
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网消保规则 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:21



[Delphi] function IfThen(AValue: Boolean, const ATrue: Integer, const AFalse: Integer): Integer;

[Delphi] function IfThen(AValue: Boolean, const ATrue: Int64, const AFalse: Int64): Int64;

[Delphi] function IfThen(AValue: Boolean, const ATrue: Double, const AFalse: Double): Double;

[Delphi] function IfThen(AValue: Boolean, const ATrue: string, AFalse: string): string;


Access (http://office.microsoft.com/zh-cn/access/HA011161002052.aspx?pid=CL100570042052):

eg1:IIf([Confirmed] = "Yes", "Order Confirmed", "Order Not Confirmed")

使用 IIf 函数在 Confirmed 字段值为 Yes 时显示消息“Order Confirmed”;如果 Confirmed 字段值不为 Yes,那么显示消息“Order Not Confirmed”。

eg2:IIf(IsNull([Country]), " ", [Country])

使用 IIf 函数在 Country 字段值为 Null 时显示空字符串;如果 Country 字段值不为 Null,那么显示 Country 控件值。

eg3:=IIf(IsNull([Region]), [City] & " " & [PostalCode], [City] & " " & [Region] & " " & [PostalCode])

使用 IIf 函数在 Region 为 Null 时显示 City 和 PostalCode 字段的值;如果 Region 不为 Null,那么显示 City、Region 和 PostalCode 字段的值。


SQL Server (SQL Server 联机丛书):

egA. 使用带有简单 CASE 函数的 SELECT 语句

在 SELECT 语句中,简单 CASE 函数仅检查是否相等,而不进行其它比较。下面的示例使用 CASE 函数更改图书分类显示,以使其更易于理解。

USE pubs
SELECT   Category =
      CASE type
         WHEN 'popular_comp' THEN 'Popular Computing'
         WHEN 'mod_cook' THEN 'Modern Cooking'
         WHEN 'business' THEN 'Business'
         WHEN 'psychology' THEN 'Psychology'
         WHEN 'trad_cook' THEN 'Traditional Cooking'
         ELSE 'Not yet categorized'
   CAST(title AS varchar(25)) AS 'Shortened Title',
   price AS Price
FROM titles
ORDER BY type, price
COMPUTE AVG(price) BY type


Category            Shortened Title           Price                      ------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- Business            You Can Combat Computer S 2.99                       Business            Cooking with Computers: S 11.95                      Business            The Busy Executive's Data 19.99                      Business            Straight Talk About Compu 19.99                                                                    avg                                              ==========================                                              13.73                      Category            Shortened Title           Price                      ------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- Modern Cooking      The Gourmet Microwave     2.99                       Modern Cooking      Silicon Valley Gastronomi 19.99                                                                    avg                                              ==========================                                              11.49                      Category            Shortened Title           Price                      ------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- Popular Computing   Secrets of Silicon Valley 20.00                      Popular Computing   But Is It User Friendly?  22.95                                                                    avg                                              ==========================                                              21.48                      Category            Shortened Title           Price                      ------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- Psychology          Life Without Fear         7.00                       Psychology          Emotional Security: A New 7.99                       Psychology          Is Anger the Enemy?       10.95                      Psychology          Prolonged Data Deprivatio 19.99                      Psychology          Computer Phobic AND Non-P 21.59                                                                    avg                                              ==========================                                              13.50                      Category            Shortened Title           Price                      ------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- Traditional Cooking Fifty Years in Buckingham 11.95                      Traditional Cooking Sushi, Anyone?            14.99                      Traditional Cooking Onions, Leeks, and Garlic 20.95                                                                    avg                                              ==========================                                              15.96                      (21 row(s) affected)
egB. 使用带有简单 CASE 函数和 CASE 搜索函数的 SELECT 语句

在 SELECT 语句中,CASE 搜索函数允许根据比较值在结果集内对值进行替换。下面的示例根据图书的价格范围将价格(money 列)显示为文本注释。

USE pubsGOSELECT    'Price Category' =       CASE          WHEN price IS NULL THEN 'Not yet priced'         WHEN price < 10 THEN 'Very Reasonable Title'         WHEN price >= 10 and price < 20 THEN 'Coffee Table Title'         ELSE 'Expensive book!'      END,   CAST(title AS varchar(20)) AS 'Shortened Title'FROM titlesORDER BY priceGO


Price Category        Shortened Title      --------------------- -------------------- Not yet priced        Net Etiquette        Not yet priced        The Psychology of Co Very Reasonable Title The Gourmet Microwav Very Reasonable Title You Can Combat Compu Very Reasonable Title Life Without Fear    Very Reasonable Title Emotional Security:  Coffee Table Title    Is Anger the Enemy?  Coffee Table Title    Cooking with Compute Coffee Table Title    Fifty Years in Bucki Coffee Table Title    Sushi, Anyone?       Coffee Table Title    Prolonged Data Depri Coffee Table Title    Silicon Valley Gastr Coffee Table Title    Straight Talk About  Coffee Table Title    The Busy Executive's Expensive book!       Secrets of Silicon V Expensive book!       Onions, Leeks, and G Expensive book!       Computer Phobic And  Expensive book!       But Is It User Frien (18 row(s) affected)

下面的示例使用 CASE 和 THEN 生成一个有关作者、图书标识号和每个作者所著图书类型的列表。

USE pubsSELECT SUBSTRING((RTRIM(a.au_fname) + ' '+    RTRIM(a.au_lname) + ' '), 1, 25) AS Name, a.au_id, ta.title_id,   Type =   CASE     WHEN SUBSTRING(ta.title_id, 1, 2) = 'BU' THEN 'Business'    WHEN SUBSTRING(ta.title_id, 1, 2) = 'MC' THEN 'Modern Cooking'    WHEN SUBSTRING(ta.title_id, 1, 2) = 'PC' THEN 'Popular Computing'    WHEN SUBSTRING(ta.title_id, 1, 2) = 'PS' THEN 'Psychology'    WHEN SUBSTRING(ta.title_id, 1, 2) = 'TC' THEN 'Traditional Cooking'  ENDFROM titleauthor ta JOIN authors a ON ta.au_id = a.au_id


Name                      au_id       title_id Type                ------------------------- ----------- -------- ------------------- Johnson White             172-32-1176 PS3333   Psychology          Marjorie Green            213-46-8915 BU1032   Business            Marjorie Green            213-46-8915 BU2075   Business            Cheryl Carson             238-95-7766 PC1035   Popular Computing   Michael O'Leary           267-41-2394 BU1111   Business            Michael O'Leary           267-41-2394 TC7777   Traditional Cooking Dean Straight             274-80-9391 BU7832   Business            Abraham Bennet            409-56-7008 BU1032   Business            Ann Dull                  427-17-2319 PC8888   Popular Computing   Burt Gringlesby           472-27-2349 TC7777   Traditional Cooking Charlene Locksley         486-29-1786 PC9999   Popular Computing   Charlene Locksley         486-29-1786 PS7777   Psychology          Reginald Blotchet-Halls   648-92-1872 TC4203   Traditional Cooking Akiko Yokomoto            672-71-3249 TC7777   Traditional Cooking Innes del Castillo        712-45-1867 MC2222   Modern Cooking      Michel DeFrance           722-51-5454 MC3021   Modern Cooking      Stearns MacFeather        724-80-9391 BU1111   Business            Stearns MacFeather        724-80-9391 PS1372   Psychology          Livia Karsen              756-30-7391 PS1372   Psychology          Sylvia Panteley           807-91-6654 TC3218   Traditional Cooking Sheryl Hunter             846-92-7186 PC8888   Popular Computing   Anne Ringer               899-46-2035 MC3021   Modern Cooking      Anne Ringer               899-46-2035 PS2091   Psychology          Albert Ringer             998-72-3567 PS2091   Psychology          Albert Ringer             998-72-3567 PS2106   Psychology          (25 row(s) affected)