
来源:互联网 发布:好看的棒球服淘宝店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 09:39


class Timer : boost::noncopyable{ public:  Timer(const TimerCallback& cb, Timestamp when, double interval)    : callback_(cb),      expiration_(when),      interval_(interval),      repeat_(interval > 0.0),      sequence_(s_numCreated_.incrementAndGet())  { }//执行定时函数  void run() const  {    callback_();  }  Timestamp expiration() const  { return expiration_; }    bool repeat() const { return repeat_; }  int64_t sequence() const { return sequence_; }  void restart(Timestamp now);  static int64_t numCreated() { return s_numCreated_.get(); } private://定时所需要执行的函数  const TimerCallback callback_;  //执行函数的时间点  Timestamp expiration_;  //频率  const double interval_;  //是否重复  const bool repeat_;  //序号  const int64_t sequence_;  //记录创建的对象的个数  static AtomicInt64 s_numCreated_;};


int timer_create(clockid_t clock_id, struct sigevent *evp, timer_t *timerid)

int timer_settime(timer_t timerid, int flags, const struct itimerspec *value, struct itimerspect *ovalue);struct itimespec{        struct timespec it_interval;        struct timespec it_value;};
如同settimer(),it_value用于指定当前的定时器到期时间。当定时器到期,it_value的值会被更新成it_interval 的值。如果it_interval的值为0,则定时器不是一个时间间隔定时器,一旦it_value到期就会回到未启动状态。timespec的结构提供了纳秒级分辨率:
struct timespec{        time_t tv_sec;        long tv_nsec;  };


class TimerQueue : boost::noncopyable{ public:  TimerQueue(EventLoop* loop);  ~TimerQueue();  ///  /// Schedules the callback to be run at given time,  /// repeats if @c interval > 0.0.  ///  /// Must be thread safe. Usually be called from other threads.  //添加定时器  TimerId addTimer(const TimerCallback& cb,                   Timestamp when,                   double interval);//取消  void cancel(TimerId timerId); private:  // FIXME: use unique_ptr<Timer> instead of raw pointers.  typedef std::pair<Timestamp, Timer*> Entry;    typedef std::set<Entry> TimerList;  typedef std::pair<Timer*, int64_t> ActiveTimer;  typedef std::set<ActiveTimer> ActiveTimerSet;  void addTimerInLoop(Timer* timer);  void cancelInLoop(TimerId timerId);    // called when timerfd alarms  //timerfd可读的时候在loop循环中被调用  void handleRead();  // move out all expired timers  std::vector<Entry> getExpired(Timestamp now);  svoid reset(const std::vector<Entry>& expired, Timestamp now);  bool insert(Timer* timer);  EventLoop* loop_;  const int timerfd_;  Channel timerfdChannel_;    // Timer list sorted by expiration  //set容器  TimerList timers_;  // for cancel()  //  ActiveTimerSet activeTimers_;  bool callingExpiredTimers_; /* atomic */  ActiveTimerSet cancelingTimers_;};

TimerQueue::TimerQueue(EventLoop* loop)  : loop_(loop),    timerfd_(createTimerfd()),//创建描述符    timerfdChannel_(loop, timerfd_),    timers_(),    callingExpiredTimers_(false){//设置可读的处理函数  timerfdChannel_.setReadCallback(      boost::bind(&TimerQueue::handleRead, this));    // we are always reading the timerfd, we disarm it with timerfd_settime.  //加入到epoll中管理  timerfdChannel_.enableReading();}


bool TimerQueue::insert(Timer* timer){  loop_->assertInLoopThread();  assert(timers_.size() == activeTimers_.size());  //  bool earliestChanged = false;  //获得超时事件  Timestamp when = timer->expiration();    TimerList::iterator it = timers_.begin();  //需要调整超时的描述符的超时时间  if (it == timers_.end() || when < it->first)  {    earliestChanged = true;  }    {  //添加    std::pair<TimerList::iterator, bool> result      = timers_.insert(Entry(when, timer));    assert(result.second); (void)result;  }  {  //添加    std::pair<ActiveTimerSet::iterator, bool> result      = activeTimers_.insert(ActiveTimer(timer, timer->sequence()));    assert(result.second); (void)result;  }  assert(timers_.size() == activeTimers_.size());  return earliestChanged;}


void TimerQueue::handleRead(){  loop_->assertInLoopThread();  //获得当前时间  Timestamp now(Timestamp::now());//读取数据  readTimerfd(timerfd_, now);//获得超时的定时器  std::vector<Entry> expired = getExpired(now);  callingExpiredTimers_ = true;    cancelingTimers_.clear();    // safe to callback outside critical section//遍历  for (std::vector<Entry>::iterator it = expired.begin();      it != expired.end(); ++it)  {  //调用定时器的回调函数    it->second->run();  }  callingExpiredTimers_ = false;//  reset(expired, now);}

std::vector<TimerQueue::Entry> TimerQueue::getExpired(Timestamp now){  assert(timers_.size() == activeTimers_.size());    //typedef std::pair<Timestamp, Timer*> Entry;  std::vector<Entry> expired;  Entry sentry(now, reinterpret_cast<Timer*>(UINTPTR_MAX));//lower_bound()  TimerList::iterator end = timers_.lower_bound(sentry);  assert(end == timers_.end() || now < end->first);  std::copy(timers_.begin(), end, back_inserter(expired));  timers_.erase(timers_.begin(), end);  for (std::vector<Entry>::iterator it = expired.begin();      it != expired.end(); ++it)  {    ActiveTimer timer(it->second, it->second->sequence());    size_t n = activeTimers_.erase(timer);    assert(n == 1); (void)n;  }  assert(timers_.size() == activeTimers_.size());  return expired;}


void TimerQueue::cancelInLoop(TimerId timerId){  loop_->assertInLoopThread();  assert(timers_.size() == activeTimers_.size());  // typedef std::pair<Timer*, int64_t> ActiveTimer;  ActiveTimer timer(timerId.timer_, timerId.sequence_);    ActiveTimerSet::iterator it = activeTimers_.find(timer);//如果找到了  if (it != activeTimers_.end())  {    size_t n = timers_.erase(Entry(it->first->expiration(), it->first));    assert(n == 1); (void)n;    delete it->first; // FIXME: no delete please    activeTimers_.erase(it);  }  //如果没找到,加入到取消的容器中  else if (callingExpiredTimers_)  {      cancelingTimers_.insert(timer);  }  assert(timers_.size() == activeTimers_.size());}



TimerId EventLoop::runAt(const Timestamp& time, const TimerCallback& cb){  return timerQueue_->addTimer(cb, time, 0.0);}TimerId EventLoop::runAfter(double delay, const TimerCallback& cb){  Timestamp time(addTime(Timestamp::now(), delay));  return runAt(time, cb);}TimerId EventLoop::runEvery(double interval, const TimerCallback& cb){  Timestamp time(addTime(Timestamp::now(), interval));  return timerQueue_->addTimer(cb, time, interval);}
