
来源:互联网 发布:公安部第三研究所 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 11:37

  写上篇博客前对Node的Stream的官方文档扫了一遍,之后还想继续使用Stream写些demo,就选择了写个小程序使用Node读取解析PNG图片(想的是如果可以方便地解析、生成PNG图片,那就可以很方便地生成验证码图片发给前端),结果就把自己坑了。。。PNG还是比较复杂的(以前 数字图像处理 的课中接触的主要就是bmp、tiff,要么就直接用OpenCV、GDAL直接读取各种格式的图片,还没有仔细看过PNG的具体格式),由于时间关系我只解析了“非隔行扫描、非索引颜色、FilterMethod为0”的PNG图片-_-||


  this.path = path;

  this.stream = fs.createReadStream(this.path);



  this.stream.once('readable', ()=>{


  // ......


  关于PNG的格式,有很多博客都写得比较详细的,但是几乎所有的文章都略过了IDAT数据块中的data解压方法、滤波方法,当时还是在PNG官方文档中弄明白的。这里先给出文档链接:W3C - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition)

  PNG 全称是 Portable Network Graphics,即“便携式网络图形”,是一种无损压缩的位图图形格式。其设计目的是试图替代GIF和TIFF文件格式,同时增加一些GIF文件格式所不具备的特性。


  一个完整的PNG数据都是以一个PNG signature开头和一系列数据块(chunk)组成,其中第一个chunk为IHDR,最后一个chunk为IEDN。



  chunk (IHDR)




  chunk (IEDN)

  官方文档的描述是:This signature indicates that the remainder of the datastream contains a single PNG image, consisting of a series of chunks beginning with an IHDR chunk and ending with an IEND chunk.

  PNG Signature

  PNG signature 位于PNG文件的最开头,占8个字节,每个字节用十进制可以表示为 [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10] ,通过下面的函数可以验证signature的正确性:


  //PNG的Signature长度为8字节, 1Byte = 8bit

  let buffer = this.stream.read(8);

  let signature = [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10];

  for(let i=0; i

  let v = buffer.readUInt8(i);

  if(v !== signature[i])

  throw new Error('It is not PNG file !');


  return true;


  PNG Chunk

  PNG定义了两种类型的数据块,一种是称为关键数据块(critical chunk),这是标准的数据块,另一种叫做辅助数据块(ancillary chunks),这是可选的数据块。关键数据块定义了4个标准数据块(IHDR, PLTE, IDAT, IEND),每个PNG文件都必须包含它们(没有PLTE的话就默认为RGB色),PNG读写软件也都必须要支持这些数据块。虽然PNG文件规范没有要求PNG编译码器对可选数据块进行编码和译码,但规范提倡支持可选数据块。


  Chunk nameMultiple allowedOrdering constraints

  IHDRNoShall be first文件头数据块

  PLTENoBefore first IDAT调色板数据块

  IDATYesMultiple IDAT chunks shall be consecutive图像数据块

  IENDNoShall be last图像结束数据

  cHRMNoBefore PLTE and IDAT基色和白色点数据块

  gAMANoBefore PLTE and IDAT图像γ数据块

  iCCPNoBefore PLTE and IDAT. If the iCCP chunk is present, the sRGB chunk should not be present.ICCP

  sBITNoBefore PLTE and IDAT样本有效位数据块

  sRGBNoBefore PLTE and IDAT. If the sRGB chunk is present, the iCCP chunk should not be present.标准RPG颜色

  bKGDNoAfter PLTE; before IDAT背景颜色数据块

  hISTNoAfter PLTE; before IDAT图像直方图数据块

  tRNSNoAfter PLTE; before IDAT图像透明数据块

  pHYsNoBefore IDAT物理像素尺寸数据块

  sPLTYesBefore IDAT建议调色板





  每个chunk由4个部分组成(当Length=0时,就没有chunk data),如下:


  LengthA four-byte unsigned integer giving the number of bytes in the chunk’s data field. The length counts only the data field, not itself, the chunk type, or the CRC. Zero is a valid length. Although encoders and decoders should treat the length as unsigned, its value shall not exceed 2^31-1 bytes.

  Chunk TypeA sequence of four bytes defining the chunk type. Each byte of a chunk type is restricted to the decimal values 65 to 90 and 97 to 122. These correspond to the uppercase and lowercase ISO 646 letters (A-Z and a-z) respectively for convenience in description and examination of PNG datastreams. Encoders and decoders shall treat the chunk types as fixed binary values, not character strings. For example, it would not be correct to represent the chunk type IDAT by the equivalents of those letters in the UCS 2 character set.

  Chunk DataThe data bytes appropriate to the chunk type, if any. This field can be of zero length.

  CRCA four-byte CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Code) calculated on the preceding bytes in the chunk, including the chunk type field and chunk data fields, but not including the length field. The CRC can be used to check for corruption of the data. The CRC is always present, even for chunks containing no data.

  由于Length,Chunk Type,CRC的长度都是固定的(都是4字节),而Chunk Data的长度由Length的值确定。因此解析每个Chunk时都需要确定Chunk的type和其data的长度。

