 470  471                RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, NameBuffer); 472                NameBuffer = KnownName; 473                lpApplicationName = KnownName; 474                } 475            } 476  477 #endif 478  479  480         // 481         // Translate to an NT name. 482         // 483  484         TranslationStatus = RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U( 485                                 lpApplicationName, 486                                 &PathName, 487                                 NULL, 488                                 &RelativeName 489                                 ); 490  491         if ( !TranslationStatus ) { 492             SetLastError(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); 493  494             return FALSE; 495             } 496  497         // forgot to free FreeBuffer before goto VdmRetry???? 498         ASSERT(FreeBuffer == NULL); 499         FreeBuffer = PathName.Buffer; 500  501         if ( RelativeName.RelativeName.Length ) { 502             PathName = *(PUNICODE_STRING)&RelativeName.RelativeName; 503             } 504         else { 505             RelativeName.ContainingDirectory = NULL; 506             } 507  508         InitializeObjectAttributes( 509             &Obja, 510             &PathName, 511             OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 512             RelativeName.ContainingDirectory, 513             NULL 514             ); 515  516         // 517         // Open the file for execute access 518         // 519  520         Status = NtOpenFile( 521                     &FileHandle, 522                     SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_EXECUTE, 523                     &Obja, 524                     &IoStatusBlock, 525                     FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, 526                     FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT | FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE 527                     ); 528         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { 529  530             // 531             // if we failed, see if this is a device. If it is a device, 532             // then just return invalid image format 533             // 534  535             if ( RtlIsDosDeviceName_U((PWSTR)lpApplicationName) ) { 536                 SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_DEVICE); 537                 } 538             else { 539                 BaseSetLastNTError(Status); 540                 } 541  542             return FALSE; 543             } 544  545         // 546         // If no desktop has been specified, use the caller's 547         // desktop. 548         // 549  550         if (StartupInfo.lpDesktop == NULL) { 551             StartupInfo.lpDesktop = 552                     (LPWSTR)((PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS)NtCurrentPeb()-> 553                         ProcessParameters)->DesktopInfo.Buffer; 554             } 555  556         // 557         // Create a section object backed by the file 558         // 559  560         Status = NtCreateSection( 561                     &SectionHandle, 562                     SECTION_ALL_ACCESS, 563                     NULL, 564                     NULL, 565                     PAGE_EXECUTE, 566                     SEC_IMAGE, 567                     FileHandle 568                     ); 569  570  571         NtClose(FileHandle); 572         FileHandle = NULL; 573  574  575  576         // 577         // App Certification DLL 578         // 579  580        if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { 581  582           Status = BasepIsProcessAllowed(lpApplicationName); 583  584           if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { 585             BaseSetLastNTError(Status); 586             return FALSE; 587           } 588  589        } 590  591  592  593         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { 594  595             switch (Status) { 596                 // 16 bit OS/2 exe 597                 case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NE_FORMAT: 598 #ifdef i386 599                 // 600                 // Use OS/2 if x86 (OS/2 not supported on risc), 601                 //    and CreationFlags don't have forcedos bit 602                 //    and Registry didn't specify ForceDos 603                 // 604                 // else execute as a DOS bound app. 605                 // 606                 // 607  608                 if (!(dwCreationFlags & CREATE_FORCEDOS) && 609                     !BaseStaticServerData->ForceDos) 610                   { 611  612                     if ( !BuildSubSysCommandLine( L"OS2 /P ", 613                                                   lpApplicationName, 614                                                   lpCommandLine, 615                                                   &SubSysCommandLine 616                                                 ) ) { 617                         return FALSE; 618                         } 619  620                     lpCommandLine = SubSysCommandLine.Buffer; 621  622                     lpApplicationName = NULL; 623  624                     RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer); 625                     FreeBuffer = NULL; 626                     RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, NameBuffer); 627                     NameBuffer = NULL; 628                     goto VdmRetry; 629                     } 630 #endif 631                     // Falls into Dos case, so that stub message will be 632                     // printed, and bound apps will run w/o OS/2 subsytem 633  634                 // Dos .exe or .com 635  636                 case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_PROTECT: 637                 case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_MZ: 638 ForceDos: 639                     { 640                     ULONG BinarySubType; 641  642                     BinarySubType = BINARY_TYPE_DOS_EXE; 643                     if (Status == STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_PROTECT   || 644                         Status == STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NE_FORMAT || 645                        (BinarySubType = BaseIsDosApplication(&PathName,Status)) ) 646                        { 647                         VdmBinaryType = BINARY_TYPE_DOS; 648  649                         // create the environment before going to the 650                         // server. This was done becuase we want NTVDM 651                         // to have the new environment when it gets 652                         // created. 653                         if (!BaseCreateVDMEnvironment( 654                                     lpEnvironment, 655                                     &AnsiStringVDMEnv, 656                                     &UnicodeStringVDMEnv 657                                     )) 658                             return FALSE; 659  660                         if(!BaseCheckVDM(VdmBinaryType | BinarySubType, 661                                          lpApplicationName, 662                                          lpCommandLine, 663                                          lpCurrentDirectory, 664                                          &AnsiStringVDMEnv, 665                                          &m, 666                                          &iTask, 667                                          dwCreationFlags, 668                                          &StartupInfo 669                                          )) 670                             return FALSE; 671  672  673                         // Check the return value from the server 674                         switch (b->VDMState & VDM_STATE_MASK){ 675                             case VDM_NOT_PRESENT: 676                                 // mark this so the server can undo 677                                 // creation if something goes wrong. 678                                 // We marked it "partitially created" because 679                                 // the NTVDM has yet not been fully created. 680                                 // a call to UpdateVdmEntry to update 681                                 // process handle will signal the NTVDM 682                                 // process completed creation 683                                 VDMCreationState = VDM_PARTIALLY_CREATED; 684                                 // fail the call if NTVDM process is being 685                                 // created DETACHED. 686                                 // note that, we let it go if NTVDM process 687                                 // is already running. 688                                 if (dwCreationFlags & DETACHED_PROCESS) { 689                                     SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); 690                                     return FALSE; 691                                     } 692                                 if (!BaseGetVdmConfigInfo(lpCommandLine, 693                                                           iTask, 694                                                           VdmBinaryType, 695                                                           &VdmNameString, 696                                                           &VdmReserve 697                                                           )) 698                                    { 699                                     BaseSetLastNTError(Status); 700                                     return FALSE; 701                                     } 702  703                                 lpCommandLine = VdmNameString.Buffer; 704                                 lpApplicationName = NULL; 705  706                                 break; 707  708                             case VDM_PRESENT_NOT_READY: 709                                 SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_READY); 710                                 return FALSE; 711  712                             case VDM_PRESENT_AND_READY: 713                                 VDMCreationState = VDM_BEING_REUSED; 714                                 VdmWaitHandle = b->WaitObjectForParent; 715                                 break; 716                             } 717                          RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer); 718                          FreeBuffer = NULL; 719                          RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, NameBuffer); 720                          NameBuffer = NULL; 721                          VdmReserve--;               // we reserve from addr 1 722                          if(VdmWaitHandle) 723                             goto VdmExists; 724                          else{ 725                             bInheritHandles = FALSE; 726                             if (lpEnvironment && 727                                 !(dwCreationFlags & CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT)){ 728                                 RtlDestroyEnvironment(lpEnvironment); 729                                 } 730                             lpEnvironment = UnicodeStringVDMEnv.Buffer; 731                             goto VdmRetry; 732                             } 733                         } 734                     else { 735  736                         // 737                         //  must be a .bat or .cmd file 738                         // 739  740                         static PWCHAR CmdPrefix = L"cmd /c "; 741                         PWCHAR NewCommandLine; 742                         ULONG Length; 743                         PWCHAR Last4 = &PathName.Buffer[PathName.Length / sizeof( WCHAR )-4]; 744  745                         if ( PathName.Length < 8 ) { 746                             SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT); 747                             return FALSE; 748                             } 749  750                         if (_wcsnicmp( Last4, L".bat", 4 ) && _wcsnicmp( Last4, L".cmd", 4 )) { 751                             SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT); 752                             return FALSE; 753                         } 754  755                         Length = wcslen( CmdPrefix ) 756                                  + (QuoteCmdLine || QuoteFound ) 757                                  + wcslen( lpCommandLine ) 758                                  + (QuoteCmdLine || QuoteFound) 759                                  + 1; 760  761                         NewCommandLine = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 762                                                           MAKE_TAG( TMP_TAG ), 763                                                           Length * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); 764  765                         if (NewCommandLine == NULL) { 766                             BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_NO_MEMORY); 767                             return FALSE; 768                         } 769  770                         wcscpy( NewCommandLine, CmdPrefix ); 771                         if (QuoteCmdLine || QuoteFound) { 772                             wcscat( NewCommandLine, L"\"" ); 773                         } 774                         wcscat( NewCommandLine, lpCommandLine ); 775                         if (QuoteCmdLine || QuoteFound) { 776                             wcscat( NewCommandLine, L"\"" ); 777                         } 778  779                         RtlInitUnicodeString( &SubSysCommandLine, NewCommandLine ); 780  781                         lpCommandLine = SubSysCommandLine.Buffer; 782  783                         lpApplicationName = NULL; 784  785                         RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer); 786                         FreeBuffer = NULL; 787                         RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, NameBuffer); 788                         NameBuffer = NULL; 789                         goto VdmRetry; 790  791                         } 792  793                     } 794  795                 // 16 bit windows exe 796                 case STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_16: 797 #if defined(BUILD_WOW6432) || defined(_WIN64) 798                    if (lpOriginalApplicationName == NULL) { 799                        // pass in the part of the command line after the exe name 800                        // including whitespace 801                        lpCommandLine = ((*TempNull == '\"') ? TempNull + 1 : TempNull); 802                    } else { 803                        lpCommandLine = lpOriginalCommandLine; 804                    } 805                    return NtVdm64CreateProcess(lpOriginalApplicationName == NULL, 806                                                lpApplicationName,             // this is now the real file name we've loaded 807                                                lpCommandLine, 808                                                lpProcessAttributes, 809                                                lpThreadAttributes, 810                                                bInheritHandles, 811                                                (dwCreationFlags & ~CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT),  // the environment has already been converted to unicode 812                                                lpEnvironment, 813                                                lpCurrentDirectory, 814                                                lpStartupInfo, 815                                                lpProcessInformation 816                                                ); 817 #endif 818                    if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_FORCEDOS) { 819                        goto ForceDos; 820                        } 821  822                     IsWowBinary = TRUE; 823                     if (!BaseCreateVDMEnvironment(lpEnvironment, 824                                                   &AnsiStringVDMEnv, 825                                                   &UnicodeStringVDMEnv 826                                                   )) 827                        { 828                         return FALSE; 829                         } 830  831  832  833 RetrySepWow: 834                     VdmBinaryType = dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM 835                                      ? BINARY_TYPE_SEPWOW : BINARY_TYPE_WIN16; 836  837                     if (!BaseCheckVDM(VdmBinaryType, 838                                       lpApplicationName, 839                                       lpCommandLine, 840                                       lpCurrentDirectory, 841                                       &AnsiStringVDMEnv, 842                                       &m, 843                                       &iTask, 844                                       dwCreationFlags, 845                                       &StartupInfo 846                                       )) 847                        { 848                         // 849                         // If we failed with access denied, caller may not 850                         // be allowed allowed to access the shared wow's 851                         // desktop, so retry as a separate wow 852                         // 853                         if (VdmBinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_WIN16 && 854                             GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) 855                           { 856                            dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM; 857                            } 858                         else { 859                            return FALSE; 860                            } 861                         goto RetrySepWow; 862                         } 863  864  865                     // Check the return value from the server 866                     switch (b->VDMState & VDM_STATE_MASK){ 867                         case VDM_NOT_PRESENT: 868                             // mark this so the server can undo 869                             // creation if something goes wrong. 870                             // We marked it "partitially created" because 871                             // the NTVDM has yet not been fully created. 872                             // a call to UpdateVdmEntry to update 873                             // process handle will signal the NTVDM 874                             // process completed creation 875  876                             VDMCreationState = VDM_PARTIALLY_CREATED; 877  878                             if (!BaseGetVdmConfigInfo( 879                                     lpCommandLine, 880                                     iTask, 881                                     VdmBinaryType, 882                                     &VdmNameString, 883                                     &VdmReserve 884                                     )) 885                                { 886                                 BaseSetLastNTError(Status); 887                                 return FALSE; 888                                 } 889  890                             lpCommandLine = VdmNameString.Buffer; 891                             lpApplicationName = NULL; 892  893  894                             // 895                             // Wow must have a hidden console 896                             // Throw away DETACHED_PROCESS flag which isn't 897                             // meaningful for Win16 apps. 898                             // 899  900                             dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_NO_WINDOW; 901                             dwCreationFlags &= ~(CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | DETACHED_PROCESS); 902  903  904                             // 905                             // We're starting a WOW VDM, turn on feedback unless 906                             // the creator passed STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK. 907                             // 908  909                             StartupInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK; 910  911                             break; 912  913                         case VDM_PRESENT_NOT_READY: 914                             SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_READY); 915                             return FALSE; 916  917                         case VDM_PRESENT_AND_READY: 918                             VDMCreationState = VDM_BEING_REUSED; 919                             VdmWaitHandle = b->WaitObjectForParent; 920                             break; 921                         } 922  923                     RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer); 924                     FreeBuffer = NULL; 925                     RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, NameBuffer); 926                     NameBuffer = NULL; 927                     VdmReserve--;               // we reserve from addr 1 928                     if(VdmWaitHandle) 929                         goto VdmExists; 930                     else { 931                         bInheritHandles = FALSE; 932                         // replace the environment with ours 933                         if (lpEnvironment && 934                             !(dwCreationFlags & CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT)) { 935                             RtlDestroyEnvironment(lpEnvironment); 936                             } 937                         lpEnvironment = UnicodeStringVDMEnv.Buffer; 938                         goto VdmRetry; 939                         } 940  941  942                 default : 943                     SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT); 944                     return FALSE; 945             } 946         } 947  948         // 949         // Make sure only WOW apps can have the CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM flag. 950         // 951  952         if (!IsWowBinary && (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM)) { 953             dwCreationFlags &= ~CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM; 954         } 955  956         // 957         // Query the section to determine the stack parameters and 958         // image entrypoint. 959         // 960  961         Status = NtQuerySection( 962                     SectionHandle, 963                     SectionImageInformation, 964                     &ImageInformation, 965                     sizeof( ImageInformation ), 966                     NULL 967                     ); 968  969         if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { 970             BaseSetLastNTError(Status); 971             RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer); 972             FreeBuffer = NULL; 973             return FALSE; 974             } 975  976         if (ImageInformation.ImageCharacteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) { 977             SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT); 978             RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer); 979             FreeBuffer = NULL; 980             return FALSE; 981             } 982  983         ImageFileDebuggerCommand[ 0 ] = UNICODE_NULL; 984         if (!(dwCreationFlags & (DEBUG_PROCESS | DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS)) || 985             NtCurrentPeb()->ReadImageFileExecOptions 986            ) { 987             LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptions( &PathName, 988                                                L"Debugger", 989                                                REG_SZ, 990                                                ImageFileDebuggerCommand, 991                                                sizeof( ImageFileDebuggerCommand ), 992                                                NULL 993                                              ); 994             } 995  996  997  998         if ((ImageInformation.Machine < USER_SHARED_DATA->ImageNumberLow) || 999             (ImageInformation.Machine > USER_SHARED_DATA->ImageNumberHigh)) {1000 #if defined(WX86) || defined(_AXP64_)1001             if (ImageInformation.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386)1002                {1003                 Wx86Info = (HANDLE)UIntToPtr(sizeof(WX86TIB));1004                 }1005             else1006 #endif // WX861007 #if defined(_AXP64_)1008             if (ImageInformation.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA) {1009                // Fall through since this is a valid machine type.1010                 }1011              else1012 #elif defined(_IA64_)1013             if (ImageInformation.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) {1014                // Fall through since this is a valid machine type.1015                 }1016              else1017 #endif // _AXP64_1018 #if defined(BUILD_WOW6432)1019             // 32-bit kernel32.dll on NT64 can run 64-bit binaries1020 #if defined(_ALPHA_)1021             if (ImageInformation.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA) {1022                // Fall through since this is a valid machine type.1023                 }1024              else1025 #elif defined(_X86_)1026             if (ImageInformation.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) {1027                // Fall through since this is a valid machine type.1028                 }1029              else1030 #endif  // ALPHA or IA641031 #endif  // BUILD_WOW64321032                 {1033                 ULONG_PTR ErrorParameters[2];1034                 ULONG ErrorResponse;1035 1036                 ErrorResponse = ResponseOk;1037                 ErrorParameters[0] = (ULONG_PTR)&PathName;1038 1039                 NtRaiseHardError( STATUS_IMAGE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH_EXE,1040                                   1,1041                                   1,1042                                   ErrorParameters,1043                                   OptionOk,1044                                   &ErrorResponse1045                                 );1046                 if ( NtCurrentPeb()->ImageSubsystemMajorVersion <= 3 ) {1047                     SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT);1048                     }1049                 else {1050                     SetLastError(ERROR_EXE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH);1051                     }1052                 RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer);1053                 FreeBuffer = NULL;1054                 return FALSE;1055                 }1056             }1057 1058         RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer);1059         FreeBuffer = NULL;1060         if ( ImageInformation.SubSystemType != IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI &&1061              ImageInformation.SubSystemType != IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI ) {1062 1063             // POSIX exe1064 1065             NtClose(SectionHandle);1066             SectionHandle = NULL;1067 1068             if ( ImageInformation.SubSystemType == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI ) {1069 1070                 if ( !BuildSubSysCommandLine( L"POSIX /P ",1071                                               lpApplicationName,1072                                               lpCommandLine,1073                                               &SubSysCommandLine1074                                             ) ) {1075                     return FALSE;1076                 }1077 1078                 lpCommandLine = SubSysCommandLine.Buffer;1079 1080                 lpApplicationName = NULL;1081                 RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, NameBuffer);1082                 NameBuffer = NULL;1083                 goto VdmRetry;1084                 }1085             else {1086                 SetLastError(ERROR_CHILD_NOT_COMPLETE);1087                 return FALSE;1088                 }1089             }1090         else {1091             if (!BasepIsImageVersionOk( ImageInformation.SubSystemMajorVersion,1092                                         ImageInformation.SubSystemMinorVersion) ) {1093                 SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT);1094                 return FALSE;1095                 }1096             }1097 1098         if (ImageFileDebuggerCommand[ 0 ] != UNICODE_NULL) {1099             USHORT n;1100 1101             n = (USHORT)wcslen( lpCommandLine );1102             if (n == 0) {1103                 lpCommandLine = (LPWSTR)lpApplicationName;1104                 n = (USHORT)wcslen( lpCommandLine );1105                 }1106 1107             n += wcslen( ImageFileDebuggerCommand ) + 1 + 2;1108             n *= sizeof( WCHAR );1109 1110             SubSysCommandLine.Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( TMP_TAG ), n );1111             SubSysCommandLine.Length = 0;1112             SubSysCommandLine.MaximumLength = n;1113             RtlAppendUnicodeToString( &SubSysCommandLine, ImageFileDebuggerCommand );1114             RtlAppendUnicodeToString( &SubSysCommandLine, L" " );1115             RtlAppendUnicodeToString( &SubSysCommandLine, (PWSTR)lpCommandLine );1116 #if DBG1117             DbgPrint( "BASE: Calling debugger with '%wZ'\n", &SubSysCommandLine );1118 #endif1119             lpCommandLine = SubSysCommandLine.Buffer;1120             lpApplicationName = NULL;1121 1122             NtClose(SectionHandle);1123             SectionHandle = NULL;1124             RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, NameBuffer);1125             NameBuffer = NULL;1126             goto VdmRetry;1127             }1128 1129         //1130         // Create the process object1131         //1132 1133         pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpProcessAttributes,NULL);1134 1135         if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB ) {1136             SectionHandle = (HANDLE)( (UINT_PTR)SectionHandle | 1);1137             }1138 1139         Status = NtCreateProcess(1140                     &ProcessHandle,1141                     PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,1142                     pObja,1143                     NtCurrentProcess(),1144                     (BOOLEAN)bInheritHandles,1145                     SectionHandle,1146                     NULL,1147                     NULL1148                     );1149         if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {1150             BaseSetLastNTError(Status);1151             return FALSE;1152             }1153 1154         //1155         // NtCreateProcess will set to normal OR inherit if parent is IDLE or Below1156         // only override if a mask is given during the create.1157         //1158 1159         if ( PriClass.PriorityClass != PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_UNKNOWN ) {1160             State = NULL;1161             if ( PriClass.PriorityClass ==  PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_REALTIME ) {1162                 State = BasepIsRealtimeAllowed(TRUE);1163                 }1164             Status = NtSetInformationProcess(1165                         ProcessHandle,1166                         ProcessPriorityClass,1167                         (PVOID)&PriClass,1168                         sizeof(PriClass)1169                         );1170             if ( State ) {1171                 BasepReleasePrivilege( State );1172                 }1173 1174             if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {1175                 BaseSetLastNTError(Status);1176                 return FALSE;1177                 }1178             }1179 1180         NtClose(SectionHandle);1181         SectionHandle = NULL;1182 1183         if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE) {1184             UINT NewMode;1185             NewMode = SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS;1186             NtSetInformationProcess(1187                 ProcessHandle,1188                 ProcessDefaultHardErrorMode,1189                 (PVOID) &NewMode,1190                 sizeof(NewMode)1191                 );1192             }1193 1194         //1195         // If the process is being created for a VDM call the server with1196         // process handle.1197         //1198 1199         if (VdmBinaryType) {1200             VdmWaitHandle = ProcessHandle;1201             if (!BaseUpdateVDMEntry(UPDATE_VDM_PROCESS_HANDLE,1202                                     &VdmWaitHandle,1203                                     iTask,1204                                     VdmBinaryType1205                                     ))1206                {1207                 //make sure we don't close the handle twice --1208                 //(VdmWaitHandle == ProcessHandle) if we don't do this.1209                 VdmWaitHandle = NULL;1210                 return FALSE;1211                 }1212 1213             //1214             // For Sep wow the VdmWaitHandle = NULL (there is none!)1215             //1216 1217             VDMCreationState |= VDM_FULLY_CREATED;1218             }1219 1220         //1221         // if we're a detached priority, we don't have the focus, so1222         // don't create with boosted priority.1223         //1224 1225         if (dwCreationFlags & DETACHED_PROCESS) {1226             KPRIORITY SetBasePriority;1227 1228             SetBasePriority = (KPRIORITY)NORMAL_BASE_PRIORITY;1229             Status =  NtSetInformationProcess(ProcessHandle,1230                                               ProcessBasePriority,1231                                               (PVOID) &SetBasePriority,1232                                               sizeof(SetBasePriority)1233                                               );1234             ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));1235         }1236 1237 #if defined(i386) || defined(_IA64_)1238         //1239         // Reserve memory in the new process' address space if necessary1240         // (for vdms). This is required only for x86 system.1241         //1242 1243     if ( VdmReserve ) {1244             BigVdmReserve = VdmReserve;1245             Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory(1246                         ProcessHandle,1247                         &BaseAddress,1248                         0L,1249                         &BigVdmReserve,1250                         MEM_RESERVE,1251                         PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE1252                         );1253             if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ){1254                 BaseSetLastNTError(Status);1255                 return FALSE;1256             }1257     }1258 #endif1259 1260         //1261         // Determine the location of the1262         // processes PEB.1263         //1264 1265         Status = NtQueryInformationProcess(1266                     ProcessHandle,1267                     ProcessBasicInformation,1268                     &ProcessInfo,1269                     sizeof( ProcessInfo ),1270                     NULL1271                     );1272         if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {1273             BaseSetLastNTError(Status);1274             return FALSE;1275             }1276 1277         Peb = ProcessInfo.PebBaseAddress;1278 1279         //1280         // Push the parameters into the address space of the new process1281         //1282 1283         if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpCurrentDirectory) ) {1284             CurdirBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(),1285                                             MAKE_TAG( TMP_TAG ),1286                                             (MAX_PATH + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );1287             if ( !CurdirBuffer ) {1288                 BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_NO_MEMORY);1289                 return FALSE;1290                 }1291             CurdirLength2 = GetFullPathNameW(1292                                 lpCurrentDirectory,1293                                 MAX_PATH,1294                                 CurdirBuffer,1295                                 &CurdirFilePart1296                                 );1297             if ( CurdirLength2 > MAX_PATH ) {1298                 SetLastError(ERROR_DIRECTORY);1299                 return FALSE;1300                 }1301 1302             //1303             // now make sure the directory exists1304             //1305 1306             CurdirLength = GetFileAttributesW(CurdirBuffer);1307             if ( (CurdirLength == 0xffffffff) ||1308                  !(CurdirLength & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) {1309                 SetLastError(ERROR_DIRECTORY);1310                 return FALSE;1311                 }1312             }1313 1314 1315         if ( QuoteInsert || QuoteCmdLine) {1316             QuotedBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(),0,wcslen(lpCommandLine)*2+6);1317 1318             if ( QuotedBuffer ) {1319                 wcscpy(QuotedBuffer,L"\"");1320 1321                 if ( QuoteInsert ) {1322                     TempChar = *TempNull;1323                     *TempNull = UNICODE_NULL;1324                     }1325 1326                 wcscat(QuotedBuffer,lpCommandLine);1327                 wcscat(QuotedBuffer,L"\"");1328 1329                 if ( QuoteInsert ) {1330                     *TempNull = TempChar;1331                     wcscat(QuotedBuffer,TempNull);1332                     }1333 1334                 }1335             else {1336                 if ( QuoteInsert ) {1337                     QuoteInsert = FALSE;1338                     }1339                 if ( QuoteCmdLine ) {1340                     QuoteCmdLine = FALSE;1341                     }1342                 }1343             }1344 1345 1346         if (!BasePushProcessParameters(1347                 ProcessHandle,1348                 Peb,1349                 lpApplicationName,1350                 CurdirBuffer,1351                 QuoteInsert || QuoteCmdLine ? QuotedBuffer : lpCommandLine,1352                 lpEnvironment,1353                 &StartupInfo,1354                 dwCreationFlags | dwNoWindow,1355                 bInheritHandles,1356                 IsWowBinary ? IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI : 01357                 ) ) {1358             return FALSE;1359             }1360 1361 1362         RtlFreeUnicodeString(&VdmNameString);1363         VdmNameString.Buffer = NULL;1364 1365         //1366         // Stuff in the standard handles if needed1367         //1368         if (!VdmBinaryType &&1369             !bInheritHandles &&1370             !(StartupInfo.dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES) &&1371             !(dwCreationFlags & (DETACHED_PROCESS | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | CREATE_NO_WINDOW)) &&1372             ImageInformation.SubSystemType == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI1373            ) {1374             PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS ParametersInNewProcess;1375 1376             Status = NtReadVirtualMemory( ProcessHandle,1377                                           &Peb->ProcessParameters,1378                                           &ParametersInNewProcess,1379                                           sizeof( ParametersInNewProcess ),1380                                           NULL1381                                         );1382             if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {1383                 if (!CONSOLE_HANDLE( NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->StandardInput )) {1384                     StuffStdHandle( ProcessHandle,1385                                     NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->StandardInput,1386                                     &ParametersInNewProcess->StandardInput1387                                   );1388                     }1389                 if (!CONSOLE_HANDLE( NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->StandardOutput )) {1390                     StuffStdHandle( ProcessHandle,1391                                     NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->StandardOutput,1392                                     &ParametersInNewProcess->StandardOutput1393                                   );1394                     }1395                 if (!CONSOLE_HANDLE( NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->StandardError )) {1396                     StuffStdHandle( ProcessHandle,1397                                     NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->StandardError,1398                                     &ParametersInNewProcess->StandardError1399                                   );1400                     }1401                 }1402             }1403 1404         //1405         // Create the thread...1406         //1407 1408         //1409         // Allocate a stack for this thread in the address space of the target1410         // process.1411         //1412 1413         StackStatus = BaseCreateStack(1414                         ProcessHandle,1415                         ImageInformation.CommittedStackSize,1416                         (ImageInformation.MaximumStackSize < 256*1024) ? 256*1024 : ImageInformation.MaximumStackSize,1417                         &InitialTeb1418                         );1419 1420         if ( !NT_SUCCESS(StackStatus) ) {1421             BaseSetLastNTError(StackStatus);1422             return FALSE;1423             }1424 1425 1426         //1427         // Create an initial context for the new thread.1428         //1429 1430         BaseInitializeContext(1431             &ThreadContext,1432             Peb,1433             ImageInformation.TransferAddress,1434             InitialTeb.StackBase,1435             BaseContextTypeProcess1436             );1437 1438 1439         //1440         // Create the actual thread object1441         //1442 1443         pObja = BaseFormatObjectAttributes(&Obja,lpThreadAttributes,NULL);1444 1445         Status = NtCreateThread(1446                     &ThreadHandle,1447                     THREAD_ALL_ACCESS,1448                     pObja,1449                     ProcessHandle,1450                     &ClientId,1451                     &ThreadContext,1452                     &InitialTeb,1453                     TRUE1454                     );1455 1456         if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {1457             BaseSetLastNTError(Status);1458             return FALSE;1459             }1460 1461         //1462         // From here on out, do not modify the address space of the1463         // new process.  WOW64's implementation of NtCreateThread()1464         // reshuffles the new process' address space if the current1465         // process is 32-bit and the new process is 64-bit.1466         //1467 #if DBG1468         Peb = NULL;1469 #endif1470 1471 #if defined(WX86) || defined(_AXP64_)1472 1473         //1474         // if this is a Wx86 Process, setup for a Wx86 emulated Thread1475         //1476 1477         if (Wx86Info) {1478 1479             //1480             // create a WX86Tib and initialize it's Teb->Vdm.1481             //1482             Status = BaseCreateWx86Tib(ProcessHandle,1483                                        ThreadHandle,1484                                        (ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)ImageInformation.TransferAddress),1485                                        (ULONG)ImageInformation.CommittedStackSize,1486                                        (ULONG)ImageInformation.MaximumStackSize,1487                                        TRUE1488                                        );1489 1490             if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {1491                 BaseSetLastNTError(Status);1492                 return( FALSE );1493                 }1494 1495 1496             //1497             // Mark Process as WX861498             //1499             Status = NtSetInformationProcess (ProcessHandle,1500                                               ProcessWx86Information,1501                                               &Wx86Info,1502                                               sizeof(Wx86Info)1503                                               );1504 1505             if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {1506                 BaseSetLastNTError(Status);1507                 return( FALSE );1508                 }1509             }1510 #endif1511 1512 1513         //1514         // Call the Windows server to let it know about the1515         // process.1516         //1517 1518         a->ProcessHandle = ProcessHandle;1519         a->ThreadHandle = ThreadHandle;1520         a->ClientId = ClientId;1521         a->CreationFlags = dwCreationFlags;1522 1523         if ( dwCreationFlags & (DEBUG_PROCESS | DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS) ) {1524             Status = DbgUiConnectToDbg();1525             if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {1526                 NtTerminateProcess(ProcessHandle, Status);1527                 BaseSetLastNTError(Status);1528                 return FALSE;1529                 }1530             a->DebuggerClientId = NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId;1531             }1532         else {1533             a->DebuggerClientId.UniqueProcess = NULL;1534             a->DebuggerClientId.UniqueThread = NULL;1535             }1536 1537         //1538         // Set the 2 bit if a gui app is starting. The window manager needs to1539         // know this so it can synchronize the startup of this app1540         // (WaitForInputIdle api). This info is passed using the process1541         // handle tag bits.  The 1 bit asks the window manager to turn on1542         // or turn off the application start cursor (hourglass/pointer).1543         //1544         // When starting a WOW process, lie and tell UserSrv NTVDM.EXE is a GUI1545         // process.  We also turn on bit 0x8 so that UserSrv can ignore the1546         // UserNotifyConsoleApplication call made by the console during startup.1547         //1548 1549         if ( ImageInformation.SubSystemType == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI ||1550              IsWowBinary ) {1551 1552             a->ProcessHandle = (HANDLE)((ULONG_PTR)a->ProcessHandle | 2);1553 1554             //1555             // If the creating process is a GUI app, turn on the app. start cursor1556             // by default.  This can be overridden by STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK.1557             //1558 1559             NtHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader((PVOID)GetModuleHandle(NULL));1560             if ( NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.Subsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI )1561                 a->ProcessHandle = (HANDLE)((ULONG_PTR)a->ProcessHandle | 1);1562 1563             }1564 1565 1566         //1567         // If feedback is forced on, turn it on. If forced off, turn it off.1568         // Off overrides on.1569         //1570 1571         if (StartupInfo.dwFlags & STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK)1572             a->ProcessHandle = (HANDLE)((ULONG_PTR)a->ProcessHandle | 1);1573         if (StartupInfo.dwFlags & STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK)1574             a->ProcessHandle = (HANDLE)((ULONG_PTR)a->ProcessHandle & ~1);1575 1576         a->VdmBinaryType = VdmBinaryType; // just tell server the truth1577 1578         if (VdmBinaryType){1579            a->hVDM    = iTask ? 0 : NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ConsoleHandle;1580            a->VdmTask = iTask;1581         }1582 1583 #if defined(BUILD_WOW6432)1584         m.ReturnValue = CsrBasepCreateProcess(a);1585 #else1586         CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m,1587                              NULL,1588                              CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX,1589                                                   BasepCreateProcess1590                                                 ),1591                              sizeof( *a )1592                            );1593 #endif1594 1595         if (!NT_SUCCESS((NTSTATUS)m.ReturnValue)) {1596             BaseSetLastNTError((NTSTATUS)m.ReturnValue);1597             NtTerminateProcess(ProcessHandle, (NTSTATUS)m.ReturnValue);1598             return FALSE;1599             }1600 1601 1602         if (!( dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SUSPENDED) ) {1603             NtResumeThread(ThreadHandle,&i);1604             }1605 1606 VdmExists:1607         bStatus = TRUE;1608         if (VDMCreationState)1609             VDMCreationState |= VDM_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL;1610 1611         try {1612             if (VdmWaitHandle) {1613 1614                 //1615                 // tag Shared WOW VDM handles so that wait for input idle has a1616                 // chance to work.  Shared WOW VDM "process" handles are actually1617                 // event handles,  Separate WOW VDM handles are real process1618                 // handles. Also mark DOS handles with 0x1 so WaitForInputIdle1619                 // has a way to distinguish DOS apps and not block forever.1620                 //1621 1622                 if (VdmBinaryType == BINARY_TYPE_WIN16)  {1623                     lpProcessInformation->hProcess =1624                             (HANDLE)((ULONG_PTR)VdmWaitHandle | 0x2);1625 1626                     //1627                     // Shared WOW doesn't always start a process, so1628                     // we don't have a process ID or thread ID to1629                     // return if the VDM already existed.1630                     //1631                     // Separate WOW doesn't hit this codepath1632                     // (no VdmWaitHandle).1633                     //1634 1635                     if (VDMCreationState & VDM_BEING_REUSED) {1636                         ClientId.UniqueProcess = 0;1637                         ClientId.UniqueThread = 0;1638                         }1639 1640                     }1641                 else  {1642                     lpProcessInformation->hProcess =1643                             (HANDLE)((ULONG_PTR)VdmWaitHandle | 0x1);1644                     }1645 1646 1647                 //1648                 // Close the ProcessHandle, since we are returning the1649                 // VdmProcessHandle instead.1650                 //1651 1652                 if (ProcessHandle != NULL)1653                     NtClose(ProcessHandle);1654                 }1655             else{1656                 lpProcessInformation->hProcess = ProcessHandle;1657                 }1658 1659             lpProcessInformation->hThread = ThreadHandle;1660             lpProcessInformation->dwProcessId = HandleToUlong(ClientId.UniqueProcess);1661             lpProcessInformation->dwThreadId = HandleToUlong(ClientId.UniqueThread);1662             ProcessHandle = NULL;1663             ThreadHandle = NULL;1664             }1665         except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {1666             NtClose( ProcessHandle );1667             NtClose( ThreadHandle );1668             ProcessHandle = NULL;1669             ThreadHandle = NULL;1670             if (VDMCreationState)1671                 VDMCreationState &= ~VDM_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL;1672             }1673         }1674     finally {1675         if (lpEnvironment && !(dwCreationFlags & CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT) ) {1676             RtlDestroyEnvironment(lpEnvironment);1677             lpEnvironment = NULL;1678             }1679         RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,QuotedBuffer);1680         RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,NameBuffer);1681         RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,CurdirBuffer);1682         RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0,FreeBuffer);1683         if ( FileHandle ) {1684             NtClose(FileHandle);1685             }1686         if ( SectionHandle ) {1687             NtClose(SectionHandle);1688             }1689         if ( ThreadHandle ) {1690             NtTerminateProcess(ProcessHandle,STATUS_SUCCESS);1691             NtClose(ThreadHandle);1692             }1693         if ( ProcessHandle ) {1694             NtClose(ProcessHandle);1695             }1696         RtlFreeUnicodeString(&VdmNameString);1697         RtlFreeUnicodeString(&SubSysCommandLine);1698         if (AnsiStringVDMEnv.Buffer || UnicodeStringVDMEnv.Buffer)1699             BaseDestroyVDMEnvironment(&AnsiStringVDMEnv, &UnicodeStringVDMEnv);1700 1701         if (VDMCreationState && !(VDMCreationState & VDM_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL)){1702             BaseUpdateVDMEntry (1703                 UPDATE_VDM_UNDO_CREATION,1704                 (HANDLE *)&iTask,1705                 VDMCreationState,1706                 VdmBinaryType1707                 );1708             if(VdmWaitHandle) {1709                 NtClose(VdmWaitHandle);1710                 }1711             }1712         }1713 1714     if (lpEnvironment && !(dwCreationFlags & CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT) ) {1715         RtlDestroyEnvironment(lpEnvironment);1716         }1717     return bStatus;1718 }


        //        // Open the file for execute access        //        Status = NtOpenFile(                    &FileHandle,                    SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_EXECUTE,                    &Obja,                    &IoStatusBlock,                    FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE,                    FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT | FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE                    );


        //        // Create a section object backed by the file        //        Status = NtCreateSection(                    &SectionHandle,                    SECTION_ALL_ACCESS,                    NULL,                    NULL,                    PAGE_EXECUTE,                    SEC_IMAGE,                    FileHandle                    );



        Status = NtCreateProcess(                    &ProcessHandle,                    PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,                    pObja,                    NtCurrentProcess(),                    (BOOLEAN)bInheritHandles,                    SectionHandle,                    NULL,                    NULL                    );

  在源码中继续延伸,发现调用过程是NtCreateProcess——>NtCreateProcessEx——>PspCreateProcess(Windows2000源码中是没有NtCreateProcessEx函数这个中间过程的,我是在另外一套源码中找到的NtCreateProcessEx函数,但无奈另一套较新的源码中又没有CreateProcessW的定义,故而开始参考的是Windows2000 源码)



NTSTATUSNtCreateProcess(    __out PHANDLE ProcessHandle,    __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,    __in_opt POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,    __in HANDLE ParentProcess,    __in BOOLEAN InheritObjectTable,    __in_opt HANDLE SectionHandle,    __in_opt HANDLE DebugPort,    __in_opt HANDLE ExceptionPort    ){    ULONG Flags = 0;    if ((ULONG_PTR)SectionHandle & 1) {        Flags |= PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_BREAKAWAY;    }    if ((ULONG_PTR) DebugPort & 1) {        Flags |= PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_NO_DEBUG_INHERIT;    }    if (InheritObjectTable) {        Flags |= PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_INHERIT_HANDLES;    }    return NtCreateProcessEx (ProcessHandle,                              DesiredAccess,                              ObjectAttributes OPTIONAL,                              ParentProcess,                              Flags,                              SectionHandle,                              DebugPort,                              ExceptionPort,                              0);}NTSTATUSNtCreateProcessEx(    __out PHANDLE ProcessHandle,    __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,    __in_opt POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,    __in HANDLE ParentProcess,    __in ULONG Flags,    __in_opt HANDLE SectionHandle,    __in_opt HANDLE DebugPort,    __in_opt HANDLE ExceptionPort,    __in ULONG JobMemberLevel    ){    NTSTATUS Status;    PAGED_CODE();    if (KeGetPreviousMode() != KernelMode) {        //        // Probe all arguments        //        try {            ProbeForWriteHandle (ProcessHandle);        } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {            return GetExceptionCode ();        }    }    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (ParentProcess)) {        Status = PspCreateProcess (ProcessHandle,                                   DesiredAccess,                                   ObjectAttributes,                                   ParentProcess,                                   Flags,                                   SectionHandle,                                   DebugPort,                                   ExceptionPort,                                   JobMemberLevel);    } else {        Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;    }    return Status;}





NTSTATUSPspCreateProcess(    OUT PHANDLE ProcessHandle,    IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,    IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes OPTIONAL,    IN HANDLE ParentProcess OPTIONAL,    IN ULONG Flags,    IN HANDLE SectionHandle OPTIONAL,    IN HANDLE DebugPort OPTIONAL,    IN HANDLE ExceptionPort OPTIONAL,    IN ULONG JobMemberLevel    )/*++Routine Description:    This routine creates and initializes a process object.  It implements the    foundation for NtCreateProcess and for system initialization process    creation.--*/{    NTSTATUS Status;    PEPROCESS Process;    PEPROCESS CurrentProcess;    PEPROCESS Parent;    PETHREAD CurrentThread;    KAFFINITY Affinity;    KPRIORITY BasePriority;    PVOID SectionObject;    PVOID ExceptionPortObject;    PVOID DebugPortObject;    ULONG WorkingSetMinimum, WorkingSetMaximum;    HANDLE LocalProcessHandle;    KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode;    INITIAL_PEB InitialPeb;    BOOLEAN CreatePeb;    ULONG_PTR DirectoryTableBase[2];    BOOLEAN AccessCheck;    BOOLEAN MemoryAllocated;    PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor;    SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext;    NTSTATUS accesst;    NTSTATUS SavedStatus;    ULONG ImageFileNameSize;    HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY CidEntry;    PEJOB Job;    PPEB Peb;    AUX_ACCESS_DATA AuxData;    PACCESS_STATE AccessState;    ACCESS_STATE LocalAccessState;    BOOLEAN UseLargePages;    SCHAR QuantumReset;#if defined(_WIN64)    INITIAL_PEB32 InitialPeb32;#endif    PAGED_CODE();    CurrentThread = PsGetCurrentThread ();    PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousModeByThread(&CurrentThread->Tcb);    CurrentProcess = PsGetCurrentProcessByThread (CurrentThread);    CreatePeb = FALSE;    UseLargePages = FALSE;    DirectoryTableBase[0] = 0;    DirectoryTableBase[1] = 0;    Peb = NULL;        //    // Reject bogus create parameters for future expansion    //    if (Flags&~PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_LEGAL_MASK) {        return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;    }    //    // Parent    //    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (ParentProcess)) {        Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle (ParentProcess,                                            PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS,                                            PsProcessType,                                            PreviousMode,                                            &Parent,                                            NULL);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            return Status;        }        if (JobMemberLevel != 0 && Parent->Job == NULL) {            ObDereferenceObject (Parent);            return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;        }        Affinity = Parent->Pcb.Affinity;        WorkingSetMinimum = PsMinimumWorkingSet;        WorkingSetMaximum = PsMaximumWorkingSet;    } else {        Parent = NULL;        Affinity = KeActiveProcessors;        WorkingSetMinimum = PsMinimumWorkingSet;        WorkingSetMaximum = PsMaximumWorkingSet;    }    //    // Create the process object    //    Status = ObCreateObject (PreviousMode,                             PsProcessType,                             ObjectAttributes,                             PreviousMode,                             NULL,                             sizeof (EPROCESS),                             0,                             0,                             &Process);    if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {        goto exit_and_deref_parent;    }    //    // The process object is created set to NULL. Errors    // That occur after this step cause the process delete    // routine to be entered.    //    // Teardown actions that occur in the process delete routine    // do not need to be performed inline.    //    RtlZeroMemory (Process, sizeof(EPROCESS));    ExInitializeRundownProtection (&Process->RundownProtect);    PspInitializeProcessLock (Process);    InitializeListHead (&Process->ThreadListHead);#if defined(_WIN64)    if (Flags & PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_OVERRIDE_ADDRESS_SPACE) {        PS_SET_BITS (&Process->Flags, PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE_ADDRESS_SPACE);    }#endif    PspInheritQuota (Process, Parent);    ObInheritDeviceMap (Process, Parent);    if (Parent != NULL) {        Process->DefaultHardErrorProcessing = Parent->DefaultHardErrorProcessing;        Process->InheritedFromUniqueProcessId = Parent->UniqueProcessId;    } else {        Process->DefaultHardErrorProcessing = PROCESS_HARDERROR_DEFAULT;        Process->InheritedFromUniqueProcessId = NULL;    }    //    // Section    //    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (SectionHandle)) {        Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle (SectionHandle,                                            SECTION_MAP_EXECUTE,                                            MmSectionObjectType,                                            PreviousMode,                                            &SectionObject,                                            NULL);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            goto exit_and_deref;        }    } else {        SectionObject = NULL;        if (Parent != PsInitialSystemProcess) {            //            // Fetch the section pointer from the parent process            // as we will be cloning. Since the section pointer            // is removed at last thread exit we need to protect against            // process exit here to be safe.            //            if (ExAcquireRundownProtection (&Parent->RundownProtect)) {                SectionObject = Parent->SectionObject;                if (SectionObject != NULL) {                    ObReferenceObject (SectionObject);                }                ExReleaseRundownProtection (&Parent->RundownProtect);            }            if (SectionObject == NULL) {                Status = STATUS_PROCESS_IS_TERMINATING;                goto exit_and_deref;            }        }    }    Process->SectionObject = SectionObject;    //    // DebugPort    //    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (DebugPort)) {        Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle (DebugPort,                                            DEBUG_PROCESS_ASSIGN,                                            DbgkDebugObjectType,                                            PreviousMode,                                            &DebugPortObject,                                            NULL);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            goto exit_and_deref;        }        Process->DebugPort = DebugPortObject;        if (Flags&PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_NO_DEBUG_INHERIT) {            PS_SET_BITS (&Process->Flags, PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_NO_DEBUG_INHERIT);        }    } else {        if (Parent != NULL) {            DbgkCopyProcessDebugPort (Process, Parent);        }    }    //    // ExceptionPort    //    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (ExceptionPort)) {        Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle (ExceptionPort,                                            0,                                            LpcPortObjectType,                                            PreviousMode,                                            &ExceptionPortObject,                                            NULL);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            goto exit_and_deref;        }        Process->ExceptionPort = ExceptionPortObject;    }    Process->ExitStatus = STATUS_PENDING;    //    // Clone parent's object table.    // If no parent (booting) then use the current object table created in    // ObInitSystem.    //    if (Parent != NULL) {        //        // Calculate address space        //        //      If Parent == PspInitialSystem        //        if (!MmCreateProcessAddressSpace (WorkingSetMinimum,                                          Process,                                          &DirectoryTableBase[0])) {            Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;            goto exit_and_deref;        }    } else {        Process->ObjectTable = CurrentProcess->ObjectTable;        //        // Initialize the Working Set Mutex and address creation mutex        // for this "hand built" process.        // Normally, the call to MmInitializeAddressSpace initializes the        // working set mutex, however, in this case, we have already initialized        // the address space and we are now creating a second process using        // the address space of the idle thread.        //        Status = MmInitializeHandBuiltProcess (Process, &DirectoryTableBase[0]);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            goto exit_and_deref;        }    }    PS_SET_BITS (&Process->Flags, PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_HAS_ADDRESS_SPACE);    Process->Vm.MaximumWorkingSetSize = WorkingSetMaximum;    KeInitializeProcess (&Process->Pcb,                         NORMAL_BASE_PRIORITY,                         Affinity,                         &DirectoryTableBase[0],                         (BOOLEAN)(Process->DefaultHardErrorProcessing & PROCESS_HARDERROR_ALIGNMENT_BIT));    //    //  Initialize the security fields of the process    //  The parent may be null exactly once (during system init).    //  Thereafter, a parent is always required so that we have a    //  security context to duplicate for the new process.    //    Status = PspInitializeProcessSecurity (Parent, Process);    if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {        goto exit_and_deref;    }    Process->PriorityClass = PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_NORMAL;    if (Parent != NULL) {        if (Parent->PriorityClass == PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_IDLE ||            Parent->PriorityClass == PROCESS_PRIORITY_CLASS_BELOW_NORMAL) {            Process->PriorityClass = Parent->PriorityClass;        }        //        // if address space creation worked, then when going through        // delete, we will attach. Of course, attaching means that the kprocess        // must be initialized, so we delay the object stuff till here.        //        Status = ObInitProcess ((Flags&PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_INHERIT_HANDLES) ? Parent : NULL,                                Process);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            goto exit_and_deref;        }    } else {        Status = MmInitializeHandBuiltProcess2 (Process);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            goto exit_and_deref;        }    }    Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;    SavedStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;    //    // Initialize the process address space    // The address space has four possibilities    //    //      1 - Boot Process. Address space is initialized during    //          MmInit. Parent is not specified.    //    //      2 - System Process. Address space is a virgin address    //          space that only maps system space. Process is same    //          as PspInitialSystemProcess.    //    //      3 - User Process (Cloned Address Space). Address space    //          is cloned from the specified process.    //    //      4 - User Process (New Image Address Space). Address space    //          is initialized so that it maps the specified section.    //    if (SectionHandle != NULL) {        //        // User Process (New Image Address Space). Don't specify Process to        // clone, just SectionObject.        //        // Passing in the 4th parameter as below lets the EPROCESS struct contain its image file name, provided that        // appropriate audit settings are enabled.  Memory is allocated inside of MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace        // and pointed to by ImageFileName, so that must be freed in the process deletion routine (PspDeleteProcess())        //        Status = MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace (Process,                                                  NULL,                                                  SectionObject,                                                  &Flags,                                                  &(Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName));        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            goto exit_and_deref;        }        //        // In order to support relocating executables, the proper status        // (STATUS_IMAGE_NOT_AT_BASE) must be returned, so save it here.        //        SavedStatus = Status;        CreatePeb = TRUE;        UseLargePages = ((Flags & PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_LARGE_PAGES) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);    } else if (Parent != NULL) {        if (Parent != PsInitialSystemProcess) {            Process->SectionBaseAddress = Parent->SectionBaseAddress;            //            // User Process ( Cloned Address Space ).  Don't specify section to            // map, just Process to clone.            //            Status = MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace (Process,                                                      Parent,                                                      NULL,                                                      &Flags,                                                      NULL);            if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {                goto exit_and_deref;            }            CreatePeb = TRUE;            UseLargePages = ((Flags & PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_LARGE_PAGES) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);                        //            // A cloned process isn't started from an image file, so we give it the name            // of the process of which it is a clone, provided the original has a name.            //            if (Parent->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName != NULL) {                ImageFileNameSize = sizeof(OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION) +                                    Parent->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName->Name.MaximumLength;                Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName =                    ExAllocatePoolWithTag (PagedPool,                                           ImageFileNameSize,                                           'aPeS');                if (Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName != NULL) {                    RtlCopyMemory (Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName,                                   Parent->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName,                                   ImageFileNameSize);                    //                    // The UNICODE_STRING in the process is self contained, so calculate the                    // offset for the buffer.                    //                    Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName->Name.Buffer =                        (PUSHORT)(((PUCHAR) Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName) +                        sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));                } else {                    Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;                    goto exit_and_deref;                }            }        } else {            //            // System Process.  Don't specify Process to clone or section to map            //            Flags &= ~PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_ALL_LARGE_PAGE_FLAGS;            Status = MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace (Process,                                                      NULL,                                                      NULL,                                                      &Flags,                                                      NULL);            if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {                goto exit_and_deref;            }            //            // In case the image file name of this system process is ever queried, we give            // a zero length UNICODE_STRING.            //            Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName =                ExAllocatePoolWithTag (PagedPool,                                       sizeof(OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION),                                       'aPeS');            if (Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName != NULL) {                RtlZeroMemory (Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName,                               sizeof(OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION));            } else {                Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;                goto exit_and_deref;            }        }    }    //    // Create the process ID    //    CidEntry.Object = Process;    CidEntry.GrantedAccess = 0;    Process->UniqueProcessId = ExCreateHandle (PspCidTable, &CidEntry);    if (Process->UniqueProcessId == NULL) {        Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;        goto exit_and_deref;    }    ExSetHandleTableOwner (Process->ObjectTable, Process->UniqueProcessId);    //    // Audit the process creation.    //    if (SeDetailedAuditingWithToken (NULL)) {        SeAuditProcessCreation (Process);    }    //    // See if the parent has a job. If so reference the job    // and add the process in.    //    if (Parent) {        Job = Parent->Job;        if (Job != NULL && !(Job->LimitFlags & JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_SILENT_BREAKAWAY_OK)) {            if (Flags&PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_BREAKAWAY) {                if (!(Job->LimitFlags & JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_BREAKAWAY_OK)) {                    Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;                } else {                    Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;                }            } else {                Status = PspGetJobFromSet (Job, JobMemberLevel, &Process->Job);                if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {                    PACCESS_TOKEN Token, NewToken;                    Job = Process->Job;                    Status = PspAddProcessToJob (Job, Process);                    //                    // Duplicate a new process token if one is specified for the job                    //                    Token = Job->Token;                    if (Token != NULL) {                        Status = SeSubProcessToken (Token,                                                    &NewToken,                                                    FALSE,                                                    Job->SessionId);                        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {                            goto exit_and_deref;                        }                        SeAssignPrimaryToken (Process, NewToken);                            ObDereferenceObject (NewToken);                                        }                }            }            if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {                goto exit_and_deref;            }        }    }    if (Parent && CreatePeb) {        //        // For processes created w/ a section,        // a new "virgin" PEB is created. Otherwise,        // for forked processes, uses inherited PEB        // with an updated mutant.        //        RtlZeroMemory (&InitialPeb, FIELD_OFFSET(INITIAL_PEB, Mutant));        InitialPeb.Mutant = (HANDLE)(-1);        InitialPeb.ImageUsesLargePages = (BOOLEAN) UseLargePages;                    if (SectionHandle != NULL) {            Status = MmCreatePeb (Process, &InitialPeb, &Process->Peb);            if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {                Process->Peb = NULL;                goto exit_and_deref;            }            Peb =  Process->Peb;        } else {            SIZE_T BytesCopied;            InitialPeb.InheritedAddressSpace = TRUE;            Process->Peb = Parent->Peb;            MmCopyVirtualMemory (CurrentProcess,                                 &InitialPeb,                                 Process,                                 Process->Peb,                                 sizeof (INITIAL_PEB),                                 KernelMode,                                 &BytesCopied);#if defined(_WIN64)            if (Process->Wow64Process != NULL) {                                RtlZeroMemory (&InitialPeb32, FIELD_OFFSET(INITIAL_PEB32, Mutant));                InitialPeb32.Mutant = -1;                InitialPeb32.InheritedAddressSpace = TRUE;                InitialPeb32.ImageUsesLargePages = (BOOLEAN) UseLargePages;                MmCopyVirtualMemory (CurrentProcess,                                     &InitialPeb32,                                     Process,                                     Process->Wow64Process->Wow64,                                     sizeof (INITIAL_PEB32),                                     KernelMode,                                     &BytesCopied);            }#endif        }    }    Peb = Process->Peb;    //    // Add the process to the global list of processes.    //    PspLockProcessList (CurrentThread);    InsertTailList (&PsActiveProcessHead, &Process->ActiveProcessLinks);    PspUnlockProcessList (CurrentThread);    AccessState = NULL;    if (!PsUseImpersonationToken) {        AccessState = &LocalAccessState;        Status = SeCreateAccessStateEx (NULL,                                        (Parent == NULL || Parent != PsInitialSystemProcess)?                                           PsGetCurrentProcessByThread (CurrentThread) :                                           PsInitialSystemProcess,                                        AccessState,                                        &AuxData,                                        DesiredAccess,                                        &PsProcessType->TypeInfo.GenericMapping);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            goto exit_and_deref;        }    }    //    // Insert the object. Once we do this is reachable from the outside world via    // open by name. Open by ID is still disabled. Since its reachable    // somebody might create a thread in the process and cause    // rundown.    //    Status = ObInsertObject (Process,                             AccessState,                             DesiredAccess,                             1,     // bias the refcnt by one for future process manipulations                             NULL,                             &LocalProcessHandle);    if (AccessState != NULL) {        SeDeleteAccessState (AccessState);    }    if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {        goto exit_and_deref_parent;    }    //    // Compute the base priority and quantum reset values for the process and    // set the memory priority.    //    ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&Process->ThreadListHead) == TRUE);    BasePriority = PspComputeQuantumAndPriority(Process,                                                PsProcessPriorityBackground,                                                &QuantumReset);    Process->Pcb.BasePriority = (SCHAR)BasePriority;    Process->Pcb.QuantumReset = QuantumReset;    //    // As soon as a handle to the process is accessible, allow the process to    // be deleted.    //    Process->GrantedAccess = PROCESS_TERMINATE;    if (Parent && Parent != PsInitialSystemProcess) {        Status = ObGetObjectSecurity (Process,                                      &SecurityDescriptor,                                      &MemoryAllocated);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            ObCloseHandle (LocalProcessHandle, PreviousMode);            goto exit_and_deref;        }        //        // Compute the subject security context        //        SubjectContext.ProcessAuditId = Process;        SubjectContext.PrimaryToken = PsReferencePrimaryToken(Process);        SubjectContext.ClientToken = NULL;        AccessCheck = SeAccessCheck (SecurityDescriptor,                                     &SubjectContext,                                     FALSE,                                     MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,                                     0,                                     NULL,                                     &PsProcessType->TypeInfo.GenericMapping,                                     PreviousMode,                                     &Process->GrantedAccess,                                     &accesst);        PsDereferencePrimaryTokenEx (Process, SubjectContext.PrimaryToken);        ObReleaseObjectSecurity (SecurityDescriptor,                                 MemoryAllocated);        if (!AccessCheck) {            Process->GrantedAccess = 0;        }        //        // It does not make any sense to create a process that can not        // do anything to itself.        // Note: Changes to this set of bits should be reflected in psquery.c        // code, in PspSetPrimaryToken.        //        Process->GrantedAccess |= (PROCESS_VM_OPERATION |                                   PROCESS_VM_READ |                                   PROCESS_VM_WRITE |                                   PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |                                   PROCESS_TERMINATE |                                   PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD |                                   PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE |                                   PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS |                                   PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION |                                   STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL |                                   PROCESS_SET_QUOTA);    } else {        Process->GrantedAccess = PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS;    }    KeQuerySystemTime (&Process->CreateTime);    try {        if (Peb != NULL && CurrentThread->Tcb.Teb != NULL) {            ((PTEB)(CurrentThread->Tcb.Teb))->NtTib.ArbitraryUserPointer = Peb;        }        *ProcessHandle = LocalProcessHandle;    } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {        NOTHING;    }    if (SavedStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) {        Status = SavedStatus;    }exit_and_deref:    ObDereferenceObject (Process);exit_and_deref_parent:    if (Parent != NULL) {        ObDereferenceObject (Parent);    }    return Status;}






  (1)调用ObCreateObject 创建一个类型为PsProcessType的内核对象,置于局部变量Process中,对象体为EPROCESS,即创建EPROCESS

    Status = ObCreateObject (PreviousMode,                             PsProcessType,                             ObjectAttributes,                             PreviousMode,                             NULL,                             sizeof (EPROCESS),                             0,                             0,                             &Process);



    if (Parent != NULL) {        //创建新的地址空间        if (!MmCreateProcessAddressSpace (WorkingSetMinimum,                                          Process,                                          &DirectoryTableBase[0])) {            Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;            goto exit_and_deref;        }


  (3)MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace 初始化新进程的地址空间

if (Parent != PsInitialSystemProcess) {
       //根据父进程来初始化进程地址空间,并把父进程的映像名称拷贝到新进程对象的数据结构中。 Process->SectionBaseAddress = Parent->SectionBaseAddress; // // User Process ( Cloned Address Space ). Don't specify section to // map, just Process to clone. // Status = MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace (Process, Parent, NULL, &Flags, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { goto exit_and_deref; } CreatePeb = TRUE; UseLargePages = ((Flags & PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_LARGE_PAGES) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); // // A cloned process isn't started from an image file, so we give it the name // of the process of which it is a clone, provided the original has a name. // if (Parent->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName != NULL) { ImageFileNameSize = sizeof(OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION) + Parent->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName->Name.MaximumLength; Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName = ExAllocatePoolWithTag (PagedPool, ImageFileNameSize, 'aPeS'); if (Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory (Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName, Parent->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName, ImageFileNameSize); // // The UNICODE_STRING in the process is self contained, so calculate the // offset for the buffer. // Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName->Name.Buffer = (PUSHORT)(((PUCHAR) Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName) + sizeof(UNICODE_STRING)); } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto exit_and_deref; } } } else { // // System Process. Don't specify Process to clone or section to map // Flags &= ~PROCESS_CREATE_FLAGS_ALL_LARGE_PAGE_FLAGS; Status = MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace (Process, NULL, NULL, &Flags, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { goto exit_and_deref; } // // In case the image file name of this system process is ever queried, we give // a zero length UNICODE_STRING. // Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName = ExAllocatePoolWithTag (PagedPool, sizeof(OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION), 'aPeS'); if (Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName != NULL) { RtlZeroMemory (Process->SeAuditProcessCreationInfo.ImageFileName, sizeof(OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION)); } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto exit_and_deref; } } }



    CidEntry.Object = Process;    CidEntry.GrantedAccess = 0;    Process->UniqueProcessId = ExCreateHandle (PspCidTable, &CidEntry);    if (Process->UniqueProcessId == NULL) {        Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;        goto exit_and_deref;    }    ExSetHandleTableOwner (Process->ObjectTable, Process->UniqueProcessId);

  (5)MmCreatePeb 创建一个PEB,如果进程通过映像内存区来创建,创建一个PEB,如果是进程拷贝,则使用继承的PEB。


 RtlZeroMemory (&InitialPeb, FIELD_OFFSET(INITIAL_PEB, Mutant));        InitialPeb.Mutant = (HANDLE)(-1);        InitialPeb.ImageUsesLargePages = (BOOLEAN) UseLargePages;                    if (SectionHandle != NULL) {            Status = MmCreatePeb (Process, &InitialPeb, &Process->Peb);            if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {                Process->Peb = NULL;                goto exit_and_deref;            }            Peb =  Process->Peb;        } else {            SIZE_T BytesCopied;            InitialPeb.InheritedAddressSpace = TRUE;            Process->Peb = Parent->Peb;            MmCopyVirtualMemory (CurrentProcess,                                 &InitialPeb,                                 Process,                                 Process->Peb,                                 sizeof (INITIAL_PEB),                                 KernelMode,                                 &BytesCopied);

  (6)InsertTailList 函数把新进程加入全局的LIST_ENTRY进程链表中(位置:PsActiveProcessHead)

    PspLockProcessList (CurrentThread);    InsertTailList (&PsActiveProcessHead, &Process->ActiveProcessLinks);    PspUnlockProcessList (CurrentThread);    AccessState = NULL;    if (!PsUseImpersonationToken) {        AccessState = &LocalAccessState;        Status = SeCreateAccessStateEx (NULL,                                        (Parent == NULL || Parent != PsInitialSystemProcess)?                                           PsGetCurrentProcessByThread (CurrentThread) :                                           PsInitialSystemProcess,                                        AccessState,                                        &AuxData,                                        DesiredAccess,                                        &PsProcessType->TypeInfo.GenericMapping);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            goto exit_and_deref;        }    }

  (7)ObInsertObject 将新进程对象记录到当前进程的句柄表中。

Status = ObInsertObject (Process,                             AccessState,                             DesiredAccess,                             1,     // bias the refcnt by one for future process manipulations                             NULL,                             &LocalProcessHandle);




NTSTATUSNtCreateThread(    __out PHANDLE ThreadHandle,    __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,    __in_opt POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,    __in HANDLE ProcessHandle,    __out PCLIENT_ID ClientId,    __in PCONTEXT ThreadContext,    __in PINITIAL_TEB InitialTeb,    __in BOOLEAN CreateSuspended    )/*++Routine Description:    This system service API creates and initializes a thread object.--*/{    NTSTATUS Status;    INITIAL_TEB CapturedInitialTeb;    PAGED_CODE();    //    // Probe all arguments    //    try {        if (KeGetPreviousMode () != KernelMode) {            ProbeForWriteHandle (ThreadHandle);            if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (ClientId)) {                ProbeForWriteSmallStructure (ClientId, sizeof (CLIENT_ID), sizeof (ULONG));            }            if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (ThreadContext) ) {                ProbeForReadSmallStructure (ThreadContext, sizeof (CONTEXT), CONTEXT_ALIGN);            } else {                return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;            }            ProbeForReadSmallStructure (InitialTeb, sizeof (InitialTeb->OldInitialTeb), sizeof (ULONG));        }        CapturedInitialTeb.OldInitialTeb = InitialTeb->OldInitialTeb;        if (CapturedInitialTeb.OldInitialTeb.OldStackBase == NULL &&            CapturedInitialTeb.OldInitialTeb.OldStackLimit == NULL) {            //            // Since the structure size here is less than 64k we don't need to reprobe            //            CapturedInitialTeb = *InitialTeb;        }    } except (ExSystemExceptionFilter ()) {        return GetExceptionCode ();    }    Status = PspCreateThread (ThreadHandle,                              DesiredAccess,                              ObjectAttributes,                              ProcessHandle,                              NULL,                              ClientId,                              ThreadContext,                              &CapturedInitialTeb,                              CreateSuspended,                              NULL,                              NULL);    return Status;}






NTSTATUSPspCreateThread(    OUT PHANDLE ThreadHandle,    IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,    IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes OPTIONAL,    IN HANDLE ProcessHandle,    IN PEPROCESS ProcessPointer,    OUT PCLIENT_ID ClientId OPTIONAL,    IN PCONTEXT ThreadContext OPTIONAL,    IN PINITIAL_TEB InitialTeb OPTIONAL,    IN BOOLEAN CreateSuspended,    IN PKSTART_ROUTINE StartRoutine OPTIONAL,    IN PVOID StartContext    )/*++Routine Description:    This routine creates and initializes a thread object. It implements the    foundation for NtCreateThread and for PsCreateSystemThread.--*/{    HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY CidEntry;    NTSTATUS Status;    PETHREAD Thread;    PETHREAD CurrentThread;    PEPROCESS Process;    PTEB Teb;    KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode;    HANDLE LocalThreadHandle;    BOOLEAN AccessCheck;    BOOLEAN MemoryAllocated;    PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor;    SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext;    NTSTATUS accesst;    LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime;    ULONG OldActiveThreads;    PEJOB Job;    AUX_ACCESS_DATA AuxData;    PACCESS_STATE AccessState;    ACCESS_STATE LocalAccessState;    PAGED_CODE();    CurrentThread = PsGetCurrentThread ();    if (StartRoutine != NULL) {        PreviousMode = KernelMode;    } else {        PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousModeByThread (&CurrentThread->Tcb);    }    Teb = NULL;    Thread = NULL;    Process = NULL;    if (ProcessHandle != NULL) {        //        // Process object reference count is biased by one for each thread.        // This accounts for the pointer given to the kernel that remains        // in effect until the thread terminates (and becomes signaled)        //        Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle (ProcessHandle,                                            PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD,                                            PsProcessType,                                            PreviousMode,                                            &Process,                                            NULL);    } else {        if (StartRoutine != NULL) {            ObReferenceObject (ProcessPointer);            Process = ProcessPointer;            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;        } else {            Status = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE;        }    }    if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {        return Status;    }    //    // If the previous mode is user and the target process is the system    // process, then the operation cannot be performed.    //    if ((PreviousMode != KernelMode) && (Process == PsInitialSystemProcess)) {        ObDereferenceObject (Process);        return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE;    }    Status = ObCreateObject (PreviousMode,                             PsThreadType,                             ObjectAttributes,                             PreviousMode,                             NULL,                             sizeof(ETHREAD),                             0,                             0,                             &Thread);    if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {        ObDereferenceObject (Process);        return Status;    }    RtlZeroMemory (Thread, sizeof (ETHREAD));    //    // Initialize rundown protection for cross thread TEB refs etc.    //    ExInitializeRundownProtection (&Thread->RundownProtect);    //    // Assign this thread to the process so that from now on    // we don't have to dereference in error paths.    //    Thread->ThreadsProcess = Process;    Thread->Cid.UniqueProcess = Process->UniqueProcessId;    CidEntry.Object = Thread;    CidEntry.GrantedAccess = 0;    Thread->Cid.UniqueThread = ExCreateHandle (PspCidTable, &CidEntry);    if (Thread->Cid.UniqueThread == NULL) {        ObDereferenceObject (Thread);        return (STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES);    }    //    // Initialize Mm    //    Thread->ReadClusterSize = MmReadClusterSize;    //    // Initialize LPC    //    KeInitializeSemaphore (&Thread->LpcReplySemaphore, 0L, 1L);    InitializeListHead (&Thread->LpcReplyChain);    //    // Initialize Io    //    InitializeListHead (&Thread->IrpList);    //    // Initialize Registry    //    InitializeListHead (&Thread->PostBlockList);    //    // Initialize the thread lock    //    PspInitializeThreadLock (Thread);    KeInitializeSpinLock (&Thread->ActiveTimerListLock);    InitializeListHead (&Thread->ActiveTimerListHead);    if (!ExAcquireRundownProtection (&Process->RundownProtect)) {        ObDereferenceObject (Thread);        return STATUS_PROCESS_IS_TERMINATING;    }    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (ThreadContext)) {        //        // User-mode thread. Create TEB etc        //        Status = MmCreateTeb (Process, InitialTeb, &Thread->Cid, &Teb);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            ExReleaseRundownProtection (&Process->RundownProtect);            ObDereferenceObject (Thread);            return Status;        }        try {            //            // Initialize kernel thread object for user mode thread.            //            Thread->StartAddress = (PVOID)CONTEXT_TO_PROGRAM_COUNTER(ThreadContext);#if defined(_AMD64_)            Thread->Win32StartAddress = (PVOID)ThreadContext->Rdx;#elif defined(_X86_)            Thread->Win32StartAddress = (PVOID)ThreadContext->Eax;#else#error "no target architecture"#endif        } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {            Status = GetExceptionCode();        }        if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            Status = KeInitThread (&Thread->Tcb,                                   NULL,                                   PspUserThreadStartup,                                   (PKSTART_ROUTINE)NULL,                                   Thread->StartAddress,                                   ThreadContext,                                   Teb,                                   &Process->Pcb);       }    } else {        Teb = NULL;        //        // Set the system thread bit thats kept for all time        //        PS_SET_BITS (&Thread->CrossThreadFlags, PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_SYSTEM);        //        // Initialize kernel thread object for kernel mode thread.        //        Thread->StartAddress = (PKSTART_ROUTINE) StartRoutine;        Status = KeInitThread (&Thread->Tcb,                               NULL,                               PspSystemThreadStartup,                               StartRoutine,                               StartContext,                               NULL,                               NULL,                               &Process->Pcb);    }    if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {        if (Teb != NULL) {            MmDeleteTeb(Process, Teb);        }        ExReleaseRundownProtection (&Process->RundownProtect);        ObDereferenceObject (Thread);        return Status;    }    PspLockProcessExclusive (Process, CurrentThread);    //    // Process is exiting or has had delete process called    // We check the calling threads termination status so we    // abort any thread creates while ExitProcess is being called --    // but the call is blocked only if the new thread would be created    // in the terminating thread's process.    //    if ((Process->Flags&PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_PROCESS_DELETE) != 0 ||        (((CurrentThread->CrossThreadFlags&PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_TERMINATED) != 0) &&        (ThreadContext != NULL) &&        (THREAD_TO_PROCESS(CurrentThread) == Process))) {        PspUnlockProcessExclusive (Process, CurrentThread);        KeUninitThread (&Thread->Tcb);        if (Teb != NULL) {            MmDeleteTeb(Process, Teb);        }        ExReleaseRundownProtection (&Process->RundownProtect);        ObDereferenceObject(Thread);        return STATUS_PROCESS_IS_TERMINATING;    }    OldActiveThreads = Process->ActiveThreads++;    InsertTailList (&Process->ThreadListHead, &Thread->ThreadListEntry);    KeStartThread (&Thread->Tcb);    PspUnlockProcessExclusive (Process, CurrentThread);    ExReleaseRundownProtection (&Process->RundownProtect);    //    // Failures that occur after this point cause the thread to    // go through PspExitThread    //    if (OldActiveThreads == 0) {        PERFINFO_PROCESS_CREATE (Process);        if (PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutineCount != 0) {            ULONG i;            PEX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK CallBack;            PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE Rtn;            for (i=0; i<PSP_MAX_CREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY; i++) {                CallBack = ExReferenceCallBackBlock (&PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutine[i]);                if (CallBack != NULL) {                    Rtn = (PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE) ExGetCallBackBlockRoutine (CallBack);                    Rtn (Process->InheritedFromUniqueProcessId,                         Process->UniqueProcessId,                         TRUE);                    ExDereferenceCallBackBlock (&PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutine[i],                                                CallBack);                }            }        }    }    //    // If the process has a job with a completion port,    // AND if the process is really considered to be in the Job, AND    // the process has not reported, report in    //    // This should really be done in add process to job, but can't    // in this path because the process's ID isn't assigned until this point    // in time    //    Job = Process->Job;    if (Job != NULL && Job->CompletionPort &&        !(Process->JobStatus & (PS_JOB_STATUS_NOT_REALLY_ACTIVE|PS_JOB_STATUS_NEW_PROCESS_REPORTED))) {        PS_SET_BITS (&Process->JobStatus, PS_JOB_STATUS_NEW_PROCESS_REPORTED);        KeEnterCriticalRegionThread (&CurrentThread->Tcb);        ExAcquireResourceSharedLite (&Job->JobLock, TRUE);        if (Job->CompletionPort != NULL) {            IoSetIoCompletion (Job->CompletionPort,                               Job->CompletionKey,                               (PVOID)Process->UniqueProcessId,                               STATUS_SUCCESS,                               JOB_OBJECT_MSG_NEW_PROCESS,                               FALSE);        }        ExReleaseResourceLite (&Job->JobLock);        KeLeaveCriticalRegionThread (&CurrentThread->Tcb);    }    PERFINFO_THREAD_CREATE(Thread, InitialTeb);    //    // Notify registered callout routines of thread creation.    //    if (PspCreateThreadNotifyRoutineCount != 0) {        ULONG i;        PEX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK CallBack;        PCREATE_THREAD_NOTIFY_ROUTINE Rtn;        for (i = 0; i < PSP_MAX_CREATE_THREAD_NOTIFY; i++) {            CallBack = ExReferenceCallBackBlock (&PspCreateThreadNotifyRoutine[i]);            if (CallBack != NULL) {                Rtn = (PCREATE_THREAD_NOTIFY_ROUTINE) ExGetCallBackBlockRoutine (CallBack);                Rtn (Thread->Cid.UniqueProcess,                     Thread->Cid.UniqueThread,                     TRUE);                ExDereferenceCallBackBlock (&PspCreateThreadNotifyRoutine[i],                                            CallBack);            }        }    }    //    // Reference count of thread is biased once for itself and once for the handle if we create it.    //    ObReferenceObjectEx (Thread, 2);    if (CreateSuspended) {        try {            KeSuspendThread (&Thread->Tcb);        } except ((GetExceptionCode () == STATUS_SUSPEND_COUNT_EXCEEDED)?                     EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER :                     EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) {        }        //        // If deletion was started after we suspended then wake up the thread        //        if (Thread->CrossThreadFlags&PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_TERMINATED) {            KeForceResumeThread (&Thread->Tcb);        }    }    AccessState = NULL;    if (!PsUseImpersonationToken) {        AccessState = &LocalAccessState;        Status = SeCreateAccessStateEx (NULL,                                        ARGUMENT_PRESENT (ThreadContext)?PsGetCurrentProcessByThread (CurrentThread) : Process,                                        AccessState,                                        &AuxData,                                        DesiredAccess,                                        &PsThreadType->TypeInfo.GenericMapping);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            PS_SET_BITS (&Thread->CrossThreadFlags,                         PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_DEADTHREAD);            if (CreateSuspended) {                (VOID) KeResumeThread (&Thread->Tcb);            }            KeReadyThread (&Thread->Tcb);            ObDereferenceObjectEx (Thread, 2);            return Status;        }    }    Status = ObInsertObject (Thread,                             AccessState,                             DesiredAccess,                             0,                             NULL,                             &LocalThreadHandle);    if (AccessState != NULL) {        SeDeleteAccessState (AccessState);    }    if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {        //        // The insert failed. Terminate the thread.        //        //        // This trick is used so that Dbgk doesn't report        // events for dead threads        //        PS_SET_BITS (&Thread->CrossThreadFlags,                     PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_DEADTHREAD);        if (CreateSuspended) {            KeResumeThread (&Thread->Tcb);        }    } else {        try {            *ThreadHandle = LocalThreadHandle;            if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT (ClientId)) {                *ClientId = Thread->Cid;            }        } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {            PS_SET_BITS (&Thread->CrossThreadFlags,                         PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_DEADTHREAD);            if (CreateSuspended) {                (VOID) KeResumeThread (&Thread->Tcb);            }            KeReadyThread (&Thread->Tcb);            ObDereferenceObject (Thread);            ObCloseHandle (LocalThreadHandle, PreviousMode);            return GetExceptionCode();        }    }    KeQuerySystemTime(&CreateTime);    ASSERT ((CreateTime.HighPart & 0xf0000000) == 0);    PS_SET_THREAD_CREATE_TIME(Thread, CreateTime);    if ((Thread->CrossThreadFlags&PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_DEADTHREAD) == 0) {        Status = ObGetObjectSecurity (Thread,                                      &SecurityDescriptor,                                      &MemoryAllocated);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            //            // This trick us used so that Dbgk doesn't report            // events for dead threads            //            PS_SET_BITS (&Thread->CrossThreadFlags,                         PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_DEADTHREAD);            if (CreateSuspended) {                KeResumeThread(&Thread->Tcb);            }            KeReadyThread (&Thread->Tcb);            ObDereferenceObject (Thread);            ObCloseHandle (LocalThreadHandle, PreviousMode);            return Status;        }        //        // Compute the subject security context        //        SubjectContext.ProcessAuditId = Process;        SubjectContext.PrimaryToken = PsReferencePrimaryToken(Process);        SubjectContext.ClientToken = NULL;        AccessCheck = SeAccessCheck (SecurityDescriptor,                                     &SubjectContext,                                     FALSE,                                     MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,                                     0,                                     NULL,                                     &PsThreadType->TypeInfo.GenericMapping,                                     PreviousMode,                                     &Thread->GrantedAccess,                                     &accesst);        PsDereferencePrimaryTokenEx (Process, SubjectContext.PrimaryToken);        ObReleaseObjectSecurity (SecurityDescriptor,                                 MemoryAllocated);        if (!AccessCheck) {            Thread->GrantedAccess = 0;        }        Thread->GrantedAccess |= (THREAD_TERMINATE | THREAD_SET_INFORMATION | THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION);    } else {        Thread->GrantedAccess = THREAD_ALL_ACCESS;    }    KeReadyThread (&Thread->Tcb);    ObDereferenceObject (Thread);    return Status;}




    Status = ObCreateObject (PreviousMode,                             PsThreadType,                             ObjectAttributes,                             PreviousMode,                             NULL,                             sizeof(ETHREAD),                             0,                             0,                             &Thread);    if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {        ObDereferenceObject (Process);        return Status;    }    RtlZeroMemory (Thread, sizeof (ETHREAD));


Thread->ThreadsProcess = Process;    Thread->Cid.UniqueProcess = Process->UniqueProcessId;    CidEntry.Object = Thread;    CidEntry.GrantedAccess = 0;    Thread->Cid.UniqueThread = ExCreateHandle (PspCidTable, &CidEntry);    if (Thread->Cid.UniqueThread == NULL) {        ObDereferenceObject (Thread);        return (STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES);    }


Status = MmCreateTeb (Process, InitialTeb, &Thread->Cid, &Teb);        if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {            ExReleaseRundownProtection (&Process->RundownProtect);            ObDereferenceObject (Thread);            return Status;        }


       Thread->StartAddress = (PKSTART_ROUTINE) StartRoutine;

  (5)InsertTailList 函数将线程插入线程LIST_ENTRY链表


OldActiveThreads = Process->ActiveThreads++;    InsertTailList (&Process->ThreadListHead, &Thread->ThreadListEntry);



if (OldActiveThreads == 0) {        PERFINFO_PROCESS_CREATE (Process);        if (PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutineCount != 0) {            ULONG i;            PEX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK CallBack;            PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE Rtn;            for (i=0; i<PSP_MAX_CREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY; i++) {                CallBack = ExReferenceCallBackBlock (&PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutine[i]);                if (CallBack != NULL) {                    Rtn = (PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE) ExGetCallBackBlockRoutine (CallBack);                    Rtn (Process->InheritedFromUniqueProcessId,                         Process->UniqueProcessId,                         TRUE);                    ExDereferenceCallBackBlock (&PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutine[i],                                                CallBack);                }            }        }    }



    Status = ObInsertObject (Thread,                             AccessState,                             DesiredAccess,                             0,                             NULL,                             &LocalThreadHandle);



    KeReadyThread (&Thread->Tcb);    ObDereferenceObject (Thread);









0x03  创建进程详细步骤2: 通知windows子系统有新进程创建,启动初始线程,用户空间的初始化和Dll连接




  在内核中,新线程的启动例程是KiThreadStartup函数,这是当PspCreateThread 调用KeInitThread 函数时,KeInitThread 函数调用KiInitializeContextThread(参见base\ntos\ke\i386\thredini.c 文件)来设置的。

KiThreadStartup 函数首先将IRQL 降低到APC_LEVEL,然后调用系统初始的线程函数PspUserThreadStartup。这里的PspUserThreadStartup 函数是PspCreateThread 函数在调用KeInitThread 时指定的,。注意,PspCreateThread函数在创建系统线程时指定的初始线程函数为PspSystemThreadStartup  。线程启动函数被作为一个参数传递给PspUserThreadStartup,在这里,它应该是kernel32.dll 中的BaseProcessStart。

PspUserThreadStartup 函数被调用。逻辑并不复杂,但是涉及异步函数调用(APC)机制。


  新创建的线程未必是可以被立即调度运行的,因为用户可能在创建时把标志位CREATE_ SUSPENDED设成了1;

  PspUserThreadStartup 函数返回以后,KiThreadStartup 函数返回到用户模式,此时,PspUserThreadStartup 插入的APC 被交付,于是LdrInitializeThunk 函数被调用,这是映像加载器(image loader)的初始化函数。LdrInitializeThunk 函数完成加载器、堆管理器等初始化工作,然后加载任何必要的DLL,并且调用这些DLL 的入口函数。最后,当LdrInitializeThunk 返回到用户模式APC 分发器时,该线程开始在用户模式下执行,调用应用程序指定的线程启动函数,此启动函数的地址已经在APC 交付时被压到用户栈中。





0x04  最后总结一下整个流程

    1.打开目标映像文件(NtOpenFile()获取句柄, NtCreateSectiont通过文件句柄创建一个Section文件映射区,将文件内容映射进来




                           MmCreateProcessAddressSpace创建新的地址空间,MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace 初始化新进程的地址空间


                              MmCreatePeb 创建一个PEB,如果进程通过映像内存区来创建,创建一个PEB,如果是进程拷贝,则使用继承的PEB。

                           InsertTailList 函数把新进程加入全局的LIST_ENTRY进程链表中(位置:PsActiveProcessHead)

                           ObInsertObject 将新进程对象记录到当前进程的句柄表中。






                           利用ThreadContext中的程序指针(Eip寄存器)来设置线程的启动地址Thread->StartAddress = (PKSTART_ROUTINE) StartRoutine;

                              InsertTailList 函数将线程插入线程LIST_ENTRY链表

                           判断如果这个线程是进程中的第一个进程,回调函数则触发进程的创建通知PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE Rtn;






       在内核中,新线程的启动例程是KiThreadStartup函数,这是当PspCreateThread 调用KeInitThread 函数时,KeInitThread 函数调用KiInitializeContextThread(参见base\ntos\ke\i386\thredini.c 文件)来设置的。


