
来源:互联网 发布:申请域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 07:15


@Author:Quinn chen
@Data :2017/8/24



使用了两次正则分别匹配值热点的标题和URl将获取的数据保存为json格式的文件,引入了json的model<hr># -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-import requestsimport sysimport refrom tool.json.jsontool import *# 下面三行是编码转换的功能reload(sys)sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")def catchbadu(traget_url):    # hea是我们自己构造的一个字典,里面保存了user-agent。    # 让目标网站误以为本程序是浏览器,并非爬虫。    # 从网站的Requests Header中获取。【审查元素】    hea = {        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36',        'Accept': 'text / html, application / xhtml + xml, application / xml q = 0.9, * / *;q = 0.8',        'Accept - Language': 'en - US, en;q = 0.5'    }    html = requests.get(traget_url, headers=hea)    html.encoding = 'gb2312'  # 这一行是将编码转为utf-8否则中文会显示乱码。    #[\u2E80-\u9FFF]+$    # 此为正则表达式部分。找到规律,利用正则,内容就可以出来    urls = [['hot标题', 'hot网址']];    title = re.findall('<td class="keyword">(.*?)</td>', html.text, re.S)    print title;    for each in title:        content = [];        url ='http://(.*?)"',each,re.S).group().rstrip('\"')        top ='>(.*?)<', each, re.S).group().strip("<|>")        print top +" "+ url        content.append(top.encode('utf-8'))        content.append(url)        urls.append(content)    print urls    return urls    store(file,data)    # with open("./baidunews.json",'w') as json_file:    #     json.dump(urls,json_file,ensure_ascii=False)if __name__ == "__main__" :    urls = catchbadu('');    store("./baidunews.json",urls)    print load("./baidunews.json")

#tool.json.jsontool使用到的json工具    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-    import json    def store(file,data):        with open(file, 'w') as json_file:            json_file.write(json.dumps(data))    def load(file):        with open(file) as json_file:            data = json.load(json_file)            return data


-实现数据库连接,需要提供参数-对给定的json数据自动解析json头格式,创建数据库和数据表-功能 :数据库的数据添加,库创建,表创建,注释已经比较清楚了 -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import pymysqlimport types    import osfrom tool.json.jsontool import *#数据库参数host="localhost"user='root'passwd='root'port=3306charset='UTF8'# 打开数据库连接,返回连接对象def connectMysql(host,user,passwd,port,charset):    return pymysql.connect(host=host,user=user,passwd=passwd,port=port,charset=charset)#判断数据库是否存在,存在返回1def isdbVailable(conn,db):    curs = conn.cursor()    return (curs.execute("SELECT * FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA where SCHEMA_NAME = '%s'" % db ))def isTableVailableUnderDb(conn,db,table):    curs = conn.cursor()    return (curs.execute("SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_NAME='%s' and TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s'" % (table ,db)))#conn 链接对象,db数据库,字段的list#添加新的字段名def createNewTable(conn,db):    curs = conn.cursor()#获取游标    try:        if not isdbVailable(conn,db):            curs.execute("create database %s " % db);    except Exception, e:        print e        print 'Database %s exists!' % db    conn.select_db(db)    # create a table named addfields    try:        if not isTableVailableUnderDb(conn,db,table):            curs.execute("""CREATE TABLE %s (                             hot_id  int(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,PRIMARY KEY (hot_id))""" % table                        );            print "表创建成功"            conn.commit()    except Exception, e:        print e        conn.rollback()#修改表结构,添加新的字段def alterTable(conn,db,table,list):    curs = conn.cursor()  # 获取游标    try:        for filed in list:            curs.execute("alter table %s add %s text" % (table,filed))        print "表结构更新成功"    except Exception, e:        print e        print "字段可能已经存在"#插入新的数据,传入参数是json格式文件路径def insertData(conn,db,table,jsondata):    cursor = conn.cursor()    baiduhot = load(jsondata)    #更改表结构来存储数据    alterTable(conn,db,table,baiduhot[0])    sql_param = ""    sql_param_num = ("%s,"*len(baiduhot[0])).rstrip(" |\,")    # print sql_param_num    for param in baiduhot[0]:        sql_param =  sql_param + param +","    sql_param=sql_param.rstrip(" \,")    # print sql_param    for one in baiduhot[1:]:        print one[0]        print one[1]        sql = "INSERT INTO " + table + "("+sql_param+") VALUES (" + sql_param_num + " )"        # print sql        cursor.execute(sql,one)        # 提交到数据库执行        conn.commit()def queryAllData(conn,db,table):    conn.select_db(db)    curs = conn.cursor()  # 获取游标    curs.execute("select * from %s" % table);    # 获取所有记录列表    results = curs.fetchall()    for one in results:        for part in one:            if isinstance(part,types.IntType):                print part            else:                print part.encode('utf-8')#提交操作,关闭连接def save(conn):    # this is very important    curs=conn.cursor()    conn.commit()    curs.close()    conn.close()if __name__ == "__main__":     conn = connectMysql(host,user,passwd,port,charset);     db = "dbbaiduhot";     table = "tbaiduhot"     jsondata = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())+"\\..\\web\\baidunews.json"     createNewTable(conn,db)     insertData(conn, db, table, jsondata)     #     # queryAllData(conn,db,table);     # save(conn)

