
来源:互联网 发布:海康监控软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 20:26


FastDFS是一个开源的轻量级分布式文件系统。它解决了大数据量存储和负载均衡等问题。特别适合以中小文件(建议范围:4KB < file_size <500MB)为载体的在线服务,如相册网站、视频网站等等。在UC基于FastDFS开发向用户提供了:网盘,社区,广告和应用下载等业务的存储服务。


FastDFS服务端有三个角色:跟踪服务器(tracker server)、存储服务器(storage server)和客户端(client)。

  1. tracker server:跟踪服务器,主要做调度工作,起负载均衡的作用。在内存中记录集群中所有存储组和存储服务器的状态信息,是客户端和数据服务器交互的枢纽。相比GFS中的master更为精简,不记录文件索引信息,占用的内存量很少。Tracker cluster中各个tracker server相互独立,不进行相互通信。
  2. storage server:存储服务器(又称:存储节点或数据服务器),文件和文件属性(meta data)都保存到存储服务器上。Storage server直接利用OS的文件系统调用管理文件。Storage cluster中各个storage组(Volume1,Volume2…)相互独立,不进行相互通信,也就是说各个组之间保存的数据是不相同的。但是各个组中的storage server之间是属于互相备份的关系,也就是说storage server之间保存相同的数据。每个storage server会启动一个单独的线程主动向Tracker cluster中每个tracker server报告其状态信息,包括磁盘使用情况,文件同步情况及文件上传下载次数统计等信息。
  3. client:客户端,作为业务请求的发起方,通过专有接口,使用TCP/IP协议与跟踪器服务器或存储节点进行数据交互。



  1. 文件上传
    1)Client通过Tracker server将文件上传到Storage server。
    2)Tracker server向Client返回一台可用的Storage server的IP地址和端口号。
    3)Client直接通过Tracker server返回的IP地址和端口与其中一台Storage server建立连接并进行文件上传。
    4)上传完成,Storage server返回给Client上传的文件名和文件组,文件上传结束。
  2. 文件下载
    1)Client通过Tracker server下载指定Storage组中某个Storage server上的某个文件(文件名包括Storage组名称)。
    2)Tracker server向Client返回一台可用的Storage server的IP地址和端口号。
    3)Client直接通过Tracker server返回的IP地址和端口与其中一台Storage server建立连接并进行文件下载。



CentOS 7.3 64位


  1. tracker server:
  2. storage server 1:
  3. storage server 2:
  4. 2台storage server 互为备份,同属一个group。
  5. 所有服务器按照以下步骤安装,启动时分别启动对应的tracker或storage即可。
  6. tracker服务器中可以安装使用php或者java驱动,上传文件。
  7. nginx安装目录:/application/nginx/
  8. FastDFS配置文件目录:/etc/fdfs/
  9. FastDFS脚本服务文件目录:/etc/init.d/
  10. 上传文件存放目录:/data/fastdfs/
  11. 安装程序存放目录:/home/fdfs/tools/
  12. 配置ip地址可以填写内网地址
  13. 外网访问需要开通相应访问端口



[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# mkdir -p /home/fdfs/tools[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# cd /home/fdfs/tools/

2、下载并安装FastDFS依赖包 libfastcommon

[root@fastdfs-storage tools]# wget https://codeload.github.com/happyfish100/libfastcommon/zip/master[root@fastdfs-storage tools]# unzip master[root@fastdfs-storage tools]# cd libfastcommon-master/[root@fastdfs-storage libfastcommon-master]# lsHISTORY  INSTALL  libfastcommon.spec  make.sh  php-fastcommon  README  src[root@fastdfs-storage libfastcommon-master]# ./make.sh[root@fastdfs-storage libfastcommon-master]# ./make.sh install


[root@fastdfs-tracker tools]# wget https://codeload.github.com/happyfish100/fastdfs/zip/V5.11[root@fastdfs-tracker tools]# unzip V5.11[root@fastdfs-tracker tools]# cd fastdfs-5.11[root@fastdfs-tracker FastDFS]# ./make.sh [root@fastdfs-tracker FastDFS]# ./make.sh install




[root@fastdfs-tracker ~]# ll /etc/init.d/ |grep fdfs-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   918 422 22:08 fdfs_storaged-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   920 422 22:08 fdfs_trackerd


[root@fastdfs-tracker ~]# ll /etc/fdfs/total 20-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1461 422 22:08 client.conf.sample-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 7927 422 22:08 storage.conf.sample-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 7200 422 22:08 tracker.conf.sample


[root@fastdfs-tracker ~]# ll /usr/bin|grep fdfs-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     315496 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_appender_test-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     315272 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_appender_test1-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     302120 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_append_file-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     301800 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_crc32-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     302184 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_delete_file-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     302920 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_download_file-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     302504 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_file_info-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     316336 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_monitor-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root    1102216 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_storaged-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     325432 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_test-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     320552 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_test1-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     448032 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_trackerd-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     303112 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_upload_appender-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     304128 Aug 19 17:07 fdfs_upload_file

注意:虽然FastDFS区分tracker和storage服务器,但是安装的软件及步骤均相同,只是不同的配置文件而已,因此以上安装适用tracker server和storage server。
4、配置tracker server

拷贝tracker server和client端配置文件并重命名

[root@fastdfs-tracker ~]# cp /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf.sample /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# cp /etc/fdfs/client.conf.sample /etc/fdfs/client.conf

编辑tracker server配置文件tracker.conf,修改内容如下:

    disabled=false(默认为false,表示是否无效)    port=22122(默认为22122)    base_path=/data/fastdfs/tracker

创建tracker server数据目录

[root@fastdfs-tracker ~]# mkdir -p /data/fastdfs/tracker



    base_path=/data/fastdfs/tracker    tracker_server=

测试启动tracker server,启动成功会自动在/data/fastdfs/tracker目录新建data和logs目录

[root@fastdfs-tracker ~]# cd /data/fastdfs/tracker/[root@fastdfs-tracker tracker]# ls[root@fastdfs-tracker tracker]# /etc/init.d/fdfs_trackerd startStarting FastDFS tracker server:[root@fastdfs-tracker tracker]# ss -lntup|grep 22122tcp    LISTEN     0      128                    *:22122                 *:*      users:(("fdfs_trackerd",3785,5)) [root@fastdfs-tracker tracker]# lsdata  logs

关闭tracker server命令

[root@fastdfs-tracker tracker]# /etc/init.d/fdfs_trackerd stop

5、配置storage server

拷贝storage server配置文件并重命名

[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# cp /etc/fdfs/storage.conf.sample /etc/fdfs/storage.conf

编辑storage server配置文件storage.conf,修改内容如下:

    disabled=false(默认为false,表示是否无效)    port=23000(默认为23000)    base_path=/data/fastdfs/storage    tracker_server=    store_path0=/data/fastdfs/storage    http.server_port=8888(默认为8888,nginx中配置的监听端口那之一致)

ps:两台storage server配置相同

创建storage server数据目录

[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# mkdir -p /data/fastdfs/storage

测试启动storage server,启动成功会自动在/data/fastdfs/tracker目录新建data和logs目录,启动storage server时,tracker server已启动

[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# cd /data/fastdfs/storage/[root@fastdfs-storage storage]# ls[root@fastdfs-storage storage]# /etc/init.d/fdfs_storaged startStarting FastDFS storage server:[root@fastdfs-storage storage]# ss -lntup|grep 23000tcp    LISTEN     0      128                    *:23000                 *:*      users:(("fdfs_storaged",3786,5))[root@fastdfs-storage storage]# lsdata  logs

在tracker server中,执行以下命令,并在/home/fdfs/image/下存在test.jpg图片

[root@fastdfs-tracker ~]# /usr/bin/fdfs_upload_file /etc/fdfs/client.conf /home/fdfs/image/test.jpggroup1/M00/00/00/tBIK6VcaP0aARXasAAHrUgHEviQ394.jpg

7、存储服务器tracker server 安装并配置nginx




[root@fastdfs-tracker ~]# cd /home/fdfs/tools[root@fastdfs-storage  tools]# wget http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/fastdfs/FastDFS%20Nginx%20Module%20Source%20Code/fastdfs-nginx-module_v1.16.tar.gz[root@fastdfs-storage tools]# tar xf fastdfs-nginx-module_v1.16.tar.gz [root@fastdfs-storage tools]# cd fastdfs-nginx-module/src/


[root@fastdfs-storage src]# vim config:%s+/usr/local/+/usr/+g


[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# cp /home/fdfs/tools/fastdfs-nginx-module/src/mod_fastdfs.conf /etc/fdfs/[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# vim /etc/fdfs/mod_fastdfs.conf


connect_timeout=10base_path=/tmp(默认为/tmp)tracker_server=默认配置为23000url_have_group_name = truestore_path0=/data/fastdfs/storagegroup_name=group1(默认配置为group1)


[root@fastdfs-storage nginx-1.8.1]# yum install -y pcre-devel zlib-devel


[root@fastdfs-storage  tools]# wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.8.1.tar.gz[root@fastdfs-storage tools]# tar xf nginx-1.8.1.tar.gz [root@fastdfs-storage tools]# cd nginx-1.8.1[root@fastdfs-storage nginx-1.8.1]# ./configure --prefix=/application/nginx/ --add-module=../fastdfs-nginx-module/src/[root@fastdfs-storage nginx-1.8.1]# make && make install


[root@fastdfs-storage nginx-1.8.1]# yum install gcc gcc-c++


[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# cp /home/fdfs/tools/FastDFS/conf/http.conf /etc/fdfs/[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# cp /home/fdfs/tools/FastDFS/conf/mime.types /etc/fdfs/


[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# vim /application/nginx/conf/nginx.conf    user  root;        worker_processes  1;    events {       worker_connections  1024;    }    http {        include       mime.types;        default_type  application/octet-stream;        sendfile        on;        keepalive_timeout  65;        server {            listen       8888;            server_name  www.baidu.com;            location ~/group[0-9]/ {                ngx_fastdfs_module;            }            error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;            location = /50x.html {            root   html;            }        }    }


a、"user root"是解决下载操作时报404的问题b、8888端口号与/etc/fdfs/storage.conf中的http.server_port=8888相对应c、storage对应有多个group的情况下,访问路径带group名称,例如:/group1/M00/00/00/**,对应nginx配置:    location ~/group[0-9]/ {           ngx_fastdfs_module;     }


[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# cp /application/nginx/sbin/nginx /etc/init.d/[root@fastdfs-storage ~]# /etc/init.d/nginx

配置storage server中的nginx 配置文件中的server部分

server {        listen       80;        server_name  localhost;        access_log  logs/fdfs.access.log;        location ~/group[0-9]/ {                ngx_fastdfs_module;        }    }



在2台storage server对应目录下可以检查是否有该文件存在




yum install phpyum install php-devel


yum install php-mysql php-mbstring


yum install php-fpm


cd /home/fastdfs/tools/FastDFS/php_client/phpize./configure --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-configmakemake installcat /home/fastdfs/tools/FastDFS/php_client/fastdfs_client.ini >> /etc/php.ini


systemctl start php-fpm

配置nginx中支持php server


server {    listen       80;    server_name  www.google.com;    index index.php;    root /data/www/fdfsclient;    access_log  logs/google.log;    location / {       if (!-e $request_filename) {       rewrite  ^(.*)$  /index.php?s=/$1  last;       break;        }     }    location ~ .php($|/) {        set $script $uri;        set $path_info "";        if ($uri ~ "^(.+.php)(/.+)") {            set $script $1;            set $path_info $2;        }        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$script;        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $script;        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $path_info;        try_files $uri =404;        fastcgi_pass;        fastcgi_index index.php;        include fastcgi.conf;    }}


Copyright (C) 2008 Happy Fish / YuQingFastDFS client php extension may be copied only under the terms of the Less GNU General Public License (LGPL).Please visit the FastDFS Home Page for more detail.Google code (English language): http://code.google.com/p/fastdfs/Chinese language: http://www.csource.com/In file fastdfs_client.ini, item fastdfs_client.tracker_group# point tothe FastDFS client config filename. Please read ../INSTALL file to know about how to config FastDFS client.FastDFS client php extension compiled under PHP 5.2.x, Steps:phpize./configuremakemake install#copy lib file to php extension directory, eg. /usr/lib/php/20060613/cp modules/fastdfs_client.so  /usr/lib/php/20060613/#copy fastdfs_client.ini to PHP etc directory, eg. /etc/php/cp fastdfs_client.ini /etc/php/#modify config file fastdfs_client.ini, such as:vi /etc/php/fastdfs_client.ini#run fastdfs_test.phpphp fastdfs_test.phpFastDFS PHP functions:string fastdfs_client_version()return client library versionlong fastdfs_get_last_error_no()return last error nostring fastdfs_get_last_error_info()return last error infostring fastdfs_http_gen_token(string remote_filename, int timestamp)generate anti-steal token for HTTP downloadparameters:    remote_filename: the remote filename (do NOT including group name)    timestamp: the timestamp (unix timestamp)return token string for success, false for errorarray fastdfs_get_file_info(string group_name, string filename)get file info from the filenameparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage serverreturn assoc array for success, false for error.     the assoc array including following elements:        create_timestamp: the file create timestamp (unix timestamp)        file_size: the file size (bytes)        source_ip_addr: the source storage server ip addressarray fastdfs_get_file_info1(string file_id)get file info from the file idparameters:    file_id: the file id (including group name and filename) or remote filenamereturn assoc array for success, false for error.     the assoc array including following elements:        create_timestamp: the file create timestamp (unix timestamp)        file_size: the file size (bytes)        source_ip_addr: the source storage server ip addressbool fastdfs_send_data(int sock, string buff)parameters:    sock: the unix socket description    buff: the buff to sendreturn true for success, false for errorstring fastdfs_gen_slave_filename(string master_filename, string prefix_name                [, string file_ext_name])generate slave filename by master filename, prefix name and file extension nameparameters:    master_filename: the master filename / file id to generate             the slave filename    prefix_name: the prefix name  to generate the slave filename    file_ext_name: slave file extension name, can be null or emtpy             (do not including dot)return slave filename string for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_file_exist(string group_name, string remote_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])check file existparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for exist, false for not existboolean fastdfs_storage_file_exist1(string file_id    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])parameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for exist, false for not existarray fastdfs_storage_upload_by_filename(string local_filename    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage serverparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring fastdfs_storage_upload_by_filename1(string local_filename    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage serverparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for error.array fastdfs_storage_upload_by_filebuff(string file_buff    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage serverparameters:    file_buff: the file content    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring fastdfs_storage_upload_by_filebuff1(string file_buff    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage serverparameters:    file_buff: the file content    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorarray fastdfs_storage_upload_by_callback(array callback_array    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamearray fastdfs_storage_upload_by_callback1(array callback_array    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorarray fastdfs_storage_upload_appender_by_filename(string local_filename    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage server as appender fileparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring fastdfs_storage_upload_appender_by_filename1(string local_filename    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage server as appender fileparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for error.array fastdfs_storage_upload_appender_by_filebuff(string file_buff    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage server as appender fileparameters:    file_buff: the file content    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring fastdfs_storage_upload_appender_by_filebuff1(string file_buff    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage server as appender fileparameters:    file_buff: the file content    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorarray fastdfs_storage_upload_appender_by_callback(array callback_array    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callback as appender fileparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring fastdfs_storage_upload_appender_by_callback1(array callback_array    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callback as appender fileparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_append_by_filename(string local_filename,     string group_name, appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append local file to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorstring fastdfs_storage_append_by_filename1(string local_filename,     string appender_file_id [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append local file to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_append_by_filebuff(string file_buff,     string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append file buff to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    file_buff: the file content    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_append_by_filebuff1(string file_buff,     string appender_file_id [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append file buff to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    file_buff: the file content    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_append_by_callback(array callback_array,    string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append file to the appender file of storage server by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_append_by_callback1(array callback_array,    string appender_file_id [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append file buff to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_modify_by_filename(string local_filename,     long file_offset, string group_name, appender_filename,     [array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by local fileparameters:    local_filename: the local filename        file_offset: offset of appender file    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_modify_by_filename1(string local_filename,     long file_offset, string appender_file_id        [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by local fileparameters:    local_filename: the local filename        file_offset: offset of appender file    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_modify_by_filebuff(string file_buff,     long file_offset, string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by file buffparameters:    file_buff: the file content        file_offset: offset of appender file    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_modify_by_filebuff1(string file_buff,     long file_offset, string appender_file_id    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by file buffparameters:    file_buff: the file content        file_offset: offset of appender file    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_modify_by_callback(array callback_array,     long file_offset, string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function        file_offset: offset of appender file    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_modify_by_callback1(array callback_array,     long file_offset, string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function        file_offset: offset of appender file    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_truncate_file(string group_name,     string appender_filename [, long truncated_file_size = 0,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])truncate appender file to specify sizeparameters:    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename        truncated_file_size: truncate the file size to    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_truncate_file1(string appender_file_id    [, long truncated_file_size = 0, array tracker_server,     array storage_server])truncate appender file to specify sizeparameters:    appender_file_id: the appender file id        truncated_file_size: truncate the file size to    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorstring/array fastdfs_storage_upload_slave_by_filename(string local_filename,     string group_name, string master_filename, string prefix_name     [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage server (slave file mode)parameters:    file_buff: the file content    group_name: the group name of the master file    master_filename: the master filename to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring fastdfs_storage_upload_slave_by_filename1(string local_filename,     string master_file_id, string prefix_name     [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage server (slave file mode)parameters:    local_filename: the local filename    master_file_id: the master file id to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for error.array fastdfs_storage_upload_slave_by_filebuff(string file_buff,     string group_name, string master_filename, string prefix_name     [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage server (slave file mode)parameters:    file_buff: the file content    group_name: the group name of the master file    master_filename: the master filename to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring fastdfs_storage_upload_slave_by_filebuff1(string file_buff,     string master_file_id, string prefix_name    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage server (slave file mode)parameters:    file_buff: the file content    master_file_id: the master file id to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorarray fastdfs_storage_upload_slave_by_callback(array callback_array,    string group_name, string master_filename, string prefix_name     [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callback (slave file mode)parameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    group_name: the group name of the master file    master_filename: the master filename to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring fastdfs_storage_upload_slave_by_callback1(array callback_array,    string master_file_id, string prefix_name    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callback (slave file mode)parameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    master_file_id: the master file id to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_delete_file(string group_name, string remote_filename     [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])delete file from storage serverparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_delete_file1(string file_id    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])delete file from storage serverparameters:    file_id: the file id to be deleted    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorstring fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_buff(string group_name,     string remote_filename [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,    array tracker_server, array storage_server])get file content from storage serverparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn the file content for success, false for errorstring fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_buff1(string file_id        [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,    array tracker_server, array storage_server])get file content from storage serverparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn the file content for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_file(string group_name,     string remote_filename, string local_filename [, long file_offset,     long download_bytes, array tracker_server, array storage_server])download file from storage server to local file parameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    local_filename: the local filename to save the file content    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_file1(string file_id,     string local_filename [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])download file from storage server to local file parameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    local_filename: the local filename to save the file content    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_callback(string group_name,    string remote_filename, array download_callback [, long file_offset,     long download_bytes, array tracker_server, array storage_server])parameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    download_callback: the download callback array, elements as:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function my_download_file_callback($args, $file_size, $data)            args      - use argument for callback function    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_callback1(string file_id,    array download_callback [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])parameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    download_callback: the download callback array, elements as:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function my_download_file_callback($args, $file_size, $data)            args      - use argument for callback function    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_set_metadata(string group_name, string remote_filename,    array meta_list [, string op_type, array tracker_server,     array storage_server])set meta data of the fileparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    meta_list: meta data assoc array to be set, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    op_type: operate flag, can be one of following flags:        FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_MERGE: combined with the old meta data        FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_OVERWRITE: overwrite the old meta data    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_storage_set_metadata1(string file_id, array meta_list    [, string op_type, array tracker_server, array storage_server])set meta data of the fileparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    meta_list: meta data assoc array to be set, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    op_type: operate flag, can be one of following flags:        FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_MERGE: combined with the old meta data        FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_OVERWRITE: overwrite the old meta data    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorarray fastdfs_storage_get_metadata(string group_name, string remote_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])get meta data of the fileparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       returned array like: array('width' => 1024, 'height' => 768)array fastdfs_storage_get_metadata1(string file_id    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])get meta data of the fileparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       returned array like: array('width' => 1024, 'height' => 768)array fastdfs_connect_server(string ip_addr, int port)connect to the serverparameters:    ip_addr: the ip address of the server    port: the port of the serverreturn assoc array for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_disconnect_server(array server_info)disconnect from the serverparameters:    server_info: the assoc array including elements:                     ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_active_test(array server_info)send ACTIVE_TEST cmd to the serverparameters:    server_info: the assoc array including elements:                     ip_addr, port and sock, sock must be connectedreturn true for success, false for errorarray fastdfs_tracker_get_connection()get a connected tracker serverreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockboolean fastdfs_tracker_make_all_connections()connect to all tracker serversreturn true for success, false for errorboolean fastdfs_tracker_close_all_connections()close all connections to the tracker serversreturn true for success, false for errorarray fastdfs_tracker_list_groups([string group_name, array tracker_server])get group stat infoparameters:    group_name: specify the group name, null or empty string means all groups    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn index array for success, false for error, each group as a array elementarray fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_store([string group_name,         array tracker_server])get the storage server info to upload fileparameters:    group_name: specify the group name    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error. the assoc array including       elements: ip_addr, port, sock and store_path_indexarray fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_store_list([string group_name,         array tracker_server])get the storage server list to upload fileparameters:    group_name: specify the group name    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn indexed storage server array for success, false for error.       each element is an ssoc array including elements:        ip_addr, port, sock and store_path_indexarray fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_update(string group_name,         string remote_filename [, array tracker_server])get the storage server info to set metadataparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockarray fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_update1(string file_id,         [, array tracker_server])get the storage server info to set metadataparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockarray fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_fetch(string group_name,         string remote_filename [, array tracker_server])get the storage server info to download file (or get metadata)parameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockarray fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_fetch1(string file_id         [, array tracker_server])get the storage server info to download file (or get metadata)parameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockarray fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_list(string group_name,         string remote_filename [, array tracker_server])get the storage server list which can retrieve the file content or metadataparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn index array for success, false for error.       each server as an array elementarray fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_list1(string file_id        [, array tracker_server])get the storage server list which can retrieve the file content or metadataparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn index array for success, false for error.        each server as an array elementboolean fastdfs_tracker_delete_storage(string group_name, string storage_ip)delete the storage server from the clusterparameters:    group_name: the group name of the storage server    storage_ip: the ip address of the storage server to be deletedreturn true for success, false for errorFastDFS Class Info:class FastDFS([int config_index, boolean bMultiThread]);FastDFS class constructorparams:        config_index: use which config file, base 0. default is 0        bMultiThread: if in multi-thread, default is falselong FastDFS::get_last_error_no()return last error nostring FastDFS::get_last_error_info()return last error infobool FastDFS::send_data(int sock, string buff)parameters:    sock: the unix socket description    buff: the buff to sendreturn true for success, false for errorstring FastDFS::http_gen_token(string remote_filename, int timestamp)generate anti-steal token for HTTP downloadparameters:    remote_filename: the remote filename (do NOT including group name)    timestamp: the timestamp (unix timestamp)return token string for success, false for errorarray FastDFS::get_file_info(string group_name, string filename)get file info from the filenameparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage serverreturn assoc array for success, false for error.     the assoc array including following elements:        create_timestamp: the file create timestamp (unix timestamp)        file_size: the file size (bytes)        source_ip_addr: the source storage server ip address        crc32: the crc32 signature of the filearray FastDFS::get_file_info1(string file_id)get file info from the file idparameters:    file_id: the file id (including group name and filename) or remote filenamereturn assoc array for success, false for error.     the assoc array including following elements:        create_timestamp: the file create timestamp (unix timestamp)        file_size: the file size (bytes)        source_ip_addr: the source storage server ip addressstring FastDFS::gen_slave_filename(string master_filename, string prefix_name                [, string file_ext_name])generate slave filename by master filename, prefix name and file extension nameparameters:    master_filename: the master filename / file id to generate             the slave filename    prefix_name: the prefix name  to generate the slave filename    file_ext_name: slave file extension name, can be null or emtpy             (do not including dot)return slave filename string for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_file_exist(string group_name, string remote_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])check file existparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for exist, false for not existboolean FastDFS::storage_file_exist1(string file_id    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])parameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for exist, false for not existarray FastDFS::storage_upload_by_filename(string local_filename    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage serverparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring FastDFS::storage_upload_by_filename1(string local_filename    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage serverparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for error.array FastDFS::storage_upload_by_filebuff(string file_buff    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage serverparameters:    file_buff: the file content    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring FastDFS::storage_upload_by_filebuff1(string file_buff    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage serverparameters:    file_buff: the file content    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorarray FastDFS::storage_upload_by_callback(array callback_array    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamearray FastDFS::storage_upload_by_callback1(array callback_array    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorarray FastDFS::storage_upload_appender_by_filename(string local_filename    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage server as appender fileparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring FastDFS::storage_upload_appender_by_filename1(string local_filename    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage server as appender fileparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for error.array FastDFS::storage_upload_appender_by_filebuff(string file_buff    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage server as appender fileparameters:    file_buff: the file content    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring FastDFS::storage_upload_appender_by_filebuff1(string file_buff    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage server as appender fileparameters:    file_buff: the file content    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorarray FastDFS::storage_upload_appender_by_callback(array callback_array    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callback as appender fileparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring FastDFS::storage_upload_appender_by_callback1(array callback_array    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callback as appender fileparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    group_name: specify the group name to store the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_append_by_filename(string local_filename,     string group_name, appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append local file to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorstring FastDFS::storage_upload_by_filename1(string local_filename,     [string appender_file_id, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append local file to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    local_filename: the local filename    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_append_by_filebuff(string file_buff,     string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append file buff to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    file_buff: the file content    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_append_by_filebuff1(string file_buff,     string appender_file_id [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append file buff to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    file_buff: the file content    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_append_by_callback(array callback_array,    string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append file to the appender file of storage server by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_append_by_callback1(array callback_array,    string appender_file_id [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])append file buff to the appender file of storage serverparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_modify_by_filename(string local_filename,     long file_offset, string group_name, appender_filename,     [array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by local fileparameters:    local_filename: the local filename        file_offset: offset of appender file    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_modify_by_filename1(string local_filename,     long file_offset, string appender_file_id        [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by local fileparameters:    local_filename: the local filename        file_offset: offset of appender file    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_modify_by_filebuff(string file_buff,     long file_offset, string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by file buffparameters:    file_buff: the file content        file_offset: offset of appender file    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_modify_by_filebuff1(string file_buff,     long file_offset, string appender_file_id    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by file buffparameters:    file_buff: the file content        file_offset: offset of appender file    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_modify_by_callback(array callback_array,     long file_offset, string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function        file_offset: offset of appender file    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_modify_by_callback1(array callback_array,     long file_offset, string group_name, string appender_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])modify appender file by callbackparameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function        file_offset: offset of appender file    appender_file_id: the appender file id    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_truncate_file(string group_name,     string appender_filename [, long truncated_file_size = 0,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])truncate appender file to specify sizeparameters:    group_name: the the group name of appender file    appender_filename: the appender filename        truncated_file_size: truncate the file size to    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_truncate_file1(string appender_file_id    [, long truncated_file_size = 0, array tracker_server,     array storage_server])truncate appender file to specify sizeparameters:    appender_file_id: the appender file id        truncated_file_size: truncate the file size to    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorarray FastDFS::storage_upload_slave_by_filename(string local_filename,     string group_name, string master_filename, string prefix_name     [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage server (slave file mode)parameters:    file_buff: the file content    group_name: the group name of the master file    master_filename: the master filename to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring FastDFS::storage_upload_slave_by_filename1(string local_filename,     string master_file_id, string prefix_name     [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload local file to storage server (slave file mode)parameters:    local_filename: the local filename    master_file_id: the master file id to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for error.array FastDFS::storage_upload_slave_by_filebuff(string file_buff,     string group_name, string master_filename, string prefix_name     [, file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage server (slave file mode)parameters:    file_buff: the file content    group_name: the group name of the master file    master_filename: the master filename to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring FastDFS::storage_upload_slave_by_filebuff1(string file_buff,     string master_file_id, string prefix_name    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file buff to storage server (slave file mode)parameters:    file_buff: the file content    master_file_id: the master file id to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorarray FastDFS::storage_upload_slave_by_callback(array callback_array,    string group_name, string master_filename, string prefix_name     [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callback (slave file mode)parameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    group_name: the group name of the master file    master_filename: the master filename to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error.        the returned array includes elements: group_name and filenamestring FastDFS::storage_upload_slave_by_callback1(array callback_array,    string master_file_id, string prefix_name    [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])upload file to storage server by callback (slave file mode)parameters:    callback_array: the callback assoc array, must have keys:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function upload_file_callback($sock, $args)            file_size - the file size            args      - use argument for callback function    master_file_id: the master file id to generate the slave file id    prefix_name: the prefix name to generage the slave file id    file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)    meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn file_id for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_delete_file(string group_name, string remote_filename     [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])delete file from storage serverparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_delete_file1(string file_id    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])delete file from storage serverparameters:    file_id: the file id to be deleted    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorstring FastDFS::storage_download_file_to_buff(string group_name,     string remote_filename [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,    array tracker_server, array storage_server])get file content from storage serverparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn the file content for success, false for errorstring FastDFS::storage_download_file_to_buff1(string file_id        [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,    array tracker_server, array storage_server])get file content from storage serverparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn the file content for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_download_file_to_file(string group_name,     string remote_filename, string local_filename [, long file_offset,     long download_bytes, array tracker_server, array storage_server])download file from storage server to local file parameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    local_filename: the local filename to save the file content    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_download_file_to_file1(string file_id,     string local_filename [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])download file from storage server to local file parameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    local_filename: the local filename to save the file content    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_download_file_to_callback(string group_name,    string remote_filename, array download_callback [, long file_offset,     long download_bytes, array tracker_server, array storage_server])parameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    download_callback: the download callback array, elements as:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function my_download_file_callback($args, $file_size, $data)            args      - use argument for callback function    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_download_file_to_callback1(string file_id,    array download_callback [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,     array tracker_server, array storage_server])parameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    download_callback: the download callback array, elements as:            callback  - the php callback function name                                    callback function prototype as:                    function my_download_file_callback($args, $file_size, $data)            args      - use argument for callback function    file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0    download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                         the file end    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_set_metadata(string group_name, string remote_filename,    array meta_list [, string op_type, array tracker_server,     array storage_server])set meta data of the fileparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    meta_list: meta data assoc array to be set, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    op_type: operate flag, can be one of following flags:        FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_MERGE: combined with the old meta data        FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_OVERWRITE: overwrite the old meta data    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::storage_set_metadata1(string file_id, array meta_list    [, string op_type, array tracker_server, array storage_server])set meta data of the fileparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    meta_list: meta data assoc array to be set, such as                   array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)    op_type: operate flag, can be one of following flags:        FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_MERGE: combined with the old meta data        FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_OVERWRITE: overwrite the old meta data    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorarray FastDFS::storage_get_metadata(string group_name, string remote_filename    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])get meta data of the fileparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       returned array like: array('width' => 1024, 'height' => 768)array FastDFS::storage_get_metadata1(string file_id    [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])get meta data of the fileparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock    storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       returned array like: array('width' => 1024, 'height' => 768)array FastDFS::connect_server(string ip_addr, int port)connect to the serverparameters:    ip_addr: the ip address of the server    port: the port of the serverreturn assoc array for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::disconnect_server(array server_info)disconnect from the serverparameters:    server_info: the assoc array including elements:                     ip_addr, port and sockreturn true for success, false for errorarray FastDFS::tracker_get_connection()get a connected tracker serverreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockboolean FastDFS::active_test(array server_info)send ACTIVE_TEST cmd to the serverparameters:    server_info: the assoc array including elements:                     ip_addr, port and sock, sock must be connectedreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::tracker_make_all_connections()connect to all tracker serversreturn true for success, false for errorboolean FastDFS::tracker_close_all_connections()close all connections to the tracker serversreturn true for success, false for errorarray FastDFS::tracker_list_groups([string group_name, array tracker_server])get group stat infoparameters:    group_name: specify the group name, null or empty string means all groups    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn index array for success, false for error, each group as a array elementarray FastDFS::tracker_query_storage_store([string group_name,         array tracker_server])get the storage server info to upload fileparameters:    group_name: specify the group name    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error. the assoc array including       elements: ip_addr, port, sock and store_path_indexarray FastDFS::tracker_query_storage_store_list([string group_name,         array tracker_server])get the storage server list to upload fileparameters:    group_name: specify the group name    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn indexed storage server array for success, false for error.       each element is an ssoc array including elements:        ip_addr, port, sock and store_path_indexarray FastDFS::tracker_query_storage_update(string group_name,         string remote_filename [, array tracker_server])get the storage server info to set metadataparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockarray FastDFS::tracker_query_storage_update1(string file_id,         [, array tracker_server])get the storage server info to set metadataparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockarray FastDFS::tracker_query_storage_fetch(string group_name,         string remote_filename [, array tracker_server])get the storage server info to download file (or get metadata)parameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockarray FastDFS::tracker_query_storage_fetch1(string file_id         [, array tracker_server])get the storage server info to download file (or get metadata)parameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn assoc array for success, false for error       the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sockarray FastDFS::tracker_query_storage_list(string group_name,         string remote_filename [, array tracker_server])get the storage server list which can retrieve the file content or metadataparameters:    group_name: the group name of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn index array for success, false for error.       each server as an array elementarray FastDFS::tracker_query_storage_list1(string file_id        [, array tracker_server])get the storage server list which can retrieve the file content or metadataparameters:    file_id: the file id of the file    remote_filename: the filename on the storage server    tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                        ip_addr, port and sockreturn index array for success, false for error.        each server as an array elementboolean  FastDFS::tracker_delete_storage(string group_name, string storage_ip)delete the storage server from the clusterparameters:    group_name: the group name of the storage server    storage_ip: the ip address of the storage server to be deletedreturn true for success, false for errorvoid FastDFS::close()close tracker connections
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