hdu 6086 -- Rikka with String(AC自动机 + 状压DP)

来源:互联网 发布:易观国际数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:55



Problem Description
As we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he gives Rikka some math tasks to practice. There is one of them:

Yuta has n 01 strings si, and he wants to know the number of 01 antisymmetric strings of length 2L which contain all given strings si as continuous substrings.

01 string s is antisymmetric if and only if s[i]s[|s|i+1] for all i[1,|s|].

It is too difficult for Rikka. Can you help her?

In the second sample, the strings which satisfy all the restrictions are 000111,001011,011001,100110.


The first line contains a number t(1t5), the number of the testcases. 

For each testcase, the first line contains two numbers n,L(1n6,1L100)

Then n lines follow, each line contains a 01 string si(1|si|20).


For each testcase, print a single line with a single number -- the answer modulo 998244353.


Sample Input
2 2
2 3


Sample Output
题意:反对称:对于一个长为2*N的串s[0~2*N-1],s[i]^s[2*N-1-i]=1 。现在有n个01串,求有多少个长为2*L的并且包含这n个串的 反对称01串?
思路:对于一个串包含在2*L的01串中,那么这个串要么在2*L的前半部分,要么后半部分,或者跨越中间,如果在后半部分,则需要找到其在前半部分的反对称01串,对于跨越中间的01串,则需要找到其在前面部分的串,例如:0 | 11,以竖线作为串中间,那么如果前面部分如果以00结束,那么一定含有 011这个串。把每个串的所有形式放入AC自动机对应的tire树中,然后状压递推。
#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <queue>#include <string>using namespace std;const int mod=998244353;const int N=2005;struct Node{    int id;    Node *fail;    Node *son[2];    int tag1,tag2;}node[N];queue<Node *>q;int tot;int dp[2][2005][64];void insert1(string s,int id){    int len=s.length();    Node *now=&node[0];    for(int i=0;i<len;i++)    {        int x=s[i]-'0';        if(now->son[x]==NULL) now->son[x]=&node[tot++];        now=now->son[x];    }    now->tag1|=(1<<id);}void insert2(string s,int id){    int len=s.length();    Node *now=&node[0];    for(int i=0;i<len;i++)    {        int x=s[i]-'0';        if(now->son[x]==NULL) now->son[x]=&node[tot++];        now=now->son[x];    }    now->tag2|=(1<<id);}void init(){    for(int i=0;i<N;i++)    {        node[i].id=i;        node[i].fail=NULL;        node[i].son[0]=node[i].son[1]=NULL;        node[i].tag1=node[i].tag2=0;    }}void setFail(){    Node* root=&node[0];    q.push(root);    while(!q.empty())    {        Node* now=q.front(); q.pop();        for(int i=0;i<2;i++)        {            if(now->son[i])            {                Node* p=now->fail;                while(p && (!(p->son[i]))) p=p->fail;                now->son[i]->fail=(p)?(p->son[i]):(root);                now->son[i]->tag1|=now->son[i]->fail->tag1;                now->son[i]->tag2|=now->son[i]->fail->tag2;                q.push(now->son[i]);            }            else now->son[i]=(now!=root)?now->fail->son[i]:(root);        }    }}void print(){    Node* now=&node[0];    queue<Node*>qq;    qq.push(now);    while(!qq.empty())    {        now=qq.front(); qq.pop();        cout<<"Y:"<<now->id<<" ";        for(int i=0;i<2;i++)        {            if(now->son[i]) qq.push(now->son[i]),cout<<now->son[i]->id<<" ";            else cout<<"NULL"<<" ";        }        cout<<endl;    }}int main(){    ///cout << "Hello world!" << endl;    int t; cin>>t;    while(t--)    {       init();       tot=1;       int n,L; scanf("%d%d",&n,&L);       for(int i=0;i<n;i++)       {           string s; cin>>s;           insert1(s,i);           string t=s;           reverse(t.begin(),t.end());           int len=s.length();           for(int j=0;j<len;j++)              t[j]=(char)((t[j]-'0')^1+'0');           insert1(t,i);           int mnLen=min(len,L);           for(int j=0;j<mnLen;j++)           {               int f=1;               for(int l=j,r=j+1; l>=0&&r<len; l--,r++)               {                   if((s[l]^s[r])==0) { f=0; break; }               }               if(!f) continue;               t=s.substr(0,j+1);               for(int k=2*j+2;k<len;k++)               {                   t=(char)((s[k]-'0')^1+'0')+t;               }               insert2(t,i);           }       }       ///print();       setFail();       memset(dp,0,sizeof(dp));       dp[0][0][0]=1;       int cn=0,stu=(1<<n);       for(int i=0;i<L;i++)       {           int c=cn^1;           memset(dp[c],0,sizeof(dp[c]));           for(int j=0;j<tot;j++)           {               for(int s=0;s<stu;s++)               {                   if(!dp[cn][j][s]) continue;                   if(i<L-1)                   for(int k=0;k<2;k++)                   {                       int x=node[j].son[k]->id;                       int tag=node[x].tag1;                       dp[c][x][s|tag]=(dp[c][x][s|tag]+dp[cn][j][s])%mod;                   }                   else                   for(int k=0;k<2;k++)                   {                       int x=node[j].son[k]->id;                       int tag=node[x].tag1|node[x].tag2;                       dp[c][x][s|tag]=(dp[c][x][s|tag]+dp[cn][j][s])%mod;                   }               }           }           cn=c;       }       int ans=0;       for(int i=0;i<tot;i++)       {           ans=(ans+dp[cn][i][stu-1])%mod;       }       printf("%d\n",ans);    }    return 0;}


