
来源:互联网 发布:网络抽奖 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 00:53

一、首先是下载unity SDK,可以进入Google Cardboard官方网站的开发者指南页面查找下载:


// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.//// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.// You may obtain a copy of the License at////     [url=][/url]//// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and// limitations under the License. using UnityEngine;using System.Collections; [RequireComponent(typeof(Collider))]public class Teleport : MonoBehaviour, ICardboardGazeResponder {  private Vector3 startingPosition;   void Start() {    startingPosition = transform.localPosition;    SetGazedAt(false);  }   void LateUpdate() {    Cardboard.SDK.UpdateState();    if (Cardboard.SDK.BackButtonPressed) {      Application.Quit();    }  }   public void SetGazedAt(bool gazedAt) {    GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = gazedAt ? :;  }   public void Reset() {    transform.localPosition = startingPosition;  }   public void ToggleVRMode() {    Cardboard.SDK.VRModeEnabled = !Cardboard.SDK.VRModeEnabled;  }   public void ToggleDistortionCorrection() {    switch(Cardboard.SDK.DistortionCorrection) {    case Cardboard.DistortionCorrectionMethod.Unity:      Cardboard.SDK.DistortionCorrection = Cardboard.DistortionCorrectionMethod.Native;      break;    case Cardboard.DistortionCorrectionMethod.Native:      Cardboard.SDK.DistortionCorrection = Cardboard.DistortionCorrectionMethod.None;      break;    case Cardboard.DistortionCorrectionMethod.None:    default:      Cardboard.SDK.DistortionCorrection = Cardboard.DistortionCorrectionMethod.Unity;      break;    }  }   public void ToggleDirectRender() {    Cardboard.Controller.directRender = !Cardboard.Controller.directRender;  }   public void TeleportRandomly() {    Vector3 direction = Random.onUnitSphere;    direction.y = Mathf.Clamp(direction.y, 0.5f, 1f);    float distance = 2 * Random.value + 1.5f;    transform.localPosition = direction * distance;  }   #region ICardboardGazeResponder implementation   /// Called when the user is looking on a GameObject with this script,  /// as long as it is set to an appropriate layer (see CardboardGaze).  public void OnGazeEnter() {    SetGazedAt(true);  }   /// Called when the user stops looking on the GameObject, after OnGazeEnter  /// was already called.  public void OnGazeExit() {    SetGazedAt(false);  }   // Called when the Cardboard trigger is used, between OnGazeEnter  /// and OnGazeExit.  public void OnGazeTrigger() {    TeleportRandomly();  }   #endregion}


放一个画布canvas,然后创建一个image命名为imageBg作为背景,再创建一个image命名为imageFill作为内容,然后复制一个imageFill,选color属性调成半透明,颜色改成灰色,image Type选择Filled,大小都调合适了。然后就做成了,如图:


public void SetGazedAt(bool gazedAt) {                isStartTime = gazedAt ? true : false;        }

在imageBg下添加一个Event Trigger,添加Pointer Enter和Pointer Exit,分别对应SetGazeAt方法的两个值


using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using UnityEngine.UI; public class TeleportGUI : MonoBehaviour, ICardboardGazeResponder {         public float coldTime = 1;        private Image imagefill;        private float timer = 0;        private bool isStartTime = false;        private double minNum = 0.01;        private double maxNum = 0.02;        private bool isNext = false;         public Text index;        int IndexInt = 0;        string IndexStr = "";         // Use this for initialization        void Start () {                 imagefill = transform.Find ("Imagefill").GetComponent<Image> ();                imagefill.fillAmount = 0;                 SetGazedAt (false);         }         void LateUpdate() {                Cardboard.SDK.UpdateState();                if (Cardboard.SDK.BackButtonPressed) {                        Application.Quit();                }        }         public void SetGazedAt(bool gazedAt) {                 isStartTime = gazedAt ? true : false;         }         // Update is called once per frame        void Update () {                                 if (isStartTime) {                        timer += Time.deltaTime;                        imagefill.fillAmount = (coldTime - timer) / coldTime;//从1到0减小                        if (timer >= coldTime) {                                imagefill.fillAmount = 0;                                timer = 0;                                isStartTime = false;                        }                 }                if(!isStartTime) {                                                 timer = 0;                        imagefill.fillAmount = 0;                }                 if (imagefill.fillAmount < maxNum && imagefill.fillAmount >minNum) {                         isNext = true;                 }                 if (isNext) {                         ChooseManageScript.Instance.A_Btn ();                         index = GameObject.Find("IndexBackground").transform.Find ("Index").GetComponent<Text> ();                        IndexInt = int.Parse(index.text);                        IndexInt += 1;                        IndexStr = IndexInt.ToString();                        index.text = IndexStr;                        isNext = false;                }         }         public void TeleportRandomly() {                Vector3 direction = Random.onUnitSphere;                direction.y = Mathf.Clamp(direction.y, 0.5f, 1f);                float distance = 2 * Random.value + 1.5f;                transform.localPosition = direction * distance;        }         #region ICardboardGazeResponder implementation         /// Called when the user is looking on a GameObject with this script,        /// as long as it is set to an appropriate layer (see CardboardGaze).        public void OnGazeEnter() {                SetGazedAt(true);        }         /// Called when the user stops looking on the GameObject, after OnGazeEnter        /// was already called.        public void OnGazeExit() {                SetGazedAt(false);        }         // Called when the Cardboard trigger is used, between OnGazeEnter        /// and OnGazeExit.        public void OnGazeTrigger() {                TeleportRandomly();        }         #endregion }

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