datastage TD connector报错

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝背景音乐怎么修改 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 09:27

在使用Teradata Connector加载数据时,原数据加载方式为Bulk Load,因Bulk Load消耗资源比较高,顾将小于2G的文件的加载方式修改为Bulk Stream;但是修改后作业报如下错误

Job step STATUS_TABLE_SETUP completed successfully 
TPT_INFRA: TPT02111: Error: Operator version (14.10.00) is incompatible with TWB version (15.00.00) 
TPT_INFRA: TPT02240: Error: Cannot create operator object, status = Operator Error 
TPT_INFRA: TPT02103: Executor unable to set up its table object 
Job step STATUS_TABLE_LOAD terminated (status 8) 
Job depuser terminated (status 8) 

官网上介绍Teradata Connector时,有如下描述:

As a target, the Teradata connector has a single input link and an optional reject link. You can use the connector to perform the following tasks:Immediate writes of data by using the Teradata CLI
Bulk loads of data by using the LOAD, UPDATE, or STREAM operators in the Teradata Parallel Transporter Direct API

可以得出TD Connector使用Bulk Stream时使用的驱动为TPT的驱动,此时需要查看TPT客户端工具的版本是否一致,如不一致需重新安装TPT客户端

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