
来源:互联网 发布:没有海绵的文胸知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:08





——数据库为db_user,表为tb_user ,实现结构的过程就是运用DDL


create database db_user;create database db_user character set utf8;show databases;show create database db_user;select database();                           //注意:select操作是DML操作use db_user;drop database db_user; 


    create table tb_user(-> id int(32) unsigned primary key auto_increment,-> username varchar(32) not null,-> password varchar(32)-> );

数据库为db_user,表为tb_user ,表中数据如下

show tables;show create table tb_user;desc tb_user;drop tb_user;alter table tb_user add pid tinyint(32) not null;alter table tb_user modify pid tinyint(12) null;alter table tb_user change pid new_pid tinyint(32) not null;alter table tb_user drop new_pid;alter table tb_user character set gbk;rename  table tb_user to tb1_user;


insert tb_user (username,password) values('root','root');insert tb_user values(null,'root','root');delete from tb_user;truncate table tb_user;update tb_user set username='123',password='123';查询操作:    简单查询:select * from tb_user;select username,password from tb_user;select username from tb_user as tb_man;select username as name from tb_user;select distinct username from tb_user;     //distinct 不重复,查询中去除重复的字段名    条件查询:select * from tb_user where id=1;select * from tb_user where id<>1;        //<>不等于select * from tb_user where id>=1;select * from tb_user where id<=1;select * from tb_user where not(id>5);select * from tb_user where id>1 and id<3;select * from tb_user where id=1 or username='小明';    模糊查询:select * from tb_user where username like('%王%');select * from tb_user where id in(1,3,5);    排序:select * from tb_user where id>1 order by asc;select * from tb_user where id>1 order by desc;    //asc升序,desc降序,且order by必须放到sql语句最后    聚合:select sum(id) from tb_user; select avg(id) from tb_user; select max(id) from tb_user; select min(id) from tb_user; select count(id) from tb_user;     分组:select * from tb_user groupby  password ; select * from tb_user groupby  password  having id>3; select * from tb_user where id>1 group by  password  having id>3;    分页查询: select *  from product  limit 2,2;     //limit 起始位置,每页显示数目  起始位置=(要查询页码-1)×每页显示数目

where, group by, having, order by 关键字存在时必须按照由左到右的顺序书写SQL语句